Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1968, p. 3

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provincial an nuisance or sum project oi the United Church LEH T0 RIGHTS Rev Stulrt Crysdale oi York Uni MINISTER says varsity Toronto who will dir ect the project Mrs Wallace Cough President of the unit ed Church Womens Associa yToo Many Use Baby Sitting Servicesf Too many Sunday schools Iare being used as babysitting services ilev Stuart Crysdaie 01 Toronto said Thursday or ews conference held at Collier gusset United Church The education and religion oi child can no longer be leis io the parent said DrCrys date professor at York Uni versity Many families omit any form of prayer from their daily routine and church at eiendance is largely irregular The comments came during an analysts of the churchs condi Ztion to be included in report with recommendations for the next 20 years Under the chairmanship of iiev George Saunders the him one Presbytery Planning and Development Committee risst Monday mailed upagc ques tionoaire to 1000 county mem bcrs probing the Churchs future role Response said Rev vGeddes Sceretaryni the Com rnittee is already enthusiastic Also associated withthe pro Ojfci are Dr Crysdale Direc tor itcv David Proctor minis tea at the Collier Street United Churchand the members or the sell survey committee Ross beattie oi Stayner chairman Mrs Wallace Gougb of RE barrio cochairman and Frank Juli sccretarylhe cost of the survey is estimated at over $6 soo main point of contention is the role of therurai church many oi which have rapidly dwindling congregations with no equivalent population decrease Some County Church spokesmen believe the era of the coungy pastorate to be ended with pres ent urbanisatinn treads while others including theChalrman oi the Planning Committee Mr Saunders favor more ruralit ed system Theyre only city people with larger lawns said Mr Sauni era oi country dwellers They are interested in more neigh borly attitude Individual visits for such things as Communion Classes andSunday School are far more efiective method at Church communication than cen tralized schoolaand churches Mrs Gougb President oi the United Church Womens Assocl ation predicted greater para ilcipation of women in county events and outlined some at the changes to take place inthe Church series of panel ani discusion groups within thenc tuai sermon have been propoSlt ed in the questionnaire these innovations were tried few years ego with some success and if they find favor with lay respondeea will help to stimu laie greater interest and partial pationin Sunday services Mrs Gougb is at present organizing womens rally to be held in 0cober The self urvey and subse quent reorganization will fol low the lead of Toronto which Establish notes Barrie snowmobile drivers will probably learn early in Nov Aeibber the rules oi thernad they must followwhen they op erate their vehicles thiswinter The regulations have been drawn up but theymust be re viewed by cabinet before being proclaimed anspor department offic ria hope that the cabinet re view will be done in time for the regulations to be made pub lic by Nov This would give the operators time to digest the rules before there is any sub stantial amount ofanow on the ground vehmgrm on our When Transport Minister is win Haskett introduced an Act respecting motorized snow veh icles in the Legislature last April he said The principle of the legisla tion is to identify the owners otmotorized snow vehicles for the purpose of applying snore priate regulatory control the interest of public safety The act which went through tbreereadings without debate Requires every registered with the Alposhnent nr Ramon Prahibits anyona under 16 years of age from operating them on any highway Problbits their operations on highways except iablished by regulation at For Snowmobiles where designated by the min ister by regulation they are premitted on highways under municipal jurisdiction except when they are prohl ted by bylaw gt gt Exempls the machines from the dginitiono motor vehi cle contained in the Highway TrafficAct which means that an operator will not needany type oidriving licence Driving ruleslara to be cs uniil such unless meaningiul set of rules can be developed through practical experience Mr Haaltett said The regulations ready tor cabinet We have to theraper atcrs advance notice to get the regulations nnwn Deputy Transport Munster Mac nee explained our big concern thisyoar is to redevelop the ruIes of the road for these vehicles to pull out the rules of the traffic act that seem to apply to sum veh icles Its better to doftnl by means of ueguiations thanby clausesin the act on because this way changes canbe made more rapidly We areleery of starting all with something that couldnt is changed fairly quickly if actual operating con ditlons showed thatagch was necessary are now IN owning flieep cool in the sununer warm in the winter and cut your heating costs at the same time Get fibreglas in sulatlon from ALLANDALE LUMBER in Barrie Youll findlnsulstl really adds to your yoarrouod corniort and Aliandale saveyou more See them today nd playdt coolihis simmer Weekdays till can tilt in RogdaHh lighter the new board and its senior tlon Frank in Secretary ol the Survey Committee and Rev George Saunders Chairs man ot the Slmcoe County Presbytery Planning Develop is still carrying out the recom mendatinns from iLs ownrecent survey and such smaller places as Mansfield where fire burn cdnae of the three churches resulting ina union among them church spokesman from the area reports greater attendancs at services and Sunday sclool especially among The general governmentcom mlttee metWedoesdny to study several applications that have been rceivedfor the city man unentCornmlliee The suru veyls being undertaken to do termine the coming needs or United Climb conventions over thenut twenty years Sundayschcol members 10 house this Larger congregation new church is being built Mr Saunders in emphasizing that the extensive study was by no menu delence oi thereun tys condition but rather cor structive assessment said We must look to thefuture like any other business arrivew ran barian snowman FRIDAY SEme is loss am on his Igers job and to discuss the terms at reference Tbe meeting ironed out lot of difficulties but no ctlon has been decided on yet the mayor said Farmer City Manager Walter position three weeks ago His resignation to take post with Georgian Col lege was announced in June At special general govern ment meeting Aug consul tants report was received that would have eliminated the city manager and distributed bLs job among tbm otheradnunlstn tors Despite controversy surround ing the issue the city advertis ed nationally and locally at cost oi will for man to fill the lob Meanwhile the mayor depart ment heads and the city clerk have anextra work load to complete the tasks formerly done by the manager The mayor said special co ordinating committee of the city clerk and departmenthends had keen set up to handle the situa nn The mayor described the gen eral government committee meeting Wednesday as one of continuing series at discus sloas on the mansg WAS THE FIRST Little Egypt who pérlormedv at Chicagos Columbia Exposi tion in 1m was the first belly dancer seen in the United States Estimaté iconn soco1 POpuldtioItLBSQOO Ini lihe total school populatinnci Simcoe County will be greater than the city of Barrie next year report from the Interim School Organisation Committee whichmet last night at Simcne County buildings estimated that the school populace would be 185000 next yearAt presenttha largest board in Simcoe Coimty which is Barrie administers for lewer thanjmou students Theadminlstratlve structure of the county board will hepat terned after that accepted by the interim Committee ofPeel County At themeeting the executive of 15°C representing 82 school boards within Simcoe County discussed the formation nithé executive council which is made up of adirector 01 education and twu nuperintendents and an administrative council compnsed of director two superintend ents andriour assistantysuper intended The important task for officials will be the preparation of ahudget or 1965 Noel Stephenson of rie Public School Board chairman of the finance com ee said the 150C must determineth much money the board will need for thciirst sixmonths of its operation school board representatives that all administrativelstaft now em ployed could continueruntii June 301989n This wrll cause lessdi gm for stafl andstudents Mi Stephenson defined the mainrole at 150015 helping to make smooth transition from 32 school boards to one countyscbnulhoard Me bersoi the interim School Org tion Committeefor Sim coe Countywant to generate more discussions at their meet lags Last night at their September meeting committee members complained that representatives from the 32 school boards did not ask questionsabout reports from committees We found ihat these some reports causedtremendous dla cusslonvdtning committee meet ln noted Noel Stephenson an of the finance com At their next meeting 1500 mamberswill hear panel dislt cusslon on county school boards with speakers from Burlington and Mississauga districts inat tendance 0n 17 the Department at Educntl Trustees Council will meet in Oriilla gt fihe executive of the 180 noted that some boards were not returning questionnaires and were not attending meetings Our county school board will only be asuccess it we have thecooperation oi all 82 boards said John Mcthillough of the accommodation and pupil placement conunittee Member rot ISOC arostill complainingbccause they have no tables at their meetings Earlier in the ear they were rasAsmasSALcor LAND reruns MUNlCIEALiTYOF TH cmror BARRIE Notice is herebygl yv tueof issued by the Mayor the City otBarrie under his handand the seal of the said Corporation bearing auction 15319 of lands date the 20th day of June 1908 bypublic arrears or taxes irrihe City of Barrie will be heldat the Council Cha fibers City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie0ntarln at the hour of oclock inthe forenoon on the 9th day ofoctoben 1968 unlessthc taxes or costs Ifin canary an sometime and 16th 1968 whereat theCorporation of the City of Barrie willpur ase nytand all is of land as than the arrears and costs The list of publishedin Julyg196ii copi atmyofil the 6th day stm ehad refused permission to use the council chambers by Simone County Council lieslined Forilollowing Too Closely Benito itagdonaLN of Wes too was lined son in magls trates court yesterday after he pleaded guilty to following too closely The accident caused $4090 damage toitbe three cars involved Crown attorney John Murphy said that Ragoona applied his brakes and skidded into the rear at car which had come to halt on Highway 400 Defence counsel Ho Green said that the accident could have been caused by aaiearlier acci dent which distracted theatten tion of drivers Hesaidthere was tow truck and parked cars in the vicinity of the rear end collision in which Ragoona was involved wean apron courrounamar we meanest nmcs Wayne Mcsdeli son or forms er NHL stan Ken bloidell BarrisCnuntryuClub pro Frnnkllyse and Jimmy And orson of the LA Kings warm up for the Meetihe Kings Golf Tournament Toronto sports writers and Barrio civic officials will Join the Kings in one day tournn nient at the Barrie Country today Photo by Has indeed Zens Chcque Forfffixtrial man who added two num bers in his holiday pay cheque and made profit of $41973 has been remanded lncustedy one week for sentencing Laurence William Craig 28 148 Queen St Angus admitted to three charges yesterdayin magistrates court On May the Vespra Town ship police department charged Craig wilhutieringfn forged cheque inr $2343 At this time Creig forced his wife to sign cheque made out to Rilla Poole formerly of Hi MulcasicrSt Craig and his wife lived at no Mulcaier when he uttered the cheque for $214 at Fondclty yCrown attorne bnlldur by canoe litter liuio Collisronj man who lost controlvoi ids car and smashed into the side at parked car yesterday got out of the vehicle and tried to gethelp Ibeiore collapsing onVa lawn outside7olieriry St Leonard Builee 19ot till Barrie is in satisfactory condi tion this morning alter he side swipeda parkedcar owned by Elmer Baxter of Essa Rd Theaccdent occurred at ma pm yesterday Barrie Police Department hate not estimated the amount of damage at this time Regisier Saturday forMidgeilloclteyr heghiration for midget hockey run by 441 wing of the Royal CanadianAir Force Association in Harrie is being held Saturday morning at am at the club rooms on Highstreet These will be the final regis trations as games begin 0ct29 Boys 14 years and ovenmay BPPl said lhathralg threatened to beat his wife if shadldn gn the chaqueiie alsanccompan fed heroin the food storewhen she cashed itlic said On June 28th Craig cashed false cheque vat theA and Market in Angus made out to him lromimie Speclaltydn Colllngwnodaiter he added two figureslchanging the amount VHellVPayfv For Driving wnhohgaemit It cost Bert VenEs7 taxoi an Barrie stun whenhatoolc drive without ow on Moibi Van Es was arrested charged by innist Township nlicai after he was afound driv ingon the 25th sldemad while his licencewas suspended He was carrying licence bearing the name or lackVan Es His own hadheen suspend edun Dec2a196iiviassiill under suspension when bewas arrested Township iallce $4192i1nf Pay3 from so to while adnued that he had changed thechequya one typewriter On Aug Craig stole car valued at 6800 from Angus Suiigt nco service station and helped himself to $815 in cash and cheques from the cash drawer fibo car and chequeswere relt covered in Hamilton but 5min cash wasnot returned Crown attorney John Murphy said that Craig turnedhimsell in ailerreach incident andtold the Vesprmlownship polloerdo Dartmtltflhclelhex was demdhlsa admitted ass saidthat Craig layer to Barrierelawyen and was deter arrested by re 110033 GIST 110 Registratloafor Legion Minor Hockeynwillvtake place at the Legionliali on Collier Street Saturday from am to noon and Tuesday from 69 pm Ai most our boys hava registered this year Closeto Boo are ex pected to participateflin the lens mm 7263474 also halveMAR 3vBrodfordk5il jLothisiancératesreducedagairil Newlawratcs =1 Ontaflafllldaltflbecl This chartshows typ at example of the five new rate periods novv available Monday thru Saturday and ihstwo rate periods ered on Su ay between any twp points in Ontarioand Quebec Montreal STATIONTOSTATIQN ronto b3mivns MoNuAYthiusnruauay Barrie

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