Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1968, p. 1

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exams recessions Gunilla Widnrddaruau mu Yur Na Tells Protesters Human Liberties Charter Needed omwn CPYAboutzwo Montreal parents and school children lelt Ottawa Thursday Bryce Macksoy and several Montreal area MP talked with the delegation for another ball night satisfied that their dny hour long demonstration on Parlia ment Hill had aided their carn palgn or language rights in St Leonard Que schools II Their protest against move by the Montreal suburb of St beonard to institute unlllogual Bench education was timed to coincide with the opening at the hath Parliament Primrhllnhtcr Trudeau who met about til at the leaders for 510 minutes commended them for basing their appeal on fun damental human rights and not on the school question Asked alter the meeting what action the tederal government could take Mr Trudeau replied The only way to real progress is go get charter at human lib crttes into the constitution so that it guarantees all clllacns from abuses oi power by all lev els oi government He said the governments bi lingualism program as outlined in the throne speech would get top priority it we have the co loperation of the Opposition lreasuryBoard President Drury State Scorcth Ger ard Pelletier Labor Minister Emerging from the martin Drury and Robert both Mr Beale president ol the Associa tion oi Parents or St leopard erpressed aatlsiactlon with the soviets Threaten Yugoslav Critics MOSCOW AP leading Sovlct newspaper accused Yug oslavia today at risking tirltrL cidal war by continuing to criti cize the Moscowdictated agree ment on the Czechoslovak cri sis The article reminds Yugoslav leaders that otherEast Euro pean Communist countrieshclp guarantee Yugoslavlas sover eighty andcalledfor unity in the Communist camp 0nly by the gamble oi tratrl cidal warcan thereulitles oi the Moscow agreeth he op posed says Sovielskaya Rossl YaGoviet Rosietho organ oi the SovietCommunist partys rulingcentral committee NAToDétence Lags InEurOpea WASHINGTON iAPUnltcd States officials say intelligence reports indicate the Soviet Union has built up its army in Eastern Europe to more than 50 divisions about twicethe pm her maintained by the West on the other side of the iron Cur in while the Soviet divisions are said to be ill high state of readiness some NATO divisions are below strength and lacking in sustained logistics support1 by US standards gt Us intelligence reports charting Soviet moves con ymcted with the occupation ot Czechosiovakla have sparked deep concern that the balance of power in Eastern and Central Europe has shllted against the West Olliclals stress they are talk ingabout the threat in terms ol 5govlet capability rather than nyltusslan intent to attack Belore the Russians led Warsaw pact invasion of Cze chosiovalua Aug 20 the Soviet Union maintained 20 divisions in East Germany two in Poland and tour in Hungary NATO HAS DIVISIONS NAT countries arrayed total of 24 divisions in and near be West Germany France no longer part of NATO nonethe less contributcd to Western mili tary strength with two divisions in West Germany yWhiie the figures vary item country to country Soviet di vrsron contains about 10000 1CAPSUEj NEWS men An American division has about 15000 men exclusive oi support troops Some oi the Russian divisions invadingpzechoslovakia came from East Gcrmanyand Po londothers from the Soviet Union itself The latest 05 intelligence analysis says Russia now has 17 divisions in Czechoslovakia where there were nonebefore the invasion Six oi those divisions are de pioyed within striking distance ofthéCimhWeklliéimhn hori der which until Sovlct occupa tion was manned only by Czech guards Morin Returns From France PARIS titeuters JeanMara ie Morin Quebec youth and sport minister leltParia today by air for Montreal following weeksvisit here during which he met President de Gaulle and conferred with French govern ment oificials on closer cooper ation between France and Que The French president dis cussed possible state visit to France by Quebec Premier Daniel JohnsonJPremier John son who postponed visit to Francelast Jilly because of ill ness is expected to come here next month Tentative Agreement llveils walkout meNTq CWTentative agrecmént was reached ihtnsday bettvcen Domrnion Stores Ltd and representativesof 400 striking warehousemen averting threatened sympathy walkout by store erks whichwould have cloSed about 175 stores in southern Dn tario Ford Confirms Plans for New Compact ronomo cmHenry Ford 11 chairman Ford Motor co confinnedrlhursdsy that the company will build new compact details our at its Talbotville Dnt assembly plant but refused to give JBlueprint For Labbrs Destruction orrawa CPlAn Ontario royal commission report labor disputes was denounced today by the Canadian Brotherth of ailway Transport rabors destruction and Gench Workers aa blueprinttor Czechlleiugees Arrive In Toronto orrnwn cmn planeload sbout no szchosiovaltian retngees is scheduled to arrive Torontointernational Airport muddy attemoonrtheinunigrationdepartwnl reported today Cancel Soviet Tour 01 on mm neth Soviet forestry experts who or Vlsil Newloundland this month have been asked by the external affairs department In atayhomc concern Over Grain Handlers Pay in NNIFEG torimo agoiculturaloilicialswelcomed ore possibility hi on end to the Lakehead grain handlers strike but would pay deau playfully peeks around pillar to see howproceedings Docs anion HELL OF FAME ronomo iCPl Three dogs named Pat Bambi and Tippy were inducted Thurs day as th first members at Canadasanimal hail of fame all honored ior performing acts of bravery Pat black Labrador retriev or owned byle Murphy of Kingston rescued his master while he was duck hunting be tween Wolie Island and Cape Vincent NY where Lake Ontar io mecls the St Lawrence River Pat iumped into the water when his masters boat was being tossed in heavy winds grabbed rope and towed the boat to shore VEamhi aChihuahuaowned by Mr and Mrs Roland Morin of Oshawa barkeddoud enough to wake visitor when the Morin homercaught lire Tippy part German shop iicrd used his tail to drag his master Brian Chouinard of Fort Erie Out from the icy water of the Niagara River after Brian slipped on ice and fell into the river Each dog received years supply of dog food courtesy of Ralston Purina olaCanada Did sponsors of the hall of ennui MlNlSTER OPP1 RE ROG arelgoing as Governor Gen eral Michener and Mrs Mich ener lead procession to the Senate chamber for the open ing of Parliament at Ottawa nor is her iadyinwoiting Mrs Cliiford Webster CPI yesterday Behind Mrs Mich Mrephoto Tsars1gtidcr COufltries ConCernWas usytgifiedf rnnonofdcrin er Oldrich Cetuilteadmitted today that dcvelopmcnts beiere the Warsaw pact invasion oi Cze choslovakia last month showed roshness and imbalance and ithcre had been ascrlous dan tlcr iron the right He wasaddressing the Nation al Assembly two days alter his return from talks in Moscow llis speech relayed by Prague radio home service was the first hy prominent Czecho slovak leader to admit that there might have been some grounds for anxiety among the countrys Warsaw pact partnch about developments in Prague Cemik admitted there was an extremist rightwing reaction amongst minority alter Commu nist Party Chiet Alexander Dub rcck come to power last Janu arym the brief period of low months he said our develop ment has at times also shown rashncss and imbalance ihe assessment which our postJanuary development has received in some countriestust of all underlined the serious danger irom the right and led to the conclusion that there was an oi dang all socialist coun said Ccrnik plodgcd to course laid down si took over leadershi Czechoslovak Communist party Cernlk we must do something about povertypoverty povcrtyl Humphrer Unledslies VSCrathingNixonAttde By rue Assocmrzn runes VicePresident Huherti ll Humphrey Democratic oandi datetor president of the United States in the Nov election has launched personal attack on his Republican opponent Richard Nixon Meanwhile Gov Spiro Agnew of Maryland Nixons vicepresidential running mate was all but apologizing for verbal attack onttumphrey 13am not concerned about The Examiner TODllY Ann LandersLd City Newc2 Classifiedll l5 Grl7 Connera Deathsii DIIHH Editoriali Sportsll 12 Theatre5 Weatherd IWozhc cS John Kennedy everyslep of the Communism the ncw Now or the old Nixon Humphrey told rally vL Sea Girt NJ Thursday ght What worries me is the real ixon Humphrey labelled Nixon as that man who abused Mr Tru man who heaped scorn on Adlai Stevenson who tough way and who has opposed forts oi President Johnson In Rochester Agnew said is erred in describing Humphrey as squishy Silliflil gnew said if he realized the efiect the slide out would have fl would turned somersaults to avoid sayingi UMES TRADE BAN Nixon called tor new leaderv ship to restore respect lorvthe Threaten Month Student Walkouts ST JOHNS NM The students strike which end cd hore Wednesday hver new asaroom hours lnthree city schools was to continue today But some students said lnursr day night they would return to Monday scrim nilcd States around the world and urged hair in trade with alliesot NoriliVietnarh as he campaigncd Thursdayrill Indi anapolis Ind and New 01 leans La it that the time we made as flag of thevUnited States is nobodys doormat Nixon sa MONTREAL cat foot Texan willface preliminary hearing Sept 20 on charges con lth an attempt tohlA ng interior with transpor tation facilities obstructing the soot propertyondrohbery Thv xtoot 1954pound gro is he accused of esls di Novolny in January Cerulk also said top Czecho Slovak andSovict leaders will meet again soonto discuss the gradualwithdrawhl of Soviet troops irom the country Cernlk gave no date or the talks He told the National As sembly the withdrawal still dcr pends on normalization in Czechoslovakia the word used in theAug 26 Moscow agree ment produced by earlier negoo tialions This has been interpret ed to mean unliltbe Kremlins demands are met for roll in Czechoslovak liberal pnlicics The assemblywas called into session to discuss bills tor pose press censorhip and ban the activation of any cal party or group challeng the ove rnin Communist Nationai Fro urarjs our Politician renegade is party and manwho leavesour goes to the other one YoungHopelul Well then what he manwho leaveshis party and comes over toours£ Politician convert my boy exchange of healthy organs malfunctioning humon parts coming lmnst commonplace the looyea 1d medicalifaculty of Dalhousie Univcrsity today scheduled an international look at the whole spec rn oi orga transplantatm linemenl possession of sive weapon andtwo charges of assaulting the crew or loureri gine Visc otvturhoprop aircraft ho NJ Beasely who loaded not only to the cargesnrlwas tMontrea orréiuelling wa one 17 lsengers th plauoinS rib John Ten minutesaitcr lakeib aman walkedinto the ill deckhpd ordarcdpilot Capt llollctt to fly to Cub Papa whac NothingTo IustilyfVoters Expectations OTTAWA CPlfibe Trudeau government lhiinchcd its first legislative program Thursday in blaze at coutlooand restraint The speech irom the throne read by GovemorGeneral lio iand hitchener at the opening at the 28th Parliaments that see slon realfirmod ltlr hudcaus goal of just society but warned that the road leading to it llesacross rough country The government fis dmiy and irrevocably committed to the objectives of just society and prosperous economy in pcacclui world the speech said lt wanted to provideand lo ensure increased justice dignity and recognition to the individ ual particularly in an age which is characterized by large governments industrial auto ti social rcgimcntation and oldfashioned laws N0 SIMPLE ANSWER But in rclcrcnce to the per sistence oi poverty in the coun try the government believes thatit would he deluding and cruel to pretend that there is simplc allencompassing or ink stantaneously eflcctive rem edy The opposition gave the spccch poor marks Stanfield Opposiilnn louder Stanticid soid that in view of the Emitti hers of the speech he will have to troduce vnonconfi dcnce tonin the Commons Monday on is nothing there he said of the speecia For swinger like lir tni dcau it was very unswinglng spccch said David Lewis par liamentary leader of the New Dcmocrallc Party Both ltlr Stanfield and 111 Lewis soidlhorc is nothing in the speech that iustificathe ei pectations raised by Mr Trur dean during the June 25 election campaign CRITICAL 0F SPEECH John Dieienhaker former Conservative prime minister said the speech was disserta tion on the lust society pro ducc repose ol the mind Referring to the appointment of armor Liberal MP5 to high salaried government jobs Dictenhaker said ihe just eiy is just for Grits lllr Trudeau leading the first majority government since 1352 tabled list of 47 bills Ill the Commons Many at them ore unfinished projects lnholiild irom the administration of his predecessor Lester Pearson Korea Claims Pueblo Captain Named Two sOlher Spy Ships fibres reported today that thesltipper oi the Pueblo admitted he knew of two other United StatesNaVy ships that carried out spy mis sions against Communist na tions including China and the Soviet Upton The North Korean Central news agency said Cmdr Lloyd ll Bucher told anew confers euc Thursday the two ships weretheliSS Banner opcrating out of Yokosuka Japanand the USS Palm Beach operating in the Atlantic gt The age which broadca Birch reappedrance betore or eign correspond riuotedr the Pueblo skipper in is latest dls patch as saying the banner spied oli North Korea Lllinh and the soviet Union anything Palm Beachsmissions thatit too was assigned to gather intelligence through elec tronic surveillance The agency reported earlier that Buchcr admitted the Pueblo was deep lnNnrth Kn rcan waters whcn was seized lengthy con earlier oi

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