rpm it you have never neohnodZIo Ike yourown he around at the ol tha redpa to lbw the speed and PWJ he me enouglato lead crowd There aretwover haslcdnuglu usual nutn The cake variety leaven ed with bakingpowder la clmpleJo prepare as any quick hread recipe The dougbia chili ted lnr one hour to lacilitate roil lngnthe doughnuts are dell Icinus when served hot is tier sert Cooled andglued with vanilla chocolate or mocha lirnsting they makil wonderlul snacks lor the lunch box or colj lee break or serve them as peclal treatslor breaklastmr ugmnch Yeast doughnuts take little oiongor to prepare due to the tlmo required lor the rising at Ellie dough They have more thread like texture than the brake variety Fill them With aynur lavorite jam or jelly and Vroil ln icing sugar flavored wrth C3 shake ol cinnamon The secret to success in mak yjng doughnuts lies in the deep llfrying methods used The lo aowingpnlan will help ina achieving perlect results Which you can The all should be heated to lWIS degrees Below this tem Speruturo the doughwill become greasy above this temperature the dough willhe cnolted on the outside belora the centre 15 IIII Cook only doughnuts at one Overloading the deep qlryer causes drop in oil tom Speratpramesulting in greasy productvi It Drain doughnuts well on pop er towelling Stralnzthe oil alter lrying to ernove load particles that ï¬cause smoking and shortonthe irying lilo ot the oil Donghnnta it cups slitcd all now baking Purpose powder egos nutmeg cup sugar cupcorn oil grated orange rind cup milk flour with baking pow ENED 10 PUBLIC LISE AP The Palacio ido Ajuda where Portuguese ngs dwelt amid splendors of art and decor has heen ro opened or the ï¬rst time in 53 ears as crowds ol tourist flocked in on itsllrst ripublic museum it was shut in sin when the reign or the last ing Manuel gave way to republic memoir DEPARTMENT sroas ti salt licup warmmiflr grated lemonrind lit ill cups all purpose liour salt butler Com oil tor deep lat lrvlng 33 cup 1am orJelly icing sugar Dissolve letsugar in arm milk Sprinkle over dryyeaat and allow tnstand or 10 min utes Add egg and lemon rind and remainin sugar mix ll Add éno gh flour to form medium Jinn dough work in the butter at some time Knead well until doughlis smooth and elastic Bmsh dough lightly with corn oil placeJn bowl buiirAlterdougb has risen CARRIE KIDDISKOOI 35 DONtin s1 Reopens 315 as Registrations now open lnkr proschool educationalt program Well equippe school elightlui m0 roundings Morning or alf ternoon classes lor childi sea as years Competent staif includes Real Nurset out Now for registratlo lorma inavold the mini GIFT rim vou raoMDuBarry and new experience beauty With every $500 purchase youer receive an attractive brocade carry all tote bag along viii anenchanting poodle lilled wit Du aauy Seiten Windsrerrumed Oil regular $400 size ur trained beauty specialist ainaits at the Dusarryconnter to advise you in ak IIrnakeup omain and see her was Our trained Iaeauty specialistI come and see her Sept l2 l3ld DUBARRYS SHIMMER DUSTERS lt AOn Powdered Eye Shadow DUBARRYS Liouln EYELINERS BrownBlack prawn slack and char coal DUBARRYS FLUID MASCARA and hrown Duharry Iilu akin lreahenera strlgeuta Llizuid matte enp OneJuat lor yfll 115 Ms ahole to the centre with inuenabywun1nmmn and mm MM nude 1mm double thickness loll PIP But with Icing sugar Blah Vanilla li cu butter cup corn syrup vanilla le salt milk approximately pound icing sugar allied Blend butter corn syrup van illa and salL Altornalcly add milk and icing sugar heating un til smooth and creamy Addrut mllkdlto lorrn acting at ng coasts cy rim Chocolate Prost Inl lo onethird basic vanIila treating and cocoa and aut llclent milk to form icing ol good spreading consistency Mocha Frosting io onethird haalc vanilla trosting add cocoaend very strong cold collee Cover and let rise in warm place untlidough doubles in punch down cover bowl and let amman raracnrmrs ORAIICEJIJICE mn conrisusilx ammummsmms Egg mg ii Dar same or you it your hushen wanixtu forget about the moneyflet hlru Perha the dog was sick when you so it him to George hroth er Mt light smasrzs Dear Ann Lao era When was i3 new John Forsythc in movie When he kissed the girl got so excited loearly tainted am now Nand havegonevho yondidsslng to put It bluntly yet no one has been able to thrill me the way John Forsythe did when he kissed that girl Am humSorry About That Dear Sorryx You arcnknuts you Just have strong imagina tion and enioy your lantoaies more than real live fellas lry translérrlng some at that excite can be worse than dog safe tit lapathetle that ion many womcnttry to win love by shov clllnx In the loodplt would be an act at klndnualt ttieyserved small portions ol nourishing tood nodhclped their loved ones to stay slim and healthyleil them please that twomile walk dn moralor person than chocolate soulfle aith whipped creamMrs zhlneh Waist bear Mm Youre so right but the soullie is so much more appealing than the walk Tho flesh ls weak which Is why loo nany people haveton much oi ray Exams warn ans PHONE 72am to dummy xllae Barrie Jayoetieswili weld come slster unltsllo vial lro urnra Newlnirket Pen clan lilidiand Elohtcake and Scarwrougharo expected PARK PROPOSED LANGLEY 80 mecca lornature loverais tak ing shape In langiey near the United States border George Mclkan parks authority chair man suys About 1000 acres are being asscmhled in the Van couverFraser Regional Parks Authority area to create miller recreation area to be called the Campbell ltlver Re Kional Park may lGï¬fBADS are EXTRATSAVINGS omit mug tinnmeellug NLNW zoUnits Somatinuswewooidaooirtlo Wouadaod hall at them and up in the met They 41 mo have learned much vo Greeknainel Miller Hrs Fritz lduclicr troni England but Whose narno descends Iroru he SwissGcrrnan variety Miller andhire Granville er Canadian Wlth 30 years at teaching pcrienee among them they set up special lrrnch program tor English children alter commluco at local pajeots in nearby Previile expressed intrb est in Improving their children knowledge ol French typeol day canip for live mhrnlngs week was es Iabllshed lor the children vm ranged in age lrom lnui to nine yenrsntage The children were cocoon agedto talk French ncver forced says MrsMileller wasnt classroom antamen age nrolrnent ol lour or live Englishchlidreu who had been to Fr nah schoola Whtn the other children raw perfectly ordinary human helngs their own age speaking both English and French some gt ottbebarriera wore broken COUNT DIES NAPLESliReutcra Count Dcmetrto Salmon who hflped some 3000 Americans and Brit ons escape lrom ltallan prison comps during the Second World War died today He was 32 Born here Salazar was placed in an ltaiian concentration camp at the start of thewar be cause his British citizenship lie escaped ani organised an underground route for Ameri cau aud British prlsnnorsof war smuggling them to neutral Switzerland Itili noun mam amount we notional mm s1ml 24 go on luludmlhm oases rrooucr ornsa cram Ho onto WITH THE PURCHASE CE THESE SPECIA RECE flHUS ognrALou ITEMS YOU IVE TAPE BONUS WHICH CAN BE USED FOR FOOD CERTIFICATE EATOII MER CERTIFI GIFTS 0R CHANDISE CIITES moan roous CHOICE GREEN Madman mommauntamurumuaqmaoiu so 02 some PLUS airman iflflunm inrifli cookies Ansoins sane CVEH FRESH APPLE 0R RAIS GA PIE censors gCREAlflrRCIL Willisatom mam 45¢ 39 racan 07 BOIIEIESSROIIIID STEAKoninAsr or nap moaning ilululitt TOMATO1802801TLE 50Arsur 295H its TAPE Wm TOILET mummmmtmianruiflemm COOKEDIREATS uniroam vWIVEIIERS moionoianam SIDEBACCHZ rimsuvsnhnaarroninwmnrsf mots mansionin Irrrsonrarroornrasrr reasonrnr oor BRlISIIwï¬Z 49 BOHUSTAPE CELLOCARROTS sonata nniniiinni flFiHlSlBfllllli ilPtSifllifllIIIiE windmill tliilllttll$