snd Aneisiinti nu nonta Joyotacieied at the doubts ring ceremony Ans am Leslie Walker purines at the organ end scoompsniod the soloist hire Fredliiilta rift Anion assha nu tlam ii tiih 91 htr and if Ronald Thorns litre Robert Roy Asselstine of Ottawa BRIDAL GOWN Mr Theme escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage He iloer length gown of Chantilly lace over taffeta was fashioned in the line and featured boat neck line and bell sleeves trimmed with Ranch lace chapel train fell In graceful folds from lace haw accenliag the controlled skirt of the gown single organza rose with petals fashioned the bridnl headdress and held her should erlength veil of silk illusion She earricd cascade of white carnations and yellow roses with sprays of stepbanotls WEDDING ATTENDANTB Miss Sui Morgan of Ottawa was maid of honor Miss Linda Asselstine of Ottawa was brides maid The brides cousin Miss Kristy Hills of Aurora attendrd as flower girl Identical gowns of yellow taf feta with cverdresscsof yellow chiffon were worn by the maid ol honor and bridesmaid Their headdresses were matching yel TV violence For Children Coupled WithfSoaringCrinié low roses with tulle veils and they carried bouquest of yellow and white carnations The flower girl wore floor length lilinc drcss ot yellow taffeta with overdress of whim dottedSwiss She carried basket of while and yelle rnums David Motion of Ottawa at tended as groomsmnn Lloyd Hughes of mum and the By GARRYMYERS PhD Sparked by the recent assassi nations and riots there is com siderable public condemnation of programs of violence on TV litany people are beginning to believe these programs are coni iributing to the rapid increase of all sorts of crimes As you know there is growing public acondemnatton of ttic broadcast in companies for puttin on ing companies for putting on these programs of violence Already there are few signs that the broadcasting officials are worried They see thattbetr enormous income might be less ened in general their best revenuegenera are the worst programs in terms of gore and horror TheSe programs excel in ratings on the basis of thenum ber of viewers If they omitted allthe programs of violence on TV they might go broke Already some broadcasting oolticials have announced tothc public that they are deleting few oi the most horrible scenes from certain very popular pro gramsLBut what are they brides brother Steven Thorns of Barrie were the ushers BUEBTS Inaocivco Following the wedding guests were received It the Bayshcra Motor Hotel The brides mother received wearing an aqua lace ensemble with harmonizing ac cessorlcs and gurdenllc1 sage The bridegrooms mother as ststcd attired in pale pink shantung sheath with Ichttiitn overcoat matching pink mur grama whose very warp and wool consist of violence What couldtbey do totake guns and sabers and other weapons out of Westerns And inuld bethe reaction byJnany viewingiathers and somamotli ers including clergymen mis slonarles teachers and other moral leaders who profess to be on the side of the angels What would be the teenagers re sponse if the network suddenly omit ted all programs of violence on TV where would they find pro grams that would be as widely watched as are the present array of programs FACED WITH DILEMMA Obviously the broadcasting officials are faced with dilem ma lf they take violence out of their programs they mayiose lot of viewers and ttnd their rat ings sliding and consequently their sponsors fewer If they continue with the present rate of violence public clamor may rise so fast against them that to do about soin otb ghtly ii they may also lose many view ers Th atke large buttons with keti andtheoutfit with felt hetfGPr no mo Messenger c1asssasriun gt Haoto by ieioowm Studio thou hat and gardenia eorsage complemented her costume Leaviiig for the honeymoon the bride donned two plocu dress of brown wool iaille with matching accessories and cor sage of yellow roses On return from the wedd ng trip to Northern Ontario and Muskoka District the couple will take up residence to Ottawa where the bridegroom will con tinue his year of internship at Ottawa Geoeral llospitnl courtship of men wuanauemedillalnfloet mucous Icoald hardly be live it when he knocked out my Pivot tooth and humped iny oyer because thorn no beer in the rairtgerator til drank live bottles lutnight andlf didnt realm wawere out Midemiliosea his tern over little like not able to find his Jacket He insists btd it and then get call from tavern keeper uytnl gluing their ht Jasmine in 0p drink on his way home flilalitholhiidtimehe beat me up and dont know whatte do about it Please dont tell me to leave him Hes reliit swell guy except for this one Mird¢167ctbriic$ fSpéfed Wash Day ELEANOR noss Durable press is making life easier for the homemaker and opening new horizons forlgur mcnt manufacturers rand de signers The increased variety and the demand for durable press fabrics havealso brought about related improvements in home laundry equipment Now virtually ailleading brands feature models wbinh in clude the special cooldown cycle in washers and the auto matte controls in dryers which are required for best results in laundering garments and home my children theirle didnt want millennium Please four ad the years of age Exflatoing naturaldaath to month myhushandiooti fatal overdou sleeping pills youngsters is dittlcult enough knew be via WW business failure and htlhst health we What snail clothes whitencssnsnd detergeni effectiveness and then automat ically adjusts washing Iction for Banana ammo rvasnav accentuates mgI each type of loads Meanwhile were not doing so badly in that laundry dcpa um also some addition you decor come more colorful and more attractive in design The once messy in aebines suitable only iortbe basement have been replaced by strea lined flfliklwhllth make hand aoy living area nooMacarvnns ppllance nvn fine no The Auxiliary oi the Royal Victori llospitalmet on Sept uppian for their annual Tag Day The meeting was held at the home of Mrs Don Emery oav Shinty Bay Rd Mrs Emery is the convenerel this years pro The Tag Day will be held on 5ch is from six to nine and on Sept it from nine until three will bezt Dunlap St one Huang DANCE Following the aquara dance competitions in Ore Township Hall tomorrow evening begin ning at 030 oclock there will he publlcdance with music supplled by Rudy Mceka ahd the Marlposahuns The Holt ls ituatedvonthe seventh line of Oro two miles north of Highway CHICAGO HOLIDAY Mr Moore of Brock St has returned from holiday Chlca Illinois Accompanied by Mrs Leone Noble of Chicago and Reginald Noble of Kitcbunrr Ont they travelled vla Unitid Airlines to Norfolk Nebraska where they attended the mar rlaga of Charles Noble to Them Weddingleld Umvz namivvomnn llieiRarrle ll nch of the Can adlan Federation Inf University Women ha pin pm Thebesdquartera this year it they omitted Westerns what have howevar been slew leads usto believe that if in nor auscnnva conscious QShould over laugh at young chi squestiens or re has brought microscope healihyhairu Problem hair is alien evident tothe experienced Until rather recently the broadcasting officials had little to worry aboqulViLb their com mnnd of the air waves which really belong to the public they ave done pretty well at brain washineaitui That its good for children to be exposedito programs of aggression and horrible vio lance as these programs give an outlet to aggressive impulses re nderin the children less likely to do violence themselves That it is only the child al ready disturbed who can be harmed by violence on TV Over the airwavesthese myths have been uttered so often and with so great confi dence that many have accepted themas truthsNot only are these myths turned loose on the airwaves but other media are inclined to repeat them Even many religious leaders and educators have echoed them while relatively few have condemned them as hoaxes How often have you heard con demnation VlOlOllBEï¬ll tV fromthe pulpitor read such in religious and educational jour nals The brainwashing seems to have been effectual on them too Why have so few psycboio KlSiSvfllld psychiatrists devised scientiï¬c research testing the nature of these myths There vestigations which have given some evidence of the undesira ble influence on behavior by violence on TV Meanwhile no careful investigation with scien tific rigor has been made whose findings support without doubt the foregoing myths as facts Some broadcasting officials buvebceu able to find few prestigious psychologists who have given their opinionthat only the isturhed child can be harmed CiV programs of violence Meanwhile our common sense inai child can be influenced to ward idesirablo ehavlor by good teaching can be influenced byvbad teachi repea any of his expresslons torothers tulaugha Le member that he ayrul cry serious our his beauty salon todétect na hairdresser bit when the mioroJ scope confirms the diagnosis he is Pot Supp Lio hangs lo lurnishlï¬ga isolated with diff press finishes in conjunction with the trend several companies are using solid state controls on their topaftheline models which provide an is us ally wida range of agitation and spln These improvements two magic myths far intheirinlilaLphne some sources predict that fur ther development of such con trols can ultimately produce ru automatic washerone that senses water hardness wasForinerPIiblicHealtii Nurse TORONTO CF The young man who defeated Davie Fulton lnthe June 25 election to be come Liberal MP for Kano loopscarlboo is Len Manhood the first Indian to be elected to Parliament Hiswife native or is Bay Ont saysst believes he is eeling special responsibil ity though he considers himself to be first and foremost th rcscntative of all his consti tuents think he is feelingtbe sponslbjlity ilehas to do an ex ceptional job But then think he has felt this all his life Tits Marchends were in Toron to recently before going to Otis wa for be opening of Parlia ent Scp i2 Mrs Marchand met her hits band in 1959 when she went to Kamloops to rkas atpubllc health nurse The former Donna Parr she is graduate of tho ersity of Toronto sclon of ng OpensFall Beacon in auxiliary to the Club of Rarrle opened their season with pot luck supper at tbesumrner on new president Mrs aklilm to All aupportln Because fdolng the wsahVrcd D111 quires no watchlng or personal assistance todays home laun dry room frequently features machinewashable die television telephone desk setting in ac hi tie and hobby materials As more and more apparel and home furnishings become washable homaflaiindry appli ances are gaining increased recu ognltlon and popularity as ser vants that can help the fondly look better and make things easier for the homemaker Wife0i Indian In Parliament carpeting On Sept adlnncr meeting or the am ns Group of Westminster Presbyterian Church was held in the church hall There were 17 ladle pres ent Mrs Fred Nelson was in charge of devotions for them ning She choseThat the World May Know as her theme with suitable Scripture passages and hymns and reports from various com mittees were presented Plans were discussed for the congrea gstlonal barbecue tch tool business meeting followed before she met her husband on totbeflniverslty of idsho She says she would like to go back tonursing some day that she enioya working with iem children in the meantime she is con centrating on their children Lori Land tennis Lori was era in idabo while her father was attending the University of Idaho to get his masters degree range management Leonid was born in Canada because his parents hurried home for the even renouncenamiin Mrs Marchand who says she knew nothing about Indians proud of his pltahment One of eight children born to Mr and Mrs Joe Marchand he began life on the Oknnagau Re record of accom serye at Vernon 50 He was the first indlan to graduate from Vernon secondary school and went on to the Untvcrsityoi British Columbia He graduated with degree in pgrleultnre and worked at the Kamloops Range Research Station before going indies he was hPWlnted ope his assistaot to the minister of citizenship auditrimlgralion and later moved to th department of Indian affairs and northcr dgyelopment in as some capac Slnee election MrsMar chand has been travelling wlit him visiting as manypeop possible in his big constituency The social convener Mr Much discussion centered esentation liam Dymcnt announced that tb next meeting Oct we id be Charter night dinner own place on the church grounds is nln unattributed to the bubonic Plague that ravaged Europe from m7 to 135 delegates sar attendingithe world wide gathering of the ca Etaklog place gt Ann lvneed some of your wis dom ANde M05123 nurtioiteninisumaa dolon to make Mt yourmotto SPEAKING3iQFlE0PlFAND Social Dotti an intended to oover the general social life jot the city District weddings ponies travellers and visitors are All items of interest to readers of this page Your belpria supplying this lith will be greatly appreciated Pleuo phone The Barrie Er amiaer 71565 and ask for Andrey Canteen or Blhyl no herta at the Womens Depart meet meeting for Sept 11 at hpm The group will meet in the Staff Room of Barrie Central Cotter late to hear the guest speaker Mrs Marcel Racine Coffee and dessert will be served All unl verstty graduates in the Barrie area aretnvtted to attend FROM ENGLAND hlr and Mrs Alan Dean of Queen St have had as their guest Mrs MLewls of Liver pool hlrs Lewis enloyed her summer long visit with her sonlnlaw and daughter and has returned to England Mr Deans parents Mr and Mrs Jack Dean of Liverpool are currently holidaying hero The younger Deans hate been showing their guests around the Parry Sound district and the Midland area They have planned an excur sion to Algonquin Park for the coming week RETURNS 10 COLLEGE Chris Thornlsy son of Mr and Mrs KTbornley ot Brookdale Drive her return edto West Choir College in Princeton New Jersey Mr Thorntcy is music student at WestChoir Mrs Thornleya mother Mrs Edith Powof Yardley Pennsyl Vania is at present visiting her soninlaw and daughter RETURN TO ECUADOR Mr and Mrs Tom Broiley of Blake St have been entertaln ing their sonlulew and daugb terDr and Mrs David Cabezae and their son David Alexander MrsCabczss la the formerlud ill Ann Broiley who was born in Barrie and attended North Collegiate The Cabecas have been sta ing with the Brolieys at their Orr Lake cotta After two month holiday they have re turned by Air Canada to Quito Ecuador cannon macs worse The ilayloft Squares will re surnc weekly dance sessions at the Hayloft St Vincent St TO town Mich ight are Mrs Russell McElwatu of Barrie prov using From to Micbiga Sthta University cerns May Jun Dear Au laadent Pluaa uttio an argiimeat When man and womsnjneet on the streetwho should speak first The peepe in question are not close friends but they new worked together and know sad other BRANDY De Brandy When friends the one who recognizes the other first should speak first PLACES on Wednesday evening beginn ing at Mo oclock Coffee will follow the pmer directed by fauna and Betty lily hartlonequ Relies will open the season of dancing on Thursday evening at the lily lott with square dancing from 315 until 1030 oclock followed by refreshments Club lcvel dam ceri without home club are invited to attend the entertain meat led by the Hays Later in the screen guest callerswill gain be featured each month Five sets of new dancers at tended the first instruction class in square dance basics last evening Mr and hire flay wel coined the guests and directed them in dance routines assisted by experienced dancers accom psnylog the beginners Resist tration for instruction classes wlll continue for two weeks NOTED ORGANIST lttlss Kathleen Stokesoi Tor wito was in Barrie during the weekend and visited the Contim entallnn Sunday evening as guest of is organist John Hart Miss Stokes was noted theatre organist in Toronto Ind iatar was featured artist with the HapPyGang Radio Show for years Titssriisssiirr FOR TOMORROW Prevailing planetary influ ences are not too generous Routlne matters should continue to hold pilorltyover new ven tures and there are also some restrictions in the field of personal relationships Not good day for conducting busi ness negotiations financial transactions or any conferences havingto do with domestic con FOB TEE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday yourihoroscope indicates that during this new your in your life you can makeconsiderabia progress along manynlines if you hie on every apportio nity toadvancs worthwhile pur suits ï¬nancially speaking finest generous Mound cycle beginning on October should not only please you great dealbut alsoth you in spot to take advantage ofyfurther op portuntties along these lines in latc March also during next May June and July Do be con servative in spending in mldOc tober and early November how eliulte upirendduring tha next two months wltb further vances starprpmised 1n Janu ary March May and June Rut do thing toiantagOnizesunen iors duringearlyNovember or youcould nullify poteiitials Those engaged in creative en terprises should have an out standingly good year with nota ble periods of accomplishment tiidicated during the next three weeks Janus February and June Encept for possible brief pe rlod in lateOctoher when there ltlliy be some tension in domes tic circles or in business park ncrships personal relationships sbould runfsrnoothly for the next flrmonths if single look tnr newv mance Zondvor mar tinge ittiin the next three in December February he travelbound will he gave ed by most gener ous influences during the next three weeks an excellent pe riod for stilVirgoanstin Janu ary and throughout midsistidi Fluid born onthla day an be endowedwith fine mind smile ideals wouldmake an excellent teaches literary or dramntic tile scientist