Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1968, p. 5

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Progress in conservoiion polI icy in Simcoe County was dis cussed bytlespra Reeve Wel linglon Dobson left and Essa fconssnvnrion noviiivcso Dcpntyitccrn Eugene Smith vicochoirman oi the Notin wnsagn Valley Conservation Authority Vespra has consid erable roinrcsta ti areas cove Smith lives our Utoplar Bear Creek dam and pond prolect which hasbecn getting much current attention Examiner Photo Simcne County council mem bership has increased from 51 to 55 during the past decade it was shown by records at the county administration office here in Barrie The 51 members of 1958 rep resented 32 municipalities the same number as now but there have been somo chnnges The city of Eurrie hasseparaied for county adminislralivc purposes while Bradford has moved up from village Io town status since thrf Cookstown came in as Vii age to keep this figure at nine The villages now have 11 mom bcrs oi the county council in stead oi nine to account tor two of the increase Tho townships lllotlawhsaga inn Motel ls Opened ALLISTON Siam With the motel section opened ior busi neswduring the weekend plans re proceeding for the grand dpcning oi the picturesque Not tawasagn Inn nifli club and ban quethall here Oifleial opening oi tbefabulous inn which overlooks the Nottalt wasaga Riverin Tecumscth ow ship about five miles east t3 town will be held later in ti month LWidelycirculated reports that Dean Martin would be attending the opening brought few smiles when questions were asked We know holythat ru moi aaflout it several times replied younglady on the desk inn on tho ltsacrc propertyvop pusile highway ashas been fol lowed here with much interest Common Failure Key To Relations Christians levvs Tonoaro CP Christians andt Jews might better over finme barriers between them if they reialized some of their com mon failures the international conference of Christians and Jews was told iiiesday Reti Roland de Corncilie at rector of Christiannlewish dia logue oi the Anglican diocese of Tntpnto said that Jews for ex Smple have not realized that to the Negro they are as much part oi the ture as Chri He tinps nor Jews seemedcon darned with the vBiafraa to starve The fiveday conference which ends Friday has brought togeih er 200mm oi 15 organi tionsrfrom Cana States and Britain fTNNS SWINGINESI IN TMEYEARS BIG MATE SURPRISE oi Matchedash Adjaln and Tns succeeded as Bradford mayoriby tad wevé beenasked Pugch persimmon ofuw eph Belford was reeve oi Tot Ross Williams and 1me Ai dn the United soroniio then each had one mem ber instead the present two FIVE REMAIN Only members of the present council who sat undor Arthur Evansol llradford as ihe1958 warden were Port hichcoll flocve Albert Calvert Penotnog Rcevc Alfred Cage Medonta Rcerc Dalton Jermcy orn Reeve Kenneth Gillespie and SunnidaleI Reeve Lloyd Prid ham then deputy rceva The 1953 warden is nowmem her of the Ontario Legislature for Centre Simnoe post he has held since 1360 after his election as the first mayor of Brad inrd following its Incorporation as town early in that year The provincial election than was in September Mr Evans was Joseph Magnni who has contin ued aschiei magistrate in that town to this day Sitting with Reve Gillespie as Qros other representative then was Georgca Mnciiny the 1967 warden Barrie mem bers were Murray Mills as reeve and Lester Cooke as deputy ELMVALE CLERK HaroldNash now clerk of Eimvale was then recve of that village whfle Matchedash repre sentative was Albert DcCoakey who later was elected warden irrlaszi The 1957 warden Fisher Gan ton of Hillsdale was Mcdontes other member with Dalton Jer mcy Abner Rawn was reevc oi Sunnidale with Lloyd Prldham deputy reeve Lawrence Davina onetime hnckcy proiwasthen rceve of Goldwater while Creemore was represented by Frank Gray Joe tenham Ernest Letts reeve of Beaten and Anthony Beck reeve oi Wasaga Hench Allistons 1958 members were Danrhlss PINECRESI Gnlo Opening ionnnovcrs aware Highway 21 North mi iroinBnrrlD mlie west toward Antcn Mills multiraruooaom he snuzs rear Milli flitWV or DRIVEIll Anti BuqIHEATRE ME hit or lilii Sprnule and Deputy Recvc Wil liam Campbell represented in nisiil township James Patton the 1959 war dcn was then reevcof Notin wosngo with Norman Hobgood deputy reeve Montcalm hiaur ice the 1901 warden was reeve of Tiny with Eldegc Quesnellc deputy rceve Tossorontio was represented by Burns Wales and Vesprn by Reeve Royviiicirling warden in 1955 and Carmen Downcy Her bcrt Hughes lsoslworden than wasdeputy rceve of West Gwli limbury Russell Somervillo was reeve oi Stnyner while Coilingwood members were Reeve Chniies Kennedy and Deputy Reeve Gar field Case FredHunter who re tired earlier thisyear was then county clerk Badge litTings Nears Completion mam imam Work is nearingcompletion on new 3160000 county bridge at linga as part at the county roads committee construction project for Road 18 Thabrldgehtto feet long in about feet nhove the Water level of thoPinc River New roal construction on this route includes 86 miles for whichthe county budget alloted $10000 for this yearwith another $160000 for the bridge The county road committee headedby Adjala Reeve Fred Baxter also has Mimilos of road construction of county road 22 around Anton Mills for which $200000 was budgetled 5100000 for tire Beeion connecting link and $120000 for bridge at lot Con Nottawasaga County road 18 extends from Everett toStayner by way of STOCKED WITH ALLIrHrsr nuns avofvrosrAatrs Aristocrat or tonne sorovpm BULK ATiANTASiICSAVlNGS yrURcHismewr incnow TheuiegulaiM providesfor Mltlilutllls rovide no is tour yuroflhn county Monti nominationsto be held on Mon dry Novembcnfl and election on Monday December1 Mr Watson said he anticipated oieducatioo woe munletnaflttesn perkas mostill hold their own Else lions then SEPARATE 865100 jibe new board will have in income geipthtaoSEhectled nt nrge no rate payers the latter also have their own Separate School board oi it member with ward system similar to Ythe county board The clerks of Tinyand Adiala townships an town oi Midland municipa ics with the largest Separaa School assessment will have the responsibility oi acting as rcturing officers forthis cie tion it was explained Returns tor the Sepaiate School members of the county board will be made to the Cliy of Barr NOMINATION CENTRES Public nomination meetings will be heldln Barrie Orlllirarid Innlsiil tor lwo trustees each and Coilingwood and Midland for one each The villagccf Cooksth is includ ed with lnnisfit for county school cieclion purposes For the other eight which will elect one trust each thofmunicipallty with tho highcstpublic school assess ment has lhcresponsibillty tor arranging the nomination Ward one includes the town or Brad DISTRICT enters STAYNER BARBECUE STAYNER IStatfl Members oi theStayncr Ladlcs Granite Club are making arrangements fora chicken barbecue to be held on Wednesday0ct sommmnulz on BRADFORD StafftlBradlt ford senior softball club of the South Simcoe Dengue will meet Bradford oldtimers in challengematch at Centennial Park this coming Sunday Sept at pm Mayor Joe Magani will be among thejplayerswitb the oidbmcra FASHION SHOW STAYNER Staff AIall and winter fashion show is being arranged by Group hvo of the Ladies Aid of Jubilee Presby terian church it is to be pre sented in the SundaySchool auditorium on Wednesday even Sept 11 assumed rabbits would be included in dogs and this includes domestic said ill aaxnnn Stall lgr nd imals for compensation under the Ontario Livestocktiirctection Act it recommendation discus red at Ensa council meetiogycs inrdayjs adopted evelaeorge De gt told Ecii clerk old oi claim forvdnmnges hogs and abbi kjlledbydo According to pamphlet dis tributed to members of council the Dog Tax and Livestock Pro Ieetlon Act covers cattle and sheep hich are killed or inJur dogs In such cases the gt iilyis required to pay compenshtlon and then has the responsibility of collecting mm the owneryoi the dog While claims are lower than at one tithe there eontinueyto be some The present protection act nisojprovfdes vfor compensation to owners of poultry killed by chickens duckngeesa and tire kcys CENTENNIAL IAIIK lna reporton Essncentennlal parklouis irnnx road super intendcnt reportedits camping and trailer areas were used by hundreds of visitors during Aug ust ntter slow start There were many picniclrers whoused thctahles and benches and other factiitiesprovided Mg Truar Thornton Women Insii tc dsked thecouncllabout improve nrénisat theparir particularly or smalii children next year Saféty areas for wading were among proposals discussed MASTERPLAN Reeve Davis called attenti to master for the area 0c uorrLowsiL Council Eniensioni In Livestock Compensation public sdnoolnhcmnont than Pene tannin word 10 yiewofylrd ndariu which archred on Went every bu tti responsibility torlair reviewtublectlto depprtment whichwas re rred to the coun cilmembcrs for stud Aresol ution referred the to the road committee igrpirthor study an rccommcn ti thorn property on the Nottaeasagn Riv rr about foui mileswcst of ivy on Essa sideronduis was open rd year ago nsthotownships in centennial project request to cleaning out part of Erode drain was re ferred oth road committee lNDUSfltIA SURVEY lin industrial urvéy for Essa was discussed rleiiy after map was intro red which list ed DPSsiblrJ dustrlalinrc at There are servlced areas in the township nt the present time butAliiston has Water andisew er services at the southern border There are behaved to be poten tlalindustrlal arcas near Angus Thornton and possibly Baxter as well as the Allistoh vi ni llllrston ns Plan ilcirvrhes ALLISTON Staff on theinternatinnal ventioa at Dallas Texas will he givenAlliston Lionsvby past president John Taylor at an ear ly meetingn Tho AllistonLlons headed by Harv Stuart will begin fall meet logo at the Lions building on Boyne street here on Thursday Sci 12 MrToyinrLions governor for district A9 last term Was one 42000 who attended the Dal as convention Tokyo Japan waschosen as the sit for the league Lynn elected Dee ombet for woycar terrnwhldi Second the voter5 liit to be used for the coming Midland liquor vote was held today at the mudics pal building win Judge Clare of Barri presidin The yota willbe héidonw nesday Sept 15 when the ques tionsto besubmittnd include ap proval for cocktail bnrs and beverage rooms for the town moose ado Ilor Cattle Show iiiCookstownlarr cooxsrown StalftJudging in Simcoe County JerseyCIub parish show will be heidvon Sat Why Sept it at Cookstown Canadas first Jerse for ihc Simone Jug will be held in coniuncticn with the show it wasadnounced Exhib ltors must be members of the county Jarseyr Club of which Charles Simpson of Shanty Bay is the president and Schaer oi Mlnsslng the secretaryi urer Noticesol entries required to be registered withvthe sec retary wellin advanceof the show for cataloguing Judging will commence atl For the premier exhibitor com petiti an exhibitor must show minimum of eightjanimais The pramler breeder award goes to thohrccder oi the eight high est scoring animals one hnedlnlinxylslnn 011 Liquor lesués memo snot session for hearing nppeils of are descendants of one from l0 other wards The other two would be Separate Eool rmrenemuvueléded Whenthe counb board tode err Idmlnistradon tax rate for public Indaeeondnryechooi amuse will be uniform out the county with madeoo vnrlolu councils Vote Bo fide residents it years of ageor Iover who Ire qualified to vote inDominion elections will have the opportunity to cast ballots saves snares panama or Griniy baa hunting theSwan Hills area of northwestern Alberta will berealrieted to residents this fnll oiiicials report Hunt ers will be allowed one hour on $150 licence Griuli nrs also oommon in lhefoothills ot the Rockies and across the north of the provincebut this onaarea was restricted after it was found the Swan Hills bears the extinct Plains grizrly amour conssnvnroiw or Music is pleased to announce theopcning of the fall term for musical insiruc iion Fall courses include accordion gditar piano drums Beginner instr mentssupplied Studio catedVIDuniop St Fully qualified teachers Freeaptitudo Iests given in the home FOR NR THER INFORMATION 7260249 after pm sauna ummnrin waimsi iiiasui

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