Home stream resea ch din b1 Labor Ego legged president or the Sees Tomorrows Labor Labo earn wrracxra hunt and Robert Dennis president at the Barrie and District uncit air Eileen Dont it all tor city lull trmumwutbu Aid academic the city ihé our ndingqfcommtties chairmen indicates that most at the action can be expected tram the mittee city development coma The eiiicial Vcltyyplao urban renewal the proposed muniri pal airport and an apartment guest speaker at the Kiwanis Cluh iIst night called tor greater involvement oi worker in decision processes jiVith sabbatical Leaves The laborer at tomorrow will be able totnke sabbatical leave like todays university professor John Eteoo research director ot the Ontario Fedora Lion of Labor told meeting at the Barrie Kiwenis Club trot night Pay by salary rather than by the hour longer holidays and shorter work weeks and union organization at while collar workers were among other ore dictions mode by the mtest speaker to the to Kiwanians Mr Eleen said that automa rtien would give impetus to soc ial change ihere will have to be new laws and new rules he said The worker must become part the declstonmaking process it you take part in the decision you are more respoo Automation will give us greater material wealth and more leisure lime But material wealth is not enough Mr Eleen torccest broaden lN Town log at interest within labor on lom We are gradually earning our way in societylihesatd tile in the unions do not tune tion only to raise wagesnnrl Improve working conditions ltiostot our members are well above the minimum wage but we tight for better one Most of our workers are ulreadywell protected but we tight for civil and human rights AREAS OF CONCERN We are concerned about water pollution and the war on poverty in the tuture we will have bigger role to play in training in consumer protec tion and in education gt changerin our definitions is inevitable in tttesoctetynt tomorrow seniori by nienn aman has the ilrst once at retraining rather an dontmuch mind what you call itthe just societyithe great societybutevcrythlog we can do must be done tohuild remortij LOUNGES The Well ogton Bill and Arlene Quecns llotcllhc ersatones andlrenc Baysqure ltlotor Hotel The Dare Yuan Me fnre Coatlncatnl Graham Upshaw MOVIES ï¬oxy nWithSix You lrnperinl The Party Htironia Drivelb Theatre The Graduate Get Eggroll anty nay Drivelo sorrnau rNowmarket RaysBA at lmper seven Series senior semi gt narrnywayrptar Havipgeywiid weekend spears Eastman tiith we ate Queens Park on tail to do that we head tor dia th hiog and tonight ing authcast10 to istootght to 1th tvestrm Lake struttar more human society it we aster gt Meettdplan BowlingSSeason Preparations tor the intro 69 winter hunting season at Kcmpvictv Bowl on Blake Street get under way termaty tonight business meeting otj the Kempvicw Mens Leaguc busan arranged for an pm start atvtbe howling lanes All captains of list years teams planningto retain their entries for the new season are requested to be on hand ltc presentatives at any new teams wishing toonteraro also lnvii ed to attend tonights session tannin FORECAST lake It It rn Lnke Erie Winds southeast it to is lrnots becoming southerlyls to 20 th alternoon increasing cloud nes Scattered thundershowers tie Ortartrftcorgtau Hay ds variable 10 knots becom part tloudyr Thundershowers Wihds southwest 15 to 20 knots becoming northwest to to 15 to night Cloudyrwith tow show briény higher gusts in thunderz showers Winds shitting to northwest 15 early Thursday cutter thundershowers ltoyalVictorla Hospital following standards bylaw were given top laces on Mayor Rabat Beoytys list or priorities or the telly Aldyzrlacirï¬arner chairman of the city development com mittee alsozlists the revision oi the oiticiai city planes the most importantka to Llace council loithe cotniog months The plan will give us tore custol rcsidentlai industrial and open space development in the city torthe next lsto at years Aid Garner said As tor the development of the city is concerned to long range terms this willtic one at our most important pieces of busi oess The city development commit tee is currentiystudylnp num erous reports pertaining to the amendment oi the oiitcial plan Aid Garner said He said he expects the new plan to go beiorc council some time in mid October Approval by council Will be lollowcd by public hearings on the plan and sometime in December it will Tbréellnjuredl In Collision Hatiii Threepersons were to to cartruck crash on Highway still three miles north otlligb way 93 early today passengerinthe truck Fred Levoie 22 of Surlbury was ad mitted 10 hospital hen juries rDrich oi the truck er Levele 31ot Sutlbuzywas treat edtor cuts to his hands legs andtaco alter the collision with car driven hyBrlanJ Wain man 16 of Richmond Hill Mr Wainman was also treated tor cuts nndhruises at Royal Vic toria Hospital Damage to the Wainmnn ve hiclewas estimated at $2500 with $2000 damage to thetire voic truck OPP constable Curl Beetnn in vestigated the accident HOUSES INVENTIONS museum to Alexander Gra ham Bell overlooks the Eras dQr Lakes near Baddeclr NS ta butane onsetu chenide there is something that it tm portat then bavcn heard about it Plannan and development is the big thing raw Joliitte said it will lot at good thinking new ray As to as his own committee wuiconoerned 101 ktel that the completion ot the Brad tord st coostnic tic aresslnt nomination torn Canadi Film Award in 1961 is nowhveilable tor showing in liarrlc tilm its Wondcrtul ts tree at charge tohny service club church school or other on gooizatlon through tbeSoclcty torCrippied Civilians The society training centre tor the handicapped in Toronto is memberot the Community hind otGreatcr Toronto The tllm is an explanation ot the litauaf the handicapped and to date has been seengtby call ated 80000 persons Copies were made bythe oral government and th prints distributed to eachprovlnce To arrange torn presentation in Barrie clubs and organizations may contact the society ini onto Plciret nesLwereFstrengthene ed attonilia Water Ligbtmod Power Commission plants today as the strike oi ill unioneml ployees entered its rth week pinion oi 15m 177th WWIBattalions About anti nvitattonsbave been mailed out by theSlmcoe Forester5 regimental associa tion to citmembers oi the157th and thh battalions et thettirst tor reunlttnto be itSept Mu Guest speaker will Hon Leslie Frost iormer Ontario premier and author of Fighting Men lie was member ofthe 157 Most personnel or he two he teiions were recruited in Sirm coe County Anyone missed should contact the association secretary Gar tield Wilirin at Midlan Some of the old battalion mem bers most of whom would be th fins and cos have long since moved away or have died 15 on are that Ed he was akimmio down slope with students attendtn asirl weekend sponsored hyt inter SchoolChristian Filmstrip of Conadalr Thetncxt timeit maybe to downtown restaurnnt dis theque ma ate court Mr smith trim athletic tig ure ataa says the tirst thing heilydtt when starts work is gather the core members oi the lSCF Hesays hciispcnd lot at time working with members at the lSCF but Ill give an evening to the hippies LAY anmarcns Mr Sntith also wants to start achoir and says hed like to or ganlzelt an that studehta may mending thesummcr et Dauphin Mam where they were in barge ot Baptist church electrical services strutenei boring town through ctr lln There were no incidents ibe water ii on plant Coucbtchtng Park disposal plant by Kite neriarkb and head quartersottlc at Westand water rnad elvéd special tlo og vote by the members oiLocal 164 International gBrotherhood of Electric orlrerslest night which was eported 42 to favor of rejection missions latest eratorarwe recel Commisslo GordongAustin Inct as lay minist who can convert other stude in the thingsvthatbaswon ctrnst ol teenagar is with hacklog otsleng Onemght hippie pounded on his door summer and sat Light and Fower five mother board which includesMayor ls obel Post Norval Orser isfthe While there were earliercbar ges ot sabotage followingtbe cutting of radio communication ires and telephone servi there have been no new incr dents io recent day re at pole on the main line from the Minde plant aiso brought charges olsabotage but this has been junsupporlod lor be brotherh lie weed ioted DrxltPWél purch plants are nabiejto pp The utihtv has hydra vaittJtnpld the gull an ehlu 1Y1 rice imity Just had to The rltid really With it hlr Smith usually tries to dig ureout why teenage turn booteand pot fihosc who cxpe mcot drugs and alcohol arevhoncstty looking tar an excltlagl expertr tencc which will givetbem re leas hey tail to realize that they dabbling with the on icrteit he sat During recent discussion one boy asked hlrSrnihwhy he didnt drink gtllevreplied that it was expensive and thaLEmost people drank to get high one trip others usettrug but man get my trip wuh Jesus Christ ihls sort oltalk works llr Smith says that you have to show youarc interested lnteein ers and then We them score rr purpose iany ctonr young people are apath because they feel they hav no worth Our materialistic society is most end street he exv ialncd phoning camni hits he wouldl to have an organized dropin ccotre tor high school students whichuould he run by adults tlld tan graduate at Kent Staielinrvc iy in 0hlohag been teacher at Marlborough Public Schodl in VindsnrLast year he récelved the nttlstand ing young man of the year ward tom the Windsor Jaycees During his ata Villdsol he organized and directed dismem berchnir which was taken to Expo lastyear at the invitation ot Sen Paul Martin the committee responsible tor Sgt Ralph Barri Police Department atrs June Yam beli lormcr Mayor Des Cooke VD also because Barrie Temot Wilkinson said its verv di cult to lind some exmem hers In fact we havent been able to locate one rotticerat it out of the two battalions tsetse1 to cart er ACHERS ASSOCIATIO it os ClubdBob hand vtcc presi ent an Stewartycompcted lo The foil mug Bran WEEKEND sarctAL Mrs Inger Aarson Mr otb Jessie ryso MISS Elsie Qloughlcy an Kirk ill PAINTEGMSS canms Stet 9dr iAngus MARo Mis