iyelyourinzgjesdo walkingthroug the YELLOW PAGES €1000 iiiuusme mull SKIIHILK Sirllflv rm aonusmr Mills TAPE SHE SPAN muwuufll platoons Amati ttltifltflls tanninsouth if 75 titlillGEllATEBtRlv hhamao nmmrsrnoniuus he 32 rNTr DAIRY CASE Fours rich Wuorlmcr SMOKED HGNIG VQSHOUIIDERSZ tourmalier SAUSAGE mimics STEAKElT h45¢ so ill nu BR hour su perm in better yeusneumermrnaemo warns at liteplte ruminant enmwnzdm iheVCenadlan economy still ilcea amaior challme fpersistent irritation itzthenaine time as unempl meat is rising lovundeslrabe level Thueareindlcitlonavthat the Inflation problem is easini hut unemploymwt is likely lapelr worse in the coming months tliesurveynays flno problem otcontlnued rialnxprices has itsmots in the lnllure to control thaboom ol 13651966whereaa thanking un employment is theresult ol mensures applied too late to re strict the inflation elicctively The siiivayeprcdletsCnnadns gross no not produ thisyean Biï¬iï¬‚ï¬ ifuiljrusmiuuk provid noughr johrlor ins the round the that monolith libthin year bith Canadas very pldly expand lnho orce nymthenrrtaut tkanln llï¬thanks mmhwa man aturl exports to lhelL ed States The other motor rectorroi loler threat the iconomy consumer and eovernment spend less rapidly ttianlnlm swarmin me limitingmuted State economy willalowdnwn In the second hall oi his year Canada cannot expect to maintain the exeeptionalrate otinmase exporlnthat characterised ï¬rst six months PA strengthenlnl however may occur in domestic demand including residential construe tton and inventory spending creased lal seomJesn presslnx an the outlook via lor Cenadlan halanceoirpayrnenta dotlclt of only 9600000009 on current There has already been an eaalngoi monetary policy in the lasttiew weeks tummy so ed rapidi ply haa at and interest rag have de cllned has namely mml Mermaid mien hr new M7100 sunshine mill illllflliilk Jittvfrowuis mmm MHJ wnniswu When school Louis thflln resident the QuebecFederatlogtolhb addresses reeo derth Placedes Nation Labor Day Ceremony hthlln nd World MontreaLlla iuursruiuoirs dil are few or the lower wlnnlngs Edgar elder son of Willi tookuirs shme Thls was the start of the all round They Will to on to the Orlilla lair CNE mpetition ninyno he astoueh as that at the Royal but showing there is the ï¬rst aiterthexnimntshave heen retitled toll in hnrnn mers rest Cyril cook also came away with axrand cham plonshlp home bred Hereinrd Bui buutiour days thesnial grade which mnde the intersection in dangerous spot especially in ther Vehicles comin unto the highway haddilticulty if the grade was slim rush hour tram was passingL It was ditlieult talenter with many accidents aresultingu The work crew raised the approach several leet then parked nd paved it withouthloeking trafï¬c Users wfllehe grateful for the improvementpespecially gaher there Arcrassing made as owe to enable eh yen to get over the PARK Eli Innisï¬l lakeside pa much traiflc tnthe hordes turning to the city alter the hol idays The had over iendehen the Canadian Fermy campers Association group re turnedto Innisiil for nspecial flgathe ng lnnlslil Cnuncliwasjin edto in with the groupuat Sunday morningsmeehing when it was hat lnniaiil Parlr te oi the 1985 Loupou an worsthas happene Protesslonal Johni Jacob exllydencup star and well known British instruth introduced the mentathis polling Esherpnear Mndn Up on the wall in one or dr ing bays is televido so Jdnn puts clu in edllhe Quebec government ol evadinglnbor issues and pro mlscd the labor walkout Sept would produce the biggest show at strength ever seen in Qllebet CF Wirephnto trafï¬c prohlenijon lt the ca CLAIMJNG EXPENSES Clifford Cershaddenyhas ed the township lor rapenseshe claims were incurred last year for mlicage puton his vehicle while attending to park war He askedior settlement of an account totalling $14989 Parks Chairman Ehner Grose viold council he was not disputing the account but wished to more inlormatlon as he was not oonncll last year The committee or djuslment meek this week hearilve requests turpermlssion to con vey properti The estate or AmySrigley we part oi that lot Joseph Volk Lots it and l2 Concession wants to seupanmr the pro party Viola Tillstone north halt Lot 12 Concession masks to dispose of part or property Mrs Gartner Lot IConcesL trianwli duircs to dispose of part of lots tr these consenta are granted they are subject to the $500servlee charge added to gal properties divided after the passing by council of th added charge Another he More tliecommltfee of adjust ment will he held Sept to when tour items are listed SHOW gtREyPMRS John Jasness of Bell Ewart has been granted permission to operate shoe repair business ina ga ga on his propertan Councillor Grose has been amended iinalapproval changed was to allow year lnseadolislxmnnths or holder of building permit to complete his work It takes ahnu 10minutc ior thawarmup the practice tthelrecording the standhy andthen the TV gad the wholethiog ha TRY EXAMJNE WANT ADS PHONEKTleZdli