Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1968, p. 18

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lanthanum we Housman MI ls sualonisttcs AUCTION SALE High class farm magmas tools nurseholdyeffeeu mclnd in some antiques The understated has received iosuuctlonr to sell by public auction at LOT 1500 VESPRA TWP ode milf north oi houn iiiil Cinrerieai on tiny 9d gt Monday Sept rr 000 Ilsr SHARP Hizuschoid items at to un foll owed it deals machineryat sin the tollowing property Minolta to ICECIL AND HORVAL nusSuona IACHINERY too heavy NC track com etc with stock racks hoist and dual wheels excellent condition mosey Ferguson diesel tractor 135 only son hours dike npul Sedorc mun loader co lete win torti gravel Blosscy Ferguson diesel itch No 55 multi power es ceilcnt condition Davidtirotvn diesel tractor No 990 selecta irnaiic equipped for nyt tlc controls only 500 hours has nrwz David Brown dicsel No 880 selcctsmatlc nnl hours like new Case lor standard good working tr dbr Massey Ferguson Con with in header scour kiMncxccllcllt comb Oivatonnn Strainer with crimper and reels new New Holland mower cfit point bitch brand New Holland forage har Nb with hay plch and corn head like new man ose blower and pipes tor so it like new It Dion to nations complete with 16 bhxesjiikc new John Deere Crawler No on with blade add back hoe lcnt condi tion Casc hydra tandem discs in it cut brand new New liolland manure spreader 175 busVcapscity litre Ferguson seed and Illzer drill l7 disc like George White Konskil cul 35 tooth with horrow ment new Ferguson row ctlp cultivator like new Dal wl Brown tractor plow lur mws point hitch adjustable width new John Deere trac tor plow furrows 12 hot toln point hitch like new ramotor sprayer complete with llrnp noules and hand gun on it booms Morril wheel Buchlcr rubbcrtired was an and ls bay rack thncr tired agolrSdore smu blower Quantity of snow llid Axle unccls for trailer Land Aland Tiller on rails Quantity of field tile st nless steel milker pails Sot seed burrows Quantity used timber Quan steel bdrrels implement Post hole digger salt opant cow trainers Gehl hammer mill completely over hauled Sci new dchorners tarpauiins Farmswsy silo un loader ror izisilo new so sqaies 2100 lb capaci Air compressor and emery whecl cdrnbined New tractor set Set dies to tan hydraulic chainsaw Vibrator satndcr Srt tractor chain or 2r 13 wheel Antique grain Clildle sets skiddingtongs wheels for trailer Blow torch Several tcam bels rtnce stretcher Quantity ot catton grain hag New eleer trc grain drye Quantity of run timbers Several electric irircnrs Quantity of chains Eit OUSEHOLD EFFECTS lcstinghou rcirigerator Gur nqy electric stove piece bed room suit Antique mirror Dfsk Table Oval lah when r3 Bed and mattresszn World iablcs Oddchair Many other item rtuctioncers Note This is ydur opportunity to attend and buy at one oi the best lsrm ma clilnery sales or our time so new or lhc inrm Terms are cash or kiloan cheque There are no re serves The Holstein herd will sq on Tuesday Oct la at pm Furniture will sell at to Tools etc will ty will sell at be available add rr evcntof had ather til sale an be held inside lermsjvcasll No reserves farm soldgNothing to here unwed until settled for Buyers from distance must beabla to prove entity to ury to persons on property dlfiingsate day CHER COLWILL auction Tcicphoné Barrie 72615904 AUCTiON SALE FRIDAY snmatrsnrts or no 15M SHARP ldrrCldFFOitD smrnnnsod at In Concessio ti Tecum salt Township or en east at Boston Oil or miles west of nthcgdeetonirtoad tinny illil riin high class arm mach stsbeclo et baled il ltems rnciudtng antiques gt most attractive to the tedersl are min ammo interest eatery yeah with trro ratthree dinosaur proecdure they could behe meou income on tax marrow Tbe Carter royal commission on taxation makes mourned dollop to this effect and it it probably one ofthe mutations whereverl tn goretolncnt lnsltsl current reform The most recent ligurei xsnow savings deposits ot $12 5000000 in chllrtered ba and more than $2000 mortgage loan companies companies and Quebec ravings chartered bank alone paid 575130000 inst urln interest on deposits and bank deben lures in losstllc ilgure was Wflw°0°0 Available tnxatlon statistics for the calendar year landslrow that $554000 was claimed by laxtptudni Canadians as inter est income lrom both back do posits and bonds moons rnonr sonns Most at thirmlai was almost certainly bond interest receivrd trorrr federal provincial and biy bcreqnircd to withhold I5 mfllinn amount out $100 0t coumfcw Candisis do so the end or April according to Barth of Com there were 44500300 personi savings accounts in chartered brunt in and security traitors nuns promised stictu£e of thenuinber rigor banks and more than inmooo ed of them contained less tnn 000 Even lilo 1s slipsseptic gorcrnmunt freporting interest payments of Simormorc are only bandmslcbed with tax re turns jor reliable chicks putqrsnstcbing is access lt isalso known that me dilidunls 22 serernl bank ccconntsto keep their balances within the nnntsiablcilml suoossrs Meslion The Carter rcporlviiaysflnsn cial institutions could reasons per cent of intciost nndremlt it to the to at government Curler suggats that all pay municipal governments irom corporations contrasted Chicago Clllcaao lCPt Mayor Richard Daley named com4 miltce Wednesday to invostigntn the riots during last weelts Democratic national convention and asked one hour of prime television time from the three major us networks to explain what actually happened The swearold mayor target or ultlcsprcall criticism for his handling of the convention and poilceuction against antiwar demonstrations on the streetS called for television broadcast for Thursday Scpt l2 VnrFri day Sepili The program would berde signcd to counteract the onesided portrayal oi the street battles rue bullies1lhith occurred while thc Democratic conven tion was picking its presidential candidate for the November US elections and whnc it was dcbating such issues as Viet nam received worldwide COULD ago During the demonstrations more than 500 persons were ar 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Monday Sept for the Dove Lodge on lath Wasaga Ecach nit Mosley St LATS PiliSHARP Thesale consists of all the contents of this large lodge and cottages namely Beds Mattress Firepla Screens irons and utensi Old lamps Chestertields and chairs Picturesand frames Oil burner Stool Kitchen Flower stands Stovesi aerators Odd tables Old cupboard ice box Day beds Buffer Coatoll lampsChina cabinet Cook stove flat plate Pine chest of drawer Butter churn Rocking cha Arm chai Floor lamps Wicker ch rs and tables anlbrs et Knink knocks Combina tion chinacnbinct and armor desk well over 100 years plus large quantity of old charrs the property has been sold to the Ontario Government Mrs Clara Sterling owner Owner or management will not be responsiblefor loss or accidents day of sale RGE FIBER all oneel SEPTEMBEBG Pl SHAR New and Seth articles some antiques also one pony lVEVAUCTiDN ANYTHIhG ON NSIGNMENT glonlroooncnltn trill sellby public auctionat his farm Lot 20 Corr Col lood townshi tat Craigleith on WinterPark ad on dehorner petto mancetested 15 Hereford Lcowa lo Potted Harem readyto weanz John firDeere model to crawler tractor blade Myers blast type orchard sprayer Al conditio Com pLetcdiine of other farm and or monts chore should cav cm by this procedur Riots rested or luiurcd afievcrnl rel porters uere injured The mayor also denied allcgn tions of police brutality when police invaded the headquarters 01 Senator Eugan lnicCsrthy unsuccessiul presidential cairdlr date in thc Conrad Hilton Hotel at dawn Friday morning and ar rested some of the Minnesota senators youthful supporters Thu report sold poiicevoilicers rcpldsedthosc in tho rooni who attacked them Tbisilicludm man who struck policeman in the chest with toblo 1Cielgy Must flipdaieEducatidni KINGSTON CF Cier men must continue to update their education it they are to re tain their professional standing in the church delegates to the United Church at Canada on ferenerwere toidéiuesdayv Continuing education is net ccssity tor the clergy said McLeod oi Hamilton Its necessary part oi every mans work year its no longer an obligation This is require ment it he is to retain his professional standing in the United Cburchministry ltcv ltletcods came as the United Churchs gcncrsl council approvpd res olution that aach ministcr be givtn threeweeks oil nrk nn nually in addition to his regular vacation in order to study Will Merge OR ONTO tic ln national advertising agencies are combining services and management in Western Can ads it trasannonnced Tuesd RobertsFensnn vAdvertlsirlg Ltd Vancouver and McConnell Eastman Ltd Toronto have armed Vancouverbased com pany named obertstent the new agency lassumeuespousi llity tor to accoun fnsoldr by western Quality is in Torolito lackcd sirloin stealt and several other stl redlbat the sirloin bottomround rnast rump roast and oundend roast were missing iie aid should have weighed ttac cess scale than Turncrpi Toront ltiarnfittav Downgsn lnvcsti The cltlzéus ofQucbe lherta ndpritjshi commonest Jarurn ml 169 they named it ltlorcorvz Receth ivPopes race waslunoron and Po riotCIrdlnal DBoyte jtold dis scntlng Washington area Roman Catholic priests Tuesday Illey must accept PopsPauls err cyclical on birtlrgcontrolmr face some formot poncltlcsi However he uld precise indication in news contcrence Just what so tlon would be taken will not deal with them anon otssnnn Penalties Bisliop gt thccross countrygelectric car race ended with the hiss Mann tllecnrdinol said fit will be on an individual an proncil am not sayingnt this point What will do Cardinal ornoyle said no Popcsicucyciical on lilrllr con trol altlrough not lnflrlliblcin form nevertheless istiln fsut thoritative doll in oi Roman Catholic Church The cncyclicaibnrlned Qitebec Right To Separate GUELPH CPlv ThBCnnm diarl Unionon Students early today passed nrcsolutlon by vote of am as that supports the provinces of Quebec separating from the rcstof Canada ifitllat is what ngbccersuolit Tholrcsolution drafted by out going CUS president Hugh Arm strong 25nf0ttnwu nnal debat ed dur ng an allnight sesslan thatcnded the annual confer EIICC Si long subjccfed toj secondflux status in Canada must have the right to decide whether they want totrcmsin part otythc so country in which they have cit and been considered iorcign Thc istudcnti unionreprcsent ing 30 Canadian nniversitlcs al ready considersfluchcc asnvcr clgn nation Etienne Aubin otlaurcn tion Unive called the statement the base or an intolilgentarrnngement between civilized people Ross nicGregor at Queens University in Kingston said We are foi selfdetermination lvtish Qucbcc ivould choose to opt in or opt out hutl find it in cnnccivabic that CUS could ac tiyeiylencoilrage separatism nunas in Slidbury answer leofv Tech nology cnr beingtoucd cross the linlsh lncat clot hlrthcontroitmethods am convinced those who mcgine the Catholic Church wiiicver reverse herself in this matter are mistaken the car dinnlrsald The 52 priests had signed statemcnl in August saying married couples under some circumstances may use artifi cial contraception according to their consclpncés spokes man tor the priests said earlier they willnot retract the state mant carolan osuylé told his news contercnec that the church is certainly not run in such way that priests who with not follow the pastoral directives of their bishop can he allowed to go oplust ssthcy like gt lic said lie had Sentln letter to thopriestsand llad met with then individually and collective ly during the last week in on ef farttoresolve the conflict or the priests Rev Jo seplr OIDonnghue has been re moved rom ids post hereand his pnsturaldutics taken array to control sermon SEPTH DEADLINE Thé earolnnlfs secrctnry has said tbeprinsis have until Sept id to retract ntcd porsonal answcr ch man the cardirral Naw understandI dont know how true it isthnt will again got corporate Todays oman can give more time to the Nearly everyhousehgid chore has been altered to take less the lng CarletonCnnnty reported Tucsdny they have institute of hen Pasadena Thc MIT had broken dour in ology CBI Victor ville Cal rlts Cal Tech car Ejlé¢tri¢ rossoalm Calif in The crnssecn try GreatElec tric Cnr liac ovcrémnyhe Even the computersof those archrlvnls of tile scentific and 27tMotorcyclrsts Without Helmets lire Charged orrnlvlt toil Policchere have charged 27 motorcyclists for riding without crash hel metsvillc charges were jinld under new law that went into eiicct Sunday Summonscs were moilcdoilt to 21 drivers and six passengers hiesdny vv Provincial police in surrounds charged tlrren othch motorcyclists and police in Ncpean township so they have also laid se charges The newlnw maltes lt min lory for motorcycle drivers and passengers towenr protective crash helmets Penalty for vio lotion is also to 50 les troubl VShejhas many thingsto thankpfor hi and advertisingAdvertlsmg plclcd the 3000miie Tbruwny service area hm bad about 900 miles to 10 Karma penalties for towing our be imposed AP wire pbotot Rdbe ear road racingnworlds ltlil and Cal Tech dont know And the human iudscs want timeto de cide The Massachusetts institute of Technology electric car com tourney itionday but there was hitch to bo car litimfil pulling it gssollncpowered car towed the ailing MIT entry across the finish line Race utilcinls debated the le gality Ncsdnyn Californialntltpte oi iechV nolngys vehicle meanwhile sped at tall battery power some wherein Ohlo lanyard its Cam bridge Muss goals Estimated arrival time Sometime today The winner of thersce was to be the crew which reachedxtbe othcrs campus first The Cal Tech arrllied iatAngo in NYZs milessonthwcst of Buffalo Tuesday or battery charge at New YorkStats There are certainpenaitles tor towing so theres reliance well win said Wally hippclcy 23 part at the Cal chhcrelv zooming along the 0biolnrnlt pike at speeds up to 50 in he really time and less fabulous ouscliold

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