MOST DF COUNTRY is cool today with exceptional areas around Toron1n and 0t tewe and Montreal where tcrr peraturea oi 75 may be expect ed Showers are predicted in western Ontario southeast British Columbia and parts oi Vandhleclcudindu iliarecatt flier the Georgian Bay region to momvi with chance of thun the denbowerir in the evening Hindi wiltbe loutberly at 15 Dow precast toaleht is High Wednesday should naeh 7s memo CF For issued at 30 mopsis disturbance doe veioplng in the central states today will be wrenching Lake rior no edoesdny Coo ai erablo cloudiness withacat tered thunderahowers ie tore cast tor western areas Wednes tlonaelaew east coast Cold spots today should he Edmonton and St Johns both with high oi 55 IF Wircpholo American MotOrsgwill Enter Mini Car Market DETROIT AF hiï¬tl American Motors source con ï¬rmed hiooday reports that AMO is about to make its long ewaited move into the minlcar market The oiilclal said American has started prdiminary work on project which will see new small car introduced eyeer lrom now There are problems in tool ing which cannot be spreded up he said Americans current smallest car the compact Rambler has loninch wheelbase and base price of $1916 us with six cylinder engtne it has not been able to halt Volkswagens sun can in the United States market lndicationr are that Volkswa ngen will wind up calendar lose with about 400000 sales better than hell the US import mar hat American is aiming at 300000 sales tor the year AMC niflcials apparently have reversed thaettitude the com pany held tor the lost live years that costs oi tooling up tor car in the minicnr or SubCOIlF pact tleid would be prohibitive uUERlED BY FORD Their decision was hurried along in port by Ford reported program oi buildinga subcom pact mth the code name Delia Reports say the Delta will have ladinch wheelbase iive inches shorter than the Ford Falcon and will soil in the $1 100 to new range iniormed ob servers say lord never has conï¬rmed olticially the Delta project but during its national press preview last week various Ford oiticinls While declining to discuss the minicar project for GoodqT see THESE anALensro llEt passtd up several chance to deny its existence Chrysler has said it has no mtnlear in the works or line models but it leit the door open General itiotora oiilcial line is that it has no such project on the boards Mica minicar says Dave Smith business editor or th Detroit Free Press is to be built on iodineh wheelbase compared with 95 inches tor the Volkswagen He said it would seat iour persons enmiortably and would he in the $1000 to $1900 range FEW OUT OF WORK There were 13250 Norwegians out at omit at theeod oi April +12 per cent or the total labor lame SUPER SHELL YOU no noun focus in snout stint STATION 28l ountorw tDUNLGFAIhNNESTL hnhos stint snivictsiinouï¬r service is our eusutrss ioi DUNLOtW DUNLOP AT BRA 728 izs 72601 12 hunts hitter TltUDEttE stint service AND restaurant MilesN of Barrie Service is our business ih728702l Hwy 25 27 withers ItoMi SHELL invites Mechdn on duty xNo jo tonibig tron Noun VAiiitIi and srAnIoN aoenenAL horns 202 BLAKE sr izaaooe SERVICE ur friendly Shell Dealerf 320BlakeSI Oppo niece Plaza jth 728 252i gsiitii sinner STATION ps eSt and Store gt whichreturned the day and Entity cloudy condi ere Windsor London Sault Ste Marie lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Algoma White lttver Mainly cloudy Wednesday with few rcatterod thundershowers little warmer Wind southeriy is Wednmlu Toronto Hamilton North Bay Sudbury Lake Ontario Ni agara Georgian Bay Variable cloudiness Wednesday with drapesoi thundernhcwer in inventing little Wanner Windl southerly 15 Wednesday Forecast Temperath in tonight High Windsor eo Earltnn Saultlstc itiaria Kepuskasing White Hirer liloosonca lirnnuns Sssgasssszggsgggggaaag uaaaaaasddaa Motorcyclists Stage Orderly Protest iigainst Helmet Law OTTAWA CF About motorcyclists demonstrated peaceluliy or an hour outside the Parliament Buildings Sun day Protestinga new Ontario provincial law making helmets mandatory ior everyone driving or riding motorcycle They distributed mlch graphed sheets to poilce report crs and tourists saying that the wearing at helmet is matter at personal choice and not lit subject for legislation NEWS ROUNDllP KINGSTON Ont CF The General Dome of United Church at Canada hashden asked to turdover $1000000 from church reserve inndsta is io in underdeveloped countries gt The church oi Jesus Christie not the tropenaijank Thr of Totonto fWo must hit our money where our mouth is itir Fritz presentedhis mo tion hiond while an earlier motion waslpending beiore council to turnover in the board at evangelism and social service another 51000000 ior invest mentidhousing or dump The motions re reierred to specialeommittee which will bring recommendations on both hetero the ouncil within the next two days gSoldiers Die DAMASCUS Reuters rwo Syrian soldierswere killed in ZlHiiiiIute clash between lsraeh and Syrian iorces in the Golan Htiflli area Monday night Syrian military spokesman said here early today vv The spokesman said lsraell iorcu opened ï¬re with me chinegunsmounted an armored cars against Syrian posi ivo Syrian soldierswe killed good enemy casuaiti were unknown the spokesman added1 cusi President GUELFH CF Martin Lonny 24 Monday was ac claimed presidenteiect at the Canadian Union at Students He will take over as president of the union next year Central Eithihition OTTAWA CF The Central Canada Exhibition ended Satur day with attendance just short of the total tor last years longer lair Saturday crowd at 96145 brought the eightday total to 68135 compared with 743851 tor the today 1967 tatr which had the additional advantage oi operating in Centennial Year Exiilbition officials were happy with the 1068 total It was at hade ahead of the previous high or 677193 runjin taai Asksszmilli FOIAFOrei spokesman said in law which took eilcct Sunday in an liurlngemeot on civil rights are consequently matter tor feder al government attention Steven of Ottawa one at the group snid he has worn helmet tor the last 12 years and they make sense fi inst dont want to be told have to wear one any more than went to be told what clothing to wear Atliaatli died in he dduua across Canada tbethreaday labor Day ho day weekend in traillc Canadian Pm survey vi the Ishout period treat non Friday to midnight Monday night local times also showed to drowning one personnel dentally shot and it persona killleid iammcddents on Highway Saiely Cornell hadpredicted that 95 to toe persons would be killed in trattic accidents alone during the national threeday holiday Last year no persona died Ecddeotallyot oi them in trai Quebec had the worst tell this year with Iatalltles 31 on the roads One man died after he war hit by train aeyoong boy was killed when he rolledover on hay iork and two by drowning Fourteen persons died in Or tario eight to traiilc and three by drowning baby girl suite rated one man died when tree be was cutting tell on him and youth sitting in the mid die at lake in boat died when he it struck by light hing 10 DIE 30 Ten persons died in British ColumbialiveJn traliic two by drowning two persons in plane crash and youth bit by train Saskatchewanand Alberta re ported seven accidental deaths each Four were in traitie and three by drowning in Saskatche wan while six persons diedon Alberta roads and Watan was killed when she tell from horse Newioundlend reported six tratiic latalitiee Nova Scotia three and Prince Edward island one icommunityod miles east oi Sud ury Alsoteiting part in the cere monies with the former prime minister were Maurice Foster biasuccessor inrAlgomaJ UuGDV Ross Macdonald AttorneyGellernlAWishlri re nonano Macoonann AntiLabor Move TORONTO CF Donald MacDonald presidentot the Ga nadi Labor Gongreésg said Mo ay thereï¬eppear to be strong etlorts inCaneda to stir uppubl iceingagainst organ izedlabor in La or Day speech to the Toronto and District Labor Council hirsMacDonald said at tention is being iocused on strikes and labor demandsrathé er than onlahors productive and social roles inithe economy Hosaidpunion members com pare their standards olnliving with othersin the community and want some oi the good things wevseereround ur and which other are enjoying But in addition to money gains unions gave amember sense of dignity and sellre spect Vote io iiihltale ronortro CF About 22oo CBC workers hers oi the Associailo of Radio and Television Employees Canada have voted toniiiiiate with the aCnnadinn Unlon Public Employees if Results or the matted vole were released Monday Pearson Airport eme LAKE om cri Lestcr it Pearsonrreturned to his old iederal riding at diatoms East Saturday to help opén moot airport to naive thiex FAST remove ennvten one only our mldnight moi nd pre5enting the province Sun Appomtment VANCOUVER CF An poinirnent oiiBruee Rudd Si as assistant tothe publisher of The Sun was announced Satur day by Publisher Stuart Keaie Mr Rudd an arts and law graduate of University of West ern Ontariophaa been general manager oi that Lethbridg Heraldior the last twogyears Man And His World MONTREAL CF Mayor JednDrnpeBu oi Montr the citys MBnand his exhibition will open tor the see and summer run next May 29 and enntinrie intothe that of 0ctober 1969 with visiting hour similar gto those now in meeting Friday night of tors oi the oatlonalpaviiions at the exhibition lhiayor Dtapeau said the city hopes to change at least halt the exhibits now on view it theiormer islands of Exam armcmnnraxrnua ivo personsnied atearbno couagzrreeedna monoxide pokoeinx in New Brunswick while iin Manitoba one persondied in traiiie and another waa accidentu Ibbt iherurvey does not include knowniaulcidearoreiayings nat ural and industrial deaths The Ontario dead SATURDAY flirtation Knelier in months Fort Robinson Ont accidental iy autioeated in Fort Robinson lust ouulde Niagara Falls Out Edward Hillman t2 Hamil too when struck by car at the inaction oi Highway 401 and Highway 18 at Cohourg so miles south oi Peterborougb Alan Ogima l7 ol Shehando wan 0nt when his car crashed ell Highway ll at Shelter Bay is miles west at the Lakehead Robert Selin 31 North Bay in ringloear accident at North Lenin hicGarvey i9 Guelph in single car accident on Highway 401 near Brighton 22 miles west of Believille Joanne Gaiioey Dayton Ohio drowned while scuba dlv log near Killbear Park 52 miles northwest oi Orillla Paul Cordi Aleuhdrl Ont alter in whichhe ridinl and at Alexandria ea north oi Cornwall Gordon Lane 55 St Anna Ontgwheo tree he was cutting tell on him at St door 313 Iesi oi Niagara Falls Ah unidentiï¬ed man when struck down in traiiic at tron Bridge west of Blind River SUNDAY Richard RedcitiiE is Bellevllie drowned in swim ming pool at Hagersville about 20 miles aouthcast ct Brantlold Cyril Vital 42 Chelmslord Ont drowned at Cedar Rapids in the French River near Noel vllir about is miles south oi Sudbury MONDAY ioivo Tcranan is meimstord Ont in cartruck collision near Sudbury Hemi Gauthier 23 Val Gagoe 0nt when lightning struck him in boat on Lacbap pclie Lake live miles south of htaiheszn about in miles cast at iimmins Tail Dark lind Handsome WRONTO CF live yearold male standard poodle was as good an his name Bib Me Tell Dark and Handsome and won bestoishow honors Monday night at the internation al Mlhreed championship dog show at the Canadian National Exhibition iali Dark and Handsome owned by Susan Hadley AFraser of Toronto also was named best on FromChurchi gn AidLocal Housing 327 Dogs Die NAPLES liaiy AF De spite load at letters and tele grams irom dog lovers around the world the last ot 327 does condemned to die on suspicio oi rahieweregas$ed liiond itiunicipai authorities shepherded no dogs into the le thal chambers toiinish task that was halted Saturday mnrn logatterlio dogs had bee killed The executions lemptledthe Ir kennelssoi two doglovers who Is Winner lit CNE Dog Show Canadianbred dog in the competition and best in his group nonsporting The best Canadianbred puppy in the show was West Hiithland white terrier named Winde hiere Gay Gordon owned by Mrs Keith Bhlsdon of Sunder land 0nt and DanielJen kins oi Pickering Ont in the sporting dog group was an Old English sheepdog Ch Terwoods Beau Billy iiveyearold male owned by Mrs Diane Buckland oi Cale don Ont entree Leaves Govi Service OHAWA CF Bill be controversial executive assist ant to iormer deleoca minister Paul Hellyer timing the earl monious debate an armed forces uniï¬cation is out oi the govern ment service Iand into private industry hir Lee airuiorce oltrce and native oi Hamilto is president of Europa iveConstiidddttItd vtcepresrdentwi the new our wabesed company Willard Neville executive assistant to Judy Laltiarshwhenahe was in cabinet mlnisiertr and later to Finance Ministeciienson kept and led strays Marie AV Muleny british employee at NATO headquarters and Nea politen Gioachino di Biasi While the gassliigs were going on Saturday the health ministry ordered stayxol the execw tions The mi apparently reactingto the deluge of pleas requesteda iurther lion of the case Irish item Dies HOLLYWOODiii Dennis OKeele bright breezy lasi talking Irishman who starredin amino cores of movies as iiidaynight He wasno Keefe who rwen surger or lung cancer at Rochester Jilin in October iaa7 ohosdios al in SantaMonica independence om Franc GenevaAhmed is so one the luuoders lot the Alge rian independence mo ment sier Algeri won its at Mother holds her child ter theywcre leitihhomeless eathqunko that it 150 NOW HOMELESS sdudre mile area in eestem iran yesterday More than 000 lraeians were kilie