Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1968, p. 7

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Thundétbirda jrBob n°un°shi for winning the fibunderbird 60 Classic attributed it all to lay shot on mom hole The chunkyuredhalred Mun an held ohm lead over Man II was togethr approached the yard par three water hole Ialun ilrst put his bail to lest from pin but at sot within six feet Then than missed his pull and Murphy xeghsp on 151th 14th mm italshedlith it year or and lie for second with Australian Bruce amnion Ilsowlthafl Romero hisncas was lootlie amass with If nforsllithpieoatlewtmlhu Sites IndJIck Palmer shot 71 tlnlrh in tourway tie for lflh place It made his to take twostroke lead ihatwas probably my best shot ointhe Nlmd Mung said just look It tron ituplntheeirlnditlended near the hole Murphy ended wllh at Mon day to givahlm 377 for the tour days oi play over the 7otsysrd par 71 Upper Mont ir Country Club course it shs second mnsecutivs tour win Al ltIldlnl of Toronto with nine others at an to pick up We in prise money its bad rounds oi 71mm Murphys wln brought his earnings ior the year to 391 mm highest ever or rookie love it love the for mer NCAA and NI nal Arna teur chImplon said it must be my time Everythinge hIppcn tar rill ROche Gonzales illit Tennis Open runner lmss say as Tony Roche was three yearold tyke waddllng around his parents farm house in Tara cutlIAustrIllI when Pancho males won the last of his two Tennisflismplonahlps on the centre court here in lots and went on to become seven lime professional champion of the world Today they clash for one of the quarternoel in the v5 Open and the sentimental choice is PancbO the Iglng onetime king of them all HNo ive never played Tony said Pancho now 40 hut lve watched him idols lot llke Liver Im notrairald oihim because he is leithan der lefthandcrs ara diiierent but can play them ll win figure its viust bonusch new wo ma ea Old ancho electriiied the all at the West Side Tennis uh ondny with Victory over Mal Anderson The men play for quIrterii Warriors Ledd nslsetstods Inelhelfoithe rem nl ladies go for the Iemlf in these matches Britains Ann Jones seeded No plays PeIches hartkowtcc ot Harn tramck Mich and Britains Virginia Wade No tIces Judy Tegert oi AustrIliI runneru to Billie Jean King in newde iedon Open In the mans matches today and Lover oi Australia the Wlavorlte opposes fDryadale of South Airics thirdseeded Ken nosewall Ices the winner oi the unfinished malch between Ron Holmbero and Bob Lula Ind fwrthseeded John Newcombe oiAustrIilI takes on bended Welly oi Denmhrlr Americas two Davis Cu amnhw Ashe and Clot GraehneriIemnln give Asher No pays Boy mersono Australia No it Ind Greebncr No Gene Scott of New York Championship snowman Cut to Brhntiord Warriors defeated Naoelmo in Sunday to uk twogame lead in the bestoofaev as finals of the CsnadiInSenicr lacrosse championships The British Columbia team lost the firsttgsme Saturday 15 In Sundays game Harvey Brantlord with tile Generous adding three goals Brien Coven Jack Hill and Charlie Thomas got two each with sln gles going to SeymourJohmon Claude Sault and Jlrn Squires Saturdays game before 2577 fans aaw Branlfor lead alter the first part 02 alter thesecond and the alter the evlhlen and ste Thien scored mug two each for Nansirno with sln glesJo Tomhlackburn Jim Butlertield Ron Sandnes and Jim Scott The teams played four periods or is minutes hrautiord led ti alter the first period 54 after tithe second and 106 after the third The game drew 1643 ans TWD SCORETREES Ivan Thomas scored three goals and three assists ior ssm CANAme raise NItioual Leagua Pct can Louis on 51533 sSan Francisco 74 63 540 is Cincinnati 71 so so 15 Chicago 72 as 514 1645 Atlanta 7o so 504 Pittsburgh 67 72 AB 115s Philadelphia 65 73 471 22 Houston 64 7a 457 14 New Yorlr 63 7a 047 as ilns VAngeles 59 79 423 any Reaulls Monday Atlanta New York Los Asigelea t5 Philadelphia 57 Houston 15 Pittsburgh San Francisco Chicago St Louis Cincinnati Results SundIy St Louis New York iClnctnuatt Philadelphia Atlanta 14 Pittsburgh Houston Chicago Los Angelesa San hencism Hemltsgdaturdly uls New York innatl Philadelphia alnnta oPlttshurgh Houston Chicago us Angeles San Frhncisco gt GamerWedneIdIy Los Angeles at Philadelphia sau Francisco stChicago St Mule at Chicago only games scheduled American League neroux and Stan lg aissaaunsmnné Harvey Thieu sud Sandnes scored twice for Nanalrnn Mike Good and Ken hlesotlg added singler Brantlordvacorlng came from Sauit with tour and two each lrnm Bill and Ivan Thames Harveys hotbont Gil hom berry Churlieflfhomas Vic Ge tesyk scored singles Third game oi the series will be played today 6170 435 say so 29 California Chicago Washington Results Moldayl Detroitot Osltland 44 Cleveland California Boston Minnesota Chicago Washington lvll New York to l3altlmore 14 Results Sondey Oakland Csiiiornia Chicago Sernnesota Ealtlmore Detroit New York Cleveland Washington Boston litmus SItordIy Oakland Culltomla ChieagojMinnesoR Baltimorest pit New York so cloud Washington Boston Games Wedneme Cleveland at California Boston at Minnesota Chicago at Washington NewYorlr ntletimore Only Games Scheduled Toledo Columbus Jacksonville Rochester Syracuse Louisville Buffalo Richmond Results Monday Columbus 84 Richmond 17 Syracuse adllochestor totlrnedsoutiearlierln Nietlaus7l roar Delendlng chem ton Arnold HAMILNN Tiger Cabs Dave Fleming heads earlhward alter being upended by Toronto Argonauts defensive players during an Eastern Football Conlerenca game in lismllton Mohday loronto won tots Argo defenders ere Merv Lus ter 27 GllPetmInis WInd Gibson lHds Help With 20th Win in assaultIn asses Ind gave the their vic But it Nolans aching tendon hllnt am up Gibson might still he n1 DNolan bed throttled the Cards enllvo hits and leaned eight thrust the first nine innings but when the pulled Achilles tendon in his right ankle started botheri him Eedamanager Dave brought in relief CAMETKEHOMIR Allen Aldridge 44 on wire photo TiCdt Gamble sans Argos TiedFor FirStf HAMILTON CF Hamilton TigerCats refused to settle for tie Monday andlost was to Tomato Argonauts to all into lestplace tie in the Eastern Football Conference The llgeersis were third down and four yards to go with less than two minutes onthc clock when theyllned up to go for the tirst down rather than try tor fluid goal They took too mum lime in the huddle and were assessed liveyard penalty In third and nine situation they slilicleclcd to try to keep their drive alive Hamilton quarterback Joe Zuger threw the ball lil yards over the head of end Tommy Joe Coilcy and the drive died on the Toronto 30yard line The victory put Toronto into llrstplace tie with Ottawa ltough Riders although the lioughies have game in hand Hamilton with record at victories and three losses tell into tie with Montreal ouettcs although the Al have game in hand ASK nun wnv want to win head coach Joe Nestle suid slmpiy when asked why the TigenCsLs chose totry to maintain possession of the ball rather than attempt field goal His decision may have been based partly on the fact ilhe usually relinbleColtcy hsd missed onthrec earlier iisld goal attempts and non convert Dave Mann necountedior six points ior Toronto on field goal two converts and single end Paul Markla and halfback Elli Symons got touchdowns Coitey had touchdowuand converted it ioniiamlitnu Zugar got two slnglespnd lull baclr Willie Bethea touch down Bethea was the topman for both clubs in yardage picking up 02 along the ground and 100 on live passes mllton posted 10 Fail To Canadian Redords TORONTO GP Detroits Lou Scott pulled up alter run ning the 5000 metres in 1349 and the water squished in his shoes and ran through his shorocropped black hair llahad run the second fastest race in his career and although he had done it in steady rain he was happy ScottJZ was about the most impressive US athlete at the Canadian National Exhibition invitational track rnect Monday TheUS tracksta expected to carry most of gold mod ale out of Mexico Octobers Olympic Gamesiaiied to crack enyoi Canadas open records But like Kan Twigs CNE sports director they could blame the weather Tha rainvruined the crowd gt and ruined the results hesaid Attendance was about 30o0 The meat attracted to athletes metro event in Crook from Canada the Austra lia Jamaica and Trinidad Tommie Smith the 23year old San Jose State College run ner who holds eight worlds re cords ran the 100 metres in 104 seconds to tie the 1966 Cause dian open and native record set in i950 by Vancouvers Hurry Jerome However Smiths rec 0rd is 20 seconds The only open record broken was by Scarborough Lions womens relay team The four Toronto girls Pat Miller Mar garet Chatland Linda Gibbs and Cathy Hunter ran the 800 no3 breaking thclrecord at 14 set by Benton Wash team in 1967 One of the best showings by Canadian came from Dave Ellis of Toronto who battled shouldertoshoulder with Scott iln the 5000 metres Canadian wh downs to is for the Argos and ouinished the visitors i7i to 120 GABLER DPS PASSING Tomato quarterback Wally Gabler outpassed Zuger hitting on ll of 19 passesfor yards to Zugera it yards on 12 com plelions in 21 attempts Mann and Zugar kept the de fences honest with their kicking Each puutcd 10 times Zugar tor 47yard average and Menu for nearrecord crowd of 27158 the record is untilsaw so ries of spectacular plays in the wideopen game Halfway through the first quarter defensive hull hob Ni chardson tipped 40yard Gn bler pass into the hands oi and Al irwin to set up Manns so yard single which opened the Scoring Zuger tied it up about two minutes later alter Toronto de tenslve hall Ran Arends was called or pass interference to give the TlgerCats iirst down on the Toronto 43 which led to the Hemllton quarterbacls es yard single 0n the last play of the first quarter Ted Page and Tommy Grant collided going for Mean hick Page took the ballthen leterslied to Grant who ended up on Torontos St Toronto den fensive half Marv Luster tipped Zugpr pass into hetheaa hands at the no and Zogerrfln ished cit the series with ass to Coifey in the end zone ch Coitey converted Javier who beat only two so mers all season sluggcd No and Gibson bed the run he need ln other National League ac tion on busy Labor Day Pitts burgh swept doubleheader from Houston 61 and in 10 innings Atlanta topped New York 81 and then battled to tie elated by rain liter six illnlnll Senlrsnrisce battered Chicago 54 Micro the llilhtoap was halted by darkness tied It 11 after nln innings and Phi lndel hla swept two from Los Ange ea and Theiourvhlt shutout was Gib sons nu of the year and it marked lhethlrdyiime in the lutlourleasonalhsltheCarB aslacehssreaohedmvlde no sin IIao orwo withsbrokenleg nobVealepltchedIthnehiS terandDonaCieodeoondrnv la threeruns haying Pitta btrghlollatlratgameridery mIlerhemilfllrI moietedltba co sweep whenmis single drovetnhlllhl withthewlnnlngnmtntheloth inning of the nightcap Mauree tibad singled and raced Illthe way to third when centre lioldor mwmletthebsllgetput WINS 318 24TH Juan Marlchal won his 14th game forthe Glsnta Is Jesus Alous our hits and four runs batted in paced i7hlt San Francisco attack Jack um had tworun homer Billy Williams 23rd home run tied the second game or the Cubs in the sixth inning Chi cago had chance to win it in the ninth when Randy Hundley opened with triple but the catcher was lhmwn out trying to score on Don Kessingers bouncer to Ron liunt Mike Lums lworun homer carried Atlanta post New York in their iirst gem with Cecil Upshaw saving the victory for starter George Slone who hp pens to be his cousin Thenlghtcep went six inning before rain ended it Doug Clemens doubled and scored Philadelphias deciding run on Don lockl pinch single in the sixth inning as the Phil lles nipped the Dodgers in the opener Carol Mann Eight Under CMARY CF Carol Mann oi Bulfalo NY won the $15000 Willow Park ladies invi tational open golf tournament Sunday with llnel round score at 69 tor Mhola total of 105 eight under par Miss Mann won $1250 and pushed her total earnings to 544934 In iour7wsy tie for second place were Pam Barnett oi Menomonee Falls Win Shirley Eaglehorn oi Caldwell iduh Beth Stone of North Key Largo Freehqns VBig If Blctstw Maintains Tiger iLeCld ByTflE Assocnrap races shill Freshen and Frank Rob inson tired the shots heard Monlt day around the upper reaches of the American Leamie While 10th lnnlug home runs by Detroits Freehan and Balti mores Robinson preserved the status quo in the pennant race Monday towering Frank How and went on sixhit spree that put him back in the triple crown picture and led the lowly Waslu lngton Senators to their ilrst doubleheader sweep of theses con Lonng behind Jim Nash Freshen hit his list homer wllhtwo outta the loth giving the ilrst place Tigers 43 nod over Oaklaudaiter the Athletics took the doubleheader opener tourhitter ensures spur Robinsons 14th homer oneout shot in the 10th sent the runnerup Orioles psst New York 43 or split at their twin hill The Yankees won the first 42 with tourrun third inning flurry The divided doublehesders left Detroit seven games ahead of the Orioles in the September stretch race Howard ths meior league home run leader with 39 boosted his batting average eight points to 187 by spraying our singles double and tri ple around DC Stadium as the lastrplnceSenators trim med Chicago White Sox 10 endlla The 67ioot7 slugger drove in two runs tor season total of so four less than league ital leader Ken Harrelson oiaorton lio trails Minnesotas Tony Olive by st points in the bat ting raca tanéerafes reduccdayainl NNewlaw 95 strokes behind Fla and Kathy Whllworth Dallas Tex Each had scores of 214 and won $1375 lor Miss Mann whowas Il wsys scrambling through the first nine holes it was her eighth tournament victory this year She shot an even par so on the front nine and on the hack nine was two under with 33 Tied for sixth place in the tolunament were Sharon Mfller oi Battle Creek Mich and San dra Spuzlch oi indianapolie st 260 Miss Mill who was three arol Msnnaiter the second round Saturday shot 77 over the cold windswept and wet course NATIONAL CONSERVATORY or MUSIC is pleased to snhounca the opening at the fall turn for musical instruc tion Fall courses include accordion guitarplsnor drums Beginner iillifll ments supplied Studio low cated Vl Dunlap St Fully qualified teachers Free aptitude tests given in the home FOli FUR TiER lNFORMATlON CALL 7160249afl6l Lilli This chartshows atyiiicai example oftho filia new rate periods now available Monday thru Seturdayend thatworate periods offered onSundaw between any two points in Ontarioyand Quebec STATIONTOSTATION MontrealToronto and Quebec yougatlo mm oriday thru twin points in mos for the price of live at now Sat Onterle low rates After that every two additional minutes are just charged as onol Forlhc ilrsttima ayerlhesa hawratas mean thattholnsxmumpIcoiore call this country between any two points in Ontario and Quebec is 9100 for three minutes as ever tasted any time after8 pmand all day Sunday The AltarMidnightNightle BY GILBEVS orlesr or three minutes Jacksonville Musti116 oz 74 as so 13 Toledo an Bulian 20 74 68 511 14 7169 547 16 60 GB 5001 rate of course is even wer

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