INNISFIL ElWE Joseph Cochrane tell and chairman of the board oi Canadian runny uLnnv orNew market holds aloit ham burger pressand asks What Campors Federation Doug May chat during Sundays business meeting at the uni phitlheatre in in iii Park rnm1 bid of large group ol campers clusered about picnic tables The auction held at the Canadian Campers Reeve Cochranc was at the park meeting with campers most of the day Examiner Photos Federation annual convention was to raise money tor the national board and help re duoe membership tees Camping EnthliSiasts Meet At Innisfll Park Camping enthusiasts from all over Ontario pitched their tents set up their trailers and settled in to enjoy themselves at Innis ï¬l Park during the weekend as the Canadian Family Camping Federation held its annual con vent They ircd up the barbecues umped up the propane stoves at lit open God in gully colored metre bershh vests and an odd assort ment of hats they welcomed each othermct oldiriends and madenew ones They held an open air business meeting in thc amphitheatre and grand Parade through the camp ground followed by an evening entertainment program Dougrlilay chairman ol the nationatrboard and his wile Thelma national director om Hamilton had set up their trailer and canopy tenteombin llion justhehind the hospitality clients where incoming campers Friday night werrtrented to entice andhoughnuts From here other national directors rrcama to confer aboutanything from how the camp should he laid out to how much eoiloewas needed large number at CFCF members are radio buffs Many are citizens band operators while others are amhteur short wave hams Portable walk ie talkies owned by rnem hers were put to good use dur ing the convention There was field dayrior the children all afternoon Saturday along with an auction Famil ies brought out old campin and household articles which pui up for sale to the hi est hidden All lunds went to the national boardrcoiiers Usually host club is dzosen for the convention but for this the thirdI the federation decided on innisiil Park As there is no club in Barrie as yet each club took turn at handling part of the proceedings Lawrie Dowthwnite in Bar rie is planning the organiza tion at club here He already has number of families linedup but not enfough yet to he prolt perly organized As it is he has recently helped form twoï¬new clubs one in Newmarlretland another in Orillia Sunday was devoted busi ness No elections were this year as national board posts are occupied tor two cars The federation wa rganized by Bill Robb oi VEsiun along with Mr May and others three years agoo Main purpose behind the formation said May was to promote fellowship among camping iamiii But good camping practice alsg means lot tous he sat Elmer Gross chairman of lnnisï¬l parks board said he had never seen such acorrect gloutJ ot campers in the park Theyll leave this place in better shape than theyiound it he said Million FORECAST rononro CPt Marine forecast torGreat Lakes issued at 830 am Lake Superior Winds souLhé east 15 to 10 knots increasing to 25 loos this evening Becoming cloudy Tnundershowers tonightr LaheHnron Lake Erie Winds southeast 10 to 15 knoLs increasing tois to 25 tonight Partly cloudy Chance of thun dershower Lake Dntario Georgian Bay Winds variable to knotsincreluJ ingto easterly is to 70 early Wednesday Partly cloud PREEINISHED AHOGANY that to no 41 car Mtcm Md W9 ll at Tye Victoria dun been eatimatcdumgsogfl At 145 m1 gt north at wmw met to litlleidstuulnln of am in two cars has been calcined Loio iha third ear Involved in the unbdriven by William JlBhlfl ll of Brampton ceived no damages pineal Bernard Te so at Toronto wu treatedulldd rippink It Royal Victoria nor px Trailic on Higth 11 jammed It 510 pm southwa concession and when car driven by David Burke 1i of Toronto collided with one driven by James is Nicholson ol Brantlord Total damage has been entrusted at $175 git 510 pmdin the some loc on car river by Jam Nichols at of Port Crediel collided with ur driven to Lynn thmore of Wm Hui Total damage was W00 William Campbell 22 Port Arthur was taken to Roy Victoria hospital this mom ing when the car he was drive log went out of control on High way 27 at the junction of High way It at 325 Mr Campbell was charged with faiiinK to it and less driving Barrie OPP estimated dam age to his car 00 Potted Trees On Dunlap Street Target Oi Vandals Two Barrie men were arrest smashed three largeillouer pots and their contentshn rDunlop Street early today Charged with wilful damage to city property are Gaston Charles DeClerck it at All iston and John Hector Mac Neil It or 41 Ecclcs St The trees and their containers val lied in excess of 350 were loc ated on Dunlop Street They Pay First Visit To Farm WOODSTOCK CP Watch ing cow being milked holds little fascination for most west ern at ri teenagersbut MaxineMoore 15 of New York City was almost too excited for words during demonstration Saturday ive never been this close to cow in my whole life she ex clained moving step nearer to get an unobstructed view lifan theyre big arent they can touch one she asked her host Row Later Maxine and her 33 Har lem teenage friends sampled raw milk taken earlier that morninglduriog milking chores The Visit to Mr hows dairy farm was one of several stops made during weekend of ac tivities that included visits to Niagara Falls and Stratlords Shakespearian Festival Following their visit to the farm the group travelled to Siratiord for picnic and to at tend the alternoon performance or The Three Musketeers in the tesstival iheatr nnvayathe itinerary inhlud hike along isoyearhld pie for trail at Bnyiield lollowed swimmin barbecue party and titansLy Flying iSh have been ported Mlle flown forbid dleds liilling alott tor up in in seconds lvwoooiu ed by Barrie police alter they caumatso spears Sondner ended unofiim ily in Central Ontario Mondays thou nods oi motorists streamed honla along trafficciogged high ways from cottage benches Roxy tmperlai TheProduccrs iinronin Drive1niheatrn The Graduate snme hay DriveIn The FomilyWay plus Having SOFTBALL 730 pm TOURIST CONFERENCE The first annual conference oi the Huronia Tourist Association will be held at Horseshoe Val ley ski resort Oct to at 730 pm The meeting is or any tourist operators in Simcoe County AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Ameeting of directors of the Barrie Agricultural Society has been printed for Thursday at pm at the ofï¬ce of the depart ment of agricultureand food on Collier Street TWOCAR CRASH There was twocarcrashon Highway 90 and Utopia Roadon Sunday night when car driven To Unveil Museum lit Wasaga Beach The Museum ot the Upper Lakes the department of Tour ism and Informalionn latest attraction at Wasaga Beach will be previewed tomorrow in attendance for the cere monies will he tourismand in formation minister James Auld reave of Fins Frank Goughlrn Are Evans MP Simooe Centre and Neville Keefe oi the Geor gian Bay Regional Development Council The museum is located at Nancy lslanduamed alter the schooner Nancy sunk dur ing the War oi 1812 Thewreck oi the schooner is now on dls play in the museum ftfhejom ario government has spent $20000 preparing the attrac tlelelleChamber ot Commerce annual banquet will behctd the same day at so that Vis iting dignitar both lune reconnection St provincial par ind other polo atthe cod offthsvthreeday lab or Day holiday weekend highways north of Barrie were cloggedsometime at IN TOWN TONIGHT Loonons The Wellington Bill and Arlene Queens Hotel The Versaiones and lrane Bulhwe Molar Hotel TheéDavd vino Trio Tho Continentu GrahamUpshaw movies Family Band plus Brighty oi the Graodtklwon was Weekend by William Freeman is of An gus collided with car driven by Robert Alired Williams 2h at Centre St Angus Damage to the Freeman car was esti mated at $900 by Barrie OPP STEAL MEDICAL BAG vAmddic ha anditeol tents were ion from car owned by Dr Swan iZt wellington St when it was park edat Royal Victoria Hospital on Saturday Thehag was foundhy children Peel Street and re tunledJo CAR STOLEN 1964 beigehulclr was stolen mm the car lot at Grandview Ford Sales Ltdbn EssaRoad yesterday The lheitwnsreport ed to police at to lo rie Police Depart eni tigatin car was total wreck Sunday after out at contiolon County Road 12 ï¬nalize said Albert Ailen hitti er was southbolmd qnthe county road wh the ear rolledover nito the ditch attempting to negotlaiea curvev Pli aidPattonn 1962 Pon tinchad steering malfunction ated at $890 worse than before and Hifllm frame dead Police at the scene Damage to thecarwasestimr for undstill lrom early atteroon until well past the supper him Not only were the two south bound lnnesj of iiignway too lammcd but also Highway it beyond Guthrie Highway 27 south of Barrie as far as Thorn ton and me Highway too exten sion to within ailew miles of Highway 93 TRAFFIC STOPPED By for the worst msh of trai lie all summertbnprohlem was aggravated by numerous small mishaps which stopped all move rnentat various periods in the ci route at nigh way it was hum tobumpcr ainng Blake Stree hiotoris attempting to avoid the st andgo conditions on the main gt thnmughtarcs detoured through Barrie but were msrooned eigen Access ramps to Highway too were dotted with éars pulled over to the shoulder lit the lunc tion of Highwaystt and 93 some landliesdozed by the roadside while itqu unwrappédjand niches noon when three car tail4 colii ion ju south the ooxextensinn snipped were managing to waved cw ears ahead at tint irom eachlane When the tangle was natty ciesiedup ahd bothlaneswcre moving fairly wcll agiain there was another rearend crackup some Columnist Dies lit Toronto dononro ltCP nobero Percival Vwehber 7ia former columnist with The Telegram died in hospital Sunday after lengihSilIdess Mr Wehhers last column en oued As Thomas Richard Henry Sees It appeared Feb 23 1964 when he retired after it years with the newspaper Born in Paris 0nt Mr Weh her began hisnewspaper career in 1922 He was financial editor of TheJTelegrnm for 15 years andstarted writing his daily column in lots when NUMBERS Vi City Foiled Pircicpt hospital on or with Trbuble an it midalter PORK cHoPs elections dune tor Hloliwa ound Motorists Creq flit Summe This onepiied uplra more Vlsrnnml nnnucn Brier showers early evening reduce and made the road gr There were larg ofoumpcrs and bus on the road The weekend comic gt Canadian Family Can ping oration in tnrlis ill Peri putmany morc tr ilers and campers on the road than usual and anothcrat the La on Camp site in liuntsvillbju ped more of the slit muvlng vs thetrnltic drier Peter ifead at governmentiourist or align centre just south yuanicon Highwaytoo sai he wastotally mass nflravg never bee Labor Day like ha on tours ists came into thezottiee to aslr direction roin Frlday to ng take ad ntage ofï¬lght irailic Saturday and Sunday to go home Apparently week end many oi them ccidedto spend one more day up north PACKAGE POLICIES For years we have sires ed modern forms of insur ance Make sure your program up to date Call the irained people atr one our hiatus lakeview newcomer has ursoAYTo rHuosoAYl HOMEMADE CABBAGE RoLLs soup or 1uice hot of pot oesvasetihtp age VGROOVE PANELLING Benhtllul thlngl often cost too much but here an excepr dun Prelinlshed Mahoganyliyg wood VGrooye Inciting hom Allandnle Lumber Itn lull LII sheet in lots at ï¬lm more eaahand any Itseaay to on stall so see Attend1e oday for beauty thatdoolnt oat too much oicfculéelloNAfLi hlVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN Barristers Solicitorél and Notaries westernmost onLA