as HEmifm out or another pio lanï¬ly peep inyslrneoe County gr ad Mil Europe ihe lnp organized by The Retail Hardware Associa lion will cover London Wlt zerlarid llaly France and Spain all by plane BUSINESS CIIA On August and Mrs Art Milieu entertained 75 their eustomérs at Sturgeon Point Marina The Mlllens have sold the business toEobllolty who will betoktng over on LahJ or Day The party was to in lroduco the new owners to the many regular customers who have enjoyed the laeilitlu ot the marina in the past few years Air and Mrs Milieu did not sell theirllome near the marina and plan to spend the summ at Wasaga Since they luat spent weekend at Wasagn Beaeh years ago they have coutrthutcd to prosperity of the village to and dov eioplng several hustueses1hé rnarlna has brought many boats name ltawasaga lliverwhich never entered these waters he tpre and has done great deal toadvertise the whole area to lheiourisls who trade the hdian lakes and rivers we ter best wishes to both tor health and enjoyment in retirement Mrs Margaret Johnston spent the weekend with Mrs rPauline Yalsod ttlrs Gately recently injured lna motor accident is recup Ierating at the home of banana if lawArt Milieu River Rd Mr aid Mrs Douglas Garden Clearwater Fla were recent visitors with My and Mrs Jack Wasaga Marine Mr Garden motored tram Florida to meet Mrs Garden who was re turning rum holiday in Sent riand Their two sons David and Derek have been working at tne Marina all summer Dr and Mrs llerh Dohsdn at Peterbomughvhave spent lthe summer at their cottage in Oak view This was the ï¬rst cottage in the Oakvlew area in Each taxpayer it stake in thejeommunily How about form lngthaCham rot Commerce Man mlnds produce many Ideas and some arebound Io bring resulls 1nerei Jnuchvto be done in village that is nroere in as at as ours Each eruze owostsorne no tribution ot dine and brainpow er to the plaeewheré hemakes his ivinglust paying taxes and letting the other fellow do the rest is not enough Chamber of Commerce mew lne is Wednesday Sept at the Georgian Bring your ideas with you your guests It you have any ad entoyjn evening wlth your neighbor ours are The loss at six year child and his 64 ryearr krondtather laatl week has air ed the question in mam ls vWasaga Beaeh the beach is die lest on the North merican continent generally The watersot Notta asagaBay are safe too when carer la takenw enjoy them There are tithes and rendi Lions when those waters are1 not so salet Most people who live beach recogn ns and avoid the otltha tragedies at the ach ï¬have happen because tora do not recognize such eon ditioua gt When there is an alt shore breeze the waters of the river meeting the waters of the haycreate an undertow whiehlis too powerful foreven arer sirmigestswimmer and make the waters too rough to even launch boat at times scarier REUNION Mrs Oral Davies and rep mother Mrs Rose Rusk it tended the Raveuna sebobl re union Aug no The school has been sold and presént day pupils will attend larger mod era one Mrs Rusk won the Ismlusmis BUILDING srmasITlL llrls Muesli BEA DER OFMI anmr roe JONES sruï¬lvrn MEEJARYI inn ouarsgwhd the ad dtanihiohshipf Iratlb 0min 15 WN 51 rolvthedate MlltDavler Glll Isa Erldllm Toron =crownm By runs nunanrone nir mama lll Strain of anddauxhl Linda and Kathy Rusrél Vet Alsa VBIIIBE in th lneighborhood ereMiJ family at Little Crnredtn hilam toullnlslands and Mr and Mr Allan Newson oLilrescolt and erRoyNEWSODI ticer Douglas uflmore an family Partridge spent mammograms or onto MrsNrTuckand on envelop Memorial Hospital guests otC Hendrie ea at the Qtlf Elizabeth Budding tharold Dr They rwm reslde Allisto daughter hire in lx Hashim eliciting attack Donald Aldétson enter transseau ten in hon Nllllsrdn othlr nu Mia Kea neth Mills of Catharlnes Mra JahlrAnderson was éss ahoiver t6rylztdd or toher hinterag bereéeivednirany beautiful and uselulrsilts Mrs Monica Crawtor haid shower atherhome or She not he fled rurvrved by her Morten mwas ctive in St wr Anglican Church ved organist formany ears GKANQMA GPANWA IS HOPING THIS WILL BE DOUBLE $5 sscuarry ltHEltIlt TODAYS moor cuts km FOLLOWED BVA SPENDING SPREE Your Aetlnn Olfer on rooAvs GoooWILL usen CAR Mete Jon nwer brake In Grim ndl HEM In dlfl blue matullr Local curowner Nlme INVin mar on reouefl 51221 LUEKY van CAME Bil IVE BEEN TRYiNG Ta arr Down grates BYrMIST KE renew egg ï¬lmy 55mg srorunz aur momma SlLVEKMlNEC EAR HOW ouKLmLE GAME Iscq01ltev