LOW llllONllIEY 1968 FORD CUSTOM doorsedan Economicalsrx cylinderlwlt Cruisomatic The price is right soact fast CLEARANCE SALE PRICED AT With Your $l500 Trade Your PaymentsAro Asiow As $4400 MONTHLY 36 Months gt Ask for Clair Corscudden I968 r0120 cusrom door sedan Equipped with powerful V8 standard transmission All the Ford safety features and attractive body side mouldings CLEARANCE SALE PRICED AT With Your $1500 Trade Your Payments ArolAs Low $4l76 MONTHLY 36 Months Askfor Jock Fulklinen 3122 im from 1000mm door Landau EquippedSWith voicing matiqpawer steering disc brakes winl dows 6way power seats tilt away stEering wheel power deck lid release highway pilot speed controlselectaireconditioner power antenna retracting jstereosonic tape systemfront cornering lights tinted glass deluxe seat belts front seat head rests Finished Pewter Mist with avBIack Vinyl roof full wheel discs and 845 15 red band tires This luxuryautamqbile which regularly lists at $780000 oanlpe yours for CLEARANCE vllF$6232 door hardtop Equipped with Crulsoan body side moulding powertsi nag iand also brakes radio and full wheel co rs CLEARANCE SALEPRICED AT 0r With Yiwr $2000 Trad $4901 MONTHLY 36Months vAsk forErnle 1967 ltFORDV MUSTANG Finished in 1002 romeo moon GREEN mm 1962 Pom boon SEDAN BEIGE 492m 1962 on noon L952 cnav 0qu gt 1131039qu JV BEIGEL K43 SALES LTD BARBIE smirkcabin HowLowboy GilliIs mm ENTseo yideER THAN ANYGNE arses THATisLTALLi 291968 FORD GALAXIE 500 CountryVSedan Equipped with V8select Cruisornatic 845 l5whitewall tires wheelcovers body side moLlldingspawer tailgate window power steerin and radio CLEARANCE 0i Wm Your $1500 Trade $1416 MONTHLY as Momm Askjor Floyd Halstaod 1968 FORD FIOO 3iStyle Side Plak real workhorse eciiJpped with speed standardtransmissmn 1650 rear springs 8i5xlS ply