Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1968, p. 13

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mm summoning ADVANCED Adlaia township in um southwest part of Simeon County is currently undergo ing considerable expansion particularly around Docklay Deputy Rccv Francis Kelly tlcltt anu Reeve Prod Baxter discuss subdivision develop For llig Ponds sousaatsum oitlwhllbeat Minsky her exhibits incnt plans Reeve Baxter is chairman of roads for Simon Coth oouncfl Exanrlncr Photo For coming Oro Fair 0H0 STATION Stalfl Con ducted with the co operation of school boards tcacbers com mittees and departments of ed flcation and agriculture the Oro school fair for 1953 trill be hcld in conjunction with the Oro All riculiural Societys tall fair on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept 10 and 11 Dr Paul Walsh is chairnian the management committee and othermembers includc Gor don Bitiwcll Harold Husband Alan Scott Morley Clement Doug Wilson Harry Hughes Lorne Tudhope bcrnell McKay Scott and George Coop er APlscing of school exhibits ls to take place from to to pm on Tuesday September to with livestock and poultry entries on Wedncsday from 330 to 930 am Judging of poultry is list ed for to am NOON PARADE Pupils are asked to assemble along the northern area of the fair grounds for the school par ade which is scheduled to begin nt 1245 pm The parade com mittee includes Bernell McKay president of the Oro Agricub tural Society Scott public school inspector Harold Dcmpscy music supcrvisnr and Dr Paul Walsh in charge of school displays is committee headed by John Currie which also includes George Cooper and Mrs Tud hopc special by Guthrie Wo mens institute entitled The Home of the Future also rs open toschool classes Grain roots vegetables fruits and flower classes also have been arranged for pupils Gor don Bidwell is chairman of this committee Livestock and poultry classes also have been receiving much attention as well as baking and numerous specials WI AWARDS Shanty Bay Womens institute has offered prize for the best corsogo using garden flowers Jarratt Creighton Womens in stltute will award rises forthe bcst embroidered uncheon club made by public school girl amt best bird house made by public school boy Rugby Womens institute has offered prizesfor best lawn or naments and homemade maple cream fudge Edgar for the best writing exhibits Dalston for mixed cut flowers Clowea for baking and MitchElLSquflB for sonpcarvingu Shdntv Bay Centre lt Completed Nearly vhnamv any Staff Con inflation of new educational contra building at st Thomas Anglican church here is nearing completion It is expected to be ready later this month vlnrcated at Oros 2nd line road and Church streetI St Thomas anglicanchurch dates back 130 yearsand stands as memor lal to Oro pioneers Built on bradlord lions Plan Big Show BRADFORD Staff Brad ford Lions will celebrate their ilst anniversary month by warding new Cadillac car at mammoth buffet and enter tainment which will heheld at Bradford West Gwillim db Community Centre on Monday September romeo in September of 1937 the club started with mem bership oi which has shown marked increase The con siderable social service and community work has been fre dritiy commended and pro ads from the entertainment are for this purpose Theelub assisted in making thesoltball floodlighting system posaihle last year and earlier contributed to the Bradford and ed District Community Centre The late John Rutherford was th first president and others included Stewart McKenzie local publisher Oscar Lukcs Len Harrison Charles Evans Harry Barron Roy Cousins Arthur Fell Donald Wade Norm lollings Malcolm Tobias Arthur Kneeshaw Arthur as Cleve Tani Glenn Boyd SK nneth Wood Thomas Gard ner Gilbert Blackwell loseph ood William Compton and urge rspn Mayol Joe Maganiuas pro srdent in i957 Ilank german is the current president having succeeded Len Hare BAR DRIV part of land grant transferred to the church by It Col OBricn the church remains on the some hillside site overlook ing Lake Simcoo CLEitGY RESERVES The property was handed over to the Church Society of the Diocese oi Toronto as its part of the grant property which was required by the clergy reserves law of the time liev Flynn who lives on Bay street block east of the church is the rector of the church the foundation of which County Session Still Uncertain We have received no nolr ion yet asrtu whether there wi he September meeting said Gordon Watson county clerk when asked if the county council could be callcdior its usual third Tuesday of the month session on September 17 Rules of yordcr provideivfor monthly meetings except during Jilly and August Since one day session was held in August to deal with school legislation there may not be meeting dur ing September itwas explain It depends onwhat business comes up said Mr Watson The county property committee headed by NottawasagalDeputy Reeve Edgar Currio is still considering caunty building pro blems with different depart ments asking more accommoda lion Action has been taken to proceed with moves endorsed by county counc at its August meeting it was stated there no new developments regarding the possible sale of some of county property to the Ont government in connection with th akcover of full control of adrni tration of justice RI UROI EIN THEATRE convent mr Dim7ZB839i ADULT ENI ONLY llll ntnsorolr Ilttliti€liDIl head of Kampenielt Shanty Bay inuse for borse was laid on June 29 1538 The original construction required some seven years to complete with considerablc clay used Various improvements were made through the years audit is now stucco church Many summer visitors and cottagers joincd the regular con during the past summer HISTORIC AREA The churchis located just south of the Old Ridga Road part of Simcoe County Old re cords show the section irom the Bay to and wagon traffic for some ttme before was The road now ex tendsfrom Barrie to Hawkes tone The new educational centre is of insulated concrete hlock construction and will be used as Sunday church school boy scout andrgir guide centre nursery school and for various St roomy chu JUST LATE SNACK RIVERSIDE Calif AP passmg policeman noted three boys busy irying food in an ice cream shopat am The cookin was swiftly broken up An eightyear old and blamin panrons aged 13 and 16were arrested nnsuspicion of bur glary The older boys wer turned over to juvenile authori tips the youngest was sent hom arm in OUTSPOKEN 7ka Mogul LT mm rscnmcggosg BRITAINS smunmm flVE illfliEYEARl Eli DRAMATIC IIIIPIIIEI Willi ruins nor an gregation in attending services one of the oldest roads In this other communitypurposes Graves of manyOro pioneers are ill the cemetery adjoining of points lira Bert in lawn otGuthrie received the Models fflt the late urnmer chow hold by Oro Horticultural Society which drew Insectm to ornvtowoahlp The SimpsonSears price for the best arrangement of flow ers went to Miss Nancy Cald well who had hsrenblbltaau tsred tn the senior competition for the first Unto in the odultclum exhibi tors placed no exhibits in 32 classes for fins display of blooms Tho Junior Horticultur al Societypcllled the His bald its competitions at this show and Han School Exhibits there were flegrhlbiton in this division with 140 entries in If classes The Bob Beuant trophy for the highest total points in the junior class was won by Wendy Caldwell Mrs Durant made the presentation Runer up in points was Denise Bell Simeon District Coop price for the best bloom was won by Mrs Jamu Caldwell for her imperial Crimson lily McConneIlsNursery price for the best exhibit by Junior in the 12 to to group also was won by Wendy Caldwell Sally Rafi tie received the FendleysFlow crs award Ior the best exhibit by junior in the six to it years class of specird interest to specta Borden Recalls Start Of War 29 Years Agog BASE DONDEN Staff Adolf Hitlers invasion of Po land which caused the outbreak of World War it on September 1989 wasrecalled hero on the occasion of the 29th an niversary The words itish Prime Minister Winston Churchill were rcczllledr Do notlet us speak of darker days let us speak of sterner days These arc not dark days these are great days the greatest days our country has ever lived dud we must all thank God that webave been allowed each of us ac ording to our station to play part in makingthete days memorable in the history of our race September 1953 the fourth anniversary of the war was marked by the landing of bri tish and Canadian troops of the Eighth Army ilrmly on the toe of italy Unconditional surrend er oi ltaly followed with Nazis occupying key points in Northern Italy Marshal Badoglio moved to rally ltalians to join the Ab lies in driving the Nazis from their land Japan who entered the war on the side of the Axis with an attack on Pearl Harbour sur rendered on September 1945 folowing the collapse of Ger many on May it of thesama year DISlltICT polars THORNTON BUILDING THORNTON Staff Work is proceeding ori rebuilding the back part of Hobbs General Store which is located at the main intersection of this Essa lnnl5iil border community at highway 27 and county road It The storewill remain the same size but part of the new section will he used for warehouse pur COOKSTOWN ADVOCATE COOKSTOWN Staff Until 20 years ago Cookstown had its own weekly llwlspapcr known as the bokstown Advocate The paper was established in root when Cookstwvu was corn munlty located in Essa Inn iilTecumseth and West Gwille imbury became village llfVlEl MiitSJlllili MlllSHYWE lfllllfl unwound DRIVEIN with ivn council torn weto oCfclnnea oilvega tabl aoo animals nude from veg bier foliagefiled Bottle gardens containing Ilay woodland plants also proved or particular interest as were run tum made with seed displays The decoratlve classes were lodged by Mrs drum of asrrlaand spectrum by Mr mum Cyril Jackson of Milo vaonooro 25 year federal clle ser vice certificate and pin has been presented to William Weddell so oi Angus by ColonelG Ockende base commander at Basallordco During the Second World War Mr Weddell served with tho RoyalCnnadian Army Medi cal Corps Canadian Forces Photo County WI Makes Convention Plans COLDWATER Staff Cold water womens Institute branches are assisting in pre parations for the annualSimcne County district two day con ventlnn which will be held here on Tuesday and Wednesday October is and is Mrs Donaldof Harvic ni Ilarvic Scttlcmcnt who was elected last fall at Staynervwill review busy year as county president Mrs William Sib thorpe of till Vyebridge is area secretary treasurer and Miss Sadie llicquecniof Stayner public relations officer Mrs Calvert heads the Coldwater Senior Womens in stitute and Mrs Alvin Galbraith the Huronla Womens institute There are six districts in the cgunty whichywill bo represent DrowPupils Make Safety Posters MITCHELL SQUARE Staff Sponsored by the Simooe County Farm Safety Council special poster competition will be held for school pupils at Oro fall fair on Wednesday Septem ber11 Open to pupi in grades six to eight the compatitionwill be for the best posters to by 24 inches on thethcme Man Machineryvand Fire Nine prizes have been offer ed for the best with $4 for first film second Slior third and six iorSl Rules provide posters done in crayon water colo orl copied as ownership Mn wumcmmmwwflmrb my aamunwmml T9Dédicatédtédndss lo keep in mind that they cannot lust lie unused for years and still be nhlmdThls VIIIth argument bytho company which Nixon tofncluda the unsold propirty in new plan of lots The occi flou own counw Judge is pend There are many roads and park allowances set aside on other subdivisions that could be subject to similar claims Sub division roads are only public when properly dedicated nd deeded to the township ad then made use of Up to the pre sent it was the practice of municipal authorich to avoid any attempt to see that more than line on them wsa ac Nor have changed and more and more home seekers are getting out and hunting for locations even if the trails Ira lust plan lines Then comes the desire for roads and if winter living 15 factor then snow plowing is needed so the necessity of more than lull becomes urgent The roads report for which thetownrblp haa arranged with firm of engineers to table by Dec contains clause requir ing rubdlvlson roads to be first consideration The origin department subsidigafipes not favor tmrnedlnta taking our of the developmentsli line drain um um tho it be confined to plead out in nchdof dredging wide can theyrwlll al this the plans call for involve subsidy assistance flow JlowclIer council statcs it over it would appearJhat the sooner the decision is made to spendmdinndn on the fllVflopv mots thaibetter lt willi be for thotawho indy haa part of what array be big suburban area MCKED raoor We well remembertba time 17 years ago when the late Allangot the waterfront pro pcrty at Strathsllan allocated to lnnisiil lie was so delighted that he linsiated on taking us down to resins public spark and the roads latothc area However merely ha ving it shown as park or road did not oornpletc tbs transaction and any record of this is miss tug This shows thatpbonofcslls or verbal statements at binding GETTOGETHER When it Was felt that there nnaul dlymchangewsd viso the ditch at this stage that aim is to hold bearing for adjustment of chargu1bcncontractn are bid on The beneficiaries have to appeal to referee in Windsor who will then take look in to tbshstlilratlnnnf any cm plalnt no hearing for thin the costs is slated for Sept DISCUSS LOCATION Reeve Cochrane asked the op lnion of councll about making use of the old Stroud Sdroolfot council chambers when the lcbool board found it did not raj nulro its apsce This brought out suggestions from Councth Gross that office space would be short of need The fact that council did on have place to sit was not the only impor tant consideration The Reeve suggested that the cost was the first consideration was big volumeof business ahead of council it was decid ed that special meeting was needed However this meeting adjourned early and with press and officials away it left an opening for discussions per haps on the proposed election this fall cm LINE DRAIN The petition which contained the names of many of those in cluded in the costs of the lith N0 OPEN SEASON It question from ratepays about an open deer season this fall wasdealt with last April when it was decided that Innis iii would not have hunting season this year Deer are not numerous according to council members Former Deputy Reeve Sawyer who lives on lira edge of Cookstown swamp pro viousiy claimed that dccr fed on his crops regularly Music Contest Stirs Cookstgvim Interest COOKSTOWN Staff An nouncement that Gordie Tapp of Burlington well known tale vision personality will ba mas ter of ceremonies has stimulat ed interest in the seventh an nual oid tymo orchestra con test which will ba held at tho Cookstown curling rink on Fri day September banner across Highway in the village tells themassage about the contest which is spon sored hy the Cookstown Agri cultural Society week in ad vance of the agricultural fair OncHouriParking Liked in Elmvale ELilIVALE Staff Parking problem in Elmvaic have been kept tov minimum with its on buur limit in the business section survey indicated here Merchants and others ones tinned said the policy has work ed out well despite exceptional ly heavy summer tourist traffic through the village Elmvale hasnt had parking meters and they are unlikely for the present Merchants appear convinced the lackof meters has been factor in encouraging more shoppers to visit Elm vale Theyillaga has government store beer retail outlet and at so alicensed hotel with ample parking inthe rear Sewers are being extended with current work now being done near thebridge on tho Wasaga Decaltread on the out sldrtsof th villagc ONCE HENRYVILLE THORNTONtStaffl The name Thornton was given this communitypwhenilre dirst post office was stablishcd hcie on ltriday September and Saturday September 14 Mrs William Gndson secre tary of the orchestra contest has found much early interest and there appears to be good chance that last years ab tendance of 1300 will be aurv passed The orchestra contest has always drawn wolf inthe six years it has been heldWin ners lost year were the Perth County Playboys and Boyce Reihland his Country Cousins of Stratiord in addition to the old tmc entrust andwirslcrn rnusrc divi sion awards will be made for musical novelties and for host square dancing music The Square Dance Callers Asstcla Lion has offered troplw and $50 cash for the latter The novelty class for which $50 award will be made will be for such music as contribut ed by the Mulhollanda of Stroud last year when they dcmonstrat ed with how and hand saw CASH AWARDS Cash awards for the old iyme orchestra contest include 3200 for first $125 for second and $75 for third Winners also re ceive the Albert Gllroy trophy Another $200 will be awarded for the best orchestra in the western music class with the Russell Webb trophy Second prizewill be $125 and third $75 besides Mrs Gadson the co lMPERlAL OOmeiolheParlYl ommunrty wasknow aaHenr corners and ilcnryvrll Doésthislooklike amovrethatCOuid ggrvenyoubad dream mom opium mlttce in charge of arrange ments includes Kenneth Craw ford Bob Saundera Walter neatly Gordon Turner John Sheardowp and Wilfred Fildcy the lettér president of the Cooks town Agricultural Society atlonrv BINGO EMBASSY HALL aao BLAKE 51 05 intrusion PM Spnnsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc sTArrs wsostsoav 13PM Irtso corruption BtAKEEDWARHDSpronoun Peanuts hays omnidir uptown 3a of ti stiiriwoor

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