av Van iilieuola he su4 pr 7Iiarie 3y macro Homo MD Dear Dr Molnar Should child receive booster oi the hisoral tiva poilo vaccine when startina school She had three doses month apart when she was baby iho doc tor toid us when we moved here TELEVISION lUIFALO BARRII TORONTO asrvnusr moves at avenues nami Mininon iieooeei loom lltnlo FNMA My Peooia gtittaa ixoetn ism mo iTha saint Film tIrtnnu mo losfl Action ecoir 7wild World at Soon llVavlle PM mvue tin IDfltn Debut tauperm protection time tn all continued teats haro made ttt his become known that the Immunity mm the It immunisation fades newer to your question Is yes the child should have booster when she starts that boosters are rived It the In at tour you Stool thta is live vaccine we are worried whether there is any poulhIIIty at amino polio trom booster Mn Until tIirly recently it had been hoped that the out team cube vaccine would live per raccoons BUFFALO aurram ii nounran rainw Heron muth unetin llnil saint me 33 Genui true Iin Peisen 1ovio Iidrrd Hem iiaiom no Nam line Duet nIau him um ILVJJINe eIther Gloom szso 1iro no Iii zcelbritv Billiards orrouarnrtein Jr lMovII liJmabo ado eN was sout poannv Thornr llUttltv Hob eua ame zlti Ier or JoInriI iniovia tNew ctneerr ssiv Genevieve 36 lIGllnlatoh nae Htevl Allen Show IMovte thin Itt showdownat Tiriih or man Inkenlllnt aMovi thnl not To Mnelv iiurti IMam The Anny Hill 50 um SUNDAY AUGUST 5ka AND AFTERNOON 7itetaid Mil tilDim mne ssaerna 7cnrbtooner Htllh Ii unicuiwn uth HIE VIAII Winkle MW livuvinl Word Hm ziur GI no 101 raK Job llSmer oCauiedrai at two io nnnw 113 storiea LNG 7iiom new Gun In The World oPaoer Caner 11m bunny ilClthedni cation oitauan Mao lLeta Go ov 7Roeitetshio ocmworos ltltelian some rm aruo Amfli tWmd ioJo srienizi zlnstlht HM simx Us And is an origamious 14min roou OCamer Th1 mum 1auimiikie ltCnntinaniIl hlgnilturu aimyum ii mm 1Diuovery al 1in Round Humour IlJIihlr imam Hurt ma lCountrv Calender ac tre ii som In 200 CtTennia lIstllcfduov er BMoiie tGrun Murmur 1175mm Hour um Lila Hui1 ireart tlIvorlia Story 1511 Ind Antwan itCImtrI on Canada Album 161 zUDbut lanl tSItelllie 1n Thl say ruiriaru 114m star out iuo ziso Menoum si ni hutb 10 New mm ii rovuriu iiirum SUNDAY AUGUST 25 EVENING 00 no ecnukmu osnlmi JGoll 5Pro Football 7Newivwd Game iinobin Hood zlltpoer tLlnie 1Vflyul Lassie iltiny Talent Tuna SGrun lGentin HEX LIMovt soo zPoiittui Iinltnl Gan oiuovie IiGentia neu not too Bull van 30 Llfldl Ind Ill 7733s Th ix Curtain 110 llDanlel noon MOO swm Diane mo laiat contrary 2Bnnenza MONDAY Iuovsi as EVENING we soon 2Ctmceatiltlon Smzndly Giant tBevzrtvflillbillleo 1chk CIvett 4mm oaix Spenden awtnamv on To world CSunrifll Sumter lizoo ma nuo ILnlverai I7 an Air 3m OUncie 2an rgmmr um 11 Home in 01 Do 1100 DRonrorr noon noe Alien eon zDnbie Grim GStrtkee Spam Misse Human Playhouse llInterestlnl Rubric liOoen uao eNm soon uWut ntanzy iMonkerl 7let Dimv The item Internal zPemnaiity aiur Dressun sAndv Grlmn vToronto Tfldly tiiismgs Conï¬dential 7Bepwailc tBonanu taten CIInrrbell 7siovie Serzunt nuuedm IDoculnentllv Special Ktnraom moo Horn ChlaDIliIll Diiml Special urnionimooausia ochunoions iiPeyion rim no moo IIflllNflw Weather sootta imo te illfliherlnelvlw lihe Mark or Cain Dream of Jeanna ouovi gm The Hub uneheen to tMeet the iutilen aMavia Forbidden cum 1147mm Ptniab Home news or Tom 1Wme Party 200 iDava or Our Live zitollswood Souam Hum 11 it 3Pflk of the Week 4Dick VIai Dvh splendor 1th INewtvweo Gamo aobov sit or Tmth Doctor 4Houoe Put TEItw Game LP an militia c° 3200 ZAnothu Wflld it tikreiiom mo 1General Hospital lMnliblilul COIIH ioon aMike oouaiu sno zsnap Judsonrent JEd Alien Icmia Camera oiir and Mn nunwkm MQNDAY AUGUST 25 so so 3330 GillSI lllexfl thewhea an Mates IPulil Probe llRobtri Hood mo iiim anion JKtnll Outllw 44th or conuamw 7Wllfl Bill Hickok BIlaveLucv llGlliluna iiims sno 17m sum 4MInFrom ncle Loinsou Dllnn Tidvnst oi Moiiv xv mm iMan mm incle m7 courton 74News duster an niei Tn nr mm Herculei swim The SonM The sun luueverly ILucuia 7let 14 oiiem Weltiief Sim witar DOES wmsev wreup rope WHEN Hz GEYS our or atsmcn ior Tomorrow 7Trelsure in onnuwne uaun Bum thiififl beet liruthrure pitit iiGiddeimh ll Elfmi nmio 1cowbny tn Atria ILucilla Elli iivLove on Mn io iHoimooliiviataee 37M or Nine 7Commander Torn orta Your non llPorrieyo DRNING arm arrnnnoou Good 00 hAridy with 7nionv Sound Haunt Iludo Sail Sanmlltl lm aroozoii 1Pevbon Pho oi Sov iomo Leomcthinl 5min Premiere IEilVIiirv ll en ortutn iouo eépanrar tot in Weltheri 5ian Lhiewa lt xivPIE autos iiao Hlilbliliu 31553113 Hall How Ldtet TMDVIE Tho Quick AM The MIG IPeirva Heavens Above uVIIe BUSINESS MADE up Hts MIND Yer IYmaDflntSu mot and Iropeatod booster every live yurl 1h vinu used In the vaccine II odttiedvirus that Is deliberatelyattenuatedot uk enod vmu it II stroll much to build the bodys detenm against the disease but not atronlenoulbtocattnjha dis be not tear the booster Dear Dr ittntle Occasion scratch there is aired lump it Iota away In cw minutes but leaves mark What could this betM Souoda like dermltuzraphla or skin wriuu which is not serious and occurs usually to people with tendency to alie series when you scratch hista mine is released In the cells and hivelita reaction iollowa Dear Dr Molnar have had headache now for three weeks Every day taire lab iet in the correctamount but CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer North South vulnerable Nonau As can 008 utqu nasr nos 0053 was 494 loom In ODIN ours sinoo Thebldding Santa West lul Pm 10 Pan it has NT Pu Opening lead ouaen spades The outcome of most hands depends largely on how the de Ienders cards are divided and declaiera chiot problem ls to guess how the unseen cards are distributed and adjust his play accordingly In doing so he naturally chooses the course oi play that alters him the best chance of success Here is typical case South is in six notruinp having jump ed to two notrump lshmving 13 to 15 pointst which North with 20 points raises to six Vost leads the queen of spades count of winners reveals that South has eleven sure am woudertnl uhethertaktnr them over such load period couldbe turntut is there on thin stronger could take hateto go to our doctor with Iocornpiatot til head he tamaetlinz tired at at havtnx oneairs inple headache Head ache in one ot the most difï¬cult symptoms to untangle Books have been written on that one topic and some hospitals have special clinics devoted exclusive to headache The causes oiheldlche are numerous and diverse Injury inlection ailersypoieonin mars blood pressuroqnle rve tension All of us are entitled to In oo casional headache and usually one or the aspirinjtype com pounds plus little rest bringa reilet But headache that does not respond to these simple meas ures or one that recurs or grows to intensity deserves analysis gt suggest that you so to your doctor Tell htrn how loud you have had this headache and what remedies you have tried and he may decide that you do have real problem tricks ite has two practical ways at acquiring twclilh trick One is to find the dia monds divided In which case his fourth diamond be comes trick the other in to tind the hearts divided in which case he canostablish twellth trick by giving up heart The problem at which suit to play ï¬rst is highly lmportanL For example it South startsby cashing three diamonds to see whether the suit is favorably divided he goes down How ever this isnt the proper ap preach in the play The correct suit to attack ï¬rst is hearts After winning the spade lead with the ace the next piay should be low heart trom both hands Assume East wins the trch and returns spade South wins with the king and rashes the Mt ol hearts to see how he stands When the suit proves to be divided his worries are over and he makes the rest the tricks But if it develops that the hearts are not ï¬vorably dis tributed South still has 33 diamond break and possibly squeeze in reserve The point is that by leading hearts ï¬rst South guts chance to test his luck in both suits without risk but ithe starts with diamonds tirsi he can no longer take advantage of Hi heart break even it that divi sion exists SECRET AGENT X9 JULIE JONES DONALD DUCK GIVE 6W MUM CHUIC DO YOU ML NOW You AUGHT er5 our anal wmmis THE BRIEFMSE gt GRABBED ll AND FOUND NEAT BUSINESS WRRIGAN YOUVE GOT CHOICE OFFICE HOURS new Leanam sirms 9Cotitsdon 5ursue sontum Skating elmtime am 12 Grate 70flong ladennus standing rootsrm optimises Khmgs 95m ï¬lms tooth naming 16Pzrtorm vessels 33me Jamit cartoon nim 21Mariramen Viper Blood factor 1111 also THAT BOY DOESNT know money To COME pm or 111 RAIN What an executive hed makeif he dared be that foroeful talking to anyone besides his wife nun caoSSwono 22 Bands on phmg antihith rooms GOODWILL tAcTlou Aucriou coma in may and iiak Your Action Oilcr on New or llaed Cori isss Plyinoutli mm vo nutomllit llnishod in arm nai Blafkriic MWN mire USItN ornate PONTIAC BUICK LTD Dial 7264885 iitclttdtfl 25 MONTH GOODWILL WARRANTY GRANDMAS LATEST SOCIAL sleR cuicK IS pus ANY my Now so SHES FIGHTING WilH HERTWO Ll NEEDS vsesus GOODIES HM tLL SKIP NEW SHOES nus nMsANoasrA spams some 25 Copper 273de 29 Email vaiiays mus 5L prom Vested7 noun Banish 38 Dyewood mart tree 32 Dispatched the at Sully Piuiippinu 37 American to Eunnnt nuthnr enter ti HIMll If flllfllllï¬ï¬‚ll ft WII4HIII Linmet HIS some Makes th BRELLAS BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER ARE vounzoM OLD FATHER wuémamemuwm NEAR fill MINES 6IMDD STUNNNG MINIBIKINI Aii N9 THEY POUR 1T INTO THE MINE DONi KNOW WHVI THINK THEY ARE CRAZY TIIE $533de Fl mongoose momenta was LOOKPAL ear IEEuoEIuvanaoiusm swoon meMgésPnMg Lootcwttmeurmut ASNPULAK mwamsi Ir tser YouttAVE