WEATHER More thundershower expected for Sundeyturningimds cool er fautoaldtt who Son day Details on Plxc More Than We Per Copy 114Plgu Clandestine Radio Reports Sthoda Convinces Soviets EXAMINER TELEPHONE loot var No in CZECHOSLOVAKMN For ly with newsmen after his ar directly from the airportto elgn Minister iri Haick rival at Kennedy Airport in the Czechoslovhk mission to Travelling Pope Set POI Policy Address If TA ReuterstrPope Paul today ends an historic if threeday visit to Colombia with policy speech to Latin Ameri can bishops in which he will lay down guidelines for the Romeo Catholic Church in this restiva continent The 7flltyearold pontiff appar ently unable to catch up on lost sleep after transatlantic flight and busy schedule looked tired and drawn Friday night His voice was raspy tishciftiiuiltd to celebrate open alr mass this rnorning for 325000 workers from hogota at the St Cecilia parish on the one ilk rtsot tbel city In simple whitewashed ha will bless so sick and crippled persons from Bogotahospitals Then he inaugurates the Lain American Episéopal Conference in ceremonyat the baroque cathedai indowntown Bogota Tlte bishops attending the ln tornational Eucharistic Cor grcss will adjourn Monday to Mode the second city of Col ombia to discuss how the papal guidelines should be put into practice The Popevflics hack to Rome tonight with brief stopover in Bermuda On his way to El Dorado air the port the pontiff will pay last short call at the Eucharistic congress site to bid farewell to pilgrims attending the rally and to bless newlywed Cd iombian couples the Pope Friday denounced social injustices in Latin Amer ica attacked the glaring gap between rich and poor but eluded violence and revolution as solution to these Problems The pontiff took his stand in two important speechesone to lsoflodpeasahts in the fieldout side Bogota and the othcrot special congress mass for em ployers workers and students HarrisI one erpectisix clergyman to dine with me on such day said gentleman to his butler Veryzsood sir said the butler Are they High Church or LOW Church sir What on earthican that sig nify to you asked the aston isbed master Everything sir was the reply If they are High Church theyll drink if they are Low Church theyll eat soasglasf Will Be Available NANAIMO CP The NEW Democrch party leader Douglas said Friday he will at tend the Sept nominating con vention for the NanaimoCo cbanThe Islands federal byelec tion The move was interpreted by NDP constituency officials as definite indication Mr Douglas will try to regain satin the House of Commons We would he overjoyed to have as our candidate said the in secretary Joyce Nash However Mr Douglas writ ten reply to an invitation to at tend the convention said simply that he and bis wife will travel from Ottawa and will the present have told the 130 provin clal executive ootlto put any pressure at all on the riding CABSU Mr Douglas said in his letter Im anxious to see that they express their own choice Mr Douglas was toppled in the BurnabySeymour ridingby Liberal RayPelrault in the June 25 federal election The byelection for which date hasnot been set will be necessary to fill the vacancy created by the death lnduly of veteran NDP member Colin Cameron British Columbia Progress Conservative officers have am they are seeking nationally known Conservatives such as Davie Fulton of Kamloops for mer Manitoba premier Duff Ro and former agriculture lster Alvin Hamilton to ent the race All lost their seats June 25 Miaden Zorldng the Liberal standard bearer in the last elec tion said he will try again omanla Yugoslavia Ready Roman and Yugoslavia the onlyitwo re ining independent Communistcountries want they are ready against apythreat to their independence Report Mao softens Line HONG none AP to defend themselves monist party chairman Mao Tsctnng no longer is nsisthlg that President Lin Shaochnhia archenemy be stripped of his title 5PeaiéePi19iTakeS 1595i anon AP Able slNaihan Isabels salfsstyled peace lpiiot lookloffforseccsafonts Biafra with acargo offoodsand medicine do vowlng torcrashthrough the theriahvbloclrad ZFdihel in his address to the peasants hegcolled on government and the ruling classes to start pro gram of reforms Bogota was thehome oi Rev Canlilo Torres Colombian priestsociologist who become revolutionary and joined guerril la hands in the mountains Fa ther Torres was killed in ions at the age of 36 in clash with government troops Shoots His Children DALLAS Tcx TAP 634 yearold father ordered his three youngdaughters to kneel and say their prayers in Dal las hotel Fridaythen shot all three in the head and killed himself police said One oi the girls Phyllis Can non diedafcw hours after the shooting Pamela Cannon and Patricia Cannon ll re mained in critical condition late Friday night Officers said the father John Overton Cannon of suburban irving had been shot in the right temple at close range and that zazacalihre revolver was clutched in his righthand Investigators said Cannon had gone to the home of his es tranged wife early Friday after lioon and picked up the girls os tensibly to buy school clothes Pamela told officers they had checked into the hotel room and the father ordered them to kneel and saytheir prayers She struggled with him and Was shot in thefiead but managed to get to thehqtellobby fighting Rages Oil GalileeJShore TEL Avrv AP Fighting flared anew today across the tense JordanIsrael fro ti er acuth of theSea of Galilee The Israelis accused the Jan danians of peppering four bor dersettlementvareas with light arms and mortar fire The Israelis returned the fire and in sporadic fighting through the night one frontier guard was wounded spokesman sa Handlers Meeting Again door Admin cal gotiatlons were to resume atln grain handlers strike on an opti mistic note after three hours of serious diseuselonfriday Fridays session delayed smorethonlhalf an hour when management representatives re fused to enter the hotel meeting room in thepresence of report On that datefederal mediator Tysoe withdraw accusing both sides oilinfiexibility in the talks adjourned Labout think both parties hope and fceitheyll beable to find some way of working onto solutl appeared Fri today in tbe liakehcad Ike sellers More Trouble WASHINGTON AP For mer president Dwight Eiseil bower suffered new attacks of irregular and rapid heart beats early today his doctors at Wal ter Reed Army Hospital an manner In statement at if not the doctors said After very good day and night Gen Eisenhower again had recurrence of marked cardiac irritability this morning ply with frequent extra heats and two short episodes ofvery rapid heart action He now is resting comfortably but remains in crit ical condition Walter Reed doctors have ex plained that the term hcart irri tahiilty means irregular and rapid heart beatsI considered dangerous symptom for the 17 yearold general of the army fighting to overcome effects of his seve th heart attack The latest medical report was the first indication of renewed difficulties in Esenhowers bat tie for survival during the last hours Medical bulletins Fri day emphasised that the gen eral remained in critical condi tion but said his condition gen erolly was stable The word encouragng had in cohdition report Therélhas been no ssentiai change the TIyeaMld genlt crals condition said his doctors in abulletin issued at man pmr Friday They added that although crit cally ill he was restingjcom fortably of the word encourag relics SEEK Tllls PlNCllER BANBURY Engiand AP bout of bottom pinching is making Banbury cross It happens at high noon Silenfly the ruthless pincher moves in on his mintskirted quarry And ththlch looks as if he operates in his lunch break police constable said Seven young ladies have complained to tls and if seven have complained you can bet there were 17 who were too embarrassed to bother Police are watching for man about uprighthanded Kennedy CHICAGO AP Senator GeorgfloI with McGovern the man nearly mpossible dream of hec ng president leading lancers charge on the gates of Hubert flumphrey Democratic convention redouhh Possessed by his own es of on about odetenth of party presidential ordination next weeks convention McGover strode to hotel news confer enoe platform Fridaynlght as thefirstof the candidates to ap sweltering Chicngo viet invasiodol his country ing was made in an earlier bulletin and was the most hope ful term to appear in any report since Eisenhower suffered his seventh heart attack Aug is since thenbe has been fight ing against an irregular heart beat fluttering of the heart muscle that poses his most immediate threat because it means the heart is not keeping the blood flowing in even sup lloctors again said the outlook for Eisenhowers recovery re mains guarded or unpredicta dicks Prague on the line Mr Kosygin collect ble CzeohiQflicial Visits Ur Tharitfl UNITED NATIONS 10 The reformist foreign minister of Czechoslovakia tallled to Sec retaryfleneral Tbaot Friday and there was possibility that he may go before the Security Council todayto participateefn the continuing debate on the Sn iJirl HaJek arrived in New York Friday night asthe coon oil was debating Canadian supported resolution thatqoeks to ensure therein and safety of imprisoned Czechoslovak lib eral leaders There was brief debate on the resolution Friday night during which Russian Ambassa dor Jacob Moiik had somehard things to say of the Canadian in itiativeandthe council was to meet again at 1130am EDT today Haiek flew here from Yugo siavia where he was vacationing at the time of the invasion of his country by the Soviet Union and Another Storm bashes lororlto TORONTO CF Amelectrlv cal storrn lashed Torontofor the second straight night Friday shattering four thydro trans formers hlre brokeout altera trans formervin the east end of the city was hit hyvlightning It was extinguished within our but many homes in the area went without powervforln lot the night and iBaokflMoGovernlf falled to convince poi Vclnnsth he as evena reman ing up itb the top nominal he displayed confidence at his belated rtraywill help ident Humphrey lfro waltzing offswith the prize on the iistballots House press Salinger nd the slain lfennedyrasslstlt Asked what he wasdoing in te underfinanced and belat ly paced McGovern entou rage Salinger rrepiied There comesa timeina that than wfnnln McGovern irnvclled pro posed Jlletnaml peace platform plank he said dbeenpersonal ly endorsed by both him and Sénator Eugene cC Humphreys chief rival for the Editoilafd snottya Theatre451 intionl with nominati nns life when principled mar almpor four otherEast European coun tries AS LITTLE TO SAY He badlittla to say toreport ers He saldheexplained the situation to Thant and he did not lulow whether he would ad dress the council He said he was awaiting word on the outcome of talks between Soviet leaders and Czechoslovak President Ludvik Svoboda in Moscow Earlier telegram was read to the Security Council from Ota Sik deputy premier of the Czech regime which formally authorized Haiek to represent ï¬le country at the United Na ops Sik said he was acting in the absence of Premier oldrich Cernik head ottbe constitutio no government and with agreement of other ministers outside the occupied territory of the country He also had consoltedsome other members of the govern ment being still in Prague and having Some relative freedom of action ligree Over gilellei Supplies ADDIS Assad lReutersi Diallo Telli of Guinea seare taryvgeneral of theOrganizatiun or African Unity said today that delegates froml Nigeria and Sinus havareached agreement to rush relief suppliesto starve ling viciirns of the dvil war he tween the two countries LONDON AP radio sta tion identifying itself as Czecho slov akia One reported that Czechoslovak President lJudvlk Svobodo had concluded on non orabia agreement with the Russians in Moscow today An other station said Alexander Dubcck the Czechoslovak party chief is to resume his func tions in the next few days Czechoslovakia One sold it had received the information about the agreement from the Soxllliet capital but had no dc ta The report about the prosoecV tlve return of Dobcek to his party functions was recorded in London from abroadcast on the wavelength of the free Radio Prague DUBCEK RETURN The Czechoslovak embassy in SOVIET TROOPS SEEKING FOOD SCHRNDING West Ger many Reuters 0coll pying Czechoslovakia has made Soviet troops hungry Tourists passing through this Bavarian border town from Czecliosiovalria report that their cars were searched by Soviet soldiers for food They even took sand wiches andiinmediateiy began eating them one tourist said London said it had been in formed as well that Dubcek would be returning but the question ofnn agreement was still unclear am not sure if there is an agreement on the release of pea litilgol prisoners an attache Sn The airwaves carried other data about the occupation Rodio Prague said Russian and Buigarion soldiers allies in the occupation archanged file at the Libensky bridge because of misunderstanding and sev eral Russians were reported in jured Quoting information from hospitals the clandestine sta tion said clashesin Prague so for ave resulted in eight dead and 90 wounded so seriously Radio Moscow told the Rus sian pcople that four Soviet servicemen have died at the hands of the murderersin Czechoslovakia RADIO SOURCE Radio Prague said its infor motion that Dubcek would be resuming his duties came from Deputy Premier Gustav Husalr who was in Moscow with Duh cek Svoboda and Premier Oid rich Cernlk The Cieehoslovak embassy said the station in anotller broadcast reported Soviet and East German troops in the van guardof the occupation were being withdraWn and replaced with fresh troops from the same countriu The radio was quoted as say ing The troops are being drawn because they are dis sioned They are being replaced by fresh troops from the Sovtet Union and East Germany add Trip gt Canadian Youth PRINCE GEORGE 80 The family of Don Allah is anxiously awaiting word of their son after he cy cled into Czechoslovakia Friday from West Germany shouldnt want him to miss an experience such asthis but just hope that everything goes all right his mother Mrs James Allansaid in an inter view Friday gt The plucky nyearold busi ness administration student at Mount Royal College in Calgary is bicydiog through Europe after leaving home Aug 10 An Associated Press report said he paused attheCzecllosim vakfrontler to discuss entry into the country with ofï¬cials and reporters then decided if theyll still let me in am going He wheeled his biketn the border was saluted by guards on both sides of theline and went up to the customs house few rninutealater he emerged climbed steep hill and with wave of his band disappeared into the Savietoc cupied cauntry His parents said they last heard from him in aslettsr from London Hismother said thetrip is the result of months of saving money and preparation It is something he always wanted to do he said in calledfor hhlt inthe bombing of North Vietnnm withdrawal of opposing forces from the Southandpressure the Salgonfgovernment to he gotiate litical reconcll the atio albiber tion Front ANDnits George enjoy goodlsugb vafter remlirk by Dion Ca MtGovernof South Dakota and houn lintaf Chitago yMidwh Alrpdrl ln Friday Do xaidfove Chicago or warrant