Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1968, p. 2

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house Collegiate Teachers 60 hid soiioel return in dates at Barrie Collegiates to aspen fines new timetable uneasy and teachers who an little Silesenijmm the stereotype at past Iihls September teachers are arriving irom Emit and Jppan the United States and sev eral businusmon have decided he go into the teaching games One teacher is Toronto mil nonsire who got rid or all his business associations and return to summer school so he could ach high school this tall lna name has not been disclosed The everincreasing number oi students 35 In the three high chools this year has called tor brand new system oi time ohUng which is unique inlhe province lStudents at Eastview Secon dary School which has pre dictcd enrolment of son students will experience 15minute class es in certain subjects This means that Grade students will be taught oral lrench ior one laminute period Typing will also be taught in this way Ramsay superintendent oi secondary schools who said the timetable was designed by With summer employment problems imaliy easing oiiio leis at Barr Canada Manpow lr Centre are preparing to en tcr into discussions with Genr kian College and area emplo ers to attempt to drastically lou er the number at permanently iinemployed persons in the city recent survey at the so ilve lilo at the centre has shown that 30 per cent or more hi the male and iemale unem ployed population registemi has grade eight education or less This is major stumbling block plsciug anyone says man gerC Stuart It is hoped that retraining programsusing laciliiies oi the community col lege will help We were shockedwheo we realized the large nuniier oi poorly educated people we had on our hands he said Even it man has air degree of skill in job his better dues ed neighbor will almost always be chosen above him As well as the permanently unemployed there are many who are unemployed ior extended periods oi iiina and also those who hold many jobs eacb ior short timo and are unable to let ahead or earn their living Toero has been marked in creaso in the demand tor indus trial employees both male and lemale in the past month This may help the counsellors and teachers decide on realistic retrainingplan lor this area The three main summer crises lnBarrie as acrossvthc coun try when the bleak employ ment picture lacing school and universityleaving graduates the lack summer jobs tor students treks parttime employment and problems associated wl inqportingsuiiicientsgricul tural wockers especial vto bacco harvesters inall saysMr Stu stall is more than pleased with the way the problems were handled iwou on we didnit xhave erbrcak going ior us With the threatenedtransit tstrlksronly little morethan iflhouia oti passengers make thc most of the situation at the Gray Coach terminal in Barrie Manager Byrno my will be sent 21 Maghlslvlane Iithe ihren xccp owns season on munddcimni Millionaire Robert Mitchell principal oi that the about class periods were used iorohm width unaliy cap tured atudentsatlenticn lor short period lie said the twoshort periods is harsh or typing would he taught at didseat times during the day Phyliotdttlltbin and shop auhiecis requiring lessthy this period be up moo min utes in length Alter the first lomlnute per iod or module as they are railed new low sound is emitv ted to announes its lermloano and regular bell rings at the an oi the second ismlnuta per Every is minutes some oi the ace students in the school wdi be changing classes flmeiables oi Ihis nature are usuitly determined by computer and predict that this will be the rotors method laid Mr Ramsay ihe HaliDennls lie port recommenih that school periods be varied in length de pending on the nihjeci other changes in the system inciuds more audioviolet equip ment law more scientific and Would Reduce obless Through Retraining Mr Stuart in the iirst place we mannged to almost eiimin ate the university student em ployment problem belore the high schools were out in addh lion we got gieatdcal oi co operation iroui area businesses list at graduates was pre pared by the centre in cooper ation with the high schools These lists on which the stu dents were identified by num ber only am details oi educa tion interests and special abil Ities More than too or those were sent to Barrie employers Wa cannot Judgehow eliee ttve we were said senior coon sellor Jim Kellvvcxcept that number at students were placed as result As tar as summer jobs ior those who would be returning to school the government agen cy has been lalrly successiui despite predictions oi bleak employment picture earlier in the year We placed as many or more than last year said Mr Kel Mr Stuart would like to em play student at the centre next summer as counsellor to work solely with other students Our big headache is telephone IN TOWN Wellington Hotel Continental inn Johnny Hort Roll Prudence and the Pill Imperial The Devils brigade Rnrnnia Drivein Theatre The Taming ol the Shrew and Whos Minding the lilian shanty nay Driveia Hotel sponrs SOFTBALL WoodsBA at Lakeview Dairy third game best oi seven Series senior semifinals Queens Park 330 pm nus mantra is says that huseato the ONE are crammed to capacity in clots Milli us for beauty nhea MANAGED av vscroa VAVA and motel maintenance will be MUNGES The hobby Tillson Duo Queens Hotel The lkoubadors Bayshore Motel Johnny Guy and the Cover Girls MOVIES biological filins and equipment or Eastle Secondary School The choice oioourses ts widening and look the twfirade students reveals that nearly to per cent are eo rolled in the liveyearns and science program Eight per cent are going to study liveyear business and commerce course and in per cent want to study fireyear science technology and trades promn in the lounycar program 19 per cent are enrolled in busi ness and 16 percent inscience technology and trailerI to per cent in occupational clues which prepare people ior sorv lce trades This year there will be 1375 students at Central and 1145 at North according to estimates There will be little change in courses studied but nev grade nine touryear program has been dded and next year when the girls shop is finished at East vlew subjects such as restaurant taught to occupational students The policy oi passing or letting student is changing too lili Ramsay said the time is ap cnlla said Mr Stuart These youngsters are anxious to work and they keep asking ls there Job lor me yati Mechanization oi tanning par ticularly in tobacco harvesting has helped alleviate the prob icm oi importing large numbers at workers irom the United Slates this year At first oiiic ials at the centre thought that there would be diiiiculiy due to the act that the American art morshad late crop tieing doivn workers who would nor mally come north But so far less than one third the normal number have come up and no problem has devel oped Anothcr reason ior this says Mr Stuart could he that more and more Ontario workers have achieved degree oi pro iiciericy equal to that at their American counterparts Many workers come to this area irom around iimmins Graham Dixon iormer counsel lor with the Suirte centre now works with Manpower in Thin mins and thcrciore knows the specific problem in Barrie and how many workers to send down Having MrDixon in Tim mins is real advantage said Mr Stuart TONIGHT YOU AND genius aannra anorrnvc whennostudentwill made toreout molest hlchliehasiaiied lnthsiutiiuws willwask with the individual at his one level Under larger unit oi sd WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 15a niioinrationnew teaching aids will make this possible Mr Ramsay nueisc est lstlc which explains the rapid change in education in 31 per cent ol the populationhe tween the ages ot 15 to ltgwsot to high school Now 74 percent oi the population= in this age bracket atiend high schooL The estimated school enrolment fil ue ior Barrie in lmjis soon The increase in stall is apparent This yearjthe Barrie District Collegiate Bcard hired 10 new teachers at Enstvicw at new teachers at Central and so at North At North Collegiate new teach an Include Anderson Buttcrhili Miss Cook Davies Miss Gardner Hellman Mrs Mailman Miss Hood Miss lrvlne Lee Maloney Mrs Mc Powell Mrs Remy Kinnon Miss McNalrn OBrecht hiss ParkerNance PowellMrs Ramsey Still Wit and li War New teachers to Central Col legiaterinclude Miss Alexan der Mrs Searcroit Miss Clark 11 Delaney Mix DOrazlo Dubinski Honey lteplschak McCorklndale Miss Mawhinhey liiiss ltliiadyM Murakami Page Mrs Pigeon and Mrs Rav enscroit Eastviaw Secondary School teachers includeaMiss Janet Aircy Robert Bogardls Brehncr Miss Joyce Browne Ctthbcrtson Mrs Ruth Edwards Min Susan Fisher Miss Foberl Mrs Hamilton HamiltOn Hendry Mansour Ton McDona Nnrd Jack Pearce Miss Pennyr Sheilicid Miss Adrienne Saucy Stupnryk Mrs Myrna Thomp son and Mrs Doris Valchcr my merchant warn Ans exotic mun ililngus lodge Heat For convention Angus will be host lor the and annual common niol ifihemniplfio gr lodge Blue Association neat week at no Continental inn Beteen two and three huad red delegates irom coast to coastare expected to attend the gathering It will run irom Nihilist The annotation has been or ganlxed in Ontario ior tot years and helps support homes lor orphans and unlortuoate chil dren in Ontario No Scotls New Brunswick and Rritksh Col umbia Johnson Calls SecurityCouncil Motorcyclist Had AV No WASHINGTON AP Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dohrynin personally went to the White House Tuesday night to iniorm President Johnson iacetoiace about Soviet troop movements into Czechoslovakia Disclosing this several hours alter the event Press Secretary George Christian said that John son summcnedthe National Se curity Council into emergency session on the basis of iniormaJ tion given to him by Dobryiiiu Christian said Johnson iiilt structed State Secretary Dean Rusk to meet with Dohrynln personally lato iiiesday night to discuss the matter lurther Christian who gaveno clue as to what iniormation had been relayed to Johnson by the Sovie ambassador concluded That is the only statement have this evening on the mat ter tumor communion new Get FirstHana criticisms KnitTOWARD inn1n Service workers at Royal Victoria Hospital watch as Mrs Eileen Dorkn chairman oi local of the hulldlitl service employees union pre sents cheque to hoard chair man EJDooke on their be bali Mr Cooke said that the donation bespeaks the beliel Which the employees have can Fined For Dangerous Driving ittyeanold motorcylist John Miller of Newmarlset who was iound guilty of dangerous driving ln magistratos court today ap peared clean shaved and with brand new haircut when he was arrested after late night pursuit through city streets at high speeds three months ago he had long hair and beard lie told the court today he had applied to join the Canadian Forces Miller of M5 Crescent Road Newmarkei who had pleaded not guilty to the charge was fined Silt Cronin Attorney Wiid man said liliiler was iding the lead motorcycle in group oi it or in and was going so Business Experience Do you think 11 year old boy could handle post the board at directors oi company The Barrie Chamber of Com merce thinks sojln tact thats exactly what they plan to have happen starting in October Asipart of the Junior chicvement program sponsored by the Chamber over 100 Bar rie high school students in grades 11 and 12 will iormiour small companies The companies will elect their own board of directorsp sell stock to raise capital and go into the business oi producing small commodity They will have to keep re cordsI prepare balance sheets and if they maka prot pay taxes and hand out or dends Tho students will be divided into administrative produc tion and sales staff They will have to prepare their own pro duction schedule and invent marketing techniques SELL SHARES Shares will sell iortl each Directors salaries ill amount to 25 cents an hourxAt the end of the year the companies will completely liquidate th ass and go out of prnductiou HAROLD Four executives irom localin dustries will be on hand to over see the operatiuns but the stu dents will make all the deci an opportunity ior them to learn by doing to he reallycreative said Clltl Lloyd executive directors the Chamber oi Commerce Junior Achievement committee The committee has already rented store on Dunlap St which will act its factory sales ters or the tour miniaiiire com cities and executive headou panics It is now beingrenov ed for its newiunction The building the former Wrights Cleaners store at at Dunlap St was leased to the group at reduced rate by Ernie Alexander IIhis contri buiioneto the project The program will cost $7960 and the Junior Achievement Committee is now soliciting iunds lor it from local busine Vses gt recruiting program will startin local high schools ltin September Chamber oi Com YANCH LuMBiNG HEATING October the companies will he selling shares The Harrie students will have head siarL hob Barton oi Central Collegiate Randy Ford of Barrie Normand Don Har vey of Eastviaw Collegiate are now in Bloomsileld lndianna at the Junior Achievement Na tional Convention there We hope the boys will talk to their classmates about the programwhen thyereturn Mr Lloyd said They could he big help in our recruiting when police iirst saw him Constable Don Biilmcr oi the Barrie police department said he took pursuit but couldnt catch up to Miller who speeded up in 65 mphond was driving without lights Miller saidthat he panicked Mill in the hospital and in the to it does We lhouflii wed put our hand out willisomething in it instead at asking lor something said Mrs Corksn when his lights tailcd and da clded he should get home to Newmarset last He said his iriends were going to escnrt him home on thair bikes pont you think it is danger ous to drive motorcycle with but lights on highway at an excessiverate at speed asked wiidman They did it in the war said er HOPEN THURS 28 Fill is TILL 9pM Your Prevloiii Salas Slips lrnm Nmiyns are Mania on your next Purchase rMosTYNS Mens8r StudentsWear Dunlap St 726l7fll PICKLEDV LSLlCED citPets CHEESE SPREAD BRRNDEQAPPRQXJbLBS BABY BEEFxFRONT Ideal ior the Barbecue lncudes Rib Chuck5 hinderSteaks ¢orrie ROLLS PORK sausaos ABYfBEVEF Livsnfsgc 49c 45

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