EXAMINER TELEPHONE mm Classiï¬ed Mm mam All 01h 069m 116631 icon You No 191i elsults Barrio OivtarlflCInsdITitud HAPPINESS TRilDING weekprize trip for one to Ireland Her reason could be Miss and have months happiness over there or be Fiona OConnell named Tor ontos Ease of Tralee de cided shed rather marry Ran dy Wehller than take three Mrs and have lifetimes happiness here The couple will be marriedpext week tCP Wirephotoi cord Turbulent Latin America pontiff will do It is expected the Pope will strongly endorse efforts to eliminate poverty dis ease and corruption and to im prove economic opportunity tor all in an orderly tashion This would permit Latin American governments to claim papal support in speaking or moving againstuprisings and disorders But many priests and laymen Catholic and honCatholic are looking for the Pope to suggest workable means to correct the social injustices he has con demned seminars woman The expectation for the Popes travel is interesting VATICAN cm AP As Pope Paul prepares to fly Thursday to the 39th Eucharis tic Congress in Bogota govern ment authorities and some Roman Catholics await his answer to the questianz Can Christian use revoliibonand vio olonceto improve the plight of the poor LatinAmerican political and government leaders faced with in lng pressures irom priests and laymen who say yes have let it be known gh diplomatic channels that they expect the Pope to speak out clearly against vio lence Vatican informants said Mon day that is what the 70yearold CAPSULENEWS Says Haiti Rule 01 Terror Ended PORT AU PRINCE iAPLJresident Francois Duvalier said VMonday that his goveriiment nolonger rules by terror and that it an evolution of democracy isapparent inllaiti Democrats vPlan Debate WASHINGTON tAPlVicePresldent Hubert Humphteltzand Senator Eugene McCarthy leading contenders rith ratic presidential nomination will debate on televisio Frida night it diormat and equaltimbproblems can be solved ExpectIDouglas Will Bun oirawa origin ahnostcertain that Douglas New Democratic Party leader will be candidatain atfederal by election inNanaimoCowichanThc islands informants said today iieporirioiroinii Candidates CHIOAGO amroe Ch go Tribune says the FBI andthe Secret Service are investigating reports of Negro extremists plotto assassinate VicePresidentHubert Humphrey and Senator Eugene McCarthy during the Democratic convention Nixon Is ConhdentOl Victory conunsus one AWRichard union says hisiirst ful day of national campaigning has convinced him he can win th presidential election by landslide oioiiimeroial Superjet Passes first Test TQUWUSEi France tAP lnaConcorde planned as the tirst commercial supersonic airlinermade its first lasting test today officials said it proceeded wlihout difficult HOUSTON re marii me Join slice tne ee ndheart transplant recipient hillouston in two days first dti fl theo ra nMonday toured the Awaits Papal Stqterrient wrote the Italian Socialist party organ Avanh Will he condemn the stingie most oppressive and profiteering capitalism that today exism in the world The reply that will come to this from Bogota will tell us many things about this pontifi cate said the Italian CommaH nlst partyorgan LUnita This trip is acmcial test for the whole Catholic world and the developments that are stirring momr Blast Injures 10 Persons MONTREAL CPt Natural gas crews are investigating an explosion in north endSt La eat earlytnday that sent 10 per sons to hospital suffering shock and minor burns The explosio came in the wake of three nunor blaststwo apparently caused by two sticks of dynamite eachabout four hours earlier which caused heavy damage to car and shatterediwindows at two strike honnd establishments Most persons taken to hospital following the explosion in the quently released Police smashed through doors in the apartment building or reachin persons trap ream spam insurers Prime MlnlsterTrudean is spending quiet holiday on this Spanish Mediterranean island usually reliable source said Mondayvnight The sources here Saturday accompa lel officer and an Spanish plalnclothes police of cers whileongthe island coul not be reached by telephoneat hishotelMonday night Sunday dark glasses shortsleeved tie town of Ibiza libffer at that quuor Board almost demol apartment buildlngwere subse dmlredi Pilot walkout Is Avertedx AtA CV MONTREAL CF pilots walkout that was to have grounded AirCanada today was averted Monday when negotin tors reached aecordon 21 month contrantrincorporating 17pereent wage increase spokesman for the sovern mentowned airline said serv ices will continue uninterrupted while the CanadianAir Linc Pil ots Association submitted the mu high mm agreement to its membership yw smm Film The spokesmaoaaid leaders of the pilots association would Rejected percent pay increase in the first 15 monthsaod further seven per cent in the last year Air Canada estimated that the Whole package including fringe benefits Iwould cost about 56 700000 over 27 months Thapilots had asked for increase at 21 per centulheir association said wages ranged from low of less than $700a recommend ratification to the pilots as soon as possible He could not say when the ratiiica tionvote would be taken The pilots last week voted at per cent lnfavor of striking today tliaJirlinea of 17136 cent increase in 28month con gt tract The contract agreed on Mon day would run from last April to Jilly 15710 providan 10 14000 Will Guard Pope In Bogota WA AP Security measures for Pope Pauls visit Thursday have turned Bogota into an armed camp Some 14000 troops and police armed with rifles have been de ployed in the city site of the 39th Eucharistic Congress Troops have shown sharp hos tility to anyone who cannot pro duca the proper passes WASHINGTON Gen Eisenhower today entered the fourth day of lils battle to sur vive his seventh heart attack as doctorsdisclosed that they once seriously considered replacing his heart with transplant The 71yearold former presi dents condition was still criti cal gt Word of the possible trans plant was included in the latest bulletin at Walter lieed Army Hospital which said the wartime Supreme Allied Commander was resting comfortably with LONDON CF The Lam betli conference today side stepped Canadian plea for An glican bishops to sacrifice two per centof their annual incomes to se world hunger and pov fter some vigorous opposi tion the resolutionmoved by the Bishop of Hmon Rt Ynev George Luxton was referred for further study to the conference steering committee Coni renee observers sug st edth uld hea way oquuie by firewhich followedthe plosion The three earlier explosions were linked to elements connect ed with rrent strikes in the province Police said an incendiary borab planted near the car of technical adviser to the Quebec shed the automobile make itappear the bishops were gainndherbaaic ple gt South African bishop called blackmai and several English ishops suggeste flict with existing onshrp MeyeTo Beat Therehnd been earlier uncon firmed reports that Trudeau warmarriedduring cart mounds Fla AP The Us space agency has deleted problemplagued ac tion from the Apollospacecraft which be launched in De cemberjn the first manned flight of the Saturn super ack at The action reflects an appar Soviat cosmonauts aroun the ninon Air Force Mill in Samuel and SpaceAdminlstralion in Monday the flight wiilnot cluda manned arthonbital shelVing the issue without risk of an adverse vote which might the twopercent ideal moral et COSmonauis lloundTlie Moon Barrie liEBii pars mutant EVANSVlIiLE Ont Arthiu Forget 74 yearold recluse collected enough bottles along road sidcs near this Manitoulin Island community to pay for his own funeral Last week he was struck by car while walking long road alter dark He died in hospital Saturdpy When relatives enteredhis tiny shack near this com theyfound enough money garnered immrcol lectlng bottles to pay for his funeral Monday one fewer instances oi the irregular heart beat that had brought him near death The generals aghhe will he 70 in Octoberand other major medical conditions were given as grounds against heart transplant OnlyMonday Dr Christiano Barnard the South African sur geon who was the first to per form human heart transplant said he felt Eisenhower would have been an ideal transplant patient if he had been younger Anglican Coniereiice Sidesteps Personal Saarilice For Needy nclled through interchurch ac tion or Christian Aid Bishop Lu xton resolution called for the ng up of hunger fund in each Anglican dioce It was in dd nroa existing motlbnvCIZIIIIIg open government ple product to si This syetio votedon ent highleveldeclalon to beat PhlllipsApollo progr rllrcc tor for the National Agronautics sac mi claim wrariiss tnnddeflblu claudhien wares and humid mattered thunder showers lawlonight 65th Wetland 13 Dahlia Sult 3gross national world poverty Not MeroThait 10¢ For Copy 11 Pew Over 1000 people whousual ty pass daily through the Gray Coach terminal in Barrie would be affected by Toronto Tran sit Commission strike set for Thursday This morning the terminal was busy with throngs of ieen agers catching special busesto the Canadian National Exhibi tion and the usual 100 to 300 commuters who use buses tinny to Toronto if the strike comes into ef fect Thursday more than 100 Barrie residents who normally commute by bus would have to find another way to get to their employment in Toronto Jill Eyrne manager of the terminal said that close to 000 people pass through the ter minal during normal day Bus drivers in the Barrie ter minal were jovial when asked what they would do if strike occurrEd Thursday Id go home and have long sleep said one driver who re calledhls first strike in 954 tthers said tli woulddakc vaaatlonafter ta jng turn on the picket lines firloo class Pilots Escape ST BRUNO Que tCP CF100 jet crashed in housing developmenttoday setting four unoccupied model homes atira but both crew membersescaped with minor injuries CHICAGO CF Senator Eugene McCarthy was expected today to go after slice of VicePresident ert Hurri phreys commanding lead in Democratic delegate votes with seriesof challenges before the party conventions credentials committee But some partyeprofessionals felt the challenges would not do McCarthy much good because they cl in Humphrey has the nominatio sewed up on the Will ClosevGray coach Lines hlanagerIof the GrayCoach Lines terminal in Orillla Tho mas hambrick said yesterday that If the TIC goes on strike wed be almost out of business Mr Lambrick is not an enr ployee of Gray Coach Lines but runs the terminal as inde pendent operator Gray Coach Lines is sub sidiary of the llt strike by 5400 Toro to Transit Conunission workers scheduled for midnight Wod ncsday will force fat least 1000000 persons using the citys public transit system each work ing day to ind alternate nieaus of getting round the ci Talks aimed at scttling tract dispute which centres mainly around iringe beaetik areto resume today with tho rm and his workers Dims Di vision llaof the Amalgamated Transit Union Talks Mondny were initiated by Labor Minister Dalton Baits ot Ontario and continu throughout the day under supervision ot William the provinces chlct conc oiiicer brief labor departrn iit statement Monday night said only that negotiations would rc sume today There were no cations that any progress had been made The main barrier to setup rrient is the union demand that the ilfroperated health planbe dropped in favor of that runth memoir Humphrey Bid Physicians Services Inc solid base of 1400 convention voteswith 1312 needed for the nomination at next weeks con vention OBrien estimated McCarthy has about 600 votes McCarthy gearing up antiHumphrey drive in longodds bid to wm the pres dential nomination sought to erode the vicepresidents ov whelmingsupport in one wes em and two eastern states His attack was aimed at the Washington Pennsylvania and Connecticut staie delegations totalling more than 25 votes where his supporters claim ey have been denied fair and quaterepres tation