coax urcoq mphcm Rwgzmsvwgnv=mrwwqmnvm apartment building when he is the btdlth lugnrperlnteodent wu stated along the side had batka limo lhurldny thltll Bel Ialditbil thirwu not the first incident ti willful dnmm 0t Several other can including his on were similarly to ed daysrago be said found mine in mlnogédto get in isrsinissst srrn can nouns errors One of the biggest suppliers Allegheny Ludluni Steel Corp Anthony to visit West Bond tincntat From left Mr Thur of stainless steel to West hood or Canada us in Barrie is What betlcr=wa for Alle enyr district managerlie Mail Carriers Dr Rynard MP Sim cooNorth says he will try to get rural mail carriers at least portion of the pay they lost during the postal strike The rural currlers work under contract and are not paid if they arent working dont quarrel with the other post office employees going out said Dr ltynard but the rural carriers should not got penalized lifail carriers tram this riding and others from two neighbor MUSlCllLLY SPEAKING Plan Vacation libroa log doingsappealed toDr ltyn ard for helpJast week Dr hynard said thegovern ment should pay the men be cause they havogerpenses in curred carrying out their job and were available every day to pick up the mail if the strike were coded He pointed out that the drivers for Red Services in Montreal who were temporarily out out of work by the mall strike got onevweeks pay in settlement And the rural mall carriers got nothing he added With Festivals In Mind By hlURlEL LEEPER Music festivals of Britain and Central Europe should take place of prime importance in deciding the agenda and time of holiday abroad Today when trip away from Canada is becoming almost as common place as the weekly trip to Mus lioka for Ontarians those plan ning their holiday should ask for the festival ads from their tro vel agents have often heard the re mark that afterlwo weeks away from home the traveller becomes sometimes bored or at least begins to look forward to the return trip Decide on spending two or three days at one or two of the many ï¬ne festivals in Europe and you will not be disappointed You will certainly not be bored The Festival of the City of London is blennniat one This year it ran from July to 20 it is primarily music festival and an exciting one it eluded with an international olin competition with Yehudi Menuhin as chairman Another special event was childrens day with the history of London through the ages portrayed by series of 19 floats designed and constructed by children in terspersed with therfloats were bands from youth organizations Beer and skittles offered by Whitbreads during the festival were held in the historic cellars built in 1768 below the brewery in Chiswell Street Held nightly irom 530 pm lighthearted Luttrell to right ids isles cted by entertainment featured music singing nnddancing by Sir Ar thur Dunsters celebratedplay ersi Treasures from the city were exhibited An entertain ment at poehyand music was held daily at the famous Sir Christopher Wren pub Morris Dancing was held in the streets artists uere given an ex oition of their war time concerts were held id toric St Pauls Cathedral ions concerts featuring eminent soloists quartets and cholrs were heldvevery evening in diff erent churches The ltoyai Shakespeare Company staged The Merry nova of Windsor for three evenings at the Guild hall The Festival ended with magnificent fireworks display on the Thames The Kings Lynn Festival was held for the eighteenth year from July 25th to August 3rd found this festival one oftha most interesting and attractive that have ever attended Giyndebourue is known throughout the world as centre for the best in music but no fortunatelyl could not bethere During the monthlof August many festivalsycome to life in Englandand Scotland This resume only touches some events that touris ght enjoy Throughout Europe es tivals not only raucousecutive ly but also overlap To travel abroad and not attend at least one at these marvellous events would be serious oversight and toss to the wellinform traveller general setVice know ledge Canadta orecs his reifectlve bout too of Ontarios 120 hos rcnson Memorial Hospital in Al whether they will bavistted Duckworthbtreet lll committees report purchasing gt Thurgnrland than to 1966 stainlesssleel Lincoln Con rug aroma axonmvao agent Donald garlan lira Sutton and Anthony tExamin er Photo SATURDAY AUGtJSf Cdflnty Hospitals Hospitals in Pensions lilld iand and Collinde Will be visited this fall by four man assessment teams to take close look at the relationship be tween hospital administration and patient care it was an nounced yesterday The hospitals are omong pitats with 200 beds or less Stev liston said they are not sure Boih the Royal Victoria Hos pital in Barrie and the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillla have more lhanltiobeds The teams will be appointed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ohtarlo and the Ontario Hospitalr Association Dr Joseph 0Dowson college registrar soid lna statement the project is aimed at improv ing standards of patient caro The visit of wall assessment team to hospital will not imply in any sense that there mlgtit5be something wrong in the administrative functions the statement said The survey will determine the All our inns to of administration especially as it involves medl clne The assessor will look at how well the administration fol lows tbe Public Hospitals Act government legislation and the standards of the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons Each team will include an in ternist general physician and or pathologist ap painted by the college as well as hospital administrator on pointed by the Ontario Hospital Association The combined team will as sess the cooperation between boards of governors aod admin lstrators and the medical staff Hospitals have been notiï¬ed in letter from Eric Willcocka president of the Ontariotiospi merssociatlon He said in statement the OllA is not implying that there is anything wrong with care provided in smaller hospitals However the size of hospi tal usually has direct hearing on the degree of medical and management organization that is possiblsand this is thearea in which we believe there is the be said Sgt Berry said the incidents were under invert lion by the Barrie detective thee Smasli Window To Enter Police are invullgnllog breakIn at the YMCA on Grove St in which vending machine was opened and quanll ty of change rtolen The thief gained entry lotho building by breaking window police said The robbery was discovered by policeman on the midnight solo Anolher theft was attempted runaways regularly Em fro police otilcerr who use making outrreports Attho ill radln calls lore in the early hours otlhls morn ing but nomorieyfvlutakén soap machine at Slmcoe St coin laundry was broken in to but the operator hadremoved the cash from it earlier in the evening At the troblaws store on Bay field St an 11yearold juvenile wos caught stealing package of cigarettes yesterd Itrea Employers Seelr Workers The Canada Manpower Centre on Dunlop St hos openings for experienced tobacco workers The jobs require at leastona seasons experience and will last for about six weeks large Barrie industry re is experienced and work shift work Thereis alsoa demand for mature married factory pro duction workers who are will ing to work sblltshave Grade 10 educationaod good history of factory employment Auto mechanics with licence and hodymen with licence are also required Opportunities for womeoln elude position as cashierclerk whoisa rapidtypist and is willing to greatest need for assistance accurate in handling cash and figures Wipers The HoldUp GioveDuckonth7 ay navrn transom Often municipal councils take long time to make decision and there is usuallya good reason for ho not in the case of two taxpayers who bavebcen waiting on the citys pleasure for more than year or applov val or disapproval of strewn log application that would per mit them to build asmall plaza if council or more specific ally the city development com mittee doesnt move quickly two developers might pickup tbeirmoney ond move else where Why in the world is 10000 square foot neighborhood shop ng centre beingheld up at the With the advent of Georg College of Applied Arts and Technology at Mckwoflh Street and Highway too and the con structionoi cl erl pastor commercial arteryior ï¬xedly The citys pl nlng consultant says neighborhood lazais needed for th or worth area The plaonlng noardapprovcd iheprojeci July The city developmentcommit as it its report toycouncit July project When it came be pre sented Aid Game end and safdhe wanted to with raw the mmendoti the light oposal on dev Duckw Street ondllghway or OnlJnly ill the dgohoraw nav CARPET SERVICE PHONE mm OME SHO Featurlngfuil rangaotcarpet including loohwool jlrllsn Acrylan Fortrelitropylon Outdoor CARPET install it for only yourself 55 Shop Arum Service on homeand it $650 in theirlei for the ing board met and theiohnny come lately developer said he didnt have plan as yet but came to the meeting for ploratory discussions According to the planning boardagen was there to outline the proposal for dcv clopment close to Highyvayslotlg sonnrusan The man saidhe had talked with Aid Garner regarding the Duekworthand Highway 400 site but badbeen urprised to read reports that be wasgex pcctai to present plan to the board it is our intention to me back in the future with de tailed plan once we have re solved ntlr problemswith the Department ot Highways Duekworthdevelopcrs loa Gallo and Victor Ravanese who first applied for rezoning to permit their development more than 1967 pen izedw on another comes along with non plan for development it canrbe assuIncd the citys planning consultants are ex They recommend square toot ighborhood shopping centre Duckwortb and Grove Why did Ald Garnl crash to have the city develop ment committee recommen us have known to awervsite its acres wosm on larger than good plan tenancet Anotherlaclor questis that the land hich vtbe devcloper ants in puta laza the prime ion in the city Ravanese would count STAYNE SERVtCE ONLYI Beautiful Nylon Carpet installed wit iiiamino he dont silo referred bad when he letter to the mayor the plann lng board and all citylalder men through their lawyer John Cockburn Part of the letter states We have now learned that competing developer would like to create mammoth Eliacre de velopment also on Duckworth Street but little bit further from the vociferous voters and in what must surely be recog olzed asthe perimeter rather Ian the centre of large shop it seems inconcelvabl entirely possible iorthe that our clients are about to be sacrificed ontbe altar of polite leal expediency in favor or an ferent viewpoints within his four man committee regard ing the Grove Duekworth pro These allowjt it and wait while because it might go away All the committee is develop ing now is lot bard feel quilesa forklltt operator who ington St pulledTont into an of RE Barrie on lnnlsfil St rErovinclalJollc Examiner stall Reporter Friday night in Barrie different things to diftorentr people To the police ltmeabs waiting for somethingto bop pen but hoping itwoot and hours of cruising city watching traffic and people Lastnight wasuntll midnight at least quiet by comparison Constable Don Birlmer egan cond city Patrol Two harrlemeo were into on last night when one lcar struck anotherhroadside intersection of Welling hayiifld Streets Police said car driven by Alex Archer 24 field St and was hit by veh icle driven by John Slerps 19 Archer and passenger Jim Dawcro 19 or LittloAve receiv edmlnor injuries in the crash lheArchar vehicle had 700 damag tlle Sierps vehicle $500 do other evening accidents two cars sustained total of $250 damage in rear aodvcollision Police snldncar riven by James Stoves 57 of in Don lop St was struck from behind by car driven by Ben Knap so of 119 Penetang St Knapp vehicle had 00 damage the slaves vehch $150 Elmvalef Reports Three Accidents With injuries Three personal iniuryvacvei dentslnjhe Elmvaledlstriet in the last weeklcauscdj total damage of $5490 ThescWere among nine kc cldents investigated by the Elm vale detachment of Ten people were charged th traffic oltcnces there in week Sevenlpepple ed under the oniobfla cheater on Anoe test spot the constables reports leConatléhhlehmn Holmes Mittt Si WSW list with clerk William Beard all liken hirdcsk the clerk black unmarked out flashlnglighls or tire Filling inall necessary if lsj of lhereport sheet he drove of the station parking at out towards Duniop Street have livetgjl summons or investiga noise complaint We wat attic wewatclsrthe people ateh thoproperty That an do we endedup at dis lo ashopplogplaza lbejoaateod at town Seeing suspected bduct stable1i3nlmer gt and questioned him Satisfied thotthis wosmot he was readyto drive it when the radio crackled arm high at we Four minutes later cluls or was approaching the build ing Three men ran across the beam and disappeared Pullin into the parking lotConstable Bu met the manage with Car Crashes In fliauistorm AUBase hordcn man charged with hav hteld wipers after off the road today in morning rainstorm Police said Lewis elZorden as the curve at the ialtingto pp as si when his car ent oft the road tersectlon nfthe lnnls fil Essa townlioe and wanan ehaio is the world recording about in car resembled that seen stroetthrougb the headlight nutme our on police the 0va the emergency measures organt lratloo Exarnlner Photo blithek sears men wcre running On returning tothe area be searched thri promises in the general from which then trio gain lnolhlng fSometnne minutes and everything is at our ï¬ngertips ey turn your Are they bothering you up ed the policeman Yed theyre bothering me av to be poli everyone and wallow lot abuse Sometimes we get proolf offence enough to get our tie but not too youll like ondro will the