Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1968, p. 11

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greerr lin REAL rsrXTI no4 nemerv omes Ferms URGENTLY NEEDED BUS OPPORTUNITIES tht This Country Needs Is Goodjc Cup Now Hayhoela Mountain Blend CoffeeOflers flila WE have openlnge tor menand women who have to hours spare time per week to own slid EfrainBrag dice Units on profitable el ldblislled locational All invest ment of $1600 is required to comments Bank financing lv lilabio wi rensonnole deposit or sclech applicants with good tredii standing Write Box D19 Blrrie Ex min SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting lMtIey Iron NEW TYPE highquillly coinoperated dispensers In your area No selling To duality you VmIIst how car wierences $000 to $2900 cash SeVen to twelve hours weekly cnn net excellent monthly income More lull time For personal interview write PENN DISTRIBUTING LIMITED 302 DUELLETIE IVENUE SUITEJM WIND ONIARIO include phone number You luv hohbvl Would vou III In unit on nevi hobby ein looklnd or item tn een be qu to null outlet Clnadtln lienoimiu will my mi in your man Write to no is nmie Bxeminer ItesTAuItANTIniiy equipped toi Ade node busineu lIlo loqu Khb Iu environ Barber ore rentinii room tenant nitli Slivlrrate entrance xooo any out or younl enune ee mIeosa MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st and 2nd iiIorignge Loans Anywhere ON ALL HUM FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPDITIB 909 or VALUATIONS If You Need Money leonroiidale dlhtl of lxlsunl mnrulle co emu imorovornenls iqAnlI Worthwhlieuuu Vnte or Phone 7260981 ortl 13 129 DUNLOP St Member Onlnlln lionmn Broken Amclltlon Do You OWN Mortimer Reedy asbenvnileille to withth line we even lend vou innnev on or ortrare Enoutn Nurture ndino moon PRINTING PROBLEMS 15 wells Meclnnee commercial printing division The Berfle Ex Irnlner Manuela mom Ilioaiuliniils TRAILERS Mme RENT unmanned MobiIeHomes Gellerei fiiendale llrnvoiux wondrouvlce or Tmllp $11 You RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT Em Ell III III on olf3oui only Typhoon 87ml nAnoLNrw bedroom lawn or Hithva In To ninutu non nu rIe Wool remnrioie Innmy to rent or one lilo monthly Numeral nr mom Two oelrooin unlimilsh IAIfifii flu neofziii oinolenL Nomi filmiot ole monthly Aluill rule iia Wei linmn was HOUSES WANTED PnomelolMu require hour winterinll coilre between In oriilII Box or telephone lelsub ill rnumABu Didr Country Home wllh to Nfllflvml wlnte¢ Mil have modernwonventeneu condor to buy if iteole Mun no nnr Barrh or Borden em Telephone ellml WANTED noun ri qut not or bed wflhowrfonlgn bngfitobtr 5min no plIl Berri hammer APARTMENTS TO RENT BEDROOM MAISONEIIFS Under Nev Management enilt bout linlnii moi an Minn nrlvnto oe oonnnon entrenoe re mentor stove washer dryer on unturnmklnl runnileo Apart Iflnl 0i II in roll urn nperinten ent moetoo moon Tor lame lion till mm noun nrurniin nii reirinemor nvlillble Bown town Im flulllwn Irlulu only Avllllhlr Immeoirteiy rIs mom ly TeIrnnone mm ntter run arm nonnoou enmment torrent in Ann iivin mm unwound iniIIi Iellconlnhled res monm Avlilnhl Seuummrllt no non Telenlione Two nnonooni uvIIIlrl nonri ieenl uninrniener but on ma hot weur mpplledAmpe puk inr inimeainte oonenion Neville run llo neyileid street no lionuw unoer on bedroom inent with nrlvm enLrnnee urge livine room kitchen no dining ml bathroom Id IIOIIEO room Annlv oi Peel sneet nurie Two salmon anertinent tor reni xiwe end refrigeutnr lute piled Allo broadloom In iiiinn moron No hlldlen noon in ye onn oio Telephone cookstown Milo no nunmnrilw 1mm oodo out HOUSE on APARTMENT Realm for Man Itoth AnnatlAilo monomer In null enterred not linear do Itggxunflnhufim In inn STORAGE SPACE COTTAGERS New and used stoves refriger helIEIl AILMIIAIIIIS Supplied ROBINSON HARDWARE MDuniopst 72841 NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at line broaoloom Remnants Iii sites Ind prices DOMESTIC AND lMPOMED BROADWM d7 Collier St Phone milil ElgVING orooni suite Werner mile onion tenor road harnnn will like MW eel Telephone lune is oooiti ror North goggle Tileniion molar mu maul Mom lnnlieinr Imlll eoret colour instant ulnlnl Nerr used Silllelevhnm mm or mnhlr partialtern men MM Lorne Dihl Ahow railway nelkennxllniecie or qu re eo noontilled mnlilonm Britain All iieee Auto zenitn Dealer men Pharmle Danton BABYVCABBJAGE Lloyd lieluxe BM EALtine in ceilenl condition new and white Telephone mom umrcnmvn for ma elotlie dryer eutomelie wnslior Al Continual has Tel one flea eiter pm or me outicuiere ARTICLES FOR REIT mgr AN CABIN twirhgigil en am in unmen Tearrid Amt115 39 Be rieiti CONST MACHINERY cum Arm Morter Iiilxeri we on rubber electric Wetttourli er Also Lirti new end loo toot oi role so nninllnz meehinr Bo 719 DAR die anterio Tele llhone mseoi CAMPINGEQUIPMENI TEN Ind Clmpinz Equipment Svedll flier ID Zor more weekl Snort Ltd Collier Street MASH CALLUisiiiR5Tii We Vare Skilled yinour Service Laridrvvlll give you Prompi Ailention CLASSIFIED SERVICE We iRONiNG moNTNG our basic mentor and Iranian 5550 shirts Pickup end dellver mom DRIVING squeal MODERN m1th Scth Llim to Drtve Modern Wey ror av inunent Phone main SHINGLING aluminum Pint Roofing tronxiiin Gorfl Even stron Iario eiw Elle On CONSTRUCTION RENOVATING New Homesyur Cottages We supply allmaterial if desired Anywhere in Ontano Reasonable Bates 7283572 SIGNS COMMERCIAL 1an utteran Promot rervlce master cnrtmnn 50 years exoerienra moon it INSULATION dudwmu Mrinon lnmattoi Free ertinntes ooorenleoa work Telephone soon mum airman Clrpemern or framniwork Imus colttel etc aleplinne mIm LANDSCAPING Kimberley Valley Landscaping and tree elipérts industrial Municipal Resideniini itlephono zooom area code lie on Tononm ONTARIO BUILDING cousin onivnlIAlIs Aniline vBarnynida DrIVeways gostion and prioee ITRUCKING finfiEflgo JANlTOR SERVICE mom olenon on an m1 WM7ISI PAyiNo ASPHALT nuniobe Mormons Workguarnnieed 7260081 iainssA inlaid RACHLIN Name You Canflluot lr sylvaninPaVing rpm Your Experiene Eu FOREMEN ESTIMATOHS 80 mile radium neutrino snAMLnos monnlo lino Sveringfilucco an gnrngee Complete recreationro HAULAGEV DICK ELEARI HAULAG in Perry memo kwllldor Plinth No charge consllltetlonn nug ominown Home PAINTING CT NG sealanpeinting European experts VANNOOBTWYK Iiinosnsr in noun moon uona mom int In error xterlor Ann withln ll mlies of Barrie Hahn VIII 1164MB MOWER REPAIRS MADIGANMOWEE ljor All Makesof Air Cooled Engines Reeiand BotifyrMowér Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWN AND new ME or flihu furnitun Tom on inle inoilidinil modern Moro unflflnfidon Am 14 gAm EORSALI WWW CHINA fimm CLEAN INTI Ill rlllou cooler wenin fiflfiwhfi mom lxclmolug Iliu leme en ae no on We Mmenominee illcii1umoo in Run vim stereo emlknt Eon nitlon our odd ildltl gotten moon TM in BABYS NEEDS will Whit iriil in Wcr no II Iin$ die nation It lor tor Km CANADIAN NAIIDNAL Hblllon uh on new local rr sowing Ilwlnl mflln typewriter one to urine the hi si do To Dunino wen ertI wnm omitscomm in urn non vulon sew or dollhie littlva noueelioio opulent tor Ila 31W chIMlélrelenfllli 10 WI utensil Il 3190 lb In puttflu MM NI curling 1210112 to childran cmmt II lii tii AnnLil rm We TREES eellimes NNA uni bulbs tor Ink Telephone torlilo tor nir iner intoiineuon DOGS PETS BOOMl Mimlnl Prohnionll ominr wheelie niulpnn en ellilrllfluf GERMAN Shepherd ml or lnle rendered mile and Iernnie Iiick eno ten born with lune use Also miniature Pinchew up piu melee 7W tor oe panAllRx WOO WP Nlbk in week oldAIno one old ir iil II nifiififi €353 enne womwi Orillla Telephone mun BOATS AND Morons CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR Sales and Service RIDGEBOAD MARINE Ridgeroad Doll Oro 4875234 orttre DELANIIYBOATS LTD HEW BOATS OJOBNSON MOTORS ITRAVELLEB BOATS ISPRJNGBOK ALUMINUM OSAILBOATS COMPLETE LINE MARINE ACCESSORIES ooyiieio st It Govt on own To an DAILY BOAT WANTED TO RENT do ouoboerd ill good condition Boat will be well cared for and not used excessiver by ldilIIl Telephone mm AWL mutt all Nov soo le out to tonsil EM nuIIl lion 11 HIIRBLAI or ei Antonin Tnvelier 123 and not 25 hp roanon niotnr For null inlorultlon telephone Illease neulln torsion loli ulna tcnwoleuep WWII com1 verttble Ex AIiIquiniiooo not 33 one Wiltidom TAAMrils MRKT DEE or crippledoolflejld when animate removed true For tut urviee 0M in or NICKS DEAD STOCK 1mm Hill No CHARGE innsI on cm wool BR Pound Ontario House No mm nun ll MAI or uh Alla no limit vowing neu Port one It Jerii iflSIIIumei to fluid To SIRAW FOR ALE very holed eno etooleo Apr fly Bob eerie nu Conceal noleIlL Telephone com HEARM MACHINERY humped Service Loan New Holland DIVIII Blown Benin ilflBURTON AVE mm CASETRADE TERMS DB Allin ChelmberlAC ldfll rduooéinuiiite LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Elmo VISIWW I5 amen minor mild mu roll nlem wellhl mo loo Wnrll owner unnlo or Intel Lamhle Wynnlo Telephone Elnvlle 755mm Mum Sth your Irene at the low pricel or more drerren main grafdinn flofiidndlgxckl no on mim mint inorouelioreo line wlti can end reared Two inomurn nree stilllnm our Pinionmer Phonl wanna lam PALODIA Sillllonl In one leopard so one Iorrel with Monk II Elmmonl 01o Barrie Road and airmail Dllxton Telephone manBm intend Apnllovfl steilion Okdr nnliee ea 50 lL SimmonsIt Old Bili1 Road Ind H1th1 amnion Telephone Bank no AfliNTFORTlln BRIDE AND GROOM jWatgh Classified Ads for terrific furniture and ap pliance bargains AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS HIGHWAY 90 SHELL SERVICE Repairs to all models oi cars VW FACIORYTRAINED MECHANIC PHONE 723734i am to 10 pm SNOWMOBILES Trade in now one SKIDADDLER All low as $40 per month or the Caddy of them all HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALOONA BEACH RD 4361770 gttto to foot tnirly reoent mo Wanna when on now may tell meriol colonists witi roll Inehltr one no Ill monon mom altr mm re rm clllAnelenm Iniii only common mt burn root own ve inomro motor nor trennoirnon mm eenony eutonutic nu ounin exire om Ind belle Plicn or Down gun strut elixir mane CRUISER 22 FF CABIN éfli room In eshin rflitio EIIleilifiié no in hndl Irina Ather oiiiiui oweredilni Inter Salonofltorive or log oxeeiiené 1000000 ieet oi good atanding indiel in diameter Lalland 01 erg quantity hard maple and rott maple cash price penguin direc or phoneWiiiIrd Vréin AME Ont lW Tilv EXAMDIE WANT Ans PHONE rented ntJeehon It IWL leei memorial Illa lull 111 rilirlilmn AT STUD tedious ren oi Iiitin st Aurolerive 06 JIRUCRSlFORVSALI HART Ieoo com etc we mo malletn cw Hm Int moo mt known one us lot out cwueure cu now lot rim me Tandem woo Int Bill mum Vm SIM lni Him $5M Alt 4191C1Iavelail Von mm 1350 LVwAiGMG Tutti iiiinn in 01 Dump WWIIn dn rill ll es mmdeulmPiatt moonlit shovel Cndillac Selim do Ville LIc mm $1100 dr Ildlp Ser mm $1600 VERLIEAF Illinois lilo WAY 7283026 50 Ford or am PHONE act 50 smoj moo trolling Backhoe 11M me am to truck for le 001 now IXIA Ieiennane 1847M lorlnglg in new urunrou no Iodv end Moroncviztss Lorri iii elennone Taolilo WILL TIon lee volt Scootr IO cc like new tor lnlll Ht Telephone 5161 i965 BSA MOTORCYCLE 1s oe om Teieiioon Tiemo 19673 HONDA tier leroeilenl gt Ie hlophotie imvanENr mile all el 9h eonniiinn lull cARSrqn SALE Illtil no ri excellent ll USED CAR cmAnolicn st vours Ico blue iecondi tinned new mats and paint Lin oorosii mm 65 lsooVOlKS good Inecliani cat red radio Lie 7061 $995 on vows good manually doiuxe red Lie toloto $39500 sovouis mais point tires $75600 62VOLKS new paint and mo tor Lie swam in yours IIiiewItIi radio iue reconditioned an Lie Iml ur on Lic7057l moo new paint clean Lic 63035 $75000 59 PONTIAC good runner Lie MGIOS $29500 SALE CARS Aé issALns FINAL BARBIE VOLKSWAGEN GOWAN ST AT ESSA RD 7266488 Rays SIMCOE RAMBLEE Ilse CIIBVMLST Sedan door minder outamatiemolieni con gagian Aeliinr woo Telephone na BEAUTIFUL 1954 Ford convertible Va win all the exinn Mly be eels at BJ rAmlB street North eIennnne 7234015 195 clmvfloLETz door Herdton Va power steeringeno power lirekes Good running conii Ieiopnonu mqsoe use DLDSMOHILB soorpower radio good tires New transml rlon tow mileire Call moon ier run Ior runner inionnetio isel TRIUMPH Snitiirz lierk nrittrii lteeing Green mumwire wheels wliilewnlil snow tires driven mo Tellphnnlim i677 Iflu ll cAniLLAe Conv lillle 11° 1961 CIIEVROLET door SIIIIOII pmxlmllelv $000 allies ash in emu runner dlilll CAR FOR SALE no Mannie lilo rooo um naln Am 73 mu Teiooliene Tiem VB riee eret eon ilon uml ne triniterreo to mpg utolnelle tranloiiulvn ovmn sale In phone me minimum door hull Iva nowr invited and Aimrnnoiiion Iloo all In In nine in Ileo leivedm lure lon red with hick 1nl lopiAii Dunlap some nu mnn Gllule mm ule and tire no ooo 31 PERSONALSL music 1H liiIUSIC as receptlo BOOK NOW Reuonlhlo niti TELEPHONE 7260313 mesa lo HELPWANTEO FEMALE HELP WANTEII mNISFIL TOWNSHIP PIIIIIIH Soho 13 HMUIIKS PARTTIME SECREIARY For No Central School our in tiny per week Duties rommence Sept 1969 Reply rtuiing experience and qualificaiions 10 FRANK KELL Business Administrator Cnurélliil OnLvlllone 156M new Itru In excelled teondition hmughaut Mun be run to Ill wmiatedfllmolil nelson 21mmng Iinrolri Crllurvlé com 21 III moo Councillooert Mull motion our Inn Nonay in rldny 1965 MG CONVERTIBLE also I9 tumbler Clullr Pflvlll ulel teltilionn mm Inu lrnrirflllnnrl ovid er will tcnoltlon Telephone wfioefiik tween no rein 11962 Voikslilagen Deluxe lied vilin noioclleen trenrnorv lowdown ment your Barrie VII lownon GDMIH 13 R016 HIM mi I01 Ion Wuon Very nod ennilltton ood urer min consider oilin ea lieirnu or Intentions Wllon VI automatic motor ID Atom newva oricod Telenn ooex Iron to II line VOLKSWAGEN Bill cunnerJor condition For Dllolin M14 FORD llllt om Ice ii iii Pi Ffiolo oy bail otter Telemann Mm lea BUICK useor men In load condltlrln radio and other emu il Tooo um and good new Beat on Telepholu PERSONALS CHILDRENS HORSES OARDED niloxn TRAINED AND snown EXCELLENT FACILITIES CRESTHAVEN FARM siiANiv BAYROAD 7288865 Wanton eve jug of fun Try BARBECUE ANDDANCE Corn Roast Wiener Boast Horse and Euggyiildes THE PONDEROSA TELEPHONE 4872346 PASSENGER wenien slaney on sea or on 12 room in non one ny tune meals melon WIINT ADSIVDONT cosrnierPii extreme or wly BOOKKEERiNG MACHINE OPERATOR Required to periornlililiiilgond Accounts receivable posting Illncttons Experience essential For Interyinw phone militior apply in person to CHRYSLER CANADA Ouiboardltd 92 DAVIDSON ST BARRIE Murine woAIAN gnfltéxlvymgun nollo7ilt Home rnamtonvlseriu MEI COUPLE or We en invllid ntvr houlne at who In Iflmhh nnllmcrltlflll Mull III aiflgfll irqlevehonel any 728 re noun leaf Hm Aluminum we too ii ni hours 1254531 mom or min work more time nrvliu miori wllomefl floure VIIVC Morn men new Iiiiuultl Mill re xiiien Ior ren ml housework Vigawr with two Kiri oiled arid min LIVo In réigonrreiiintholie fig251i tter iv 5mm omton Box PHARMACYCLERK ammo riot xiiiio TELLER nnulrcd by Ioeei Trim Co Ami Iell IMMIII Rune world or condition day week Apolv tve in ere marital tllu and uu 3mm to nnxteo nun Post minim now Teenlien Iotli en cranoinolnen stm am to show on exciting of Christian cards no iilits to Irienii nairnooai relatives nun nruunu elite eiry No experience needed our ouuttoilly iiiuitioleo oetniom with over sooilein shown color lieini van to net nith or en wnie loony ror Christin one on nnrovn no free cll Ioiiueitonroi Card cu Den Ari nnon nemllton MALE nreMALE HELP SHORT ORDER cooks roouinn torioer rouno employ inen no experience necessuy zo gihmiwm lienurine telephone EMPLOYMENT WANTED CARPENTER evlilabln tar Emir work lonlinr n4 pointllll Tele Phone AleZoos 10er0 mu to children any or inn day in comomoie on mmtion iooni ncar Queens rm oioxeo In yutTelevhnnI Hooter my time SALES HELP of terms require two ad ionnisaleal men to round out sin The module are looking Ior must bebondabie of good character and interested inn well above average income iVe oiier goodrcommissio ApplyLo DON 50065th at Bradford St ATKINSON min ck Ltd srrvien lutlo wow unrwnrntwmtnwmwvmanvnmmwmw or sales

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