LllilliCH FLOlliING och inns Striking electrical workers Swift Falls near Orlliia This against the Oriilia Water Garnet Laziere iieitl and Fred Ellis take to the water at TORONTO tCP Aiacellit hr the aoyearoid Canadian Na tional Exhibition proposed by emier John lioharta when he flclally opened the fair Fri has received an enthusias reception irom city and cxhi bition bifiirials Mr Robarts id provincial ipvolvement In the west end wa ilrironi CNE will beginwith pavilionto replace the old Gov ornment ot Ontario building lit in me but will also in luda expansion of the tair to two months in 1911 This years can runs it days throng Sept open ir quality git Ontar ios payillnnahExpo would inspire other lakestinra con struction possibly newly qnated peninsulas financial cooperation between Toronto the province aridthe lederal goVemmcnt the can become an outstand ig showcase for all Cana diam he said This years grandstandshow largescale reenactment from Canadian history Would be the right type oi program to reflect the more natlonal cha cter of 15 revamped exhib said suggesting that shiiwa from other parts oi Canada such as the Calgary Stampede could be invited togive CNE performances Hanson Was mannaBran Robarts admitted after iii speech thathe has notcon Hrulted the new federal govern ment on its rolein the scheme but recalled that former prime minister Lester Pearson said during ONE visits in 1965 and 1967 that the deral govern ment would be willing to gate in an expansion plan George Hendriep CNE pro den called the plan exc mg add Its the most the the future of the ex ioriman ears William Allen Metropolitan Toronto chairman said spe cialboard oi directors commit te willmcet with Mr Rnbarts oon hethe ONE ends to oh the new plan forth ha stabdized and virtualiy under tion of the outbre to daily ritual for the two menias part of workers strike Willa and ilietro has already accepted the premiers invite tlcn to loin the scheme Sill END roa niiirpscorcn ST PAUL Minn AP Formore than years 5247 casescf an imitation scotch whisky have been gathering dustln st Paul warehouse for want of buyer ills oi the US cus loolring an the aadendins ThursdayThe 62964 bottles were hauledfrom the ware house anda bulldozer shat tered the bottles The tliquor Auld Malcolm was manufactured in Grimsby0nt during the Second WorldWar when real scotch was escarce in the United States had ordered the 5247 cases but went bankrupt while the liquor was being nipped Customs agents placed the liquor in bond gntil it was determined who would pay the federal excise tax it was locked in the warehouse 113 scotch meanwhhe iloo TORONTO CP The and break of hepatitis in Torontos ankville distriet now appears coairolK Charron Ontario deputy ministe ot Frlda did not war rant calling itan idemic The izimember co mittee folmed now are 37 confirmedcases iri Bioting Sweeps Florida CllY under Dr arron to control the outbreak said Friday there ra Repu of trealrn at the ustiilnedaya ticnational ventlon Mo dér in ms not known butisources believe it willbe designed tofretrieve somepreslige lost by Moscow and East Berlin through vioilur rsibie for Berlin on whole The xpected deter ation join tnadeciarati statua spelling out what the Light and Power Commission CF Wirephoio fliequest Sinclair Contempt Citing TORONTOiCPt Crown et torney Terrence Donneliy nsked Friday that broadcaster Gordon Sinclair of radio station CFRB be cited for contempt of court iorcriticising the conductot juvenile case JuvenilevCourt judge Terence Moore saidhehad not heard the broadcast and would have to seep transcript beiora deciding what court action to take The case involved two Torontoi boys aged Itjand is who were charged with honcapital mur Asiril 26 shooting xl river Larry Bo lillies Peiieirate Vietnam DMZ salmon coil 4411s and gave meat troops have made their irst penetrati in strength of thedemilitarlzed concern forhim as resultof In CriticC11 Shape wnsruiioioainriziamy doctors reported today that for mer president Eisenhower re mains in critical condition They expressed increasing irregular heart action following his major heart attack Friday The doctors reported that Ei senhower since being stricken Friday has suffered two epi sodeaoi irregular heart action lasing consciousness briefly dur ing bothl They said he rallied after each episode beeoming alert wlih noevidenca of brain dam owever tinso episodes of irregular heart action oi increasing concern to hi hysiclans said to am EDTstatcmcnt on El senhowers condition The doctors reported thatthe 77yearold glaneral of the army has reede oxygen tonthiuoiis iy ever since he was stricken at MEMPHIS Tenn AP TheSotithern Christian Leader shipCopierenec is urging sup porters aio oucvota ion the Be publiean iiatiohal ticket in the Nov general election and has adopted waitandsee position on the Democrats zone ep rating North and south etnam in little more than year aUS military spokesman disclosed today EarpieCt Pressure BONN Alh The WestGer man government experts in creased Communist pressure on West Berlin in the next few weeks informed government sourcesreported today What iorni itmigh take is to stop Czechoslovak tion gt It was thought improbable that the Communists would try to block air access between West Germany and West Berlin which lies soiae 110 miles inside liberallz pains remains the wartimealliesthe United Statesgthe soviet Union Bri and Francewhich are respon East German Communist lead er Walter Ulbricht mayï¬have obtained permission from Mos cow to pilemore restrictions on gives resh impetus io efforts to persauiie the ralliesto ZBWjKilled Plant Explosion culturally is justified by their on heriina We aradlsenohanted with the nominees dither Republican party said resolution adopted by the delegates wész feels is Bonns stake in the city The WesL Germans argue that their presence in West Berlin politically economicallys contribution over the years to the life of the community The Communists sa West Berlin is separate pol cal en tity while East Berlin is the EastGerman apital Churches14 City News2 Clalslliedlo 1112 Comics13 Deaths1n catsuit4 ballots fromacross Canada Sun vFriilavaitli nd possiblyworat heart oincun STATEMENT The oiiiciai statement issued by Valte Reed army Hospital said since tiia previous bulletin in Friday During the past 17 haarr ha haasustalaed two episodes irregular heart ac lionventric ar fibrillation Both episodes were terminated promptly by elccuical means deilhrillation The doctors said Eisenhower is aLso receiving continuous medication directed at main taining normal heart rhythm team doctor and nurses is the cal hulletin The ccurrenea otthesa epis cs oitrregnlar heart ac tion lsot increasing concern to his physicians fMembers the immediate family are remaining at Walter red Mrs Eisenhower visits We are at 30000 feet iliiVIlllllilVfSlilkll 11511015 Readily MONTREAL iCPl Eight Montreal pilots start counting daytosee whether Air Canada pilots want toground the airline by going on strike for nay spokesman ior the Cana dian Airline Pilots Association neiirly 1100 Canada pilots is expectedto reach CALPA head Iiiiart tonight An eightman camnnttee of pilots would start counting early Sunday and results should be known by late afternoon tomhouallh els have askedior ztpercent payincreaseto briii their sal 36 persons were en toKing wonhospitals Friday ter Montcealvtochicago Greyho bus overturned and skidded cat the niedian of the Macdohaldv Ca er oi the passengers wer eriously injured Two oi them are be llavedto have if hired ustbéforoAhebu Th most of the has aasengeri orontoby ular Greyhound so ice six miles east Was liehe it there or 37 passengers in th hus Police an the ho was in lowing aoarWhieh also left the ndtand onto from sou western ntarlo form iiiinnnomi Jordan fBriiingtitt condemnation inn NImONS cri The UN Security Council can demned lirael Friday for Aug air attacks Jordan whichlhe iaraelis aaid were aimed against Arab terroristbases set up with Jordanian pennislon Thecounci warned against repetition of such attacks Jordanian oiï¬cialssald the raids killed at pcrsonéand in nwmiir plaiscunowan hqmaman Préky Endorses Czechs anaqua tAP Romanian Présldent Nicholas Ceausescu warmly endorsed Czechosloval kias relorrnlst regime Friday and called on ieuding parties in the divided Communist bloc to settle their diiiercnceain om ATLANTA Ga AP Lestfl Maddoxiormaiiy nounceshis candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomi nan Genrgia delegates to the national convention of his dedsioanrida fIii letters to ie delegates Maddoxsa his formal an Wallace to Military Stand GeorgeC Wallace campaign ing in an area where he was majority oi tha votes Democrhtic preside prilt mary says he is telling crowds things people have been want ing polltic uto say The things the thirdparty presidential candidate told thé cheeringcrowds Friday night included promises that ect ed president in the Nov gea erai election he would repeal open hou legislation look for mi ary solutionto the war in Vietnam take the com mie out of deience plants and raise persona day after privately ln jurcd 32 Arab nations wanted the 15 nation council to threaten israei with sedation Mass of future attacks but in today of be hindthescsnes coosultailons tbeArali resolution was watered down to state that the council would take notice of any new at tacks The resolution approved unanimously was similar to one adopted by the council last March Ziaiter an Israeli raid on what the Jewish Jiation deV scribed351a major use at Al Fatah in Arab trotis ll lzaticn Canada in some the toneddown resolution made ciearthat lt ieels there were violations oi the Middle East ceaseï¬re on both sides nouncement oday the Georgia House Represent atives Chamber at the state Capitol Aitermuch soulzsearching inresponse to the demand and in whatis believed to be in the best interest at the party and thecountry the conclusionhaa been reached that theVDemo erotic party must be oiiered coriserva candidate havethe supportai several hun dred delegates at the moment tibn which open Monday Aug 26 in Chicago Th governor wh the state elegat in his letter to counting on ryoursupport at tli and your help andcoun is ilclted rossusm ISSUE The Maddoxlselected dciega tionm become an issue at the convention since it is being challenged by group elected last wcekend bythe Democratic Party Forum which questions the party loyal ty of theMaddox delegation Sé to EugeneMecarthyis til hall thbassadoiGcorge ignatieii Webclieve that acts of vio Jenca iced on one another and that all Violations of the celw tire must be avoided liawarued thattheoltiriiato outcome of this cycle oi vio lence can only be breakdown in tho tenuous patch the Mid dle East us Ambassador Georgediail said he regreta rcccntauthrelita in the Middle East divuled tcntionirom peace eiforts by UN special envoy Gunner Jar ring Ball said noneot the para ilcs is withoutguiitil The rcsoiiitfon tooklaccount to lesser extent of Arab raid against israei by recalling in preamble paragrapha previous resolution debioring all violent girddenta in breach of the cease israeli Ambassador Yosei Telt koah said this was insufficient and reflected the inability otztha council to deal adequateiywith the situation ftekoah pledged israel would do its utmost to ensuretlia maintenance of the ceasefire fit EXPQCISUIE Arab states to 1make this he major test with The forces oi VacPresi dent Hubert Humphrey Prior toMaddoxi decision to become candidate it was gan erally thought the Maddox dele gallon would support Humphrey at the convention despite senti meat for thirdparty candidatl George wallac Various statehnuse officials have speculated Ma ox 3dr cided to become acandidatatn get off the political hook iiihav ing to support one of three an nounced candidates or toheip Wallace or even to obtain See cret Service protection at makesureconserva within the rty havea can dateto votaior and to en sure that gtsanity ill be turned to the HERES our Boilei have to inform you lordship that theres buc slaridownstairs Lord Huntington Very well Jeeves brig my doub the median waiilliedaiid person sent to hospital Kingston