Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1968, p. 2

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3er iM hivluVf4isl ume me any nwrfiwehr owner 11 unaunl ateel shellsv the city have the for mu drape on Duokworthjt of twee onsiruetion prolectsia pbm oi Georgian College near Highway BELOW the constructional an ho man Catholic Church on Blue donlld St proceeds QMailVolnme SiillHigh Post Offices 3913911 Harris postal workers are still lacing huge mountain of mail when they go in to work each day according to Thomas Kerr Harris postmaster Vé have huge backload each morning and our stall works hard all day to get it cleared by evening then we start the same thing he next day saidhlr Kerr Hevhad no idea when mail would relurn to its normal pace The backioad is not as great as we anticipated because people just didnt mail anything during the strike he said rolnmeoi all Is cfiung iro Toronto mail bags arrivs ed this morning and great deal of printed materialris arriving art the post office He said there was no exceis of parcels in the mail No extra help has been em ployed by the post otticeto hanv file the backlog but parttime empioyccs have been working nvertime sine the strike ended last day postal oillciais else Where have expressed se at the light Canada survey by Press sho ed that other centres especially oronto Victoria and Montreal do not arpect for operations hack to normal until ext week or later It wa surprisedi that the iackio gv oi ma larger said Marc nos stmasler at Kapuskasing nt lne maiihas been little heavier than normal fl spo csma themall distrihuiion supervi ollica said Wednesday that hersare going home at night leaving about 1500000 liieces olifirstclass mail over for the next day huge back 9g of secondclass malt newspapers and magazines stilliremains Montrea spokesman said it was still too early toyestimata vhenthe backlog thers might beciearedj TRUCKERS RETURN Mail truck drivers who went on strike last Friday agreed Tuesday night on settlement with their employers contrac tor that hauls mail to and from postal stations and rail and air depots An Ottawa olficial said an ex pected rush of mail following the strike by Canadas 24000 postal florid oped Ottawa about 10000000 items lirst Pair Convicted act onriding Two youths were convicted in magistrates court yesterday of loyr ing Policesaid Cameron Douglas Clayton 17 of52 Ecclcs St and Robert Albert Herbert Hans kin 16 of 75 Ardagh Rd took car lor drive around town Clayton has oneprevious jo riding conviction grade 12 student with scoop class hon ors marks He told the court he hopes to continue his education Hanklnrworks as laborer frantic min Wecan dismiss 515 pran Crown attorney John Murphy there is high idenee oi car thelt and joyriding and it seems to no name on respectthe law The time has long passed when we could lg nore th exemplary function ol the iaWlll cases such as the Magistrate Foster rre mended the pair week for sentencing John Hart organistl SteeciFou cairn sandraMcShane don rowwas seventh with our Dawn Mayes ninth with 351 and Guye Brendon i0 ar who compiled no points with Murray Cochrane third with 710 and Bonnie Fisher lillh and secondclass mail to be han died nationally at the and oi the strike but this was no problem since about 14000000 items are handled daily under normal cumstances other Ontario centres includ ing Niagara Falls Peterbor ough nmmins Hearst St Thomas Ham on Oshawa and Brae iilc are good or least ng up with letter deliveries dcsgite some backlog at second and thirdclas mail But in Kitchener Waterloo Woodstock Brantlord and Sar nia postal olficials were less op orlrlEE we said Woodstock Postmaster Hook fButfthe way things are going Would not be sur prised il it the backloglconl ued until the endVol the week ALLISTON Stall So slmcosacounty Junior Farmer and Lid livestock and seed Judging results announced here show Anne McKnight as ner 0ftheAfliston Copp prize as high junior contestant Ann received 071 points which was 11 more than three he Canadian National rtlon shield as high novice contestant Glenn Williams and Brian Wilson Brian Cole aiid Pater Faris were tied for lifth with 63 points in Dlann and Reynolds eighth with so Earle with INTERMED rs cuss late class wen to Gordon Mil haron Wallis was SCDnd Kill 712 Garyjnaynes fourth his 709 Other the first includcdyiionnre Baynes 703 EricSauoter 70d John itenltln 609 and Robhls Bomsornworth andlMargsret with won totaled Aiex Miller won Sears senior my hrush and then to trees sur moon muons place Wilson were tied lorlilth with no Battle Brush Eire Orangevilie has at ice About 109 persons incl about 10 atudcns from rs tian i3rolhersfrainlnI co battled asirlieearby high ruction workers and firemen prevent the blaze spreading to the brothers re cenllyopcned tra as school spokesman for orangevtiie fire department said flames train controlled brush fire lisapedto other piles oi cut rounding the Orangeviti about as mifes oorlhwest pl Toronto KEEPEIQOZEN Fish is no easilyperishable food and should be jkopt frozen solidly until used Retarillorrow with 7M Marie Fisher wtiblm placed fourth whilegRon Orr and Paul 115each Others in the first 10 were ulsé Watson with 710 Allen Hughes 700 Grant Muri dock 7m and Alan Robertson tons Twas woirzbyalfizt from Eato shoal program Dave tternste roirte around 3th city not seents the city irons flienilghLandJowuulom illonsvhavs been time 310 the MM tvvv mow saxxtfi Krlh nuns on lie sdvuc ospoetl stir drots seeking hlrthertnlotnnd thrower grants lnenlineering tochooi ogylodhtlsln tho twteyear in resort at administration niactroolc technic sacral business and medial secretrial andlbofoneyur rn tho optimalchasm program The oneM opti callous met1m pro grant crown Penetangldsheno pro floo about college programs on nutrients to Georgian Callus to St Wort Barrie Aliclause will heol Ind cousflfmzfl mm Int cam 15 EVE flowin ottléloi stairth procequ will take place the trance requirements liluoclai isntions hon Mm Myht mirth Mateo timed or We mom on to own man our experts or the first sum of ms nonrandom coat over mejr creationProgrdm vary summit sum mer is gpproachlng loathe Bar rlo Parks and Recreation Com missions playground lhdwflilli playground coordinator in st riding up figures tron thirteen organized playgrounds and swimming coordinator Janet McKonxis instill running Red Cross course at Lions but the poll has passed or Iheentlra summer boo Simmons or an TllllCKS uvte nodn and can lion National hathya In looking into the poulhtllty ormoving railroad tradi Ihst jnklrt Kempcnfelt bay The railway has agrced te take rootlook at ital repoflduling with an Il it worlds great thing for Barrie if the heirs did uld However he noted till the sessionwlth the railway wu oi preliminary na ture flushing definitoclme it but lfbpened chlilnitlsbl communication the mayor said Alln attending the meet lng were Ralph Snelgmo Ind Caldwell 01 tho HarriLnrhan renewal city engineer TIrnblyn thenter Mayo senior BeServoir LEADERS TRAIN southern shore oi Bay to undergo training They In ad uyll in vehieh hunting of Blo rio children took part Young rlirrind loaders fromtnll the playgrounds mused lnthe city centre fomarch to Queens Park and mudly demonstrate what they ad learned and taught More the 1100 on dren were slgoedup tor the playground early this tumour and mm at these were on the leaders roll tofu actle participants it all began June It when 66 indentured to to 20 gathered at resdent Camp on the Kempenfslt came from Barrie nor Aurora Uxbrldge Qualiflal recreatigrfai instruc tors lrom across Ontario taught them hthto organize enter tainamuse listen and play with children Forty two at the young leaders went to worktha lol lowlng weak in llarrls parks The numberoi leadersper park Orliill Newmarket was played by ear saldrlir Wiley They often battle he shuff iedarouud as attendance rose and fell in different areas of the city he said One leader could easily handle Very large numbervot children provided they weregaii the same age Dj temnt age groups reouir rnore ieadersl In addillonlo the inn and games for the younger children older boys participated in softball league schedule There were several interpark sports events in which teams from each playground competedior trophies and prizes inaddition to the softball llnols thereon tennis tournament in Queens floodsint on Fiis Utilities Strike Continués DRILL CP About 350 000 gallons ol water overflowed lrom reservoir herafiVcdnes dhy flooding threa basement apartments in an apartment building and to occupants to seek reluge in official of no illa operator subs rig for the commissions striking employ ees did not notice stuck valve Filtytwo members oi Local 1541 of he international Broth erhdod oi Electrical Workers walkedoil their iobs Tuesday The union coasted can tloo hoard recommendation that the workers receive zl percent wage increase in four stages over two years but the mmrssl down pa nnei ar itli ing in for the strikers Commlsr slop laborers now earn Moon 0011 Newspaper In GinSSfOOm simian on an hour and lourneyinen linemen Julhe reservoir Role tawasaga Lit dairy calf clu Eldon Cuhitt the leader with Gordon hflflerAlex Molar and Don Coutts The Denny phy or best beef cattle judging wenttto Allan Hughes and the Taylor trophy for dairy cattleiudgllm toAlcx hill embers anti Darling tro WIVESBLOCK STREET op planardbcarln groupof house wives and their children blocked oft aseetlon oi Windsor strcat Tuesday tn protest the use at tharond by trucks The women sat in chairs and retussd to allow anything larger than up truck Fiftythree elementary nd ce ondary school teachers begin oneswcek seminar Saturday on the role of newspapers in the classroom newspaper in theyelassroo program has been underway in Barrie elementary schools lor some years Held at theliniversity of Wu terloo the seminar programs were Itariedlnths United States in 1050 and the firshlntCanndawss it Carleton University Ottawa to Since then they have been held nnualiy 1iia program aims to demon strata how newspapers may be used effectivelyhz the class roomnnd how they serve fret competitivesoclety iha Opan describes daily newspnpcras one of thefine uptotheminute tcachlng and educational aids avallahis addsthat since great rn ny students do not graduate lrorn sltber high pcbool college the vdll lop la these dents tho dailybahit ol reading an newspaper refine Lions golf tournament at nearby nits SWnLlflNG There have been two Cross swlmmln courses Sin Junior intermc ate and senior categories completed so far and third one is in progress it will llnlsb with tests Aug 80 lliiss McKenzie whohas been with Barrio recreation lor glghl years and has served or swim coordinatorrlor the past four the most successfulvyenr date It measure at our succeu can be udged by our pnss rats esald had as flier cent pass our st series ond The Parks and llccrcallon commission Is also responsible lotthe lifeguard at Johnson Street Beach and lor the upkeep ol grahamEN us sure last summersald llr Wiley Events moved so quickly at time andwere fora when it MM said that this has by far been Redth lha children universlty in Manchutar stove Parker ports coordin ator who organized the ion on menlshsald be was pleased in extrema with both attld dlncc and enthusiasm at sports maid What surprised mmost he said tras tha ability of especially the younger ones to play there gamer They really cry thirhgII they had Into is hoping that next ear will be bigger and better is unlikely that any of the trio will be around forcesit Mr Wi laywillhetaldngsreé stion course at Centennial College in Toronto this Fallendvmay go on to another city when bal nroiled it Brock niveraity nd begins his st year to gsnerli course in September lie wants to my withyroe ltion tor as long as be can though an to in rent the see llnlshed 1y lilies hitKent will bf HW rlcd in aiownoohand will travel to England with has lull well fit what all tr hand how lilbo atton dingo no will in attending 4M iI

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