mentally part otDixiedoea 1W pmmuive stall in wlztbem lnduamtrlgi states or In TOMMil rn Mai diallets where ate determine the election So politicians depend ï¬onNexrovot¢s repelled As part of his newlywontirmed duties thi viously mainlï¬mlmggflhï¬m as tedertiminister responsible brvhous searchior toasters hem mm iog Transport Minister Paul Heiiyerai In thisho til it ottoman more it itremphesis theemivhe tended the University oi Waterloos stm thenunlvmlt iWofreseeichsrs John unitsmi New inar on housing and urban siialrs Hinds and Pitsons round ram platosen things when he nttionsi housing lioy suiierits tram bracketsiii pejnesuiiymm Widmlittcevit mi 59 His participation em hesited thewdiF Perflu mum in in Mm peck iflubledardeï¬ly met the ical nature of the prob em and the un to mm 01 now and November domd an Whig suitability of present legislation and in hmmumm at mnudgM my mm mm this mun constitutional separationyoivpowers to in mu meet thtém Major changes oi the eiectorate is Law on leave Ibeimprgasiison that order P0 constitutea mammotiitssh he said The stakes were endous beca eomes ilrat Agnew made point at stressing that order what is decided now Will go rn to decades come turnipespecially iectoraie in the lower income that violence ouidin no way tolerated rGovernor Spiro Agnew oi Maryland is praeti ly personification at this luv the atiit comes iirst io Republican lib erals concerned with the moral rather than the political issue the iew empbosls seemed the etwspn leveo ova Obitlouaiyail housing is My conntry cannot be halted uniii cie imcuuies facing he three leveiso chi governmentvcon municipal pro vincisl and federal and of the handi hip osed by the lack of definitions responsibility new iederal housingpoitcy is in process or formation tend federal ag encies are beginning toacquire new sites toritutur urban use he aid Bu development was omitted ito vincial responsttii while th Agnew was the first border among big city Republicans tbal tale governor theiuusceptlbiiitiu werafllahen iesa into sceount than those oi the south And that too contrih uted to the rebellion Some is not cont ot the delegates did not tialiy support Agnew Presl dential elections can be lost on traction of one per cent as litr Nixon discovered in ed thrsugh tbe conservativa Maryland legislature new state constitution thatvls ery promssiye and eiiicient dressing thehtlustlm oi the old constitution to the urban centers and =thourbon poor Zni when rioting brains in the Negro More WWWW districts he ingto heip Agnewlturnat veryltouxh Thatechniuesoi sn gt guardror pqreiervinglisvavfloanriti order have become the textbook DOWN MEMORY LANE 73 ou Ei Elli me tai thou lthe out ee mm Gm dim so veaa durin postiweek gimp Borda uoegifwinmoidnilï¬mggwfltggaffï¬ngm aminer Aug it 1953 nt units put on thrilling military display at to see out or no little man guIn mg mp Hon Louis St Laurenis Liberal govern fair rounds Thursday night as rtoi 5L mm Mm meni returned to office as iCanadisns the entennlal arranged through courts cupt niatogiennio oi he went to polls in recordnumbers to Jerry Colonel RC Clark 050 2DQom ireighterFaicon pleaded guilty Simone North Jutianil Ferguson Col inander Centennial medical luneh New the incident an iingwood PC reelected or third term eon in Laidiaw nurses residence dTFWiha Vessel oleï¬n is beating Ralph Sneigrove Barrie ofiltoyal Victoria Hospital addressedlsy flit féugi broadcasting executive by slim 548 in Barrie native Dr Galtie former5 at that Ian margin In Simcoe East William An Si MmimMEIMarde chief surgeon Toron neralJiospital hiya ggriteuehasoiniipoetmdgran itsfortunes it was ear moo Robinson Midland lawyer returned as andvDetm oi FacultyUniverslty of To mm ii portion at it seen ihe lsraeli interrogators syl had Wat beaung DIVR BRymrdr lgreatdangetilsdnzits depth nd made mistake iiinavigation upset gt who established th ï¬rm ronto Time marched in reverse Fat New 179mm iie 0950mm V9 iclliadphysicéanj also grilhinknéyeFSocflal feigtegiliisl Joiï¬ï¬rflffssi basaltsall Sign Ways Chit Drew draited an imagine up other on mens thearisiysaidi fugsdilay They reitanon veace no eweno mcoe aan ttenctoannyta DuiierinSimcoe Hon Earlzltowe PC 0W Drew formally winncili tivo nd romolo aliv ve erIrornJhaLlhe wn iti Pitching fur North were en may pa am mun22 wm 91mm reelecte with increased majority over Richer rogblein demands th application of the cat minds ttt ingxnvern on tructiong industry lands the univire ties nd readiness toact detail It Ii even FiNE Ennenm nnvmanow iisn AllV thAF iwo Syn party may have done to sew Im punt landed their toliisllong tgnuae inN oiliceéese it mm In my yer ap mms 0W It beat the Liberals who oi andlRed Storeyr 5in€I mo the annual meeting he party never been thr shouiit express particuisr greti $23559 had mm and toxic to George Drew For no matter how much his ory rule has some anuLr roe prozrtim waa perhaps ENTERTAINMENT never iived uptobyel therthe Drewjovernment or succeeding administrations Butiiir Drew did give the province progressive and me ill leadership gtPREDYCTED PROSPERITY The strongest criticism that can be made at the quartereen turysot Conservative mic is that it has not had foresightthat lt has not anticipated need but has aetadonly when the dams were near breaking This criticism cant be made Mr Drew iile had great vi Dil Wbon he took over power major concern or all govern men as preparationJor the anged conditions following the prospectiveend ol the war Many leaders tended to ore pare for prospective recession ance Mi land whpsetruélt was involve ed in accid riCnrnpBorden cutoff 10an ouncii laid down newside walkpniicy with 40 east to he ch to ratepayers on street volved Fire destroye tfnused gain elevat owned by CopelandBros at El included such Old Home Week in earn Arnoldiof Cooltstown Big Billy Bsnt vGeorge Stebbings employ of Emory in EiwoodJeanettjsndï¬aorge Davis Engineerin udged to svev hinges ivyHarold hroley beard Ed Be eskey had best nmmed eauChamp of Midland illu beard George Theme of CG wo Aihston Jim Davenpo prize for most omical bear Kl George Scott of Pentataiig vanis Ciubsponsored Centennialdance Ken McKenzie John Do at Barrie Arena featuring Mart Kenny Ramsay Keri Walisflac orchestra vocalistsNorma Look rle and many othervba and Wally Koster General chairman 205 and 305 ihereyas Earl Cox reportedvmore than 1200 visa fair grounds or gain rs registered whenCentenniaiparad tormer IvyKnock first baseman who batted once and continued his ling been struclt out limpires were Ellswort Crawford dyii les and Joe seen Form vhcnyoutoihabout Tlic Smhimcrmll you talk ahout yourself common ricruass and nonisz ricrunessmmr Let me be Zodionsj rench nd Eng is ritann stys beloved Canadian subjects hear no more distinctions of iv ch sia ed on becom King William IV arrived there er Edward ferrite Emphasizvmws CANADADAY FOR ULY l1 Gait Daily Reparierl It is notedthat the CBC is moging into the use or the term for July instead of Dom Day rFormer Prime Ministersiearsun at national cere monies on Parliament Hill emphasized the term Canada Day as he Hduse or Common much tothe chagrin of John Diefenbaker Thefquestion ureiy again come up whats wrong Dominion Dayand has it as Mr Dieienbaker impliedbe come dirty word with some people Theanswer is there is nothing wrong ivith it andjit has noibecome adirty word The name Dominion of Canada has proud place in the history of our nation in mmmn IT HAPPENED cannon Ere uttnrea when wees £511th it need not denote domination by one government or one people overlan other It just happens5that inihia era and in the context oi our thrust towsrd new phase of maturity ads Day is better term The only question ioidominittn which hasrelevancejorCanadians is he do The rapidly rising price causing an increasing number opt to wondereit they ma bef vittEtoYA FORMER AMERICAN PATRiD BY ii LLDWED THEM iNTO YHEIR NEW LIVES INGAN ovea at most BECAME 5mm BY$THER etsMeuTseFots mousse mutanom douuauaws on Aus 1767 eaptain EMS warship or at so who had at least one every part His wild exploits ranged eiltn ay from He vans to Montrealbut neverthelt less he was fine seamen Ho ratio Nelson who was patrolling mares as captain pthe ermarla was great ad ot had only one great romance in his lite She was 1Alphonsine Therese luiie dedibniienei de St Laiirentlaronne do Fort son whom mercifullyhe could or short Tbey lived to as man and wiie for many years hut could not get married 11 an royei blood and produce an to the throne But not Mr Drewile ore dieted correctly times or great prosperity ond made plans ac cordingly He ordered Hydro exp carried one his dramatic airiiii of immigrants and operatedon policy oioptimtsm and sooth dance in theriuture This set thetone no then imaginative intheir leadership But their underlying policies been Does NoiExpectChange little Barring HseLQf By FA ER SSINGTON ExanslneriCorre pond msivntsoeciai oihail point popped as difference in three will not be changed in the view undaya statutory Holidays easily do 25th election may have made ittilrcibs r1diugswhere re unis were hél Despitethis thateta tronspossibility thatxtha rule Elector Pen markoi pprovaiwheraaa on its But the present rules call nod deputy returnlng recent election Voting rmaehl anawhr in Canada contends ins spars He points outthai this were relaxed can ida vo In in some rillg stto make them kg lifihis he sells er wa it it snspora on re ta especially in her Cahadég pr ant much to cnrnrhen itiein past elections the number 01 reject ed ballotaahas isaan ti is usisaliyiairen tor the op woreinstrueied ad VBARIE RONiA DRIVEm THEATR His LOVE wosWAR His LUST was