McPherson Managing Editor remover runner is rate rllola Yo Im 21 today Im 21 today lfvegot the key to the door Never been at fore lhus went the old song that for many generations celebrated the fact that boy or girl had reached majulty and could now legall make all kinds of decisions that cou not be made before But the fact of life is that everyone must getolder luGrentflBrltainï¬the law will soonrber qlteredtoailow marriage at 18 without parental consent to buy house make twill act as trustee and many other things except vote This will of course follow the Labor government in Britain would not miss on this one since it is fact that social ist views are the prerogative of youth and that Liberal or Conservative prluolt iplcs areonly acquired with advancing ears it has been evident that sooner or later most nations will have to give younger people say in the musing of their country just like they eventually gave women the right to vote The rot really set in when the armed forces hungry for cannonfodder de manded that callingup age should be about 18 In some countries Belgium for instance youth could join the army at 184 qulte ouearlyage mendoua extent can arbitrary rules are hard is ex plain lbe Chathaln Dsilv News asserts ltoyalty iorIiuatance attains msior ity still yet mostot the members of this tavoredgroup have led moat shel tered life and have little or no expel lenceof the harder facts of thisworld Then you have people who mentally never reach their majorlt otherl ao quireworld wisdom and break with the traditions of genera tions lhe tribes otlsraelwarev nrby the elders gragbicaily they are always represented wi flowing grey beards owledge at Few men havereached the post of prime minister in Canada before the age of 50 some have clung tozoitlce or tried to well into their three or ears anditl Anyhow the opular babel that man is finisheda 65 has anchored this thought of age and wisdom into the minds of the general public Until Herre Trudeau came along and disclosed the fact that his cabinet would average just over47 years Education and sophistication have ab tered our outlook in thlsiield to tro Sclence has advanced ty ageof the individual con the maturi siderably Accidents Accidents will happ However when studying the slab regularly reported by the authorities one begins to wonder if this fatalich attitude is theiight one to adopt At best it is negative attitude in such cases where the life and limbs of the public are concerned Onevwnders if it would not be better intake is more positive point of viewand argue that accidents should NOT happen Jn our provinceofrOntaiio alone be ing the most populatedfigures are high est in March 1868 we had 84 fatal accidents resulting in 97 deaths there were 3485 cases of injuries involving 5046persons property damage was re ported in 8382 cases and note that minimum property damage under $100 is not reported tbe value ofthe loss totallin near $65 million Roug ly the Ontario total is half that of the whole of Canada Quebec follows fairly closely on On iarios figureswithin deaths fewer in Juries but nearly as many accidents It is not surprising that the authorities shouldhe concerned at this appalling OTHEREDITORSviews FEDERAL MEDICARE Ottawa Journal Nine of theio provinces ant acon ference with Otta am the federal Medicare program They should have it not perhaps conference called for that purpose alone butadeguate op ortunity to state their ideas io government claims that this provl can provide similar ser vice for $1475 at family month under the Ontario Medical Servicesyinsurance Plan compared with $20under Medicare However John Munro nowa federal mlruster estimated earlierthisyear that holocaust and that such an amount of time and money should bespent on try ing to eradicate this plague from our modernwayof living As far as Chatham is concerned it is to be wondered if too affluent society contributes tothis high rate of acci dents through too much joyriding as opposed to purposeful travelling It stands to reason that the more car is used and the more hours it is on the road the incidence of mishap poasi bilitlesis roportionateiy increased Genera speaking theatandard of driving is fairly high with an ccasional lat so on the part of some purse by minority controlling higher rate of horsepower with lower rate of brainpower Drinking while driving also adds its quota to the woeful chronicleof the Dominion Bureau of Statistics As figures they may seem minor oc currences until one equates them tt the amount of human suffering volved punged from the congressionai rec Butit wouldbe well ifsome respe ed But most of the accidents are caused was onthe basis of 15month 11 fromoctl to Sept 30 loss it worksout roughly to about over three yea tllesarrie they are slmiiarlto arouse suspicion that ï¬shing so naturism pus 104 Se our ECONOMY Govt Wcig Nbittherswas ssdtobam they didnt domfna wm not VOW how Indthlt the party was ootVIryncceutui Wlththo formation ot Vary an age III was agreed by party Inch so that ltrhould not tlguro prominepthriuiunilslra TM WflYfld appbar to broaden its =hlu Iderchlnll lawyers andpeopia foams calliugsflheeame figures in its ranks alouewlth the labor and intellectual represmtloo But the broadened bllorlllil didntman comleer happy shop in lactit could have addedmoreclamcota for dis mummlid Walton PlnnIn of Peterborwghcouid or live wi in tho opioi as andanlbidea of some at more radical and en intelligent lotion or that the constaht promiv once sellinitiated NDhMoru on Shullmn would be agreeahl oner party mason New ere been demomtrhsuoï¬f the Young Steven Lewis has blast edboththslahorPIrtyinEng land and his own national party for their stands on Biafrs gdldnt Includelheepmviav eial party but the clear opinion In aim in on mind it hasnt been don it lob In hi Manent he didn bolt the party but he deï¬nitely stamped blinsalt as being on dis otusldu He and perhaps John Brown would be the most extreme dia rvi so do Charge mourn THE worm Nixon Conï¬dent Candidate Settlements May Be Pattern For Industry will he with us again in Novem ber though any critical stage of negotiations is not likely before the spring and summer oi l969 More immediately on the hora iron is the airline pilotsdispute wlth an apparent rejection of conciliation board finding in the course of conciliation pro ceedings is dispute between Air Canada and its trnitie group the Airlines Association in the ailing in negotiations in Nordalr and Quebec airlines Ills Seaway Strike was settle Board of Conduauon is altarfl days with the workers accepting 19 per cent increase Wild 01 dllpllib Wilhilifl overdo months with eightlind NW Min 30m an mosa mum rekaaLLNbu€ and privatebroadcastlng mam tumease systems are or will be battling thr stages of ointper cent with muPlooirï¬mPlfliees Chi cm and 51 pm ceny beau Lauricr employees whose When the negotiating team or 1110 mm With the 11950 the postal workers reached flung mm417 unions Prevented ugreementlast week with the luflliemï¬ gdmï¬gflgkm sways en carer Treasury Board gotl or it 13anqu dammi $1 cement which worked out to Pa Wm sogrrnetblng over is per centon WMPSHWI1P 19$ 555 the average wage and period Tfbe ruliwaysnonops walked of 12 months of retroactivity out again misoo afierrelecting This called for an increase in conciliation recommendation the hourly wage of 21 cents for an 18 per cent increase over from Aug 1967 to Sept 30 two years Parliament called lose and an additionalle cents them back and arbitration pro duceda 24 percent settlement any wannnnanlmwnr OilAWA la the govern ment warning Canudian indus try that tlie economy cant aur viva wage settlements of more than 535 per cent to 75 per cent without another bur of danger ous inflation There has been no official 1confirmation of this but it is suggested by the final negotiab log sisndstakcnbin two strikes hyvfedernl public service bodies scant fodthejlrat stage This was the led to promised wageprlco re view board but government ex ample lndesllng with its own public servants could be more effective than toothless board the price is right THEOLD ORDER But the Seaway settlemeht in any event has little or no rela tion to the econorn The Sea way Authority appy over the governmentforced 80 per cent settlement in loss started immediately coasttonnes study of wages When time or negotiations came in November last year it was rasdyï¬wlth all the material it needed in meat the union lhsauthority stood firm behind twoyear agree ment with five per cent inlt crease in the first your and an additional live percent in the second year The union demanded 10 per cent audio per cent IA concili atlon board recommended six per centsand six per contend the authority very reluctantly went along The ï¬nal postvstrike settlement was iar cry from the 30 per cent of 1966 Nevertheless it was the prod uct of the same old horse trad ing done carried on undentha threat of tha strikeweapon We are still alonzwayfromwasa nd something over of cent new government consciousness seitlementsrelaied to what the in the second stage base on the urlv wage of $257 id Willis tb two not of the effectof wage settle ments rising pn Ithas CANADAS STORY the government is againsettinA pattern or ceiling for wage is ill the xconung recisely uililcleutly members of the ongressi would lfile in the same meteor the total costs of Medicare in Ontarioi would beless than thatof OMSIBi This is the type of uncertainty which should be ended Taxpayers are entitled know precisely what serviceslan ex penses are involved in thesexarguments Accusariou AGAINST PM tsaskaioon StarPhoenix ellherate smear of our prime min ister and thereforeof ourrcouutry has been published in the records of the Unitedjstaies congress itse presentativerJohn liarlck ea ary southern Democrat has filed in th congressional record what he calls teresting background documentation of accusations against Prime Ministe Trudeaus past vwhlclrhas led many Am encans to ponder what can be ex ected from the new leadership of our neighbor to the North This would be laugh gable if it were not dangerous liaiick is apparently blood brother to thegCana Victoria elonisi im Minister Trudeau ntof would to re ll form Wo Bank President Woods critl delayed he no problems agriculhi growth and educatlo Canadians wouldfeel better dollarswere spent ward people to farmrathe ing them to fly warplanes nowd Tanzani xtpmriusur PlRiGhiPils to by psychiatrist that hewas at ar with himselfa man said If so both yes are sing terribly light in ys too highand took ghon what supersonvhasto buyvand too lo ha chast sell ayer certainly aboul Ute Karrie but economy workers should have rennettissues an ctions Aug 13 into was an unlucky the day for ion Selkirk who had done so much tobring settlers in Prince Edward island Upper CanadapandVManitoba Late in July hewas travelling west with fleet ofcanoes and was at Saints Marlerwheuhelearn ed that members of the North West Company hsdsttacked to the goodilt will have some influence oftmay not be on Canadas labor fr at but negotiations pending Unions there arequlte is at NorWestcrs escape any penal ty for their actions at Red Riv including the at Seven Oak The injustice of the trial and the great effort Lord Selkirk had put intoihiscoioplzutlon plannled tohls deathtw year Fort Douglasflbed River and ed 23 men ï¬r Semple lining 16 el Emily gntgrmu Fort William winter hesdqu tcrs ofihenNorth West Com dBSI pany Whore hefound number 93 39 of insurers in prison Several of the most famous NorWesters werethare including Simonlrra Alexander Mackenzie lhe liaronnottha explorer JohnMcLoughl rwho becam the father of Orego nd Wlliinm McGlllivrary for whom Fa William Sta utory Holidays excepted Subscrlption rates daily by reorder 50c ee $600 yearly Single 0le 10cl3y mail Barrie $26 Ontarl $11 and savorusug cm 415 Universit lted Quiver settlers wliio tpirsattlers were establishedat last hut lord Selkirk returned Mo Selkirk hurried his flotilla to lumpucdumh Fflmmm flilvsnéï¬itw immut Who Learn From Mistékesf By PHILIP DIANE Foreign Aftalro Analyst Even the confirmed Demo cratl among the televisiontcom mediators were saying after it clierdNixons nomination NewNixom There werea few lapses in tarts that made one wantto sink lower into ousa armchairea when he gaveua the candycoated story about the little boywith the gentle Quaker mother the great teach er the inspirational minister and th magnificent ioolba coach who all made Richer Nixon what he is And there was look of such Imugness on his face when he wastelling this story that one could not help remembe ing Lyndon Johnson But then successful politlcisns by definition vneed unshalrenble selllove toendurp the grind lamps TO THE EDITOR THUNDER apnoea Dear Sir One man has recommended it and theharria Suburban lid VCommlsslon have approved it and soon County Council must decide Shall nine ueres on the waters edge be laid waste moiootright otwayt build bridge with double curvet Thisbrings line One traffic smile out oi the with West topenter on the hutment of the bridge with poor lips site Safety wise it is suicidal Pollution wise to the water it is nrpunishableofien Legally and morally it is Economically it is fantastic One curve through the em iy county gravel pit would mcli Line One and save pollut ing the lake Whynre tha here the people not heard questions not nswerodtt Does the hulldos El ngrhllï¬t lmï¬ We want answers not des Iruptio and esscraiionll Thanking you Yours sincerely WWW RS One engineers opinion could be wrong As mentioned by the engineer he laid on the survey on land he vol unteered it be di plan Why per iuate mistake Nevertheless has most impressive confident perform lance Like the excellentcsrn paignerhs has become Nixon did not utter single promise thathe could not reinterpret in my woyrthattlatersulted him we must negotiate but always irom strengthwhich could mean anything from finther re la lion in an accelerated arms race gt but was splendid formauceuAnd it is impose not to admire men who lost by anoyelash in 1960 was dccl slvely defeatedtor the govers norshlpol California in 1932 et still had enough fighting sp it and drive to pick himself up and get to the top again LEARNER The most impressive part about it all was that Nixon is obviously learner He has srned from every single mis take he made in the past and he has not made them again it we dislike the amhi lites lnhis speech wejaboul also admire them as we would admire his unwillingness to make promises in sdvsnceAa speech that does not contain ambiguities lnthe mouth of amen who couldbe president is policy document that can be thrown back at iii lie haseveu learned not to be put all by the advantages of his opponents John Kennedys easy outwardustyle Vioutward bolt cause Kennedy was as much compulsive winner as Nixon had demorallzed Nixon in 1960 Nelson Rockefeller has some of the Kennedy style plus euor mous monetary resources plus well it strated popularl leon timswas hotrab tied Admittetily he winning but he himself has said he could have made misc takes that would have lost him thenominatlon And in 1960 Nixon showed could be rai tiedeven when campalzrungin places like lndiana where all he needed have done was to smile silently sndzwin repen God forgive usfolfrejecting yo and ignoring theprince ot urron Jasu bris mossevanvouirr Nine Linea dmrmurhurwulnou Qggffmiommwlomflm P0555 PROBLEM SOMEthflE OTHER NAMES BEFORE CANADA WASOWEN gdhmflilll warmmason ll MAIll agree oi vs m4 may on it mummmmue ou guvcliwflctMnrdgufllsmcoummgsausqu lDï¬ilMOUNTAI ï¬MJSIFWW mm rooms MAW All WWW BilWWW 11p