any my 01 mum Mmï¬mflm vatn 3de was peep are mo housing he Hid there ing in Barrie in live yearn iris committee will meet once or twice before eoinicil recon vanes in September or such dis curious nyAid Garner rlriulldtiglediï¬ housing In opment must come to the all otherwise peo le wont be able to allord lo we here Ci eramm BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 13 will be condominiumle with the noun oomeiit will meet with lore inn Orv EssaVeep and rantatil townships retarding are said Jï¬isietion governing apartment standards and multiple use standards should beiiirst on the cityl pri ority list gt new en detached homes are basically sound at present nods 0M1 Claims as Fee Increases lire TORONTO CF The pro vincial government is abusing the basic rides of equity with its scheduled unjustiii raises in motor vehicle licence ices and recently raised gaso line taxesre study by the inter in Motor League concludes The July issue oi the leagues newsletter Centreiinc says it is an undeniable fact that the government has been steadily increasing motor vehicle fees for all vehicle classiï¬cations over the past is years lfor example in 1935 tour cylindercara were rated at $5 in 1964 this rate went up to $15 Unjustiiied while the rate scheduled to go into eilect inVDecember 1968 will be no The league study Taxation ol the Private Motorist in Ontario says licence lees and permits exist primarily or regulatory and administrative purposes but ttie government also derives slihstantial revcnucs have no objection to their use in this manner provld ed the basic ruler of equity are not abused But that these rules are being abused is abundantly clear the newsletter says homom nrrnias mommy Warns Against Poor Planning Muldcipal Aflairs Minister Darcy McKeougha warning yes terday that the Ontario govern ment will not permit municipal ties and their neighbors to be harmed by councils which plan carelessly is another way at telling areas without ofiicial planssand zoning bylaws to get them Barrie Aldo JackGarn er said today That is what he is really saying the city development committee chairman comment ed Mr Mclteougbtold the On ario Municipal Association ho recognizes that recent am endment to the planning act giving him authority to pass zoning bylaws supersedinp those already passedby noun icipality creates extraordinary powers for his department Aid Garner saidthe amend ment was one way the govern ment is trying particularly they will sin growing quickly inthencar iuturc is the time to staitthioldngv about re Vmdenti commercialuand in bdustrial development Aid Garner said it really has no eliect on Barrier The amendment permiisthe minister to establish basic standards lor the subdivision it and use of land in areas where no municipal government ex ists and to establish subdivi sion and landuse control where municipal councils have failed to act IGNORES PROBLEM The amendment was passed because many municipalities which were being subjected to substantial growthpressuras had either not acted at all under the planning act or had passed extremely rudimentary bylaws The type or rudimentary bylaw to which lraier is the one which permits any kind at development to occur anywhere within the municipality subject only to its meeting certain mini mum lotsize requirements it and bylaws which permit unlim ited ribbon development along maln McKeough liayearold Chatham businessman who took overmunicipal alfairs in Janu arY promised that his authority will be used only in such cases wherea definite public interest is involved and where convenv tional approaches have been tried and have not work Along mmltt cl daval ernnieot co so sxcnnnca STunlzllrs Wilsonsoroannmr Nenty tour exchange stui eraiprovlncialYoung Voyagv them andtnik with their es and Mr Pastinor Th dents fromhiontreal travelc lingm Oiitariounderdie led See Buniper Throughout1 ll lair weather remains until the end oilnugust Simcoe county larnieiram have bumper grain crop theDcpartrnent oi Agriculture reportedtoday About half the spring wheat crop in the county has been cut and Isper cent has alreadyhcen tlireshed The harvest is expect ed tocontlnue until the end at the month gt The yield in wheat outs and barley is high this year said Richard Farlon assistant rep rrsentativc tor the Department of Agriculture Farmers are beginning this week to harvest oatsrand barley he said Corn in Sirncoe Countyds pen haps the best in Ontario Mrl Farion said Anyone who follow ed the right recommendations has an excellent crop he said The corn is on the cob now There may be just little bit too much stalk but it we get the right amount ot moisture it willbe amarvellous harvest nearrecord crop ol cab bages andcelery is currently being harvested in the Holland Marsh vegetable growing area large onion crop lar ahead of last year when unusually heavy rainsdelayerl planting and washed out some at the crop als socan be seen nourishing on the marsh Wehava line crop at cab bagcs as you can see said Materihs Stahl when spoken to as hewas picking off some extra large1 specimens and loading them on truck it is much better than last CELERY PLENTiFUL Celery on the Stahl gardens also was plentiful as it was on neighboring gardens It has been agood season for marsh crops Mr Stahl commented and inspection tour of the Aiext oi hisremarka was is sued in advance of delivery marsh area both cast and west at Highway loo conï¬rmed his Pmï¬rwrrwmmwmew pap eura plan arrived in Barrie Jhiuooro Bentley was there to greet words Numerous growers seen engaged in harvestworlt Wehad aoexcepdonaliuood lettuce amp but all vegetahles were good said Anthony Cotania explaining he had three acres of lettuce three of car rots and two of aniline in con trast to last year the ralntall was close to ideal and crops were described as about average Heavy rains reduced last years crop to 20 or 75 per cent below normal and some growers in low sections lost most of their earlycrop years crops were line but they still had problems because haunt titulcrops usually meant lower prlccsl gt However we would much is helplul to the economy said one who expressed concern about rising priccs or other products Water level in canals through out the marsh are well down troni last year GRADLCROP GOOD Grain crops looked exceptions ally good in the nearby areas at West Gwilllmhury while there were some excellent potato fields Former Wardens To Visit on Lake Annual gathering ol Simer County EliWardens Association will be held at GiiciirisL Got mges at Orr Lake Wednesday eveni Fisher Ganton olllillsdale president headed the committee locationis near bios Mcdonte Community Park Mr Ganlon was county warden in 1557 whenrreeve otltledonte The present reeve Daltan Jcrn may who became war 1964 was then deputyvreev Georg Movies Construction of phase one of the Georgian Collegeb lding program is procecdlngon sched ule college president Crawford reports Construction of the Colleges iirst permanent building began ï¬in July and the twostorey strudcturie tr expected to be rea or occupancy in early October to accommodate the College prong planned tor this tall Ah ontainedv thébui an eleven classroom unmiEbora Qtories library and tlireeseiri June and the cortract lnar rooms Also six specially designed teaching areas will be provided for interior deiign arts drafting and secretarial coins25 The total floor area of the building so some square lee construc at an estimated cost of slalom Develth otthe Georgian college permanent campusJie gan in the spring this year with the purchased itoacra site immediately northeast ol Barrie Tenders lthelirst building were called for in late eariYJtllYto Emery Engineering and Contracting Con Ltdoi Barrie Ardiitects iorhhe project are Page and Stealc of Toronto and the twelve program offered at thecoiiegathis all fin ddiitionioi modations the tain its present location in the Barrie shopping plans This RIBI will housed primarily for adult education program eluding upgrading and relra ing cours operated in operation the Department of Manpower andl igr The oneyear opticalle ak ing program located at the col anch inPeoetaoguishene ntinuey be altered one ol the bu ding program is the first step ina construction program that eventually accommodate students ironiihe Georgian Region Growers questioned said this sooner have the good crop as it making theearrangemenls The rThreevBarrie Scouts Attend Arctic Jamboree Scout Jamboree in thaNorihvest Territories certs FROM LEFT T0 RIGHT MrthewArUEassniorc MIL Carl Hebert Mayor Bentie In chuniseth Corn fleldsin West Gwilllmhury were conilng along olthouchdld not appear Many more advanced than in Flosond other areas close to Barrie At Dalston the corn was at exceptionally good quality but cohs were somewhat smaller than usual There were some ex cellent fluids of corn in the War mlnster area First crop at hayhas been har vested on most county arms and it was an exceptionally good cropf Ono ol Canadas best yegelir sable growing areashthe Holland Local in GENERAL REPORT ACCIDENTS Between Aug and Aug 10 then were our persons injured in three accidents investigated by Harrie detachment of the Ont ario Provincial Polico There wereaiso live property damage mishaps in ihistime For the same period last year 12 per sons were injured in seven mishaps with three other crash ES concur OPENING MacEaehen minister at manpower and immigration will attend the official opening ceremony Aug 17 atthe new adult educ on centre West Street ohnsioo education représcnt local representatives olFaderal andlroviociaiParliaments will so atten Ceremony starts it is pmr SMALL FIRE Pumper number five of the Barrie Fire Department res pondedrio call to Dangert Three Queens outs and an Scoulmaster lrom Barrie are on thai way home now from the Arcli VandNorthain Boy The Jamboree fellowknita attracted 550hoy scouts and 230 leaders from acrossthe North and irom the 10 provinces for week pioneering atlde and swr mg Barrie Seout at Hook oi Queen St Queen Scouts Gregory FiOQISr George yesterday pectedtoatrive hack inBarrla early Thursday morning Examinar Photo da Ben Sound which allowed Ind lawn in ices infmale income reported lneo more to Wait seventh muss badbeeiivuthhdunkï¬inv day IiiowedSaraia meann tritb the db eetiatbeination 1119 taxpayer having incorne iiiatwdr better than Owen average 01M fornch pl oe Orillier average income wu Mm second lowest in study travv died on to Midland to see the JdarterShilnaJit rd Marshbordcrsrliradio on two sides and extendsrlromgtliioliand Landing wali spastsliighlmy Jan to almost Highway 27 Bel First WorldWar it was largely aswarnp proleï¬or ol physics at Ontario Agricultural College at Guelphthe late William Dny made special studyrot Average income 1950mm narrhe litrwu Milt with 20 Toront was 13th with $591 in Brampton was The dubiousdistinetion place went to Granb Que where the average income or The re rt to always two tion year Sande took over first place iromjodtewamhicli droppcd7to ilecent examinations at the Western Ontario Conservatory oi Music in London aWBarrie andrOrillla district students graduale with marks ranging lrom first class honors down pass marFmoans so to as percenthonors 00 to79ood tlrrt cl ss honors80 to 100 per cent Classilicatlons were piano singing and theory Barrie and Orillla graduates were BARillE Grade Pass Jane hettsHGradeol Pass Mir CtassHonors Brenda Mo Knlght Honors Robert Skeid lngg Joyce Vandcrleeuw equal Grade Honors JoanneBogardis Mary Wear the marshand drainage plan ioilowed The first crop on the drained marsldand wps grown ilri927tm asectio nowlocaied within Bradlordr boundariea Efrem that time onward ord for crops generalvjxpansion cept Ariette Morut equgl Ellenient Pass some toughluck years which in chided Hurricane Hazel inl Motorsyesterday 915 pm An employee reported drain transformer behind the build ing No volunteers were called LIQUOR ARREST Arrested and charged with havioglliouor place other than hisresidence evening wasDavid ifalladay of no fixed address He was arr rested by Constable Gord Sel wood alter resident of the partmentshuiiding at 215 Dun lap street reported man drinking beside the 25 pm PLANNiNG BOARD ihe Barrie planning will meet in the planningde oliicestonight at7prn2 Adiss cusslonol ture commercial uses inthrci is on ATTEND CONVENTION Ninety delegates irom Barrie recently attended News lor All Nations iig Williams Jr of loaMelros Avenue last seen at to staigh The youthslathar Williams Sr re ported his missingat 0am wheniia hadnot return he is cribcd is eight inchés tall with hrown jeans and is He wears glasses yesterday building at creel What oothiol yearold Wayne Kingwas bi cycling through some bush at the corner of Henry and Bo thecurrenttaxa Honors lune SIZED Sault Ste Marier0nt rosexto lltihlrom seventh on an average income reportot $5 while yet anotherB city Prince George took sixth place at 33x Prince George was also sixth in the previouayear Rounding out the top in were oshawa and Dttawa with $575 SLCalbarines 45682 and Trail Russiand 68 Blggest total income imsioontor $667200060 Montreal residents contrlbuled $300200000 Hand in Vancouver $14000000 Western Ontario Conservatory Announces Music Exam Results bal Pass laugher draMacbean Grades Pas Richardtrla Grades First assJionor Dannie Mysl Wbiiney Bonny Meek 3flonors Stcphen Delier Marilyn Reading Grade Barbara Thomson Pass wn lilacbcan oslawa Morut Grade 2First nusnaoonn spotted it measures 12 inches in diam reter Examiner Photo