New Iowa manor um nun one Dr urinal rat wtmoothoraoihavaheeo iuelnglittl floathgbhalpou Ind amwuoodoringliynuua tell his the eausezol thla and tho eurohut sudden rash letters llh thlsoooiaovidenolthaiihav ent dismissed than black tom or floatnn tor quite some months So rather than havlng reodera worry that something terrible is happening to them when thesesnot appear lotl discuss themattun In most cases thesotioatarl or specks that seem to drift around to the eyes dont mean anything except that you most likely are middleaged or ther book Technicallyfllhoy aremnlind vitreous floater but in plain language they arevtlttle partt ties in use this fluid whldi ls contalned tn the eyeball They dont do any harm other than being nuisancel1 you let them Rarely do they really interfere with your abith to sea or read They 118100 small Trisvismu Imp Illla But since then specks move Iroond Is ruleI in mad or so tharnovoment or the and lot ino how that it is floater not nttorouopie spot on the ride NDT animus dm $10051 tIIK slightly in an atn the floater seem to mover gain know it ls floater Ilélnzt miluncol Yea Serioult It is the experience at most folks ihat these floaters come Indso You maxim than or tow days or tow weeks or sometimes 1ora tew months Then you may come to the sud den realization that they arent thereany more There may or may not be other later There isnt anything to do about thorn but sinceihay rep resent nothing harqu thehcst nouns ruunsnn auction EVENING lion arches ante aaac mum SM 533 errvl llRohln Hood lat iNm LNm iNnra gall Grim on sanon rim omtn or consequence 7Wlld 3111 1114 Li lava Lucy iiPleun Dont ht Tbl DIleex mo rilml oMnae at otlyinl mo SMtstn In lmn Uriel 7Mlnhal Dlllon Dlllvv Man lam amer Brag iio limb Uncle mo sriin Futon 41° TMovla rise Csso 1seeund Year row saorm aoo goNevu Wen sou ltllNewx Weather Sports 11 Plum Barton llmh cinmm aTbnt Girl sn ni its LNfYJID ostm Trek 1175 Girl llvlnl 21111de srairsem ouan erin Happening 7h1w1tehed ZW Luann 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Many splendor Thins 1Nawtywea Gun 25o Lawton trtns out 4Houss Party 1way Glml oPrnbia ln Conmet ilDarendere Tod soum snails Wuher mo UN World 7Generfl Hospital 21qu 011 on SI uniaa ol Nirvat 7ComrnInder Tom Ynul Mflvfl llPODGVB ner enmity AUGUST BVENWG Llilnlchea or 533 Classlo lSemt Storm VivPartys Proho llltnliln iruoa ninth ï¬lms 10 vim flmnfltétli oinitn 0i consequent ol 114mm 5m son Sallfl arial Primflnal ï¬lm Destination Moon ilMan Prom linch mo vainvie dozen of the Nita unm Weather Sport uo zMnrie mo anocume oaiov 11Hour Av aJofl INWI WENh BOYS lALl Lovemm GIRLS LIKE may no WIEHCAizs 4Peopll An Funny 7News Weather Snort BGien cmmn 74W 1192mm Junction Cone irae at Heart awua TThs white iinttly cumin oraovio utx silo znim Grllitn 7wui sonnett tau Sigdvm iiaierv origin ii 4m Weather Sports DNewsxaoxnvuthu uPlerro nun ritary 1130 Honniw Carton Hone aisbon aueMoMsl THINK WINGEY 15 SEEN RFALLY Dal WWW luibwmremun oro Tell Tho Truth oiuulstnisu Court lion in who precaution For one thing one should guardan glaucoma Th1 MET A101542 748 110 15 303m AKJXOS 0A0 3QVMS naeblddlog mini nut Pan 2N1 Pun 5+ PI Pan st Opening lead ace ot clubs The opening lead is very ot ten the most critical play ot hand in the long run most good players will lose more tricks on the opening lead thnn on the next 12 trlclls combined Tha rea son is not hard to ï¬nd it is simply much easier to defend correctlys alter you see 76 cards than it when you see only the 13 cards in tront oi you beiore dummy comes down The best guide to the opculng lend usually comesriram the bidding In an ellort to arrive at their best contract dooiarer and his partnertreounntly ex change txtemeiy revealing in tormotlun about their respective hands which the deicnders are then tree to turn to their own advantage Take this case where South gets to tour hearts on the so nuance shown in considering his opening lead West should reason from the bid illng that NoithSouth have at least eight clubs between them probably divided or pos sibly 45 This perfectly valid assumn tlon tends to the inevitable con clusion that East has at most one club and con rut the second round at the suit Accordingly West starts but DAILY citosswonn AOBOBS Large reading desk Para Pour in Public vehicle 11 Scheduled 13 Snake us max DOWN Cupltnl 01 Georgia culpa second brightest star Hebrew dry measure as Measure 15 Music note 190Weï¬ng plant it Gréekiotter egan Indian 21Ennmored sbbn Audience Put forth cttort at leher 11 Sailing vessel 12 Chicken an as Young cats Pulpy mm as singis unit as Hideous 41 And LL wiiXETiE UniLle REL wutmem ausuos uh nsi llEWAS fcoiiiiiiicr nitrous1 nay JAY BECKER higher out bellman Ipados thmiatzmdtmiz turnsrarthtrd Cllï¬JFï¬ï¬‚lEthI 2a Note cnpnclty ur mind at It the same time Illord an op pflriunlty to make that ml ll with the oi cine loaning East allows suit conllouer with his htghast elmAha leafu signal 101 East to return the and dianlonds after he rolls the Without this suitdirecting play 01 thoton Eastuoniilhnvo diluenttguess about which suit to return at trick three lint thankslo the Hitting conten llon East automatically ieadl 323 spade alter Hitting the Westwins with theact re East and the outcome lsthnt South loses the first tour tricks to go down one Without the ace of clubs lead declare would have no trouble making the contract Chrysler Sales Up In Canada WINDSOR Ont CP Chrysler Canado Ltd dealers sold 9871 cars in July In percent increase from the simi lar month year ago the com pany said Wednesday Truck sales rose 112 per cent to 1155 in the ï¬rst seven months 61 thisyear car sales totalled record 90mm up 15 per cent troma year ago the company said lruok sales tor the same period dropped to 9355 from 570 in 1957 In the model year which start ed last October car sales were up 33 per cent tolzoos7 from 12mm in the 1967 model year Truck deliveries tor the pe riod totalled 13335 compared with most KOUSE IS CROWDED The Erltlsh House of lords in eludes about 900 hereditary no l7les and 150 lite Melsalid peer esses whose titles die with them 14 De Scand not 17 Reg DONALD nuctr mwrflvmwwrn rain177 rrrw Murrayn wmnwiau mum gt is AtkinsonS AuguSt Au 57m Bradford St Batrie AUCTION Come in Today and Make Your Actionotler on New or used Cori manic BUIC LTD AcrIoNi Dial mom rooms cooowui useo one synwt 55 ldcteor Bldean 0mm vs iutoque mu brim radio in um use am nrhuignnmm adohm $17 2013roezo azipeai 24 aeasonv ing 21 Instead bra surt rairewnns aosunging insects 331lnwalian ma ainzoucs Yulerdlyl Alum 40 French river tsiFiowed 45s Botanist Gray 47 Guldn lowest nnta ginning nulla no WAITING was THE NEW BLONDIE misnufnavgffrmap HES THE MEANISI sveiev NiGHT Tue to Fri Sat Youtli Noxtto Way Church Anna St A400 Hwy LETS PREI END WERE COUPLE OF BuRï¬m ostriirNicRUSAoriAuG343 ing moot Milliel Night EVANGELIST ooN canrewn HIWAY CHOIR trniosrousrs Lyons Slllors Trto OBth Pmth miioamirtom