Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1968, p. 9

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back other then motive neutr ally the patient become alarmed K0 In mind that the PAP mat to an an den oi cells Certain abnormal eella are the moot definite Indication oi cert oer But there can aleo be other cell abnormalities which do not Indicate cancer For example evidence oi Infection may be de wanna eat en com or organism is involved There is one exception the intern ebow the presence trichoruon as which is common vaginal lniedion In addition to all that cal cellshat is not typlce ehowupeverynowend thenln aPap teat They Iranotnonnal calla but neither can they be dofinitelydaasiiled ea cancer no Tire doctor in each one cannot ray that the patient he cancer But neither can be hoe neatly say that everything ta all right The one thing he can do is callior second ten in two or three month to ace whether the atypical calla may possibly be the beginning oi some condition that will need attention ii the patient is merely told thlehaoughttorobirninthree mgnlhs ahe may imet about or may not nee any reason why an shouldnt watt ice to eaddierlyearrSo the doctor to make sure that ahe returns baa little choice except to tell the whole atory there were atypi eal oeilr Ii those cella were indeed Co prmncerms condh tipn the ten $11 31 chow enoug people on dloatc the seriousness At the some time the pauege at three months does not represent any great risk The cancerii it is TELEVISION masher Auouar mutual Es Gilda IPmslxvh IlKobin RM Lam Gfllfll 3de Town lIruth or Ooulaueacle 7thd Bill Etcan me Ill 113 Iavorit lllltiIaa Ixnpeoktart Loo zrruet eaev Inert Ilylierrerlarton it one zwlnm on are mm Hil is hm 1thvndow on an lLLnoIl new no 541er dNm seae 7chk Hie nine pteiak aree xtsenurruusélrn girl ratty to rin IPlek eo Tower econtace Fouling no neutr enomnernucar llflntereeting Ronni woe lane nunum BARBIE auraaw sunAm ronouro namuou wteth tIgwem er SMMItInLI dMtdweltrrn Earth 1Now ran TGlrrLeon nwtn wtth rae SGhmtrne llIlilon Woe 1llt5 9193 flier manner Austinr Mailman Hmentretilo Lmi hioih uvrim emu rNm Weather lNewe Weathlt humane llSIInIbine Iehoel eat banana lt vomit Have tried cant thaw they nuy llhe the taste Dear Dr Meteorh We 11 our not ntcd nnrn waterdralgeh irom the ml to the mill aer dea la that herniat Ifl No Note to litre 3142 Illumina rnoate in an Iniegton irorn Iat particular type Mill often deerlup with only minor symptoms but it It wreadc throtallt the ayatem it can be dangerous tartar 31 MAURICE Mn Mina Kel enterteined Mr and hire notable Mr and Mn Doug Bogertnn itIende who are holidaying near lnnbill Park to barbecue Mr and Mn Frank Little and drildren oi Brampton Mr and hire Dennla Little Toronto and were recent all of Mn John Iierrger on firsti of Wind eor nv open vaca tion with Me and Mr WA Thifljnqolflty oi the comma ltygoea to brother elaterr and other relatives oi th late Doug laa Jack oi Brandon who one killed in motor ddent last week Ilao to Mr her mother in Holland Mre Reid has been in Holland ior the peat few weeka PROGRAMS mutt Ernae Ireeh uvniirnfllma 7491 1H Weill 1060 Iain figilefn than 1131mm nonin um Una ee Line gtfiLn Yrtewined Game aal lr IDoetm VBa Gan Maggie in Conflict llDulndau 13 aAaather World ITIKI You Dont say sMaaoLNIIht 5m or meat LSttttlwat 9111mm Texa than Manitoba had our deathe three firm ll tar none ll entreeobserved threede holiday had Ii traiiic duthl one drowning and one person aeolian abot The ltday ondez wee by local option Trei accidenla accounted for II of Ontarios deathe with to drowning andiour deathe hy the teenagar also died at on determined ceueel alter attem hlinl Iron mmlng pool trounce emu In all otherprordncer tlguree are iinIl recorded from pm Friday to midnight Sunday mom mutt 31 In treltlc and seven daowninla Brltlah Columbia reported iour drowninga three traiflc deetha end one death in lenelcreah Nova Scotla had no deaths hwo In treliic and one whenI SIIkatchevIn ad ioor deathatbrea intrallie and one than Mantel had three in tramwaan New lnaa ce nonwonrn known nunderror natural and Ind It deethe The Dinalo deed moor nuoou Schmidt at of Gerald ulcider or moot and hie who Grace 59 oneeer accident about three miles west wet no antic northeast oi the Laine ee gt Mra Howard Phillipe St at Kitchener In twncar crash at Kitchener Roblt Holmes at Ottawa alter Momentum rid hle blcyclmc man 7wa 31 tooth piouana William Mlllyard and bin wile Marjorie 20 both at Chatham when their motorcy ole collided with transport ttlrtlck at Chatham Inlereec on Donald ana Macintosh 1501 Thorold Ont when he tell oil bridge and drowned In the Web lend Canal at Port Colborne anruunnv Marco Givnovaa at at Gregoirelhervillc Que when he ieli Intoa cistern whilemt tending wedding reception at lIlngtton and drowned Drilohn Madannan 60 oi Scalorth Ont in car crash tractor rolled down hilhwa enablnhpent By RY North dealer Both sides vulnerable 32 Opening leadking oi hearts For many players the squeeze in the most difficult oi Ili plea on plan and execute Three elementa nnrst gener ally coexist ior the successful execution of squeeze One deiender bothl must havetwo ruitl to guard Iieclarer mat have proper communication with dunany Dednrer must he In upon ition to win all the remaining trim but one Tbelest requirement is the one that alerts declarer to possible equceze Lets see how it applies lothc present hand Wed leads the king oi hearts and South can count only OFFlCE HOURS ltlng of hearts sometimes at Seaiorth George Petrunlek 29 at De militant mu BECKER elovensurh winners 7at the start In order to establish squeeze situationI he ducks the arehy produc Inzthe allbutane position he reuuirea continues with beta any West the heart queen no other play Iiieota they outcome South wins and cashea five spade hickspdiscarding tho ten of hearts and two cluhsimmv his hand East Isloreed71o discard guarded in the meantime West discard heart andv dia mond These are now weremlning cards fag hn inn 1w QQIO KO Deciarer hashes the Mt oi diemondaand leads club to the king When he then caches the queen of diamonds West with two suits to guard cannot discard moossiully li hedLv cards avheart dummy dia cardra club llyhe discards club durrony discards heart There is no escape from the curbed out their extra bedmomusx div out of eontrolpe highway to near button 30 mllea wutol 52 Curd in 0M Ont near Stidbiily to rear truck accident It miiee out Saoit Steshitrie Colin Stephen FInlay 11 at ay near Sault when hie motorcycle col wi car on Highway 11 mt oi Sluit Ste Mari Mari ed Denlae image mart wea atrug by can Alum drie 15 railea north of Cornwall VGerald Jemeav Kemp of Windsorjwhen hie motoroyde collided with car at Windsor lean hour 11 ot Victorialt Line heinoucraan $1uatwestoi Donald Bigioni 1d and hi sitter Darien oi St Calha inea when their threebedroom stue co house at St Catharines Gabrielle Poulin oi St Georges Que crash just south oi oriiiia Verne Deans of London Ont when sheath Etruck by car at Sdtrathroy 20 mliea west of Lon Cornele Jansen 5e and John Davidson 57 both of Toronto drowned et1Cookea Lake iour miles north oi Penetanguishcne lohn Mortal to an Immi grantirom Scotland in tics in his bedroom in Toronto ton Ont of undetermined oauaes after swim lna Town tovpoolfi George Light on of Cleve landin twocer collision on theQueeu Elizabeth Way near Niagara Falls Ont Donald Starling andhia wile Emily both 40 hie lather Angus Sterlingioi and Alice Hearn to all of New Liskcurd in twocar craah our New Link card 45 miles southeast of Kirk land Lair Leonard Flde 29 oi cm Credit 0nlin motomycle ac cideut ear Lew Liskeard 45 outbeaat of Kirkland ltEllnd drownedaiter he tumbled into ditch filled with water at Elliot Lake so miles west oi Sudhury Benita Noble zt of Montreal drowned atnlue Springs two Inilea east of Kitchener gt ltlDNDIY Fernand Joseph Bellanger 1a of St DamasFQIle drowned whlle swimming in near Shilcne Terrance Dunphy 42 of gt Toronto irmn burnsauiiered In hrs at his toronto rooming house Heather Maybce oi Tdmntn drowncdxrin Torontos Humber ltiver Gale Harwood Ia oi Toronto alter twocar collision in To rontos east end Donald Clifford Erown 44 oi Toronto drowned in Georgian Bay threejrniks Sound 70 miles Douflaa Jacob Schidy 26 of Kitchener drownedln Sun Val north of Parry icy Lake about two milesvweat oi Kitchener image Wants Violént Réionn in Latin America unw Yonrrrm Debr the young French inur nalist mpriaoncd for aiding the Bolivian Communis innitgens still ieelsthat violent rcvoluli Is the best approach to Latin America the York Times Times correspondent Malcolm Brown in dispatch from Oami Bo via reported omen mtervle wrthDehray 17 in we cell here be serving ltsoyear prison aentcnce 25 24Nohle uMueleel IMP shrirepnne ledge ltComrn lnr Indonesian Ibbr 11 Born 1Fnmlcary 10 Overh In 23 Perfumed men rm glfli otherfmeihods ara impracti MI in most countrieebecause oi Yankee nation Debray The CIA controls all the gov ernments oi Latin America and other areas Eurono tor exam pie We are seeing it now in Czechoslovaki This is natu ral consequence ofU and ecoho Burning Rectalitchf huge the lowest later ever offered when you take advantage of Rolloved In Minutes ml manelame ShrinksH hotdn you swept through twocar que nationalism amall vale piano which collided with thla North Central airliner over southearicm Wisconsin Says Pope Cant Pass Legislation Ior The Bedroom AP itoman Cathollc prelatc warned Pope Paul Monday that he could not PM am lamina legislate ior the bedroom He was commenting on the Popes cunycllcal last wackre newing tha churcha prohibition against chemical and mechani cal methods of contraception ln the lasl resort the law is worth as much as the power oi authority toeniorcc it Arch bishopThomas Roberts 75 ycorold Jesuit said In an Inter vlew Even the church haa not the power to enforce its low in the bedroom Archbishop Roberts formerly oi Bombay has opposed his churchs doctrine on birth con trol for years He said ln India there Istaclt agree ment that hfilhing hould be said atconiessinn and no once tion will he askedby the priest He thought the same thing might well happen here Dr Roberts said the Popeby branding contraception cs innu man had placed in tho same category as genocide Priesls are leaving the church nnthe issue of birth contr said nrl more will ollo nncnann Extrapolation MADRID Reuteral The Spanish government declared virtual state of emergency Mon day in the northern province or Giupuzcoa and suspended civil rightstor three months in bid to stop growing violence by Bay north oi Barrie Regis Balls to ammo Specie Every night ftorrgmidnlght to Dlal tryourself IfDDD well plaoothe call pottodeylaetillenbeddedlntha Conielr sat elter Cept Tod Baunhrought tha big ship Ialely into Mntcaukeel Gem oral Billy Mitchell Field man woman and small boy were killed in the privatel plane AP Wircphoto rouifpis morass Between Aircraft lil brought the twinenglne pianeln with one engine dead and his coptiot badly iniured loiiicials said tho singleen gined Cessna 150 ranuncd North Central Airlines flight 261 Convalr $80 over southern Wis constn The light plane hit just hchind the copliota seat also damaging the propeller on tho planes rightengine ihe pilot First Ollcer John Mac 30 Whaaton ill sullcred multiple iractures oi his right leg and head iniurlea He was reported In scrim mu dition In Milwaukee hospital Karate Expert Had Weak Heart orrawa cm An titleth coronersaid Monday loyear old karate student had heart condition helore he collapsed and died Saturday allowing bout at thecivic Centre Mi MlLWAUKEE AP proplet airliner with the wreckage oi light plene and tho bodies oi its three young passench embedded in its Side landed salely Sunday be lore most at the to passengers aboard Ihn bigger planerknew what happened Capt Ted Baum Skokie He was the only person on the airliner injured The bodies oi the viotlma were removed atter the planet landed They were identified Rick Stethorn i9 Eki gt About 25 placardltnrrying demonstrators me pareded without incident infill lront or downtown movie thoav no tre Monday hclatcrimrolestl it against im about the Viet if nam war The Green Beret em Boll Dahada Milt temperend owned hy sealedans valid on calla bétwaon anvtwonoiptsi Ontarlo and Quebec BonusFamilycalllngfnmeIQ muteeiortheprlceoftive than everytwoadd onalmlntltoe oithepri oilustonel Anhthoraavingthrough Bellanow innit fithili reduced Lon monsoon beenahownrw roduneamostetice mt tiverateofla ltagermlrililn plangh Owantea Ernpartioa at help between H3 Cllulic atsmet itng ueom tam ltdzing Amman inund unique healing Inletanoa that promptly relieves the burning 24 Sea eagle gt In Royal Tl Forbid ca rm or meet Ibbr dRloeotd Deter UV lllulgched 0111 Tm nlckname SLAtmtmt lSOla eaten Midnight toe amide 13mm mlne VRUIllllnflu 9HT Pl tIlotnrxinLew Kitchener eLondon ShamrocksMantras Toronto oeth pa telmirth new tlaeua Now Bioibyne ierotlared lu ointment na maglion tormx uttedPreperetion Aa iorle Ill drur deluded anode wounded new nnlng

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