THREE OF THE WOMEN BEHIND THE MEN at Stub days Regatta are shown Sut urday night at mcephon tor the specdbout drivers at the Bayshnre Motor Hotel Left to right are Mrs Alex andcr at Toronto at an assistant to the winning boat The Orange Crate Mrs Fernandez ol Mississauga wife of the winning driver and owner of Orange crate and Miss Marsha lonog oi Regatta Woman Co4Driver By STARR SMITH tall leggy grcencyed rcd headwith soil voice talked about what it was like to be driving in the speedhoat races the next day until the owner til the boat Orange Qate which she would coshlye shout ed to photographers to take picture of the only woman boat racing driver in Canada Marsha Toring blushed then milled or photographers NURSE She is twcntyone and reg lslcrcd nurse by profession in her home Port Colborne and is in fact the only fcnmlc relt gistcrcd boat racing him in Canada began racing as joke at lirst she said One day Ray my brotlterinlawand vowtierol the boat lwili drive MISS MARSHA TOIth asked me to try it like it so here am Ray Fernandez sponsored Marsha in racing his boats from Outboard Marine Corporation in Mississauga his own business and has yust com pleted hydroplane her favor ite racingcraft for Marsha BUMPY RIDE Alter racing in the speed boats it helps me racing in the hydro because Im so thank ful to get smootit ride after the bumpy one in racing craft she said Saturday night Marsha said Sha thought her team had good And hlamhadid get thrown has since Port Oolbotne codriver at the winning Orange Crate Winner chance ofwinnlag but there was no certainty about boat racing The Orange theta was the only twinltll5 hp Evinrude boat entered in the regatta and was also the only registered Evin rude team in Cdnada WIN Marsha attributes win to how the bout handles the ol the race teels good inthe race titan not surprised when we win Marsha said boat racing is one sport where there is no consideration whether you an man or woman It the boat deciderto spin out on acorner you get pitdied mttregardiess at sex ronown our out three weeks ago in race she was codriving She praises the highcollar tile preserver that prevented her neck Itqu being wrenched understand now why they are so necessary she said But Sunday time were no such mishaps iii the Femandez boat It was good race and Marsha stood beside Ray Fer nandez taking credit for her part in lite win alter the race There was no taijoritism ei ther when the winiting teams were pitched into Kempenteit Bay clothes and all Marsha went in with the men Woman Removes Dust POI Allergy Sufferers uy nearinrn nonscti it is the daily chore oi most girls and women to get the dust out of their homcs But Evelyn Ketchum Gray oi Springfield Me has made career at removing dustnot onlv frnmyhorcown home uL homes oi allergy su iercrs in many parts at the world In this very unique enterprise Mrs Gray keeps busy lulltime supplying dustpreventive and dustvinhihiting home products And as tar as she can ascertain this business that she started in the 405 is the only one or its kind in existence fl spent my childhood sneez ing was that allergic to dust ltlrs Gray former dress de signer anddressmaker told me Later the eventual diagnosis of this allergy led meinto hobby that ultimately became ca all began when my doctor advised me to ate all dust contacts possible she ex piained When was young bride began to light the 10 pounds of dust month that comes into our homes as tried to create disttree apartment started by buying foam rubber in sheets and using it in every conceivable way to hold down the dust problem hap pencil to have dressmaking shop then so was able to im provise as necessary also made covers for furniture with coated fabrics that could not collect dust began to assem ble and try all the nonaller genicand dustinhibiting prod ucts could rind and l=tred them out in my home ldiscovered thatsuch things as micronalre airfilters for ex ample were major weapons in my war against dust couldnt live without micronaires now since they remove dust of all sizes from the air FOUND A1115 Mrs Gray then gradually began to assemble catalogue of nonaltergenic and dustinhib ng products Then shestarted mail order business primarily asahobhy Latcr realized that lh re very great need for dust inhibtting products and people ad know Where to get ern he said began dis the products hadcreat the ones that had own at medical for allergies an diatricians also began collect ing and using suggestions trom all kinds of allergistsf When saw that the work was doing could become meaningful business gal631 dressmakingand designing and read everything could find on bothzollcrgies and homa=turrtish ings Then went into lull tirne business designing dust free rooms and manufacturing and supplyingi products that make liie easier for allergysuf lerers As result of her dedication Fdll Furniture Accents origination miss The furniture menu for tall offers jambalaya of styles that areilavored predominantly Spanishdtlediterraneao laced with contemporary tra ditional treatments spiced with formal French well seasoned with avantgarde and plde Englia as well as with Ameri can quonlaivingredients The very eclectic world voi home furnishings revolves taste iully from modern with sinuous new twists and turns to re freshingly romanticlook that is old word in inspiration but completely now in interpreta tion striking use as old and thaw materials plays an mportaot role in the everwid ng range of furniture styles smoked and bronzod glass caning barn boo trim seethrough tables and even chairs ot plexiglass or glass manmade ï¬nishes for ACCENT ON DETAIL All olteseand more tocus at tention on finishing touches aid detail the refinements that make all the difleradcb between excellence and mediocrity itist aa thedressmaker touches to fashion Tbisperfeotloiilst ll treatment plus the rich vel Aot cessories and fmlxy ers 411 so pieces that are dually ad as coordinators or products Shewisv particularly proudly independent designs to the hobby that became business Mrs Gray can now make anything from single bedroom to whole apartment dustfree and decorative by combining color special motifs smart lurniture dustinhibiting fabrics and nonallergenic proudat the moment that she has even devised tlulfy bod rooms for girls who are plagued by allergies You need aworid and hail of patience when you want to star 21 Detail brings concerted zestand ale gance to tb current furniture scene Mediterranean is strong style veering toward Spanish but traveli south and west for design inspiration borrowing from Mexico Peru and even preflolumbian culture Much tressed woods spindlad backs and sides of sofas chairs and ottomans with softedge welders upboitery cushioned latex foam tor deep lounging cone lort popper nail heads for trim leather straps that encircle cushions oi suedeor velvet de tailed embellishment and carv ing otwoodentrames Sophisticated and yet casual Mediterranean haaa touch country crudeness to mix with other styles to serve independentlyas individ ual highlights It bears astroog resemblance to English urol turc of Tudor and Jacobean de all his withtheseas well as Early American Itls also at home in cont porstyoi traditional milieu someot the modern up bolstered tumlture hasfaveraa tilityvyhat harmonizes with Med ltornanenu asttm benches gotn for miortabla flat cushioning otlierrpleces show up with allng Spanish loo Ain iagtitrn inga orlaather straps no live panels on the turnitur as well asacre deplct lncan and other MWBMJH seen of dark disr at Cy this morning be In ware that Hilda hld but on some weightdie replied mat teroflactlyAroyouJun gelling around to noticing it Hilda is six month prompt Whoa regained my compo am Qywhaa they matted to get married He the babyrrnlthtrnotba Hllda lolhe hotnoanymtae mine Were going to waitand see who halooka like to preteen children in this who know where babies 1mm Stallwe tell as can bring her to the house more Please Ana tell what to do lm going out at my mind ES Ilildl doel not drink or Imoke IMAM Dear Well it Just you to Mi Wilda diif un no or in Dont tell he cant bring wont help matters You know of muse any the baby haunts taxman tum AUGUST on PEOPLE Alli PLACES Call Min Starr Sonata not Audrey Ooulson at 7m MOTOR HOLIDAY Barrie likamlner Italian Miss Marian Gough and Mrs Shinner returned to thaclty at the weekend following weeks motor holiday to Mani toulin island and northern Ont ario Crossing trout Tobermory via ferryboat to South Bay moutb they toured the island and latervisited Espauola and Sudbury with visits to plant or the Internannal Nickel Com pany and the Sudbury Star as highlights SARNIA VISIT Mrs ii Sparham has re turned to her residence on Ther esa St alter spending month in Samia with son and daugh terinllaw Mr and Mrs Sparham and family FORMER Emmi Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cad ogan of Rodney St have return ed home tram motor trip to the Maritimea AtPictou Nova Scotia they visited hu brother George and sister ltlnlcw Elda Deciared Dead Will Celebrate 80th Birthday TORONTO OP Mary Sot nick the grandmother declared dead nine months ago is still alive and soonvwill celebrate herWLbertbday She is unsure of ta last Oct 21 when she got up as usual cooked her own porridge lay down on the living room coin for little sleep and woke upfour days later in hospital Shortlybeioreanoon70ci no relative concerned about her condition called police Coroner Dr Elie Cass arrived about pm declared her dead and signed death certiï¬cate He pulled comforter over her head While her children waited for funeral attendants to arrive son John 41 noticed the om forter moving up and down An ambulance rushed her to hospital Acting ronerDr Fred Crulckshank lained that old erly patientswlth heartcondi tions oftenheeonie hypoth ermie The temperature drops up the breathing apparently pa Papal Encyclical Shows Absence Oi Conï¬dence ottoman toi ittedt rector of the Martha based Family Planning Centre says therecent papal ancyclical deal ing with birth contr shows total absenccof conï¬dence in Catholic couples abnoataeuui ing the millions at women who now We the pill ot lnfidell Dr Serge woman in on business 2irtade jthe merit in cable to the Cooke released llttnedaynlgbt Ilhe ncyollcal he added or the an outwitdate view of much and the Pope seems to ignore the crucial probems ot therdeveloplng countries The Centreflintendsto While its educational work and the de ntocrutlzatiou otrtfamlly plan ning by distributing efficient methodsoi centremit meth tl mil mmtlmaiyuii coo mediod which when unpoa ad break Mymany cou dayoehtzarata statthnent Inï¬llij my the Centre said the one metronome am my lotion Ihhlrtheontml hiia Social notes are intended to cover the geacraludal lilo oltha city Dlltrlnt Victim parties travellers and visitors are all items at lnteorat to readout ol this page Your help In IlppIyInl this new will be really appreciated Plane phone The barrio Ex aminer and ask for slan Smith or Audrey Coul aon at the womens Depart ment formerly at BarrierGeorgo Cadl ogan is publisher of the weekly Pictoo newspaper and news editor of aminer 1W mum Mr and Mrs Jardiuc ot Barrie have announced the forthcoming marriage at their daughter Barbara to Gary Pratt son of Mrs Pratt also at Barrie The wedding will take place at an afternoon ceremonyVin Trinity Anglican Chinch onSaturday at was the Barrio Ex LAWNBOWLING Lawn bowlers representing i3 rinks competed or theilulian Ferguson Trophy in tourna ment played on Allandalegrcens yesterday Visiting teams from Nevmarket Orangevllle Ibt tenham and Beeton competed with local rinks the trophy was captttredby local tnk skipped by Jack Pourher with Mrs Wm Ellis vice and Sid Roach lead Second high with mm wlua was another local team Tom Patteuden lrene Kirbyand Graydnn hl The rink from Ora to thelocat ink Mrs Amy gt Mmiï¬ond JeflDohsd Mrs Hazel Wice convened the retrahment committee sisted by Mrs Elsie Magee Gimmes Yongo so Barrie was grad uated com TorontoWestcrn Hoapltelinnurain Miss Bele is lorrner graduate of Bali sideandIllnda ol Pork by whole or half Out wrapped irom delivered at no extra ber flhll drl and am wonled sick about brim an fowl or doesnt know how to boil water rimh less put together meal She cant saw on button or scrub floor ac that It looks hallway decent Jan will he go lng away to moot in the fall andlhatatdthhzkwhatbar roootwllllooklikolhavaan idea because know what her room at home would led like didnt clean it looks will not prove anything but stay onto it These two are not interested in minim or advice ranunné Dear Itaa Lander Our daughter Jan is 17 years old CORBETTSHAVER Wedding VowsiEor United In Central Gail Patricia Shaver daugb ter or Mrs Edith Shavcr Ton oato Si and gtTed James Cor bett son ol Mrpnnd Mrs Vie tor Corbett ot Stroud exchang ed weddingvows on July no Rev Ronald it day conduct ed the utterance rites in Can hal United Church at 130 Nfl Places dont tell me am to blame Ann Itl not true have done my but to teach Jan the thing girl should him but the is not interested Children today dont live like they used to its TV their own twist is plcé opting or ll ltereo and with competition lorgradea so they can make leentn marriage by her brother George Shaver the bride chose fiber length gown bridal satin The dress was fashioned on printers lines and leatured lacebodlceand chllton overdress and chapel train satin rosebud heads dress held her elbow length Veil of silk illusion tulle She car ried cascade of white mums and red roses AITENDANIS Mro Doreen Bradshaw oi Barrie attended as matron of honor Mrs Jane Pearson ol Barrie the brides cousin and Mrs Jane Pearson oi Mlneslng the bridegrooms sister attend on its bridesmaids The brides niece Miss has bio Shular at Toronto was flow er girl All the attendants were simi lar street length dressesol peau do sole with chilfon overdres ses fashioned onlhe Mine Their matching labile rosebud headdresses with chlilon har monized with the tones of their gowns The matron oi honora andthe flower girls dresses were in hot pink shad with the bridahmalds dresses pale pink tones The senior attendants Learried bouquets of white mums and pink carnations and the flower girl carried basket of similar flowers Ken Keown of Barrie atteiid ed as groomsrrianhrlan Shav er ofhnrria and Ray Corbett oi Stroud weretha ushers RECEPTION Guesm were received at Bay ataira Lodge The bride mother ME AND nuts can JAMES was httired in turquoise suit with white accessories and sage of yellow and white mums Assisting in receiving the bridegrooms mother chose mauve costume with white hat and corsage of white and mauve muins For travelling the bride changed to blue ensemble wi white accessories Alter honeymoon to Peter ouple will make their home in Bar rie ConstontComingsAndeoing Marked By Grttbbyr fingerprints Sunnier months mean sunnier homes and dirt and grime that may go undetected in the more sombre seasons are bra zenly spotlighted Among the most blatant threats to aclean house are childrens grubby little ï¬ngers which leave telltale smudge on and aron door knobs light switches the aides of doors and screens To remedy suchunwet come reminders comings and going rely on so soda concentrated on inexpen sive and versatile cleaaser solution of three tablespoons of out to basin of warm water lponged over the soiled surface and then rinsed oll eliminates the evidence in record titne No need to keepvrepe ng the pmess belore you our the STliltiSI Mtss allele aeit daughter te at Mr and Mrs Belt of of constaot IlllIiS Explains iiitiittti grime for sal is particularly ef teetivc at dissolving grease based soil and your skin even at the tips of fingers secteta oil Anotheromudge prone area is the TV setwhlie doing yeo man service keeping small fry amused and out of mlschlu duringth summer months it gets thoroughly Hugerprinted the screen and aroun als dows take sirnilarpunlsh meat especially on rainy days Your child and perhaps the dog station themselves at the window on the lookout for other children othor dogs or perhaps the ice cream man Here in addition to fingerprints youll haVe nose and tongue prints too Flnt Dlstrlct Showing PAREle wit permitted your daughter no 27 the better collagen Please tell nu Ana how can mothers teach their daughters to be homemaker when 813 raluao to stay home long enough to learnt Do you have word for mat heretical Dear De Yes Hornefcathorl Dont blame the tlmu lot was allure There are 14 hour in every dayor alltot us in aw we choose mead those hear that main it you mend every one at theta hours doiagu she pleased you did her no lavor Every girl ishould grow up wtthbousehold responsibilities it makes life casted lorher mother who do serve break and it yequlpa marriage with Iomelhing bulan good looks anda talenL for spending changed Church Phco hy Cy Rllll CORBETT DEADSTOCK SERVICE om oitcnrrrann HORSES CATTLE 3065 24 HR QAYS NICKS EAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith torso DRY CLEANING some aanvrcn STOMGE MOTH PRODFING WM Helium Nussnvtcs CLEANERS visitit PLUMBING CHEATING GLEMBRAE Plumbing Heating sand Stone curr vancoa LIMITED nittest STON MASO rmarilacaa cinemas agree stonwaurs newnwavs SHANTYV BAY STONE C0