Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1968, p. 4

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at noes In=Politics Bi For CClnadg nCanada tod lsgood for viewa nd approaches to be questioned and re examinedby the fresh in uirlng mind of youth Politics more an ever is read for largescale trans of yout fut enthusiasmand vitahty itll obvious that for the most part our p01 iticians are aware of this and eager to cplopera Pllme Minister Trudeau spoke recent ly of the necessity for Canadian young people to stay interested and active in the political process This panCiinJOIly be noted should not confine itself solely to an election campaign In assessing the problems ahead for his party Con servative leader Robert Stanfield stress ed the need to encourage greater art iéipation among youth It shoul tof ltiiurse be noted that this type of thinking is now very prevalent among provin nat and municipal politicians also ICommenting on the matter of youth ayid politics Preston Smith one of the igading candidates for governor of Tex Yoiith Good tokeep aaid ream peopleand students are of the eat necessary fourworld and our aoota rev hunted refreshed and refurbts ed He aptl described polittca poaiy the out at for the energies and frustrn tions oung people In this regard cautthat many young Amer turbe theliohns Aden and racialsituation ha allied round Senator Eugene McCarthy and are actively involved in his campaiga for the Democratic presidential nonuni tionl lhenatlonwide intolvernent of Cap adian young people in therecent fed eral election campaign was most heal thy sign Politics provides young poof pie with an opportunity to improve air cities theirprovinces and their country istrationsbandiing of the Vietpam war Let us hope that we in Canada are it witnessing the beginning of swellin movement of youn is into the po ltical sphere ment can only enrich Canada non MEMORY LANE 75 YEARS AGO lN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Aug 1893 Trinity AnglicanChurch well ed to witness marriage of if Cres wicke prominent lawyer and Mayor of Barrie to Miss May Spry eldest daugh ter of Daniel Spry post office inspector andMrs Spry ceremony performed by Canon Rainer Walter Scott made bicycle trip from Oriiiia toyBarrie in less than two hours by Iridge road through Hawkestone and ShantyBay Dr HrG Lakc whoeled from Barn Toronto via Yonge St through Bradford and Aurora in three hours 14mins and RMurchison spent va tion cycling through Western Ontario Raspberries on Saturday market ivere 70c ail andjblack Currants $1 Barrie icdg Royal Templar of Temp erance now has 92 confirmed members Weather incounty verydry ures getting hare Bathing Baytield St wharf sh dbezstopped promptly It is dan rous with so many boats coming in St Marys separate school bein erected on McDon ald St behind church will be Quite an ornament judging from plan and eleva tion Kempenfelt Bay these evenings presents pretty scene with small craft skimming crystal surface Council presented His Worship plate service rior to weddiing Allandale division of Grand Trunk Rail OTHERLLEDITORSEVIEWS POSTAL STRIKE Montreal Le Devoir Prime Minister Trudeaus declaration Wednesday that the government would noisintervenevin thezpostal strikeshow ed different attitude in the matter Mr inudeaus attitude is dangerous because if eventual intervention by Parliament were to be interpreted as judgmentof irresponsibility against the unions9 re sistance to aspecial law ordering re turn to workwould be something to feare Also the government can tune without carrier service but the ser vice is indispensable to commercial and industrial enterprises who have al ready suffered high losses theygwiii no begabie to make The asser that damages caused strikearehot yet too serious is contestaol The dam ages caused will get wor from day to day Intervention by Parliament is into operation becoma fashiona summer place for elite of Newton Robinson Alliston school Patronaof industry Ba of before any consideration could rbe way nowhas four craft unionsBro therhoods of locomotive Firemen Locomotive Engineers Railroad Irain menvand Order of Railroad Conductors Stealing melons and fruit from Bari rle gardens too prevalent right now Farmersbusy with threshing Light ning struck JamesJohnsons barn on Con 10 Innisfil and fire destroyed it with all contents Grasshop er plague bad in this area Millwrig ts rapidly getting Cookstown rollertmili woollen mill producing about $4000 per month Farmer near Drillia harvest ed 140 tons hayalmost record Philip McLeod Hawkestone is buying hay for pressng and shipment to British market Orillia brought 500 fans by special train for great lacrosse match at fair grounds which Barrie won 40 Loc al stars were Tom Moore Billy Moore Jack Craig Fred Grant McKinstry Vansickle McKee and Manning Dr MacLaren and Frawley returned from cycle triple Detroit Shanty Bay Methodist Sunday School ran excursion to Strawberry island Alex Ness completed repahs to Stroud Everett picnic attracted 4000 Barrie defeatedHamiltomchampion in lawn tennis final at Toronto perative Therefore the government must make it quite clear that interveiin tion is not condemnation of the work ers but gesture in the name of the perior interests of the country INDIAN ACT CHANGES Edmonton Journal Therefusal of Northwest Territories Indians to discuss roposed changes in the In anAct wi rfederalofflclala good amment ontha whole project Chief BaptisteCamn or Tom Simps told the committee in Yellowknife that land treaties have to berettledfirat to the Indian ACL And he is right How can the branch expect indians worry about what seems lm ant to it taking iPtglimn time aboutwhat is important to Indians mail by theloat DeGrassi Pointhas becaine three inches shad anarledtralfic given ely this move curvilinear Think Of wind Chili the the advances beta made l3 Ibo aatalklu outta proudly in tin audit at their an new up hill Mamade the upgrade mill ud mia blank roan oustrm ii waa to on whit would eeent to be an al emantary fundamental in the elopmaocqt education at ten would seem to he funda mental to her job that she who keep in touch with the de valopmenta in its tie it caused you to wonder as 376nm general this la in educa flow or oyotliertcacoera are in norm groove aa thia its sort of modified version of Mayor Dropeaui scheme When Humidity High buotadyenly when it is between mwhyyouriilrtiaaoweti my friend the doorman aaked as left the Parliament building are replied always ob ligng ta ninth heavily the library The doorman lookedvpuuled it won the doggiut of Otta waa few dogdaya in this non eurnmar hteJuiy shade tem perature and the relative humidity nudging lhat com bination ofheot andlnoistiire giveaaiimnfdex rating of just over 114 the magicifigure at which many types of labor rnuat be fitted Somedpeo pie even ii to pi up pencil raid Otltflalwas resident meteorologist Underwnding authority had uvecl Canadas civil rervama from auch fate thlt afternoon They had been excused ironwork at and eenthome Which once again proves nakeape NI assertion that what pleases notthemiliiona is yet caviar to the general That afternoon Wublngtonl bottom bureaucrats in were working biit six months earlier the roiea were were rev etaed Canadian bureaucrats were at work while the blizzard blew but Washington bureau eratowereiilogicniiyeentuhorrio of snow What in this thing called hum idexf It ouddenly assaiis our can when the weather makes salted diswmforted indeed it is our old friend the Discomfort Index which was murdered and bindedto please the inaaaee it aa psychologically unpleasant to be told by the meteorologists that the combination oftemper ature andhinriidiy should make one feel discomfort One was emerged to feel apiritiees there fore onedid nunnaerjn dealened or measure ofvhe discomfort ef fect of temperature and humidi to It ia usually mfit 5UWLV IF mace PENNVA HAL PENNY romevurmanmr 1n Aruanric urineocuuiftm The low ligiim rep resents temperaturoofcom lortable more people suffer more discomfort as the index riser abovelot at 114 falmcst everyone Is neomfortahle Then above litmany types labourmust be restricted LAKE AREA SUFFERB But this is rare in Canada Near large body of water conditions beco grlm when the temperature is really high This happens most frequently along Ontarios Golden Horse shoe from Oshawa running west and south through Toronto and Dakvilie to Welland Humi dex can be expected to reach an intensely uncomfortable in on several summer days diere that might be caused by unn bination of say or degrees of beat and 66 per eenthumidity humidexlindox three points twoorlhr um points of humidity moves the Meteomlogisu are help ful people The officials here not onb tell us when we should feel discomforted they also tell ue what todo about itexpend no energy and lie in water misi than the air temperature Ail kids know this instinctively Be come waterhole rat In titre ahience of wterhole ora tuonecaneoy chosoijnatic chill Think ofptiia mantis aiicndaay hanuary and February when the meteoroloj glsts will be bothering us not with humich bu with the Wind Chill Facto That you dont need to beremlnded is another scientific formula for telling us how temperatum can be aggravated by anotherJac tor that case lowtempera tum are made duller by brisk wind Tiit gLIGHT couch Doctors by Tiredj Of These Remarks use some marks that doctors get tired of hearingor overbearing is it true that doctors have secret medicines that they save for themselves in can they get sick If youre not sure exactly Whats wrong withvme why dont just wait is you look itimin abook Dont doctors er lice what they preach You tell mel ought to take off 10 pounds but unless miss my guess you ought to take off at least 20 yourself Cant you prescribe lorrie mg or me that comes in pink capsule iaiways seem to get well quickerwhen take pinkcolored edlclnea Please couldnt you just trythe other sldef Heeheehsel PM so terribly tickliahon this sid ow canyon tell doe tor has good bedside man nor any more Youcant set ggnhtocome to your bed Ne irn not really apaV float in from the revenue service However after we finish our little chat about your 1965 incometnx return would appreciate it if youd take qiilcklook at my Advertuinl Universi Avenueioron mca em Mant throat its been bit sorefor several dn emotions William Whleh patient do you want see next doctor the gooey old lady with the kidney or fat Mr Stuffed Shirtwith pressuref Better blin mayhet IIes getting pret prac Linnea Hie undertaher in the NEW YORKAP Be next block Smiley said to give you his best regards tl knowi shouldnt ask you about professional matters while were dancing at party doctor but cool yoii tell me what are the tint signs of gall bladder trouble aha aeleetfooof edi teatale at topic11 from th Quebec sagaa ariér entitled The hats in the Que bee Belch Bale which the Coubdi bilge Llfd in Monica reeen mm to tog provincial minister of family antisocial welfare says the best way to maintain the withhold French Canada ia for thegovernment to adopt public policies favoring an no celerated birth rate and council has notthlnk Hut polidea encouraging im Wltfi the declining thrate crisis which has beenmaklng itself felt in French canada for aevsral yearninow Certainly we ca hgree with the oououl when it says immigrationhas not in the part done all that it might In terms of foitifylng the French culture Btit that is no reason to write it off The fault lies very much with ourselves if immigrants even French speakingones have been as similated by theAn£eoSaxon cultural miller in On Our traditional distrust of foreigners has not inculcated enoufiftbat it makes immi granta wantto integrate into our connunlty Even our schools to rigidly denomina tional forca Frenchepeaking immigranteot another faith to bend their children to Engiilh Wejrecogniae that the An piosaxon culture reinforced as it to byrthepresence ol anemone America language schools doorstep exercises con in girl who isiet uaaay for exampleon the shady ride of £01 Biiéir moonlit ramniiauaimiruauu of go up nor fight ilnrt your brethren the ehlidrnla ot laraelrretnrn every man to late boon for thisthtng is from me Hey hearlieaed theeter tothewotdofthaWdand returned to depart aoeordlu totbewordoftbeloedl oi llfea success in every area depends on our aur renderzto His will and word Listen to the word of God it has not atood all these years by accident Thy word is truth denounced particularly mentality personnbla iiili wgman obviouslylst arawhapi keenlna up withthe advances of their ownedim doln ennui bomrk to keepup with their lobe but with no lutemtinedu tion luetherworda our are lemivrobout nor comm comes Or again la the fault but that of our ed tian authorities Are they and the era that they needt You can believe this of thorltlea nol trytaa formake tion available to eachera Or are they perhaps trying and Sual not getting it across As for the leachera associa tion are they so conceer With wages and working roadi tlons that they are overlooking their prime function at keeping their members informed Or is it Just that ran aergua Iiie rare exceptionthe one bad apple Somehow dont think so aidorable attraction on immi grants to Quebec But that not to say that Quebec gov ernment immigration policy anuot improve thaaituatlon Ia long aa it is intelligent and open and preserves the tiee dam of choice due arnewce rational and balanced poll cy for an accelerated birth ate may playa certain rdie one thatlnvo1vcs matters of quanuty The French cul ture in Canada will flower more because of its internal dynamism than by malevoie assauita on AngioSaxoncul ture or arbitraryncilon inhib ung the teaching ofEagiish Thematiislsrawa But we do wonder if it as not concentrated too much of its attention on aprogram devotr edemiusively to increasing the birth rate neglecting top treatmatters relating to the quality of our tench life which now must carexist with the AnglnSaxon culture in North AmericaJuly in rruivcnss Alvin mm Manon APlPrincosa Anne 17 only dnugbter of Queen Elizabethiiasa summer job at her school in Bendenen Kent Helping to make over collage on the school grounds to serve as staff dwelling she bhs the task of stripping down old workpork and preparing itv for repainting HOTTER THAN SUN carbon dioxide laser beam atEssex University England produced temperature of 500000 degrees centigrada too harp ot the One ofihetinest Canadian whiskiee this country has at tasted fro cataract rite EXAMINE CIRCULATION errantMans and copy The Examiner will be delivered to your home pan etly

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