Winn but race nomad all rte Charm of commerce hdd owitempenfelt Barnes Rov Fernandez of female speed boat rack in Can ada lhe Torlng teem thrilled 3000 spectators wholinert St Vincentmark and the railroad liner skirting the bay their twin 115 horse power mot roared around the course speeds up to so mph iernander1 coniEleted lathe two apt one our vninutermuand five seconds Local driver Jerry Rice champion forrthe past two your lost In Fernandez Rice placed fourth with his boat Yellowbxrd The most exciting turn war located atthe north end of the Ntflfl it was here that Quebec speed my ramI Marcel Parislen was hurtled out of his craft when it turned over as he was travelling at 55 mph Partsien fdl dlreclty in the path of an oncoming boat driven by Fred Hartman of New York which swerved sharply to miss him Gor on Gibb ofToronto gave up his chance of winning the race when he jumped into the water to rescueParklen who was unconscious after his spill Parisien was treated for cuts and bruises at Royal Victoria Hospital and returned to the regatta in time to receive his second prize money for the fifth division Partsien said he had hoped to win the race over his closest competitor The Judge driven by Cyril Snuth of Clarkan lie estimated that his spill cost him 200 points When he fell from his boa an dcchlcal safety kill switch shut off the motor and stopped the boat few yards from him fhis devise is regulation equip ment on all racing crafts The race was divided into five sections Wmner of the first was llm Del Greco of Toronto Dick Miller of Toronto won the second Bob Shain of Sarnia the third and Phil Smith of Clark eon the filth The driver with the highest number of points llay Fernandez winner of the lourth division heat was warded the Carling trophy Only in of thefl boaL chm pletcd both heats All boats and motors competing in the race were stock production units with the exception of the U4 nd classeswhere Ehoiton aclng lower units areallowed LAME STRIKE Joe Fossey of Barrie the ace nrga expressed con darn that there were not more ntriee in the race He said the nditions were excellent for racing and noted that the postal strike blocked many entries gem the United States and Que The announcer in the Roth Inan trailer atSt Vincent Park or racer Fred Shorney of the Canadian Boating Fednation kept the spectators entertained with his lively commentary Banlo city police had difï¬cub at times controlling the ex citement of the crowd as the speedboats raced around the course Hundreds of people stood on the railroad tracks to Spectators at the Barrie speedboat races on Sunday were almost asyinterasted in ex amining closely the highpow ered craftand talking totiie drivars as they were in watch ong the races Crowds lined the pit area at Deianeya as racers from ew Jersey Ohio Quebec and Michigan unloaded boats valued above $10000 and donned their racing gear The pit crews ehigh spir fted too When cers came in they are usually grabbed out Report Single shap Monday The final day of the holiday weekend was busy on way any Barrie Pr ice bnt only one accident tyaa reported No one was injured in twocar smashrwhich resulted in total of damage Drivers involv gt ed ere PercyfGiiloap 7do0f ha EM Woodville dnd JulienJohn groan 2d nfScarborough The mishap occurred at 740 on Highway 26 at Midhurst Coolsvlllalnhte ORANGE CMTE lier by Ray Fernandez Cooka ville andCMarrha oringofv Port Coiborne won the Carl catch be The minority of the specta tors stayed VincentParlr in the mdegree sunshine and made good uscvof the refresh ment booths set up byfservlce clubs and sea cadets other winneran the lice Takeover Points Lead WithaWin The nearest thing to flying boat in Barries summer regat ta on Sunday was the 0range Crate driven by Ray Fernan dez of Cooksviile when he won the speed boat race on Kem penfelt Bay gt MI Fernandezr chubby tanned solesman with Omar Marine Products saidhls ser loua competitor in the race was Jerry Rice oi Barrie driver of Yellnwhird who led the Cana dian racorsby tonpoints until the race put Fernandezat points ahead of ee has held top place now for two years Fernandez and his ed 21gt yeanold Marsha Toring said in pre race interview they were not running scared but running to win This is the third race the pair of their seats and thrown the water Winners of th division speed iace Marsha Goring and Ray Fernandez lost pair of sunglassesand awatch to Kempenfelt waters when they weretdunked unceremoniously rOnerof the biggest attractiona was converted bus owned by racer Marcel Parisian of Laval Quebec who was slightly in jured during race when he was thrown out of his boat The interior of the tsfoot bus which was once used to transport passengerain Mont real has beonconverted into mac us Living area which is adorned th speedboat racing pictures There is room for his wife and three chlldrenwho travel with arcelon the race Mra Parisian who recently blishod book called Fern mine Chanm says speedboat racing is an expensivehobby She says that damages ch as that incurred in Sunday ace cost good deaHo latest lttld daughter will raeeher own boat next year when she becomes 21 quali fied driver in huge division inngcpby at the Barrie re gatlaspeedboat races held Sunday on Kempenfelt Say Fernandez is now leading were William Allen of Ottawa if the firstdiviaion heat Sec ond division heat winners Were Dave Ttllataugh of Coopers town New York Fred Hort man of New York and Don aldKing bf Beetcn Third division winner was during the son They placed first at Valley field in the U2 class unlimit ed atw engine race and set new Canadian competition record They also won first prize at St Felicionr Quebec and snagged third atGren ville Quebec PRECISE Fernandez who said he was driving his first motor boat at the age of nine describedthe preparation for race as very mathematical and precise He studies the angles of the boat in relation to the direction of the wtndandthe conditio of the water The rear of the hoatoa cov ered withpencii scrawia from my calculations by the time the startingsignal is given he surmner racing sea MunScooters Highlight Oi Barrie Regatta Program highlight ofthe Barrie slim mer regattann Sunday was the first SeaDon race ever held lnNorth America The 12 entrants mounted on their aquavehieles sped around the slalom course at speeds up to 25 mph whichjsent severe rdrjv into spinouts Winner of the eightiapcours which was made more interest ingwith slalom course was John Doyleoi Owen Sound Sec ond prize went to Dave Buckton also ofoweny Sound and third prize was won by itlause Va katz oi coilingwood Fodrth prize was also taken by an Dweh Sound resident Roy Bucke ton and Judy Doyle Sound placed fifth ihe entrants looked like they were riding spirited sea Yesthey urgedr their monnts it no the course Frenchandrspanishlrovinm Jury Rice oLliarrle by 31 The spectators enjoyed the Beloved architecturally correct The medical supplies includ points Fernandez won the fourth division heat Exam iner Photo Bob Spain at same Other win ners in the fourth division were Bob Pickett of Cooksvilie Jean Pierre Nichols of Montreal and Jerry lllca of Barrie Filth division winners were Phil Smith of Clarkson and Mar eel Parisian of Laval Quebec Fernandez first feli in love with racingahout 12 years ago when he started with hydro plone lhenlhe built his $10000 two engine qraft known as Orange Crate Next year Miss Toring will race boat designed and built for her by Fernandez Ray describes the feeling of driving speedboat ina race as similar to the sensation of driving acar at 125 mp on highway The driver is always con scion of the engines and hears everything that happens You almost become an extension of the boatsaid Fernandez Alla person needs to get in to race licenceand cool head Next week the pair will race in competition at Lake Placid New York man of the race committee said that with the exception aria few spinouts the first race ranvery smoothly He noted that the machines rwere unslnk able and more races of sim ilarnature wiruld hehel the future aquascooter race and neter loit interest in them he sn Winner of the draw for Don was Sandra Szerner St Barrie DEATHS wuss Arnold Suddenly etthe RoyalVlctartA Hashim Home on Monday Ituaurt sling Arnold Welsh or me Sandwf An heistbung entertn lonnerly or Tomato Barri in 1s decree Walsh mum of trait Allan or Windsor Mrs William mm Am hcmtmm Ono ry Mn Cecil arounhmn or an ton In Mrs John summ or Wndsor Also survived by grandchildren and Mat mu re at thl Sutton Funeral Home some servtoe unmety Designs are offered in ad 36000 ville of powdercdpen tdltin along with ahlpment distilled aimed Ind pills TwoDkrown liéar Penetanguishene Two Toronto men drowned Sunday while trying to save two children in Cookes Lake four miles north of Penetangulsbene Cornellls Jansen 56 and John pavison 57 both of Toronto plunged into the water fully clothed when appeared that two children George Rodroguez ii and Dianne Jones were in trouble ltir Davison reached the chil lrep and was bringinglthein in when he tired and went under Apassing water skier resr pended to cries of help from the wives of the two drowning vie time and rescued the two chil dren tie also found the body of Mr Jansen The skier of Toronto ru Satts boat operatorwho re coveredthe bpdyof Mr The drowning occuri about 345 pm The weather was warm and the water was lm Thundershévttéi Icocler perwedflésdev it will he little cooler in the Barriedistrint Wednesday following thundershowere to night the Toronto weather of fice predicts The temperanireia exp to drop to 65 wmxht marrow to 30 Synopsis Another hot day in southern Ontario today is likely to end in more thunderous ac tion tonight Somewhats cooler weather is expectedï¬o reach the lower lakes on Wednesday Regional forecasts Win it London Toronto Hamilton Lake SLClair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara westernLake Ontario southern Ga orgian Bay Sunny and iii0C1 nip elm car had hoenltemperedv with hits sroLnN fihrec 17yearold youths imaged wl gasoline from the rea Jack son Motors premises on Brad ford Street eariy Sunday morn ing The three youths all from Toronto are Luciano Estreala Scarce Michael Ray Egbntson and Alexander Chyrnak PLAYGROUND PARADE The annual playground par ade and Penny Carnival run by the BarrieParits and Re creationICommission willr he heldWednesdayat pm from City Hall Each parkwm re present childrens vetnrydur ing the parade to Queens Park where the Penny Carnivalf turing activities andgames will take place ram pump Two Barrie yorths were ar rested on charges of trespassing during theweekendThe youths Dale Scherer and Re of 15 Net street both 18 were hurton Sunny and humid Scat Lered thunderstorms tonight Iheh vy flower box Which was arrested or it was reported Beloved nur rwindowshleid washlng leivica on unclly to raise money for the Graveyark Home for the Aged The 11 nudenawcie divided into lqiiads at the Five Points and managed to earn to ward the furnish7 tag on room at the home Exarrnner photo rs Help5Grdveijark Home Eleven tudento from Barrie Central Collegiate Key tllub spent Sunday washing her win dowohieids to earn money for the Gr ark Home Aged Their idea was fairly novel one as well When car stopp4 cdat the lights atthe Five Points squadron of boys would run outand squirt water on the windshield wipe it am and whip around to tha drlvers windowwltii collection cup After the initial shock of hav ing their wlndowshleld cieaned during the sto drivers remod ed andrthezhoya earned slitto wards thelr project log room at the horn Thebd who werediided humid scattered thundershow ers tonight Cloudy periods and not quite as hot Wednesday Winds southwestis mostly light wnight gt Eastern Loke0ntario Hali Cloudy periods and notquite as hot Wednesday mtonlght hightamorrnw Windsor 70 St Thomas 70 London 70 Kitchener 70 Mount Forest 65 Wingham 65 Hamilton 10 St Catharines 70 Toronto vo Eï¬ï¬sgï¬ï¬‚ï¬i outside Dunlop street resid Aug flower box was stolen from in front oithe home or Mrs lvyllill Mcnmairi Street Police rare wondering how the thiel wasable to move approximately two feet and more than ten feet ong gt nncnivna awaim Key Club wlil hold windshleld wash day to earn rel well aboveï¬o degreessald that Tonight Moosopee Timmlns Way Pentecostalchurchmhich nightlyirom Tuesday to SaturI is Don Cantelon into groups of four andlfivo at ughcornei were James Ouch Rick Burgess Owen Wear Ken Hogarth Jeff Davies Peter and Phil Cook Greg McKnightuTom Eppiett Glen fliorniey and BrianFisher Jeff Davies who helped In or ganize the project saysthat the another moinder of the $375 needed to furnish room He said that the Key Club usually has several projects dur ing thestunrnerrrnopths The boys who Washed over 500 windshieldLintemperahires most drivers responded Alaw blow their hornsand waved the 65 Petciborough Kingston Ovien Sound Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay awesome Kapuakasing White River agasgmssaaanm Tent crusade rlittracls 400 ofï¬cial opening of tent usade sponsoredhy the lil wili runruntilAug 13 attracted 400 persons to youth rally servicaioo Saturday Mayor Bentley extend ed welcome to visitors from racehridg Hunts Guest speaker for the se vices which will he conducted ntarlo an interna onal evangeh Mr Cantelo froma family evangelists ilunks saidthat fonthe sick and he held this week half of the Canadian Autombile Association pySert Morris ent of the anontoCluh0nt ing materials around on the St Marys church siteon Dundonnid streetiled at the ap proacii of city police Monday evening lyio ap ant damage was caused at in te aunts away but most Icontrir busdi er up fered let them clean all his vdndows but the boys declined new stem our meanness xttangef owners the nelghbov almond howintld as hwy met when never corner ro common Vï¬tngueh as these let 2° ymkï¬gom octet home Met stamp out strangers ttlwaicoma Wagon today mmprmm nd everal Contemporary Make date vilifhus rfor beauttheod styl Manaononv were nnvnnnsn