C2echs Farsake iTiIeSZ PRAGUE Premier Odlrich Cernik said Monday night Czechoslovakius reform minded leaders will not forsake economic ties with the Soviet bloc but he called for ncw quality of cooperation within the Warsaw Pacts economic or ganizatlon Ccrniirs address to some 6000 party functionaries was viewed as an attempt to dispel Soviet cars that Czechoslovakia would turn increasingly toward the West for trade and aid We have and will continue to have supreme interest in the broadest possible bilateral and multilateral cooperation with thc Socialist countr Cernik lVilhout cooperalion with the countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Czechoslovakia would not have permanent assurance of raw materials and food and also vonld not have sure market for its products The council is the Soviet blocs common marlrel Cernlk did not elaborate no statement that cooperation within the economic council must have new quality But it appeared likely that the new Czechoslovak Communist party leaders are fed up with the dic Nigferiq Peace Talks ADDlS ABABA AP With thousands of Biafran relugees dying of starvation daily Nige ria and Bistro opened peace talks in this Ethiopian capital Monday night butneither side gave any indication of compro mise LtCol Odumegwu Ojukwu leader of the Eiafran secessionists in easternNigerifla declared in his opening speéch that our survival cannot be so parated from the sover in dependence of our state Earlier Chief Anthony Enaho erian grinnn said there willbe no end to the yearold civil war until Biafra renounces seces Iaion Although both delegations ex pressed optimism about pros pects for the talks Enahoro said This may he our last chance to attempt negotiated settlement Unsuccessful peace talks were held earlierthisyear at Kampa OHfAWA GP Thomahinet met on the postal strike crlsls latcs of Soviet economic plnn todnyrcveo as negotiators con ncrs now blamed for lhe posh linuedIa roundthecloclt meet wor decline in Czechoslovakios ing in hopes of working out thriving prewar industrial settlement without parliamen emfloml taryiotcrvcntion marathon mediation session that began at 1040am EDT Monday still was in progress after 24 hours There was no in dictation whether the closed talks were in reach at accord Prime Minister Trudeau met his ministers in the cabinet room of Parliament Hills East Block amid sppeulaiionIthat he would aall Parliament to end the strike should thelastditch mediation effort collapse Treasury Board President Drury declined to comment as he entered the East block He is the man in charge of the gov ernments bargoining stand Complaints about the length of the strike have startel to pile lllPPO Gilli WINS ration BROCKVILLE Out Hippo the Mmpound hippo potamns was captured today after two men saw hrn forag ing about the grounds of privale zoo not far from where heeseaped July 28 Jerry hiaisonneuve as and Jim Hailaday or both ol nearby Mallorytown saw Hip pie and called his owner John Vander Schuit and asked per mission to attempt the cap turn therees stinwpossibllity the government might decide to re callIParliament and pass emer gency legislation to put the malls back in operation Mr Trudeau moved the timing for the reg ular weekly cabinet meeting ahead one day Negotiators were silent about just what stage their talks had reached But the traffic was heavy he tween he ate suites occup who has hobby of making animal and bird calls usedone call so successfully that the hippo fol lowed him docilcly tohis cage Vander Scbuit had offered snow reward or Hippies sate capture Blafra Southern Ontario Hit By Storm By THECANADIAN PRESS minitornado ripped through the east end of Hamilton early today tearing the roofs from la Uganda and Eiafran military spokesman Monday that lheNigerian gov eminent has ordered its field commanders lo ensure trilli iary victory before the talks in Addis Ababa end He said there was heavy fighting Sunday on mostfronts but Biairan toops held fast ooorrzs EMPEROR Emperor Haile Selass at the peace talks stirred chair as Oiukqutold the open ing session There is no precedent for oplebeingivletinroffsoc in iustiec and being at present threatened by abandonment to its aggressor was defending the cause of all small people who are threatened by aggres sion it is us today it will be yo tomonow oh The words were the em perors taken fromhis speech to tirechague of Nations in 1935 nppening for help against the invading ltalian gas station blowing one car to feel and damaging many more with uprooted trees Residents nftwo apartment buildings were evacuated but njuries were reporte The wind was part ofa storm m5 thatdurnped more than two inches at rain from Toronto to Mount Forest out about 65 miles Inorthwest of Toronto llamiiton=bore=lhe runF storm receiving inches of rain in an hour Damage was not estimat The high winds in Hamilton centred on the ixesquare block east end Ilarea where hydro crews workod this morning Ito repair lines brought down by uprootedtrees The area was sealed off as branches and crushed cars made pasng im pos ble up on Mr Trudeaus desk and ed two apartment buildings aud nodrecast Posted Mediation Continues representatives and the room of dodge Rene Lippe of Montreal mediatorinthe dispute through Monday night and this morning Wages and working conditions are the big issuu and it op Bomb scaie Grounds Plane GANDER Mill For the second time in as many days an airlinen has been forced to land atGander inter national Airport afterilta head quarters recelved telephoned bomb threat PanAmerican Airlines 7V aircraft on flight toOslo Non way from NewYork carrying flvpassengers and crew of seven landed at Gander early this morning after threatvwas received in New York headquar wrurna haven an an Seaboard Coos Line spokesmansays Mondays head no crash of two Silver Meteor passenger trains that inlured 125 persons could have been due to faultyvswitch or di vVExpect 7Skoviets It To Regain Lead In Space 3Rac Russia this year expected to launch more successful space shots than the United States As in the past the programs of bothconntries placeheavy em phasis on military goals In roar the Soviet Union on curated the space age with two successful Sputnik shots corn pared with none for theIUnited States The us took command with 5401 edge in rose and generally maintained substan tial edge building up to Tito 46 margin in l96 peared obviotis that negotiators were hammering away atthcse tn the marattionsession The two sides negotiated for it hours Sunday They were back at it Monday about 1040 am EDT They had lunch and supper breaks later Monday but the allnight session was broken only by hrid halts for coffee or soft drinks Close to am Douglas Love treasury board officer repre senting th govegmiusgnt tad re porters ey pa up their vigittI Meetings would iconlinue he said but no announcements were wectod before full morn ing Union representatives were stillcloislerod in their suite They also figured the meeting would go on but were not ex pecungvsny announcemeuL There had been iounday break in negotiations prior to Sunday when Judge Uppe per suaded the teams to get back to patching error atement added We just dontknow Railway officials said the line uses centralized traffic sys tem under which single dis patcher manipulates all move ment over several hundred miles of track All switchingis done automatically The tmiristjarnrnbd passenger trainscollided in an orange grove strewing wreckage for hundredsoi yards Twentyseven of the injured were treated at hospital one of mom or cally hurt The others lirstaid arid re lVinter Haven famous as spring training camp for major league hasehallclubsgis incen tral Florida in Polk County =aboutr4a mileseast of the gulf city of Tampa Harold Walters fireman on the soulhbound train said his engine was stopped on the main line waitingfor the sister train to switch to siding Trooper Smith of the Florida highway patrol said he heard the crash fromifour miles away wide postal strike answers re porters questions in Ottawa JUDGE RENE HYPE left mediator In the Canada atter negotiationslresumed to settle the strike which began July 1a in the centre is Rumv eo Malhieii chief negotiator ior lheCduncll of PostalvU ions and on the right is Doug las lave the representative of the governments treasury board CP Wirophoto FourIlre Decidilii UJS run ASSOCIATED Pnnss Fou men including Detroit poli were killed Monday in two separate shoot ing incidean involving police men and civilians in Los Angeles two badly wounded policemen itllledlhree of foor men in brief hut in riousegunbattle after the ofï¬cers began routine check of car Detectives said ofï¬cers Nor man Roberge 29 and Rudy Limas 25 both white were fol lo ng the car when it pulled hears our Candidate We must grow more wheat and Heckler in Crowd Yes but what about bay Candidate Im discussing human food now but lll come to your specialty in moment The Examiner TODAY Ann Loaders6 City News2 Classified12 Editorial74 Sports10 ll ThedtreE rv Listings9 Weather5 Womens6 Nixoncannonsgm Political Convention MIAMI EACH CF trlumphant entry by favorite dream Nixon amid heavy se curity arran gemenIts arid speeches from the past andIfn titre of the RepublicauI party lion Monday tannedand smili featured the opening or the presidential nomination conven NXOiIV arrived at this southern Florida resort centre to wage his wind pnbattlefor the nominaton Wednesday night Earlier Ronald Reagan Call for iioutine Check Hospitaliaes LEI AP sit to the hospitaltoday is described by his personal doctoros in keep log withthe policy of anfeni nualphysicaleheckup The Texas White sign of weakness in ï¬t right wlng formErauturs pos Henry Bu hebusiness ex ecutive who runsthe National Citizens for Reagan groupIsaid Reagan was three months the late rNixon who has been repor worklogion hisa cep speech spoke to alarga step welcomi delegation and litter toaimasseda his hotel Iheadquarte eat that emphasized the extreme sea curlty precauï¬nnsbelng tok Troops TEL AVIV he troopsIIctosred today for the lmeln four months and killed five members otfnn Arab sabotage band that had slipped into southern lsrael to attack hospital th israell army announced The army said the intruders bazoolcasheli at ahospi in clinic in theEin Yahav setu tlement near rth frontier in Negev DeserLJl dams 29 Two other cahot aid planted near the clinic by the number of federal and other protectiv personnel around him Referring to the preeonven tion campaign said at the airport that this is the end of one journey and we think the beginning of another that will lead to new leadership for crats andindependents will loin theIRepublicans towrn Entei Jordan iiOiillraB Saboteurs tro psto two none wethad The chase over stony water enslterraiu was the first time since Aprilii thotIlsrneli troops crossed the border in pursuit of Arch guerrillas the army sa Sunday lsr ll warplanes treeked Aacros the Jordanian border and allies ed time said were two Arab with metal prosthe firsLrcportedupelalion of its inloa gas station at the edge of the downtown area 7Thev nicnrwercoiirsldelhe oar as flobcrge approached He asked to see drivers licehce Limasaskcd the other two to step out Po said the men sho this emptied his evo into the menaftcr he had been hit in the legs Limos shot ill the groin hand andlower chest alsciiired The dead were identiï¬ed as Stephen KonnaJathlomew 21 Robert Lawrence 22 and Thoma Melvinlewis 182311 Negroe The fourth man who fled on foot was being sought in Detroit gunfight that up Veriebra With VICioniA err surgical team at Royal Jubilee Hospital has replaced diseased verte bra in mans spinal column the kind in Canada and possibly the world The patien Victoria man in his Sits is in very good condi tion said Pickles than florist news contereï¬ Mon ay The hospital withheld the pa tients and surgeons names To the best of our knowl edge there is no record of this operation being performed pre viogsly in Canada Dr Fickles 53 it was learned later Ihere an 135 WASlliNGTdN arramen in Walter Reed Army WASHINGTONiAPl have developedan atomic nd other Dll as well Harmer Millionaire oAKLAuD an ion irewho corn ed he was onweltare lieved by an thqualte ï¬red 27 other occupa The firsliive hours of tin assistance thc wounding of two other policemen and two eivlians Theshooflng occurred lowincomehousing project in predominantly Negro neighbor hood bulxiollce Connoissioner Johannes Spreen said thatItho incident was not racial Spreen said three police car responded to repdrtbf man shooting gun Shots were ex changed and Sgt Edward With ski Jr it fell fatally wounded Detectives said the steam apparently was quarrclllng with his girl friend when he pulled gun and began shooting Canadian Surgeons Replace Metal Disci pears to ibenorecord otthr procedure in the surgical litera ture of the United States or Great Eri goingzihe operation or spending the rest of his life onhis back doctors sa ful said Dr Pickles Weekend Gunfighis sixhour operation were spent removing the diseased vertebra the No lumbarin thl Ilke suites in Chest Pain President Eisenhower egating mm heart attack suffered renewed chest is ll pitalI announced $Develops lltomic Prospector Govemmen scientists report tli prospectorthat cantind goldsil and maybe underground water it warm novelty th soybean He was kill Zakanan nee market Vhen henti AIP Rescue Iworkers IualI abendone hope to day of finding anymore survivors among about ioo personsbet trappedmike rubble of Friday Thus ad apartment house collapsed no as have been