yIU lADlES WEAR IOTTON SIIIFT GOWN Colorlul embroidery on neck rnmc Pink blue maize Sizes SML Camp 199 NOW MINI ASLIP Easycare Amcl multicolI and designs and lacchem Silos SltlL Cnmy 299 Now ARNEL PETTI PANTS To match Mini Slip Multi oolorcd and lace trim on el asticized legs Sizes SMJ Comp 299 Now NYLON TEICDI BRIEFS Assorted trims and colors Sizes SML Comp L00 NOW ARNEL FULL SLIP Shadow panel lace on bodice and hem white and pink Sizes 3240 Camp 19 NOW Harassment cssum Colorful in green print blue print pink print Sizes 59 Comp 299 NOW CANVAS RUNNING SIIDESV Childmns Colors pmk yel low blue orange and shocks ing pink Comp 149 NOW CHILDS SANDALS Arid plastic play shoes Bro ken sizes Comp L99 NOW moms smrennrres Colorlul Sizeslll x1 Comp 79c 111 Now moms suppress Dpen back Colors black white brownwhite pink wtu Sizes o9 Comp 149 now sovs corromsnonrs Half Boxer Cnrnll see New IDVRESS STRAW ruins Mens Conip 299 Now Styrolosrn Crszy sayings on hands amp is Now dxuwFAch immrs Plink wrte blue yellow sijzes 314 conp 59 NOW GIRLS rim memes white blue yellow Mx Comp 59 Now unis 1m sms Shadow panel Green plnky yellow blue Sizes 70m 100 NOW 14 Chue It Chnrge 11 Chnrge 211 nurse in 131d Challt If Chnrg It 2144 21414 Charge It 21194 44 Charge Cllarge it 2144 Chnrde 114 Cltarge lt 2119 Charge 1t in Chars SAILCWIII 35 WIDE Ideal for kitchen curtains in your home or cottage AS sortcd patterns Camp It ï¬kyd NIth miroN mums 36 wide Ideal mr ladies nightgowns Assorted pat ternsComp at 73 yd NOW Charge II PlthTED corms Small floral designs inus sorted colors 36 wide ideal for blouses and dresses Compareat 93h yd NOW Chnrge It 14 dent tar skirts and Yd cum camp 166 yd Now linsnc ancn BALLS Ideal tor summer min the 144 water or on land Mgr DSanDW ONLY CItBIEEIF IIARBDE BOAT SET set at seven boats great 144 for playing at the beach Res 993 Ngw comm AmeLANE zllH Ready to fly No building necessary liege 179 Now Charge It 2144 Charge lt Cha5 41 DOLL FURNITURE liliniature Drawing room dining room and bedroom furniture lteg We Now NAP minimum ustprqaf lealtproof lizz proof cm at 89c ilOW Chargelt Dzssenr 311013st iBrown nndle Spain 39¢ NOW Stainlessslleel Wire Lax uremic Comp Now amen Package of giant garbnge bags Camp at glee Now scorn rum sonic F0 in thekitcllen bath room comp ni 59s Charge It éividNDAY AUGf 6n ly PlGNlCCilRRYAVLL Keepslood hot or coldfMadé ot liber glas insulsted nlastir Carrying him idles Ideal for fishing caniping truly liugged construction made inBrltain 24slylesln moosn min Cnmpuml 19 errinch 1r 250 per pkg Rainbowvcolors and white Ideal for those backyard bin 05 CHARGE 17 Comp $39 cu Now new 11er F0 144 Camp 99c NOW RECORDING TAPE 192 Plaza magnetic Comp It 110 Now Chlrge 19 CLFANIFGFW 41 iioï¬emrd Brush und 20 adapters Comth 193 N0W Chnse It 211 iongel stirs IVEEKSIAS RPM Comp 79c now csssé ran LP nsconns Camp at 199 NOW bLEAnANCE or SUMMER HANDBAGS Vinyl undibeaded Assorted 1447 colors Values Io795 Now Chetg um QUALITY NYLONs Sizes Ht Colors spice and beig Comb 47c NOW LADIES WALLETS Double duty space saver clutch walleL Yellow orange 114 green hot pink Comp 299 Ind Now Change It SUMMER SUN IIATS Ladlesvvstrawl Green yellow blue Pink andred connunby JODPHURS 44 Colors blue redtoya Sizes 24 Conzp 227 William ROYAL ANN eschews mug rt 1N ONEVEAENINGIS Interchangeable Pierced and pierced kManysty1es Comprlt on 45 scnsnvlrsmuc Assorted patterns alleolorsh Ideal for blousessnd dresses Comp $188 yd Now Change li CLOTHES BRUSHES Assorted brush shapes with shoe whom handle 1511 We Qeyrmany Comp 199 guilt bonnet to hair plaee lej ACharge WI Ilsei Now Charge iv minim BALLS Six balls to pkg Relaxing game Corny It 59 NOW Cnme lt TENNIS mus good outdoor sport tar the lsmily and friends Corny 149 NOWgt Jainism snsxsr canIERsv 44 wire baskets for childrens lukes Camp LN NOW 0er It mums ncxue Summerlce lnrcs ï¬shing lines tish stringers Weedless hooks etc WATER WITCH LURES All sizes GOLF BALE covzns illroyvn and red Size 145 semen ms 44 For sinus hay fever and culds Crimp II 179 NOW Charge It SLIMMINT tiru Reducing plan Comp at 198 Pmsonnx Skin cleanser oz Comp It 135 NOW Stomach mixture 12 oz rncnmavz Creme rinse BI cm NOW diets Como It FurldryJIai 14 mbr srnremsmoo Comp st 991 LUSTREiCREME Hair spray 10 02 and Nrnislfhold MONPAl to15