Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1968, p. 6

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Puerto RICO HQHGYmOQn onisrs Follows Afternoon wedding newsman in Pnerta Rico followed the marriage of also lso Ellen Hocklsy and ideas Alfred Hughes in Emmanuel baptist Church July 11 Baskets of white shsstas snd muma created vibe background setting or the afternoon rites conducted by Rev it Hdii dai Wedding music was provided by him White organist The bride is the daughter of Mrs Hannah of Steels St Esrrle The bridegroom is the son oi Mr and Mrs Lionel lL Hughes of Harris SELFDESIGNED GOWN ilsnnah gave the bride in marriage For this special day the bride wore self dulgned gown of satin styled on the empire llne Tbs satin bodice featured lsce sleeves while the lull length skirt was applloucd with lace malchlng the lace train extend ing from the shoulders of the dress besddreas of organs pet sis edged with seed pearls held the shoulder length Veil of silk illusion The bride carried bouquet of red roses annuasms Maid of honor was the brides cousin Miss Nancy Parker ol Barrie The brides sisters Missa es Ywnne and Brenda Hannah and tha bridegrooms cousin Miss Debbie Collins oi Barrie were bridesmaids Sirnilsr gowns of satin fash ioned on empire lines and fes turing chiffon trains extending from back bows at the should ers oi the gowns were worn by the ntlendanu The maid of bon ors dress was green and the other attendants wore yellow satin They wore headbands of while daisies snd canted bouquets of white and green shasta mums Jerry Vair oi Barrie was best man The brides brother Ken neth Hannah and the bride grooms cousins Bradley and Gary Collins oi Barrie acted as ushers Chairman Of School Board Has WifeMother PrObIems OTTAWA GP petite redhead who knows first band about pmblems faced by the working wifemother is chair man of the Ottawa public school hoard with its 53 schools and more than 218500 evening and worked for Eileen Scottonmolher ct Anne 14 Lindsay 12 and Geoffrey Bwas elected to the lzurnember board in De cember 1964 year later she became chairman of its man agement committee posi tion she held until becoming board chairman last year lively energetic woman Mrs Scotton grew up in Eng land where she was evacuated irom her London hometo girls grammar school in Stamford Lincolnsbire dur ing the Second World War She stayed in that city of 108 pubs and six churches for four years few years after the war loyesrold Eileen started course in English literature and modern languages at the of Londons Birk beck College My parents were not pa who gngagsmant bss bee announcedot Frances Rober Cranfial aughtet Mrs Gerard Wlllstnssnd mbert Creniteldpto James ilsna ME AND Mos mount GUESTS RECEIVED cerise brocaded satin dress with matching lace cost was worn by the brides mother when she received guests at the Miramar Garden reception White accessories and cor sage of pale yellow rosebuds completed her ensemble The bridegrooms mother as slsted at the reception attired in printed chiffon dress and coat in grey tones with hat ticularlynvelt oil so ar ranged courses mostly in the evening and worked for local newspaper She was hired by the Lon don Daily Express in 1950 but short time later got Job in the Womens magazine field for the Amalgamated Press started out being junior running lot of errands and making lot of tea graduat ed to writing subbeads and doing features For while was film critic and then as sistant la the beauty editor In the meantime she met her future husband Cliff now national secretary for the New Democratic Party in September 1951 Cliff came to Canada and joined him the follgwing spring in Toronto where we we married May The ship was two days late so we had to get special dis pensation for the marriage from the lieutenantgovernor of Ontario There is waiting period but because of the delay1arriverl1 onlya raw hours before we were to he married After their ma sage Mr thoiyear ahead should bring pricest City flail Wednesday DofiftExpectFree Desr Ann Lenders Several days ago awakened at bout 100 sun with headache wentlotbebalhmomiagetan ssplrlnsodlelllwsamf ilholomnhv by Fsvmt HUGHES of harmonizing color and cor sage of pink rosebuds For travelling the bride chose yellow crepe dress with matching lace coat and while accessories On return from Puerlo Rico the newlyweds will take up re sidenco at too Peel St Barrie Out of city guests attended from Selkirk iisherville Smiths Falls bracebridge Kitchener and Toronto and from the pro vince of Saskatchewan Scoltoo went to job in oils wa and she became editor at the Toronto Transit Commie sIons magazine until rejoins ing him and having her ibst child in 1954 taught myself shorthand and typing and becamei House of Commons sacreiaryv to couple of itiPsltwo years later becamesecretary to the Yugoslavian so She became interested in the school boards work some years later when Geoffrey was four She would like to see more public school kinder gartcns for children at that age its no use saying women should not go out to work but should stay ilnme and take care of their children she says bluntly Mothers are going out to work and chil drenneed care Its as simple as that FOE TOMORROW Stellar influences now bring tendency toward restlessness which will cause many to go off on unprofitable la in order to escape routine or mon otony could also cause emotion al upsets and general jitter ness Do your best to curb such inclinations yourselfA tgood dayior initiating new methods however FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is yourbirthday Rising Costs lire Subject Of Study By WASPGroup TORONTO OP Torontos housewives took their fight irrepressible rising An eightmember from Women Prices WASP tax the Toronto Board ofCon The women want the provin clal government to establish prices review board empowered to investigate prices and rents Tits groups chairman Mrs Margaret Roouble of Toronto said the board agreed to study the housewives requests for lathe slnca Marta get meeting with uni tarloPremiar John Roberts on have light for pugs had broken my shoulder My husband telqahoned his young min who has lust started to practise medicine lla came right om and saidba didnt think it was fracture but sd visad use to get Xraya the cert Emu He gavs me sleeping had the Xrsys taken and there was on fracture This morning received bot for the Xrsys $500 and bill frosts my husbands cousin for $15 dont mind the bill for the rays but do feel this young doctor has nerve surging ms 815 for sleeping pill Had we known he was Kola foobar we would have called our regu lar iamib doctor We just want ed to give the lad break and him come 93 yele parkszllntwhstflndaf smhhforsdoetortyoung oroldttornaheabomeellst 10 mm for nixf Doctors get Me plenty of practical experience tskhig carnal fathers mothers sIrtas brooberxnlececw phews and grandparents for freenottonsentlondssrity cases and olinlcpstlants la ternshlpalsoofferssworldof freaexperleueepastlwlsrlythe oddbonrvsrlely Pay the bill and do your oouslnaisvostrbyaotgiving blmany mm bruhin the middle the nlgil WIDOW Dear Au hastens In slam who has keepnlini may man His children are grown and married and ilteyaeem to be intelligent fine people on Female Asks Help In Stretching Pay By ROBERTA noascu ltn always dodging credi tors one workin woman writes and my paycheck never seems to stretch until the cod of the week This is donating to ow ego too because my salary is fairly good and ought to manage it better But im caum in bad financial pinch and although would not admit it to anyone know my paycheck wont make ends mcetf In these times when everyth ing seems to go up except the paychecks of may people more than and woman has Writi ten to say that despite Job that has good Opportunities she simply cant keep solvent There is no easy way to achieve agood balance between your money coming in and the dollars goingvout lInlcss your paycheck is generous one But there are methods to be used so you can liva on the money you make We are planning some col iumns on ways with money in the next few weeks Today we will begin with the first step cutting corners in little maneu vers aimed at reducing cosu Admittedly tightening your fi nancial belt can be dreary busi pass at times But when your ciuseoses are higher than the in come you bring home tbereare many ways you have to try to cut corners until you balance your budget Working women have found that they work and once they become your habit they are not half as depressing great happiness in your person alilife Domestic social and sentimental interests ul prove highly stimulating with emphasis on romance during October next April and June on travel and social activities in October January April May and June in the latter connec you will findmany oppo tunities for making some valu able new contacts Where job matters are con cerned excellent headway can be madethrougb Va comprehen sive and wellplanned program and follow tbroughconsistentlygt Advancement with correspond ing monetary reward can be expedited by extending your scope of activity and showing willingness to assume additional responsibilities Most cious periods along material line The weeks between the 15th oi this month and Novem ber the first half of January late February the lotion halves of March and May and all of next June Do avoid extrava gance andor speculation durlng late September and throughout October however also during tha latter half of December Caution during period will he taut be extraordinarily ambltious and independent may to curbtendencles oward do nearingand extravagance gt mam GEREYS MEAT MARKET For ymlr homo freezer Red or blus brand be filled witbfine restaurants and Achild bomon this day will as the pileof bills you cant pay at the end of the month Here are corner cutters FDDD REDULHON Forget about maintaining wellstocked larder and an over lystoclred you and cut down on your intake of food This will save your figure at the same tlrpedt helps your budget Simi larly take your lunchu to work several times week Eat to instead of outf until your sonil dollar balance is tipped to favor your going to restaurants again Whenever it is feasible walk and take public trsmpnr tattoo to cut down on gasoline bills and parking lot charges Abandon the luxury at psy ing someone else to do the things you can do for yourself Taking good care ofyouc clothes for example andapot cleaning and pressing them yourself can cut down on clean ing bills Putting up hernsin your spare tima can save ward robe pennies too lnstead or following on crowd to credit and installment buying pay cash whenever pos sibleand make this possible Just as much as you can by going without things when you dont havethe cash DONT BE TEMPTED Remove yourself from temptation just as much as you can by not exposing yourself to its dangers until your financial situation gets better One work log woman have talked to even went so far as to switch tar shops to one where the only place to gowhen she wasnt at her desk was the company caf eteria Turn the financial tables to the good side of life by figuring out ways to earn more money while you are getting straight ened out second ormoora lighting job for instance can help you stay ahead of the bill paying deadline that rolls entiassl Stations was Passr Mrs lvsn Kell is convaleseirig at home following surgery at Barrie hospital last week Mrs Glenn liarris is home With new baby Derek Stephen Mr and Mrs Ernest Russel and Michael Port Credit Ipent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cliff lacklln and Colleen Mich ael stayedfor tram holiday MrsGeorge Standan and Kathy will attend the wedding of Warren Plandar Saturday Warren is the son of Mr and Mrs Albert Pl der former Minesing eslde Before Yols buy Furs Compare As To gt 03er WOEKMINIE AND ABOVE AIJ MC bfiqd No optimize unsound nanyuan noun nunmun Gusrasatead Datanil thing to him Since they learn not In notice should mention It Or should concentrate on his good qualities sud risk offending blrni AJ Dear A3 Speak Int Theres more involved here than looks powwow WI can sr ltryou will be doingiillm an because wellfbesilkps eonsrm favour The reason most toothlessfolhdo not seem manis nicalooking and out drum Bewould be lot bet ter looking howciIer il he did something about his teeth thAt are missing Ann cant modelstand how person can ignoreethree tango holes right in the front oi his it seemrto ma that one of his children would say some oar4 irSt Oman B0 to notice what is so obvious to others is that they unafraid to go to dentld They need some one to help them get there Be the one Deer Ann batters For that past eight month have been golngwlth fellowwholaiust flood and too nice and too 00 Lverythlng if asked Rudy to lump all the Brooklyn Bridge at high noon tomorrow hed intro and not ask single question Unfortunately csnt let my blood pressure up over this guy nk Manager you must stop seeing him and why Tbues an on diamebbatltudy will look bet ter to you in your or two and ithe does you might reams lder if hes still available that in Vvu lt Thofigfii Directors iTJecising MONTREAL CPI When Georgette St Cyr wosapnointcd annals EXAMINE sarong Aucuar toss the Royal Bank of Canadas first woman branch manager she thought the directors were teasing hcr ltwas so unusual when realized thcy were serious was worried it mighlbc loomuch responsibility for woman But with the encouragement at her husband Raymond an Designs from London for the young include this pair of spor ty coats 0n left trench coat with difference it is in Donegal tweed with tortoise shell buckle and buttons 0n the right smart Aline coat in check British wool with side fastened collar worn over white dress in Saxony with short sleeves Part and pretty for the autumn day my nxamnnn WANT and mono 7mm inspector at an aircraft firm and the statementoivGeorges Mcrcier district general mana ger ior Quebec New annswick and eastern 0ntarlolhat it was simply matter of selecting the proper person she accept ed the topfligbt post When Mrs St Cyr began in 1911 as stcnograpberon July remember it exactly tbe few women employees st than are men the bank held relstivaly minor positionavasledger keepers and machine operators The picture dsanged during the later war years as more and more men were called overseas The hanknow employs more women than men in its 1100 Ca nadian branches and 114 branches in so other countries Mrs St Cyr worked her way through the rank until she be came the banks ilrst womsn accountant in large city brands nuts drink there will be more and more women in rtant positions aw lwss the first wotnsn accountant and now there are several others think there will soon be more woman managers The problem is to find women who want to make career of bank ing so that givingthem the nec essary training will be wade The high tinnover in women employees largely because of marriage is the major reason why more women are not sl ready in positions of authorl Mr Mercler says Tberes been ehsngs in past few years however notes rears There arealao large numbers of married women to entering the labor force some thing that is happening in all fields So far Mrs St Cyr has om countered noopporltion to her being manager of the Place tongueuil branch Male customers seem to have sensiblydeclded that if lve been appointed manager then must be competent Women have seemed very en tbuastlc too though under stand women are often more re luctant to with woman To keep up her respongibtlt ties both to the bank and to heir home Mrs St Cyr says she has tohav snslmatdl Make crystals with us for beauty ahead HAIR mrsrs TO SERVE YOU SPECIAIS 0N WIGS AND PERMS AIR ST LlNG Bonnie 726 l2 SHOPPING PLAZA WATCH FOR OUR srAars AUG 6th ssvmos or 70 AN worn SALE 40 LARGEVSELEVCTION an ambassador you CAN sstscrrvoua ououafl LivAw PLAN soaa SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE stow TumIL NsxroscsMasrt No snvrceoa so CHARGE auaosr rsRMs lavAItAaLs dicalfidvicé FrdrfiBélafiVé

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