Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1968, p. 4

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WellspPublieher MW Eiammrrj Ontario Wllliem Teller General Manager GH McPhersoaneneginglEdi remand usrz in Thin sounds very 00d what does itinieen They object to the unlonl uniurn with the Canadian Labor 0on gress because it Import the New Democran Party The cup support the NDP because this puts pollster re closest to what the majority of the IL tiliater believe in The benefits mm the cm completely out nelgb any problem that thin could cause Mr Ploeg state that the union is not interested in lab or they are interested in luck tng the dollars out of the wor ere This statement is com pletely absurd and indicates lack of knowledge on the part oi llr Ploeg He also autos that they the union want to run the country would like to know the basic reasoning be hind such statement lllr Vendctande states the CJL wants to breakthe ex ciuslve monopoly contra of closed shop union The next paragraph is at variance with the princlpelcs that hi1 group advocates lIe rtatea that to II low people who went to loin Christian union likathe OLA of as ceonr or Minuet omens meummcmmmmmmumnmmmmm nominal LibrariesShould Remain Under Their recommendation of the HallDennis report m7educafion that publ libraiies be placed under the jurisdiction of the county school board has alarmed Ronald Mackenzie supervisor of the Georgian Bay regional library system Mr Macken zie said sucha course wouldleadto disaster Disaster may be rather strong word in this instance yet many adults with halls of learning behind them would feel that npu lic library should not come under the Jurisdiction of aschool board As Mr Mackenzie stated the HallDennis report focuses on formal education and virtually ignores many vital institutions ofininformal education such as amuseum and art galleries Perhaps one of his most telling argu ments is his suggestion that the admin istration of an independent freeranging informal and adult education institution Lthe public librarylies outside the experience of the Ontario department of education raries were pu on or Jurisdiction of county education boards they could and probably would become tools of our growing educational system catering to the needs of students and reiegating theadult nonschool popula tion to secondary position School libraries many of them all leastare notoriously bad Surelythe objective should he to improve these ser vices and develop them to the where they serve the studentskeducation Boards al needs This would involve expendi tures of large sums of money but this should be no problem to school boards Boards have seldom let money stand in their way towards acquisition of educa tionaids and even of frills But the government through its de partment of education should keep bandspff the public libraries Barrie has one of the finest and mostefficient 1lb rariesin the province The staff has had professional training and is in tune with the needs and the wants of the thousands of people who avail themselves of the library services Last month for example nearly 12000 books and periodicals were borrowedat the Barrie library In the aduitvsection 3740 nonfiction and 7525 fiction books were taken out In the childrens see llion borrowings included 3243 non fiction and 8183 fiction books Thousands of these books would be of theescapist variety thekind people read when the temperatures soar to the eighties andnineties and whenholidays are being enjoyed School libraries would not necessarily cater to such de mands More and more books would be sough or purely schoolpurposes and fiction soughtby the public mightnot be available Perhaps niost serious of all would be the elimination oflihrary hoards dedica ted to the improvement of service to the general public and not merely to one section of the population he school hildrcn important asrthey ar WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Augz 1943 Con servative party scored sweeping win in Ontario election over Premier Harry Nixons Liberals George Drew will be calledon to form new government Simcoe County brought in three Tories George tre Re troon in fferinSimcoe Dr Mc PheectPort McNicoll inEas robberies continued Last rug James Harts garage Ken McKenzies ser vice station and Weldon Fowlers tire service were entered Believed Johnston of Minesing in Genr Wallace Downervof Dunr Local erations overseas Simcoe West unit which includes Barrie was third in On tario in payroll savings of Victory Loan Canadas coal shortage called alarm George Gunner Gill elected president entrejSimcoe Softball League in reorganization of directors llarmonyf Grill Barri lVPerryto einains undefeated with forewar he waspitcheriordiarrie has ball team Midland men golfers beat Barrie2118 corps under Commander William Bell Eel Plihcess Alice Minnicog Island Geor Brominent in Sicilian op with oyal Canadian Engineers is Major Jack Robinson of ajor Marlo Robinson Barri Norbert Mo ra enlisted with Royal Canadian Navy +Sccondr attalio rem Foresters arrivedhorne itertwo weeks campNiagara militia ompelilion dispatches tcher Bill Garners Mens Wear second LtiCol JohnBeggL D50 hero of Dieppe now stationed at Camp Borden Formerly of Angus be readyto attendcampat HMCS to Join it and let the other join NDP supporting union it they like This statement sug gests that all other unions are not Christian and neither is the NDP wander how many Christian religions do not sub scribe in theory to the social policies of the NDPT Certainly Jesus and his disciples did He also maintain these five men should have been allowed counsel in negotiations regard mg union membership Whyl 1th were not member or the union or management end had not supported either party in any way In any grievance proce dure know at legal action takes place elter all previous steps have tailed This is only common sense Legal action is costly end should only be used as last resort to multiple this would be extremely expen sive and the majority ol the costs would be borne by the largest bargaining unit It also moisten the ireodom oi associa tion of some or the bargaining comnuttees because they might not want to associate with members of the CJL It is conceivable that plant might have ten or more ber gaining units during negotia tions ie electrician carpen teri plumbers mechanics eng ineerei CLA local new Team slers CNlU It Plus others well as people who did not be length any union The law QUEENS PARK bargaining logically that man should not pay due without having voice out natal mucmn of tbougbtleada to closed ahop People who do not want to join can tied job elu wnere think that man who eel no strongly about his right or alsoclation would not even want to associate wlur un ion membera and would look elsewhere think that men who eels so strongly about hla rightot association would not even want to associate with on ion member and would look elsewhere for job Certainly their fellow em ployeee are membere of an organization they prolehs10 hate The aims at MrVnndezandee organlzntlonvare outlined in his letter or July 20 1968 With the exception oi lull represen tation rights and their Chris tian calling these are the aim ot unions that am remlliar with Religion of course is personal Lblng and is left to the individual The number of mm bore mentioned 3500 in Canada is relatively small and does not moouh Dominion new reuotStethtiuanttenflur In or umppért toritin NDP issuoopicemd lIan union mm ec paying per oentage of all union dues to thin party can opt out The reason or thin in that most union menu boredo not Dblectandlhla orp cedure la the almpluhlldoat oi licere pt local union work with out pay and we would hate to increase the workload unnecee sarily Not all unions are affil iated and altliletion must take place at the local level by malorlty vote Yours Truly ROBERT DENNIS President Barrie Labor Coliucii menus TO POLICE Dear Sir wish to take this opportun Ity to thank the Barrie police department tor recovering two bicycles myrlsters and mine truly want to give my thanks to Corpi Winger or taking down the description of the bikes When want to pick up the bikes was taken courteoust to them by Sgt licGehick to whom wish to express special Tbankyou Yours lluly JOAN CARSON Age noun THE WORLD Suggests Award 0t Peerages To Americans By PHILIP OEANE Foreign Altair revealed yeeterdey that Beeumarcbela the late audior of The Barber Seville told me we could have all the Amer ican investors we want and have them loyal to Ottawa not Washington by establishing peerage in which promotion would depend on loyalty to Otto WI and emotion would automat ically follow any signs of loyaty 10 Washington One problem that would arise Ls the method whereby peerages would be awarded to Canediens It would be simpler to leave Ca nadians out ltbut we would fliobert Macaulay Is Natural Politician eyjnoivvommw NRONItlte shame to seennhualpoliuclem ngatipg their time making prone The thought comes because of Bob Macaulay The iormer gogogo minister of the government hasnt been active in politics sinceilw gt the resignui then otllcleliy for reasons of health but actuain because there was no comforta ble place or him in the Roberts administration ilis tempera ment inclines hhn to be top dog and there wasnt room to top dogs in this governmen Since then Mr Macaulay has been busily practicln law floating vanlous ventur generally meldng bun But denote the bundlewhich he really doesnt needhe must be one the most frustrated men in the province Forhe one of those rare birds amen borne vex polio Thairdnrier is or of course is the non of Leo Macau lay one of the notable ire brands in our political history politlca =llewea surrounded by in his early lite entered into it actively himself when quite younu and course was greatniecess GAINSKNOWDGE llnd Canadians lhen risk national strike lor peerage parityled by our ln hour union leaders So consultedM de Beau marchaiewho advises the os toblishment ot Grand Council at Dukes Dukes lester John and Tommy llbe retires to award peerages to Canadians by unanimous decision end one completely nonpartisan basiei Politicians active or retired would not be eligible nor would Journalists because they eel compelled to prove they cannot be bought Within Canada the system could be used to enforce guide lineelnnd industrial peace We could become the first success fully plenned free enterprise economy without resorting to mandatory controivthe threat ol demotion irom earl to knight would suillce To make the system more atV lracxlve to potential peers we would import all the exiled monarchs to officiate at honournry courtallhis use oI foreign labour wouldsave our own royalty both mm diml nutlon ot its prestige through overexposure and mm over work Andthera would be lions wbuld be continuous To handle them we would ha to have courtsln allthe pro ncial and territorial capitals sins thlrupnow Thla in that Mr Macauieygia the counsel to the Select Com gitgea studying the Smith ile This is en arduous assignment The alert and Thomas Crow is tba committee hon been nne inig almost daily and will contin ue to do so into September You wonder why he took it One reason you assume is that it is close to politics and he lo Baytleldrstreet Barrie Ontario Authorized as segondclass mail by the Post Office partment Ottawa nd or payment postage measb Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays Personnel of Sea Cadet Barrie $2009 learl Ontario elm year motor tluvw oft $15 year Out side Ontario Sllyenr Out side Cana Brlllsh posseih an elusiver entitled the use or republication ot all new paper cred lo tit enters and alsothe in ours lust alrnply couldnt resist it second aesumptionmun be that he may intend to return The Wunseltothia cormnlttee Awiil end upwitb not only en in tensiva knowledge 01 our Il nuncer andtexes butaiso will have direct hand in manyot uch background Wouldjba otgreat value to any lawyer pracflslrtglbusinesa law alaowould be of pro the recommendations on which futurepoliciee will be based band benefit any rnnnin tending to urntn politicn perbepeae endidateior the Progressive Canaetvntive lend ership vdlen PremierRoberts retireel The thought in intriguing The lAssocldléd omh report Population To Reach 21mm In 1959 pesdonshedbm We at line which on the IV we perm themtoletbaekto torhla Bournmehtl Clock hut population we estimated tobe 400 at noon on Julyvllat andltlagrowlngattheratoot l0 persons every it aninuteat lhere are our factor love in our population lblrth everyeseeeondo death every 12 seconds terminal every mow end emigrant every us Cw oadr lhesetaciore are all reflected In continuouslyxrowiog total while the seconds that oil on the new electronic Population Clock This clock is nlourslded ma chine standing over revcn teet hlGlIInd witha lace on each side measuring tour feet by tour teat its instrumentation oper ates memory bank which Jllclrersrthelfim lightbulbs to illustrate the net growth in poP ulatlon oi one person every 82 seconds KISSING CEREMONY rihs new Pon Clock was switched on by Prime lllnister Trudeau In lormnl ceremony tew days ago He also switched on some of the Glr or government employ ees who work aroundJL Biggest hissing sprcc yet cried the lront page headlines in one Ottawa newspaper Prime Ministers lips busy at Dominion Bureau otStatistlcsi Could that be the govern ments secret weapont What way to settle strike of civil servants Just suppose those mwninihepanrr dians How last baaour mung question to anoint the clamor goaghlc experts attending Canada we know it an be told me started in the early 1600s with 11 From alum and or estimated 200000 In By 1661 the Freud bowl tlon wasponly 2400 At the end oi that century it was 11000 And inllfil when New France becamevan English colony the population war only 00000 it only the France oi King lads iuv had bad jumbo let alr liner how the population and the history ot New France mint have changed During the loth Century the population multiplied more than six times it was 517000 in ran and 5243371 in 1901 Then tollowed the opening of the west and the most spectac lulor migration period in Ca nadian history in the next ten years the population increased by nearly three millionThen In 1011 875156 immigrants nr rived and in me our slltlme rccord immigrant ilvw was 400570 Contrasted to thepopu alion growth 01 2084088 between MI and 1911 the 23 years since the Second World War have brought only some 1500000 unnugrente while perhaps 600000 emigrants have left Canada But one novel feature about this postwar flow of immigrants ls that they rep resent some 60 different nalions This has greatly changed the ethnic makeup of Canadas population so that today Tl per cent ot it Ls of neither British nor French origin Menus BORN FREE VIRGINIA BILL hchENNA TRAYERS Plilltli in 2212 author comp always readyito Endless of Summer mi or IMHIEDK umnf DRIVEill THEATRE llAl flit Nlll rLAYINo 700 910 pm rumorirqu El SATURDAY MATINEE 115 PM nandCompany erve nnicroroe PUBLIC nannou

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