tent with capacity of the threesectlons of canvas 1000 people does not go up by itself as the men who er cctcd ona beside the iiiWay Pentecostal Church iustnlghl can relate iAllOVE With Hlli remnant joined together the crew starts hammering in the big ms before the tent is hoist ed to the top of the two sup1 port poles HEMth As others pull on guide ropes and block and tackle these men guide one of theatecl poles into place Bath poles were VjIPlLTQWN Roxy How chclJt is imperial Anzio Barrie Huronln Drivein Shanty Bay Drivein This month the official meet hrg place fnr Kiwanis Club of Barrie is Lakeview Dairy Res taurant main floor private din ing room overlooking Kempen felt Bay The time 730 am for breakfast an innovation locally On account of civic holiday Monday next weeks breakfast will he on Tuesday followed by August directors meeting with President Dr George Leggett presiding The snmc day members of the club will meet at 145 pm at city hall parking lot then pro ceed to Skyline Farms near Aurora to watch chicken pro cessing in the modern plant with which Kiwauion Ray Mar shall ot Shanty Bay is associat ed This will he followed by Strike Deadline Midnight Anglo Negotiators have until night Tuesday to avoida strike of 90 employees of Hill Refrig station at its Brock St plant John Fahey president of lo cal6547 of the Unitele Steel Workers of America suid this morning the union worrld meet withcompaay officials Tuesday morning in lastmiaute effort to avert strike Workers last week narrowly rejected the second company move to settle the dispute The offer which would have givenworkers an increase of 42 cents in wages and bene fits over iwo1year period was turned down by ballot of 46 via 36 The company offer would have meant ran re cent increase1n the first year and another 17 cents in the second year Rene fits would have amounted to cents in thef st ye cenisiio theseéoiid The union president said he was hopeful thata strikecould be avoided think it is likely that we will reach settlement on We expect our negotia tlons with the company will be over by midafternoon Themen planto meet to Va as workers decided to lake their onew eh vacation parlodbcforc PF strike was called The local membership earlier relected an alter to increase wage ndr beneï¬ts recyear period de partment of labor conclliator was called in but falledto settle wlh mend conciliation board he set up The union has askedfora 431 centanhour increase in the first year and tlocent increase in luiYWas Barriefs ThirstiestMonih The Barrie Public no iés Commission reported record month for watcr usumption gallons pump oi July totalled nly making The highest monthly pumping ecorded before the July guro was established in 1966 conducted tour of iiolland Marsh vegetable gardens then to Cousins Dairy Restaurant in Aurora for inter club din ner with the Aurora New market Kiwanis Club Past Pre sident William Langis in charge of this project On Monday Aug 12 break fast speaker at Lakeview will be Past President Neil Mac Donald on impressions of his re1 speaker willbé Vice President Ernie Walker fPliC Reverls To Old Billing system In Strike The Barrie Public in res Commission has the mail strike licked as far as billingflls ncern PUG has simply which allows the meterreader to leave the bills Chairman of the PUC Alexander said at their monthly meeting held las night that bills at the office onTBayfield Street He said that despite some crowding andnueues in which was constructed in 1962 Others said that they had never been inside the Baytield Street building un til thcrnalllng them to make the other rerun zxrnnron wrrrrn ONLY rr chipped and pear paint taking the beauty out of your LOUNGES Wellington liolcl Neil Jackson Bayshore Danny Harrison Quartet Queens HotelThe Spoken Four Trio Continental innLillian Carl Vocal Born Free plus The Endless Summer sw bed to an older sysiern most people wer paying their put up easily then someone noticed they were too close together Examiner Photosl TONIGHT rrovrns Billion Dollar Brain plus The Big Man Range Of Tropics in Spotlight InKiWanis SummerSchedule telling about his trip home to Scotland For Anode to speak er ls being arranged by pro gram committee Club members retum to Mira mar Gardens for dinner on Tuesday Sept the theme to be Labor and Management Runaway Truck Pins Man To curb David Hoey 64 oi Barrie is in Royal Victoria Hospital with broken knee cap and badly cut leg after he was crushed by runaway truck on Sunnidale mad yesterday lllrloey of 91 Victoria St wasiniured when the vehicle rolled back on Sunntdale Road and pinned his legto the curb investigating constable Bill Johnson said the parking brake was on but did not work The truck was on hill Operator of the truck Will lam Hughesnsl of 361 Linden SL 0shawawas not in the vehicle On Mon Barrie pause investigated an accidentyesterdayiat pm when car driven Georgina Bairaki ris 32 of troudcol iidedw parked car on the south side of John Street near Bradford The parkedcar was myriad by Wallace Cudrnore it Sophia St mi 33111 Damage was estimated by ConstahchSill Wattsat $1 Earrle OPP investigated iwocar acci ntvon Highway 11 south of the Eighth conces stunct Oro Township yesterday at 740 pm when car driven by ruce Robertson 42 otCal lier 5t Barrie collided with one drivenby John Rawle of Toronto Total damage estimated by police was $35 now he said the pillow an the or atom mar ow to sup Itrtespeclrrb age burner isaperrnlt litev Pollution Control Centre in Toronto The burner war purchased two yoantago ind huvheeo stored in Toronto while the city tried to get approvalto have It more is pro near Fern dulc Drive low that the Ontarlo Mimic ipal Board has approved the clws comprehensive honing by law for the area annexed from Vcspra TotrashlpLlln 1964 the can go in The board said itsggreatest germ vralahelnbdgaltng with the on aw concerning the incinerator it noted Approial at this section would allow the City at Barrte to proceed within pressed intention of erecting an incinerator on the site which has been used for some time as sanitary landfill but would not bilge the city to locate there mcil would be free to select any siterlnthe ctty NECESBITY it concluded that the use while it might be undesirable was an absolute necessity to themnlcipallMt and that per mission of such uses in any zone wasnot in conflict with the of tidal plan The board cumnented ihe ratepayers can take me com1 fort from the fact that no struc1 ture such as an incinerator could be erected without pro per permit issued in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act Aid Jollitfe says the erection of the burner is just matter of getting permit We are really into problem Another five or six months and we would have no rm tor refuse He said the situation regard ing dwindling places where Bar rie muld dump garbage was becoming so serious that un less the city could set the tee pee bumer into operation the province would have to tell us what to do with our garbage Ald Jollifle pointed out titer would be no burning of garbage during tlredoy APPROVED EARLIER Council approval for location of the burner in theSandy Hol low area was obtained more than to months ago Ald Jollllfc said The OMB approval otthe new bylaw is only temporary in re spect to the open space zoning on private land in the area On this point the OMB approv al expires Jan 1969 It rules thrit prior tothat date the city may apply for an other hearing todetermme whe ther the zoning shordd be con 3il Youngsters Spend Night Out About to children from shear and Codrington park play grounds camped out in Innlshl township park last night and the evening was eventful with pitching tents sorting out sleet lug bags and blanketsswimm lngr pan before the last head hit First on the list for most youngsters was awim and leaders Cheryl liedford and Keithllls took their littcen charges to ink side and Joined intlrefun gt As sooaas the tire was lit Everyonegathered round and the marshmallows were broken out The eventwas planned and carried out by the park leaders who plan at leastnone special event each week for the chil dren inrtheir charge at the play grounds run by the parks and recreation mission THRIVE 0N CONSUMPTION in 1967 Englishmen con sumed 1110 000 gallons of beerabout live imperial plots week to each adult tromeci ï¬rmed or varied or the taup orlry lvpmyIlfurther extend mom OBJECTION it the public iturlng of Bar rier application for approval of the bylaw there had been strong obiectloa to the open spatewning The 0MB found that the pro posed Inning was appropriate for citysowucd land but felt that the severe lhnitations on privately owned land in an open space zone imposed by this by rakefon adage Act which is not hibt but rather to The other two main oblectioas to that bylaw construed the designations ibdustrinl of the area south at Edgehlll Drive and east of Feradale Drive and the wording of sectloucon coming the building of an In unerator The board aald that became the present resideddal uses were started in most cases ht Posrarwookansyf fore there were aoy control in the area does not seen like strong enough argument for on timing nrch use it noted that dtyvamcfi had considered tho obleetlvnr from residents in the area and had indicated it was not prepared to make any changes in the bylaw it concluded that the weight of the evidence ottered by the ob ectorn does not offset the plan nlngconsultant that in relation to the whole planning area the proposed industrial walng is the most appropriath To Help Make Ends Meet fibeiiuoncielniodl In Ho me 57 posts workers in airrte who have been out or work now for 15 days Barrie leltcr carrier Eov Gough said thatmany workers have resortedto helping with the harvest trimming trees painting houses and working part time at the brewers warehouse fTlre strike is affecting my ï¬nances and great many others like me it is especially hard on men who are at the bottom of the pay bracket Quebec Pflntimeioh isa dire neces sity for those tryingto buy home and make car payments he said Other workers cypressed con cern that the strike had continu edsoiun hadn expece it to last 14 daysitseems to be going on indefiniter now saidnone letter carrler Another man who said he had been polishing floors and cleaning house all afternoon said the mental strain of being unemployed was affecting Students ToBeI Guests Here Barrie will play host this month to Quebec under the young Voyageur exchange pro1 gram On August 14 two dorea teen lgers from Gaspe Bay Bona eoture and Montreal will con verge on Barrie to spend week with students from Eastvlew Secondary School and Central Collegiate The grade 11 stu dents chosen for academic and citizenship ability will be billet ed in city homesduring their oneweek stay group of ltarrie students par ticipating in the Voyageur program visited Vancouver On their first day in Barrie the students most of them French speaking will meet at the Eastview auditorium where they will be welcomed by re presentative from city council The next day they will visit Midland and Wasaga Beadr and will spend the weekend with their Harrie hosts The latter part of their stay will be spent visiting popular Ontario Tourist attractions such as Niagara Falls Fort George the Cana dian National Exhibition Strat tord where they will see production of Romeo and Julietv and th city of Toronto This is the first has been inclu have achance otherwise to travel in Canada Terry Watcrhouse who organ lzed the visit to Barrie says that students chosen for the pr srarn displayed academic abi ity good citizenship and slid anciai dependability The 24 students will come by train to Toronto Un nStation and will arriv Barrie at Zens tral Collegiate parking lot midnight on August 11 at The Barrie group which visit ed Vancouver was organized by Dave Grams physical ed ucation Instructor at North Col legiate BB him more tha the Vlinancial loss involved SECONDARY lNCOlllE Most lntervlcvicd said that re1 gulur time paymeu could not met without secondary in come derived from part otlrrio work wherever it could be found cheis mostly single employ ecs said that they wercnot fin ancially in arrears because of the strike but found it difficult out part time job be cause of the number of high school and university strident seeking employment which is now scarce Postal workers now earn an average of $102 for to hour week Yesterday postal unlona re1 tented newkgovernrneat wage offer of is per cent over or months Mediation talks broke down and negotiatora said they had no idea when meetings to get the malls moving again would OCCIll race WEEKLY Draw voltnarrator rocky onusn rrs MINING PRIZES AT Set of V6 Go Go Tumblers 1362 Bayfiald St AT Doss his SEAL DAVIESALUMJNUM is most respected and roputa dealer in the oi aluminum siding Why not uirc today tohow you ma improve valueetyour horns withlha use ct atuminul wooosou net so increasu ill Lumber Hurryydown and get tall the pain you need at the specialprico to for exterior wh 349 cash no VincenrPk seauroo areas nanny on The Waterfront armtr amncrroN DAVIES comm 5T