Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1968, p. 12

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mumusssmu can auoun 11x enumsstoniit mime ACCOuNIANIs BOSE HARRlSON Phon no CariLn fiasco32t out nu Trust In Initiates =11 FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME summon snvrc AT uonmrs cuss Convenient Tm so wonlny st Barri more PETHlCK FUNERAI HOME lflispol of Thoughtful Service Barrie 7282550 slMcOE HCOUNTYI MARKET PLACE MUSICLEsSbNS Pups forfenninsum itslemme AIct linden mutua Mo st mu ANGUS ROSSBA Rendered Mode Teacher no so 3m mam JESSIE BMW TEES umnus no REE in on In macs mum eel other nhteetl OPTOMETRY Gaggeghenson R0 Phenom semenimmune ITS THE season TO ADVERTISE lCASE is best FULL RANGE or MUNICIPAL UTILITY Loaders Excavators etc If Backed by Service fiEAGLE EQUlPMENT HWY 27 SCO0KSTOWN 4539102 DEKAEB PULLETS cMore and more poultry hmen are ehoosmgr Dekalb Pellets Started readytolay End dayold chicks For service or heipon your poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER EOULTRY FARM LTD SFROUDthilbfr Your IIITEENAIIIONAL DEALER NEW AND USED and Garden Equipment mo 11 Hwy South 37205530 EQUIPMENT BADGER SILO UNLoADEEs and FEEDlNG EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICES its STAVE SILOS BUILTTOLAST ALL LAEOUR SUPPLIED Available in All Sizes COMPLETE LINE or srLo AccessonIEs KITCHENER SILo Canpelly Limlled Catl HENRY DAVIS 4357681 muss FARMERS DATE For Safety Sake jliandnis To YourharrleBIamther CARRIERrSAlESMAN lfmltitrnhtiolidayfsf STOP MYPAPER sebum RESTAETMYPAPER DATE AHINIronmn slime AND escort fWetch Classified Ads for enliic furniture and up pnmce bargains norm HEREFORDS EnEEnnvc smcrr Guaranteed HOLDEN CEDAR FARMS Shanty Baymm Want Ads Dont CostThey Pay Well Help You MOBILE GRINDING MIXINGL suvlcfi on YourFarm on at Our 1va MOLASSEs BLENDING PREMIXEs CONCENrnAm COIIPLEIE FEEES euLn GEAINs Ere Is InoaILE MILIsro SERVE YOU Since IHfORN MO UNIONVILIE 2171044 iiiENERGY MILLS LTD PRQoLIcIlON BlLEj FEEDS smoun seemII DURING SUMMER MONTHS WITH inshore0N JHOIWEATHER LAYINGFEEDS SPECIAL Hot weather rcqluresspecinl hot weather lions Special SHURGAlNieedssre formulated withhtcrcased levels of fe Keep your egg SHUR AlN Ihot Weather laying work with protein minerals and vitamins to cornpepsete for reduced takeduring periods of high Inc production up profitable levels Wlul feed prbgram We would CUMMINGS FE MILL 4Ve5pra St MIILVIRAWIISCNII 1145 212 henchmen MEANS APPEIIIE MAINIAIN STEADVEGG broken Also saddles mVm =2 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday AUGUST pm sharp for NORMAN HAWES st Lot 12 Concession ll Sunni daie Township miles east of Sunnidala Corners and miles north of Highway 26 Sale of choice mixed cattle pigs farm machinery household tur ntture including antiques Terms CaSh no reserve as the farms are in the hands of tho real estate and Mr Hewes is giving up farming JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer WHICH DAY IS BEST VlMONDAYr TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY lSATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you startva ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get re sults After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertisein The Harrie Exam iner Classified Secrlon BARRIE EXAMINER wANIII ADS wean WONDERS 7292414 FARMERSMRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARRIEWW Collectt or 551 for NiCKSI DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day zdays week RR Foxmcad Ontario License No 298 Nick Montague flop MILKEEPBR Ellact exulnslhlt za csn buts milk cooler good work fun conIlium John ltlchalg nul levEsrocn Eon SALE FOUND IIIEIIIEIIS Innlsflf Town ship Contact soam BULLS or sale recorded choralts Bulls serviceable are John II Johnston not 22 Conces sion iIl InnisttL Telephone stolen alarms for me Strawhrm roots and Palomino Wen elepnone APPAWDSA PONYVShlLlons stud oul iconmfmtted claim no 325 It Simmons Old 13ml ltosd Highway tDImeTeiephonlnolsbd tsu HAND 5m one nameplatelam twain Okefe Rd Simmons 13 on an en on Telephone emiefne FEED ero GRAIN Mile South or olemlm Tel one meter STEAW for sale wheat baring mixed tend busy th Contact Len Brown Telephone 725576 voLuME benvm of mill Porto vanm fsnow avsiiAh to farmers In the sum area Cali AI Harris 1151161 to Fun 1010 1511an5 If STANDING HAY Mixed Clover and Annlrn IIy relecnone moses art To to loNlof Cob com crib lol ule Telephone cock satloot strand THENCE South sixty mfdegrees tersection measu ed South 14 PUBLICNOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY WE in the matter of timing of part of Kuopenfeldt Drive according to Heglstacd Plan Nunber He the ow oi Barrie and thoCounty of Stmcoe TAICE NWCEthat the Candi at the of Same will alter the publication of this Notice at least once week for four is successive wash luffbo Blrric Examiner coo cider and if donned expedient pass flyLaw to close and stop up that part of Kempeofeldt Drive sounding to Registered Plan Num ber in the City of Barrio dumbed in two parts as followe PREMleNG that the Westerly limitI of Puget Street formerly Hewson Street as showu on plan registered in the Registry office for the County of Simcoc as Registered Plan No has bearing of North nine degrees East 003 and relating all heating herein thereto PART Con aiding an area of Simeight thousandths of an acre ones ac more or let and being composed of part of Kunpeo feldt Street as shown on plan regtrtered in on said Registry Office as No6 and being an irregular parcel of land lying Southerly of lots 11 and to on the North sldc of Kmanfeldt west Ind South erly of Lot on the West side of Saint Vincent Square according totha said Registered PlanNo the boundaries of the said part being described as follows COMMENCING at point in the seldanpentetdt Street distant one hundred feet 100003 Soutllerly from the Northerly llntit thereof measured at right angles tltcrctto through the Southeasterty angle of Lot on mechst side of St Vincent Square THENCE South sixtysix degrees six minutunnd five seconds West 5660605W parallel to the Northeer limit of Kempenfeidt Street aforesaid two hundred and twentythree nod thirtyfour hun dredth feet 27150 to anlrnnbar THENCE North fiftynine degrees two minutes and fifteen seconds East 590215E one hundred andone and eightyenchan drcdths feet 10161 to on iron bar marking the beginning of curve to the right having radius of two thousand eight hundred and nincttysevcn and ninetylbree hundredth fcett28msdl THENCE Easterly along the said curve on are distance of on hundred and twentytwo and ninetyone hundredttls fcet ms more or less to an iron bar planted in line drawn through the saidpotnt of commencement from the sold Southeasteriy angle of the said point of commencement from the said Sonthcasterly angle of the said Lot the chord of the said are having length ofdne hundred and twentytwo and ninety hundredth icct 122900 men sured on course of North sixtydegrces fifteen minutes and nine seconds East N601509E THENCE South twentythree egrees flityvthree minutes and fifty ilve seconds East 5TSSE twentylive and four hundredths feet 115010 to the said point of commencement PART Containing on area of six and four hundred and tour thonsendthsucres 64M nos more or less and being composed and part of the Water Lots lying to front of Kempenieidt Street according to plenregistcred in the said Registry Office as No 515 for the City of Barrie COMMENCING at nniroo hnr planted in the sold Kunpenletdt Street distant sistyesix feet 66000 measured Southerly from the Northerly limit thereof meesuredat right angles thereto through the Southeasteriy angle of Lot on the West side of Saint Vincent Square aforesaid gt jv THENCE North slxtysixdegrees slit minutes and five seconds East 660605 Pnrnllcl to the Nurtherly limit of Kcmpcnfeldt Street aforesaid one thousand seven hundred and fortyfive and ninetyseven hundredths feet 114597 to an lonelier marking its intersection with curve to the right having radius of two th sandl seven hundred and elshteEn and elghhI nine hundredth et l2l oso THENCE Easterly along the said curve an arc distance of one thousand two hundred and seven and nineteen hundredths feet 1207190 to an iron her marking theend of the said curve the chord of the said are having length of one thousand one hundred and nioctyvscvcnland thirty hundredths feet 1101300 measured on econrse of orth eightyfour degrees one minute and four seconds East NM OWE THENCE South eightyth ée degrees fifteen minutes and fortydive four hundred and sixtyeight and fortythree hundredth Ieetuow more or less to the intersection with the Westerly limit ofPuget Street according to Plan registered in the said Registry Office as No for the City of Barrie THENCE South nine degrees West 5900W along the aforesaid Westerly limit and its production Soutllerly one hundred and three and three hundredth feet 10303 THENCE North eightytwo degrees one mlnuteand fortyfive sec onds West 010145Wt four hundred and sixtyfour and twenty six hundredths feet 46415 to its intersection wl curve to the left having radius of two thousand six hundred and twentyfive and eighty hundredth feet 262569 and being drawn concentric to the curve last described THENCE Westerly along the said curve on are distance of one hIdeed andfiftyfive and Mom hundredths feet 15552 the chord at the saidare having ngth of onehuudreduudflliyflvo and fifty hundredth feet 155 measured on course of North eightyfour degrees fiftyseven nunutes and thirtytwo seconds West 345731W THENCE North titre degrees twenty minutes and fortyone sec onds East N32fl drawn radial to the lashrneu to iron héar plante hundred and sixtyandeighty me hnndredths feet 26608 belnga line drawn concentric to the curved line therefrom measured radially thereto an arc distance of five hund red feet 50000 to aniron bar planted the cord of the saidare having length of four hundred and ninetynine and twentysix hundredtils feet 499 measured on course of South eighty seven degrees fif ven minutes and fortyone seconds West isovsvurwn THENCE South seven degrees twentyfive minutes and nineteen seconds East 72519E along line drawn radlel to the last mentloned cur irtyelive feet 3500 to an iron bar THENCE Wester oh curve to the left having radius of two wllh thousandsix hundred and twentyfive and eightynine hundredths feet 2625 00 an arc distance of sevenhuodredand seventy sevenvandfiitytbree hundredths feet 171751 muse oriess to the end ofgthe said curvevtile chord of the said are havinga length of sev hundred and seventyfour and seventy hundredths feet 77470 more or les meesured South seventyvfour degreesfive Econds West tS740643W THENCE South ixty Ix degrees forty minutes and fiftyfour sec onds West 566 St five hundred ahd thuty Va and mllElY five htrndredths fee 53595 THENCE South sixty ve degrees thirtysix minutes and forty ve seconds West 653645Wl six hundred and forty and sixtytwo hundredth feet on three minutes and five seconds 05W three hundred and seventy hundredths feet eoono moreor less to the intersection with line drawn through the saidpoiot of commencement from the southeasterly angle of Lot on the West side of Saint Vincent Square aforesaidpaald In being dlstant eightytwo and eight hundredths feet i810 310 said line from the point of corrnncncc THENCE North tweutyethrec degrees flitythree nnuut five seconds WestN 55 eiflttytwo andeight bun with commencement AND FURTHER TAKENUPICEthat any person oclabns that hisland willvbe prejudlclsllyreffected by the thyLaw and tube applies to he heard sha be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the Ci of Barr Ither In perso sel Solicitorcr nt THiS NUilCE Irst published on the12th day 1963 BEN smAuonAN CaboNewHollandv Davidtirvwo Benita BURTON VE 7282373 rcAsn TERMS DURING THECPOSTALI STRIKE we withing Lanny more box numbers mayielephone 22o2414 Glttns Theianoe Ana Addressh inforinatlon will forwarded tnthe local box holders by telephone cmuumuonuty of part of Kempenfeldt Street according to Registered Plan Nno seeonds East 383154 EJ tangent to the curve test described firstly described herein and distant fiftyeight feet 5800 Southerly Sheppard hlsCo un OFFICE HOURS Enchant Examiner SéesiPrdblemsm In Ecumenism LONDON tcPlthe Anglican primate oi thusIla Most Rev Howard Clark told assembled bishops from all overtheworld today that the movement for to umeolcal understanding among chmdz is itself contributing to the breakdownot unquestloulog faith in effect the more churches learned aboutone another the snore difficult it became for any one church to claim monopoly of truth or see itself as above reformf Therefore one of the results of Ecumenism is that it has secuisrling influence on our faith snld Archbishop Clerk Btyearold archbishop of Ru perts Land delivering his pre paredpollcy speech to the Lame hcth Conference on the theme Renewal in Faith He will pre ride over the Section on faith comma cilsIEIioN Cliff Stoddart has returned home from trl to the Ca Mme law NEW GRANDSON Mr and Mrs Bert Jamlcson visited their new grandson Sean Patrick son of Mr and Mrs Pat lamleson atbramalerlast week Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Larry Sanderson on the ar rival of daughter July 13 sister for Barbara SMALL GROUP Due to the heat waveland the younger women taking theirdlii dren to therswlmming classes only six members of the We mens institute were able to go to the Quilt and Rug Fair at Stayncr last Thursday They were Mrs Gordon Caldwell Mrs James Pearsali Mrs Plilrey Mrs Ross Bradley Mrs How ard Campbell and Mrs Duncan Cameron Saturday night Sally Rattle is attending camp at Glen Mohr Beavertoo Illcmc Viemll eary every was rep resented at the Presbyterian Chmdr picnic at DroPartr on Saturday evening Arrangements for dlegsupper and sports events were in charge of Mrs Robert Amos and Mrs Aikens Wiggins JOINT COMMON Communion Service for the three congregations was held at Guthrie Presbyterian Churchon Sunday Elders takingpert were Tom Fletcher and John Currie al ohn Ma Campbell Bernal thdngstonanti Cecil Cameron Guthrie The combined service will he at Oro gtntion for the next three Sun ays DECORATION sEnvse Thesrlale quartet ofinn Héfl mck Austin Cook Jerry and Ted Welmn of Oriliia gave three selections at the 11th annual Decoration Day Service ofCutle during the once The Canadian primate said scwlarlzlng is probably an tr roverslblo pm in the world but Christians need not acquiesce to all Its aspects for one cannot accept reing tlvity as lhe only absolute truth am sure that the God who speaks is always present to us with his eternal truth Man as the listener can at ways hear that elernulwold but he appropriates it in broken partial ways DESCRIBES ECUMEMSM Archbishop Clark said church leaders are inclined to hell ccu menlsm as the great achieve ment of 10thcentury Christiani ly in fact is is sociological phenomenon part of general recognition that the world is no longer universe of thought huts mulliverse However we explain it it is clear that the ecumenical spirit should be major influence at this Lomheth Conference said the archbishop Anglicans could not seekrcnewol to faith for themselves without drawing in sights from Christians in other communion and from the great world religlom outside Christen dom Christendom itself is under going aphasenbo bich it is impossible to generalize Many observers said its age has passed But some of its institu tlonvhow vlgrnns will to sur vive arch as the established Church of England monthlong confer US Foreign lit lieiaches New to WASHINGTON Ina major rebuff to Pres dent John son the Senate approve Wednesday record low forclgn aid billImore than 31 0000000110 under what had requested The Sena passed an authori ration melisure of 5194000000 for the current fiscal year and called forn broad reappraisal of the entire aid program 1116 vote was to to an The bill now goes to confer ence to resolvedlfferences with the House of Representatives which set 31990000000 figure Johnson had asked forItz 960000000 in foreign aid anq called that budget on austere one The deep cuts coupled with the plan for reappraisal has led specula gram launched 21 may he nearing no end in present form There have been frequent prtr posals in Congress to concen trate more on working through world organizations in helping underdeveloped countries and on bringing private industry more actively into helping those countnes improve theireoono mes lie Cemétery on July 2151 minister of the United Clnsroh RévDuncah Flemio gave the sermon and was as ed by Rev Knram Guergisof the Presby terian Gulwh collection and other specraldonaticns for the cemetery fund were much appreciated Among tormerrresideots plel ellt were Mr and Mrs For aghersnd family Mr andMrs William hoper and Mrs Gra ham ofOshatva Mr aners and one cune Fawn the may Mr and Mrs rtholornew Mrs Maritime and family Mrs Vtctur Ross and family Mr and Mrs William Black and nd Mrs Mchnunnd faintly with her mother Mrs Fotherby Mrs Fatumof Hamilton and Mr nd urns institute Relic sat Elnp School In Klngston KINGSTON Nearly Law students and teach erswere evacuated from two of Kingstons threehigh schools Wednesday ascity police searcliedIItu time bomb ale leged to have been planted ins oneof the schools The tip turnedouttoheehoax An anonymous male caller toldpolice by phene that hembs eolugtn go off log ston Collegiate an Vocational the marl did ontsaywihere the hombwn Planted or what tim Queen beficiqolodedi ce were ént Elisabeth College KCVI and to Loyola

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