WWW0 74 WM anmMu was arkngmmvrmnmmgpnwu mommars Lee May came to the plate topyirornr to base on Tony Perezs bouncer down Incline to Maury wan iron inning or opener oi migrate with Pillsinirgth last nights May foot contactedvthe plate hot strong wind ma Ihe Beo ley course choppy Wednesday but It did not stop Toronto aeoli race nld Judson nyeu old physical education aludent tlomraithe bail bounced away rrmn Piratea catcher Carl Taylor Wills wascharged with throwing error Reds Wirephotol IAs =Bounce9Angé13é ay rm mum races Denny mum and the Detroit Tigers are showing nothing hut vdielr heelagtto nine American mm laggards But theres Itili plenty of outflow halt in the alsoranaowhen they angle with each other While the irontvrunning Tigers oped pest Washington Senators +0 Wednesday nightior hie Laina let victory oi the sea non Oakland Athletics Giicago White Sex and New York Yan kees werejwinning games on ninthinnlng comebacks Oaltiand completed double header sweep by overtaking California Angela 44 on Ted Ku blakfs tworun triple in the ninth aiter winning the opener on threerun homer by Mike Hershberger inthe eighth gt The White Sox spotted Minne vaota an or lead then fought book behind an illhit attack and ï¬nally floored the Win 124 with six runs in the ninth The Yankees pushed over ï¬ve un earned runs with two out in the ninth for atriumph over Boston Red Sox Baltimore trimmed Cleveland lndians 41 on Elrod Hendricks tworun homer in another game IMcliain 2H scattered iour Jute and struck out nlnc as Do troit maintained its sevengame MoéviNO practice roundsronthe par7i OflriES professional troni Giliord On ï¬rst tasted big Ilrna goii vlctory when he won Hi Canadian Aoriateur title at Calgary country Club in He eturned in 1005and won the AlbertaOpcn before claim ing the Canadian Protessionnl Goliers Association crown the me year at Willow Pa Noman thejleading ney winner ol the Canadian goll tour this year returned esday and since been busilyshooting muse in preparation for the $10000 Willow Park classic which t1 Friday and which he Inst wonin 1966 Last year No ml led winning the Willow Park tournament losing to Billy Wright of Edmoan on an extra ho Arecord roi17go ers has entered the 54bole affair 5Toled0 overpowei spread over accondplace Balti more Dick McAuliilo all Katine set the offensive pace or the Ti gera McAuiitfe cracked sin gle two doubles and his 14th homer and scored all the ruin Kaline contributed two doublu single and medial Intbc nightcap attitakland the Athletics ieli behind in the seventh whanCaliiomiaa Torn Satriano andlim Gregosi ppe runscoring singles John Donaldsone inï¬ehi hit scored Rick Monday in the bot tom of the seventh but Oakland still was one run down with one out in theninth flhcn Jimqosger walked and Bert pampanerla singled clue ing reliever Marty Pattln and McGlothlln with drive of the centrefield fence scoring the tying and winning runa IIIT SECOND HOMER llershbergerunlqaded his sec ond homer oi the year following walk and Sal Bandoe single in theeighth inning of the twi light game Minnesota ten the White Sox on the ropes with run vol ley in the fourth ng but they bounced back with four in the sixth and Wm into the ninth trailing 56 Southpaw lion Perranoski got man Is this yearamong them Wright Wilt Hornenuik oi Winnipeg winner of the Millar tournament in Georgetown Ont and Wayne Vollmer oi Vancouver Alberta Open winner The tournament which in ishcs Sunday will pay $3000 to the winner Last year the championship was worth 02000 but prize money has beenin creased to attract moretop to en realm oi the golfer ry in the tournament ch the seventhistop on the Ca dian goii tour championships scheduled Woodh idge 0nt Sept ini Normen Homenullr nd Voll mer have already qhaiiiiedbe causeoi previous goll tourlvic toris Norman won tli chewan Open Alvle Thompson of T9 the iourth goiter who has on alphas pulled outoir the Wil low Park to th commit Thé International Le threatening Memory pitching to bind liens nanaway wunnera in the international leagues 960 pennant race ForrMud lien pursuera one closest now Eli game back the wit hi on ohlom lately hasnt only been ow tobentthe league leaders beenliowito score edo haawon oven gamer and in five oi the lest Toledo Saskat WIn Doubleheï¬der the that whbutTormiy Davis Duane Josephson Leon Wagner andrKen Berry singledoar two runs Alter groundnut andint tentionalwalk tilled the bases Tim hillen laced threerun double ott Al Worthington and scored on Woody liddl single nailing the Soxs iiith victory in their lait silt starts lanai sins Bym MED PRESS Battingchk McAulille De trait Tigers smackedhia 14th homer two doubles and single and scored Illethe runs in 40 victory over Washington Sena tors PitchingDenny hldmin Ti gers blanlred the Senators on our hitaand struck out nine for his ziat victory against only three losses other ocull er Roger Jecbon vim scoring an easyysingiea victory at tha Edanadlan Olympic rowing almost lost our car once aui It kept thinkingimlghtblow the who combined wllhGeorge Hun gerford towln the pairs and Canadas only gold medal it the Wfllymolca in Toiwo laduona victory over lour and the St Cello nrines ltowr Clad win in the elgiiiéware the highlights at the opening oi the 01 lo trials held in conjunctimwub the Royal Canadlan Hanley lie 13 Three Olympic trialspill held today with races in the and single in the seasonsvfirat Canadian Football league inter loddng contest in Monireai doubles pairs without cox and Club Jlnt Henley final grill also bemod Iheatro iwindWedneaday nude the ellrad Henley it roam theore wa pontoon or an our the ratdeloyoia Henley race since andecttlcal atornain tnllwlui is mtddy throw you right olf adld Jackson whoracedin the coL on of th venomverliowing Jackson was good iiva lengths up on all Gottiredsea oiToronto Argonauts in Iha sin glarflie covered the 2000rnetm distance in seven minutes and 10 seconds trading the lead thrtethnes with Gottiredaen be ioreJiaallyJekingover at the 1000inetre mark Gary Whiteof Winnipeg lin ishyd lhird Daryl Sturdy of Burnaby BC iourlh and Gary Newton cl landon om liith Cdfdiiidla Cain 14121 Garne Lead ran Associarau ant55 St Louir Cardinali begun July with 51 victory over as Angclea Dodgers and Gii game lead over aecondplace Atï¬ lanta Braver They ended it Wednesday night with 31 triumph over Philadelphia Phillie and an al most insurmountable illsgame bulge over runnerup Cincinnati Reds in the National league race TheCardunIls ripped oil to victories in games and they didnt care how they did it Take sd can Lou Brock singled and stole second in the seventh inning Juiien Javier hunted and pitcher Woody Frytnan threw hln out with Brock going to third But Brock didnt stop there he kept right on naming and best ï¬rst baseman Bill Whites throw home for what proved to be the winning run Atlanta edged New York Mots to Cincinnatitrounced Pitts burgh 02 and then was wai lopedloel hy the Pirates Chica go Orbs toppedllouston Astros 64 and Los Angelea tripped San Francisco Giants 63 in other games Mike Shannon doubled in the iirg St Louis run and Brock singled home the other Clay Dairympleaaacriilce fly and ill chie Allens single produced the runs or the Philliesywho have his our straight and tlti the last in rr was scenarios iantaa victory as the Braves slugger doubledhomehlr clubi iirst two runs and then snapped IVE2 itii RBI ainllot Cincinnati adored four hips in the first inning on aingles by Pete It Vada inson and Tony Perez Johnny Benchs error to win the the nightcapwith roan attack and the secondhipleplay in the major leagues in two days Perkins ls Tied For WFCLead ayrancannnun panes crannieth retailbi Ed monton moved into threeway lie or iirst place Wednesday in the Western Football 4Confer ence schring race scoring two touchdowns in the Eskimos 10 win over Montrcni Alouetiea Peter Kempt who handlei kicking chores torthe Eskimos moved into iourth place with two ï¬eld goals two converts FleeilontedJimlhmnaa also pickui up an Edmonton touch down io tie tor sixth place with eight odaer players HoldNat Night Frlddil In Vcincouirerf VANGOUVEF cs Van couver sportsman Nat Bailey has 31000000 more than 1000 calm pie have good time Alter 40 years community service Bailey has conceded to some recognition Friday will be Nat Bailey night in Yancouver Mayor lom Campbell Will present letter oi recogn ion inom the city and the Greater Vancouver Visitors Bureau has chosen himth of the month Assisted by Baihara Kclly Miss Canada of 17spmmen and the youth oi Vancouver will join celebr one at Capilanos recount baseball dium home of VancouverMnuntles oi the Paciï¬c Coast Leagu Jolie is president baseball club and plaque in the dadium rotunda state Without his guidance rci hasehallwouldnt have bee man with inicctious grin and love or sport Bailey is sel dom ioundin the spotlight or so clal pages in addition to the 325000 spends each year from his own pocket to keep the Mounties in Vancouver he quiet ly dishes out another $0000 nually for community projects He sponsors 21 minor baseball clulu in the Greater Vancouver area plus number of hockey basketball senior haseiiall and socch clubs Two pipe hands are also among his public serv Dry Born in St had educaa earn enoughior his nextkmeal liis athletic career consisted mainly of developing pin log armetllat specialized in throwing pcnnuu high to th ghtfleld bleachers Hohustled his peanuts and soft drink business In hot dog standthnt put him into the drivein business When he levelled the pnoperty hiaiirst White Spot drivcvin South Granville SIL in Va couver he remembers it cost til He gave dreworkman cheque only tohave the bank notify he wassevendonars overdrawn rlhnt was in ma DON pay GIN lt waa in Bank ItaroninLAt recent English Billiards championship tournament at the Bayiield Billiard lounge wu wonby Bill lichleer Sr lie defeated Bill McKeever gtin1the linal match trail Barrie competition which at tracted iidd of more than 60 requiredthree monthato reach the ï¬nals Pictured here lieit to right with the MensvOlyrnpic Track Team is Defeated mcmom GP Canadian track and ï¬eld team hopes it wont have to depend on its women again when it competes lathe big london etartinglrida IheCan ian men team lost to Sweden 1100 inatwoday meet that ended here Wednes day At Dela the first stop on their European tour they wer beaten near by the Norwegians gt in meet that ended July 14 lhe womens aquad however defeated their Swedida hosts 65 so and beat Norway 7244 Sparking the eiiort was Jay Dahlgrrn Ia ipyearold irom North Vancouver we set Ca nadian national womens record in the Csna Bunions centurion Damian spoils oi victory are runucr liarold Day oi trophyspon up ainlteeverJohnge hostJim raring Carling Breweries Quinlan champion hchloer Photo by ancrot Discover the Wonderful World Outdoors For The Outdoors The Worlds Finest TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS models priced from $29900 Lawn cannon mam mi moment $39900 négulu tttooo5al€ $34900 Regnlar $56900 Sale $42900 Kuom PINE SPORTSARAMIA wy North Mutant oar 12am Follow the New Lanes to our Doorstepv wonKMsNs COMPENSATION some ATTENTION lri the Interests allihose dealing williihe WorkmensCom pensation Board emergency service has been entcnded in the Provincial Electoral Simcoe Centre Sirhcoe East and Duff¢rin5imcoe Cheques areiovhildhle iornickup in many cases and the emer gericyiacihtiés established during the mail stoppage have been eXponded Chequesmgy nowtlocpiclceci upqndmcil delivered to rnrrrysaorinqrm V143ouutprtrï¬irtï¬t Banniscnmslo izsssaa Districts of