Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1968, p. 8

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blur of Ermtfotd bls see and slim 74 for it total nod won the Ontario Junior Golf Championship over the med London Hunt course Wednesday The victory clinched berth for Lllur on Onllrlosjunlor interprovinclsl team which matches shotssgsiust select teams immacross Canada at TroisRivieres Que next month sronrs COMMENT and LONDON pierce iron rouryo Iain mmm yearold unaccounted the On tsrio juvenile Wm who Gary too ntrweaton went oneom per the last hole to finish second at its HIrnlllon cardedun evenpain the best sound of the Mole tournament Shh Manet Hrlntfotd bid 71 Tuesday botbiew to In Wednesday Ind finished It in ilrn irccutcheon Peterbur who was oncoming Bold OlympicMovel From Metro Toronto ByVCHRIg mm METROPOLITAN TORONTO Tuesday moved up one more notch in their running battietor national prestige with Jean Drapeaus imaginative crew in Mon treal Metro council chairman WilliamAllen unveiled bold plan to entice the 1967 Summer Olympics to the Ontario capital Preliminary plans for gigantic sports facilities in Metro include an openair sta um with seating capacity between 80 and 100000 an Olympicsize swimming pool with accomodatlon for 10000 spectators and multipurpose building for indoor sport Added to this impressive list is proposed jet airport and Olympic Village close to theGames site These plans make Montreal and Hamilton pale in comparison as possible Canadian sites for the inter national games Allen claims We can build it at less cost to the Canadian taxpayer than any city in the country The chairman justified this belief since he says it would be part of extensive city water front de yelopment already scheduled He added that accomo dation space for 8000 to 10000 athletes coaches and trainers should be set aside for the Games year before the THESE PLANSwere suubmitted in detail to the Canadian Olympic Association some time ago They have been kept under wraps due to the presence of bids by Hamilton and Montreal The COA must decide which of the three bids to 31th so they support before September can present united front in bidding for the games before the International Olympic Committee Allen Went on to outline the financialstructure of the plans He said it would Linillion to supply land fill cost from $0 million to $8 for 500acres capable of thandling large jets The waterfront plan involves co vpperation of municipal provincial and federaligovern ments as well as the Toronto Harbor Commission The latter is now only concerned with operations within the City of Toronto The formal Toronto proposal is contained in 55 page booklet it also emphasizes other Toronto assets such as extensive hotel facilities balmy summer Weather theatres art galleriesand itsability to obtain credit rseat ion of Expo 67 neceuryeARs Toronto has taken back to hold manoeuvers in Montreal such as the creat the continuation of the successful fair as Man and His World the obtaining of major Ileague baseball franchise and Iraising scheme the unique voluntary tax fund progressive and realistic effort to biingtlie huge Olympics to Toronto would also be big boost to the jflsarrie areasit isoonceivabie that some Olympic sail ing events could be attracted to Kempenfelt Bay No doubt also the natural overflow lion would come here the area of spectator accomodat bringing an economic boost to TURNlNGTO THE lVGBAOIyinpics at Mexico City plans for lighting the famous01ympic Flame for its first journey to the New World were announced The orcli will be lit on Mount Olympus in Greece August 23 forefhehextmouth and ashalfm op ranked Mexican female runnerWill bearit into the Olympic Stadium October 12 ship and swimmer The The torch will be carried to Mexico via runner games have been held in North Arnerica twice previously both in the United States In those cases er than its ancient point of unique orgin Cost of the is around $40 the torchwas lit at the stadium site rath journey partiof the historic trip win he at Vera pruz harbor onithe eastern coastof Mexi group of 917 swimmers will cross the harbor hold ng the flame aloft with one hand By THE CANADIAN PRESS One of the largest fish caught in Ontario this year pound sturgeon was landed ingLake $t Francis lastweek Th departmeatpf landsand forests in its weekly fishing re portsays the sturgeon caught pear Cornwall other species gt tA homely bottomfeeder the sturgeon is no beauty It is dressed in dull grey color with long protruding snout and thick whiskers Howeverthe sturgeon is rev ered its The sturgeon snobs popular game fish In inchmotto them Ersir VALUED Commercigliy the valued in it use amiigiskanilong line mun lots of lhookr neis to ptcb it where more than spo le ot sturgeon he most nus being those fish outweighed any Chnpieau Hive is caught in theVolga River in Russia where they reach length of 14 feet fihe world record for slur geon caught angling ls 360 pounds shocked by wt ii rd Cravens in the Snake River Idahoin mo Win the pound sturgeon caught in Lake St Francis was the biggest anglers reward last week goudcatches of muskel liinge and lake trout werealso taken across the province Reports from 20 of the depart ments districts Jshngn heckled trout fair In iou in Creek Big Missinabi Loire poor fornil spe ies rPickerel pike Cochrsne Pickerel and pike good in northern part of district Trout all species good arid orfourtir at llednESday Hock Lake All fair to good Dob Barrett l6 of him too moved up into unleaded with but was uotoligible to competcfnr teanrhooors b9 uuse he resident of the United States Barrett lives in Ploehurm Ind competes in tournaments Ontario while vacationing with hisJIlnily It Southsmton TwoSt Thorns golfers fin ishcd onetvroln the luveoilo section for boys it and 15 years our Plutoer added is to his firstround Al for while clubmotoDa Hour shot his pccond so nd was one stroke back It ieo Kelly Roberts ofhdiiton was third with lol and LarryHevco Defending for champion Divld Hoodoo of Kitchener finished ack in the Pack with 168 Jim Msxileld of Forest won the bantam title over field of 51 youngsters Li years and under at lAndon Sunulngdale His score in wholeplay was 82 One stroke back was Bay Fos tey of Orlllis liick Moore of Unlonvlllo and Tom Hodgingsnf Toronto shared thirdplncehin or with an or total EARN BERNIE McQueheon Hamilton and Foster earned berths with Loi tar on the lntcrprovinclnl team in an lohole playoff round late The playoff was among the seven runoersup in the Junior match including Hamilton Mchtcheon Foster lilac Wil son of ingersoll DaleTallon oi Toronto Ken Somerviile of Lon dun and Jeff Gollish of Toronto hicCutchcon emerged from the hole test with 275 total utter the best score in the play off 76 for the second inter provinciai berth McOutcheon end Foster were alsojselected for tho Williamson Cup team which will meet sover nl select squads from the east ern 05 at Gardencity NY Aug 7627 The interprovinclal team is made up of Somerviile andGoil ish representing the 10year oldssdnck Forsythc and John Traub both of Windsor 17 yearolds Doug Findlay of Branifard and Steve Koncrof corrrbe and Moser 15yearolds and Gary Neufcid of Milton and Kevin Williamson of Kitchener for the liyenrolds isorrnnn semen wnrm 147129 12 9024 i0V10l 21 811016 l30lz Last Nights nequ Woman at impEastman ppd ra Lakeview hanasiman Woods BA Newmarket Nottawa Newmarket lit rain Future Games Tonight Nottawa at New market 830 Saturday ImpEastman at Nottnwa 000 lNlERMEnlATE rm memo pad Yanch Heating Baylield Clarkson Future Genres Tonight Yanch at Universal Baylield at Clarkson til CoOp at Borden on 0NTARIDLADYES SENIOR Future Games Frid Barrie vs Kitchener at Fort Erie 1900 Ontario championship Tournament for speckled trout kston and Devil Lake go or lake trout Lake vNiplssln also good tnGuii Lake near Ternagami and Marten Hiter area Parry SounrlSinallmoutb and largemouth bass fishing good throughout district Picker el fair on south short ofloake Niprssing Trout fishing gener ally poor forvall species Sanity Ste MarieTrout ape cies poor in Kirkwood division and pickerelgood especially in other species Speckled ad speci WhItF arca Lake trout and specified out fair in Elliot Lake area Bass andlperch fair in dist ctPike and plckerel in Gouiais area Rockvand WhltoHiverwPiko Speckled troutng in liver ondtsiream Pidrelret and1iie late cbmpliatlonolln shares the trout narrows orncrns Atrnlxcd golf tournament for tax Hue Borden persnn psi and guests was held vat the Anderson Park cinirsii tn honor of trio retiring officers lhe informal event recognised thé years service oi Col MONTREAL CP Its on to Toronto today and Friday night contestagainst the Argo nauts forcopch Neill Armstrong and his powerful Edmonton Es kimos but its buck to the screening room for Key Dalton of Montreal Albumen Armstrong unfolded power Claiin Struclr First 310$ ANGELES AP The question of who got hit first was argued Wednesday as the us soultitrlal of former National Hockey leaguecoach Toe Blake and winger Claude Provost of Montreal Canadlens opened in Superior Court Deputy DistrictAltorney Bart Goldman alleged to the jury hiLopeniiIg statementtba Blake vhlt Bernie Weismon fan with hockey stick The defence claimed that Welsmsn 39 Jumped lnio the players box andlrlt Blake on the head with his list The fisht is alleged to have occurred during gamehere last Nov 19 between the Conn diens and the Los Angeles Kings The Kings won 42 Blake 55 and Provost charged with assault with deadly weapona hockey stick The prosecution claims that Weisman was knocked down andbeaten by several Cana dlens includingvProvost Goldman said Welsman was bedding the visitors from thirdrow seat and Blake finally invited Welsman to come on down at month and see what you get tum BAT gsriirs vPdréntl Retgins Oscichuk TrciilsfB With the 1968 intermediate fastha regular schedule now quarters ual batting averages reveals an im pressive listDl the top20hit ter no less than it are aver agi above the 800 hey Bordcn outfielder Gene Par ent is till on top althoughva slight slump in recent weeks has dropped him below 500 He of most hits ate Al Josey at each Parent is cruising long at 455 and he is facing stretchrun challenge by Yanch liming first sashes Pete who is 11 poin back at 444 These tatisiics are unofficial since six games have still to be recordedin the totals This in volves four games United Ecleclric two each foruliorden Clarkson andYanch and one involving CoOp and Universal Collectively €10 Thel latest list we inimumof35 Fiveoth just short of this in arkso in hvcragel end up in lengei Parent and Oaachuir the Luke manor Trophy urr rorAr cwsE Oneonipletiou of the schedui minimum of fit oats rEquired to win th bat ting title The total hit title is very closerace satlle pitcher Over carrying strong ats Best here improving fnr picirerel Pick el is Ci Hell of In Toronto Downy view and retiring in com mending Cspi Ouie Shepherd Tournament winner wssBep Guidolin Barrio arcs Molsons ratoprcscntatlvo Iheadyof Bsr riea Bill Dymenl ofiilirnm fulninning snd passing game as his Western Conference cluh knocked ntf Daltons Easterners 2710 in the first Canadian Foot ball leagues interlocking game of the wagon Wednesday night Dalton on the other hand watched what was once Mont reals biggest assetthe dc fencecrumbler the Eskimos nn rougnshod overiheir oppo oents Edmontons potent offence made up of running backs Art Perkins Jim Thomas and Don liisbon found gaping holes as they combined for 230 yards rushing And when the trio wasnt tearing up yards along the ground they foulldthernselves in the clear for passes from vet clan quarterbackirank Cosentia no where the three backs gained another 137 yards hrank called it real good game and be mixed his play real well the Jubilant Arm strong said after the rarne lm really happy with that running game would have to saythat our runninguitack ls reorniin is THE CANADIAN guess Wtdern Conferean Pt is 30 Sask Edmonton Winnipeg Calgary Eastern unoac coco NH flmfiu 13 Hamilton Ottawa Toronto Montreal Hagar ceooafi Sago in panic behind so have points separ ng thelaa four United Electric is the present holder of the coveted last play off beth atldpoiu HW ever they are rapidly running irouonrn Whlker Distillery sand Clair Cox Shown here left to right cm stepbem Mrs Pot Oclrondcn Bop Guid 01in Mrs Heft Capt oereo 231 5M Manly 9° probably more poteht thanlast yww short dissdcedown the cor ridor Daltoh blamed hisdefeir rive unit most of all for the loss Tm really disappointed in the defence and cant really saywhntthe problem isthe Montreal coach said have to taken look stitbc films firstif gt they got is dust downs rush ing Thats pretty bad Thoyfve Edmonton got some good bucks but theyre not that iéiéi it int or to 011 op on Edmontons running sitadr perkins and lhomas scored touchdowns Perkins got the Edmonton st tack going when he took it yurd pass from Coscntlno from touchdown in thetlrst quarter and then crashed over from the twoyard linefor his second touchdown of the night in the second 1hornaswho was credited with 97 yards rushing in 15 st temptrscored the other on twoyard run in the third quar ter reams Missaorwo Peter Kempf the former Al ouette used his toleritcd toe to kick fleldgosls oi 33audi15 yards He also was good on two of three convert attempts and earned single point when his 27yard fieldgaal attempt was wide late in the game Quarterback Carroll Williams scored the loneMontrenl touch downln the fourth gunner on nineyard run dimlang converted and also booted no yard field goal in the third OWNER Altsomileanhour windrblow lngrln from the southwest didnt bodies the Edmonton offence as Spot one on tonight in the pm opener at Queens iBaytiel Motors and Clurlrsnn Hotel meet in the 3130 nightcan and the winner heracould vaultzinto chal longing position it are the latest battlngstatistics for the leading Gene Parent Borden Pete Osachuk Yanch Al Josey Borden Terry Hodgson CoOp DougYoung Universnlla Ernie Millcrtiniversal Pat Rheil Borden Murraylerry Universal Jim Brown Borden Pete Lang Universal Jack Shanallan CoOp David Reid UE PeteMcNabb Bayf ce Hayfield Jlm Brady Clnrlrson Ralph ith CoOp Garymussm Clarkson PauiHeaulne Borden Wall CollinsUE sllfill Jim Reynold CoOp Al Srrllth IoOp Srocr crn RACES eve vFnromr menr Fer lit along with lesPat llheil 0p outfielder Joclr dMotors orAMouocrass SUNSET gt SPEEDWAY when or rr rcrsssourn oestrous stead of searching for Gaels VTalrel Schedule 51 CAfllABlNES 16P Oshawa Green Gaels completed In undefeated season Wednes dl night by trotlodnx St Cath Lakesidu 270 to Ontario lacrosse Association Junior action The win gives Oshawa no am of victories our year is BY minis TWIervedtm Canadian Forces for liyesrs and Col Lleff servedgior or years This September Capt Shepherd will take over the duties of deputy coordinator for the WJCWWEMO inning He Photo by Hashim the Eskimos piled upztlrst downs compred with Moat renlslt MONTREAL Siatis tics of the Edmonton Eskimos Montrosl Aivuctte CFL inter locking gamczg re First downs Yards rushing Yards passing Total offence Passes madetried 911 1425 interceptionsyards 114 00 lunuaverage yards H0 H4 Fumblesfumbles lost Pennitie total yards 640 Hn Bosion Acquires Floyd Robinson BOSTON AP Boston Red Sox havencquired Floyd Robin son for lefthanded pinch hitting duties and released veteran Norm Siebcrn swlio was used primarily in theisaine capacity TORONTO or Toronto Maplolgafsuaced into 50 leadand then coasted to 1M victory over Victoria Strom rocks Wednesday night in No tionai se Association garrie watched by 45 fans Graeme Gair paced Toronto with three goals while R0n MacNeil added pair Ie gonls went in Bill Morrison Jack Madgelt rBruce Ferguson Frank Marchiori and Ross Othen Charlie Hardy and fianilt Dil lon scored two goals each for Victoria Ron Jay and Ted Lieo blchadded one The Muple rears lcd 51 at the end of the first period and at the end of the second Theloss was the secondin row for Victoria which drop LONDON Ont The new Western Ontario Junior Hodtcy decided ealay with five teamr Frank Basso of uelph sixth entry the league wilig ahead with five and try to arrange an interlocking scheduie Western CanadaiLeague die Canadian Hockey Assnrda Calgary as preside bonds and are ready to Basso said We expect to release the schedule for our league on Aug 21 The five are Guelp Sarnin Brantford move was made earlier this week diattract Woodstock into the leaguehut ottieisls therede cided to stay They felt the step was financially impossihle at this time tint team to completes seam without slots in Canadian lulu or lacrosse history Rosa Jones scored four goals or Osbsz to give him the Engliies individual Impanshlp with lblgoalr also picked up four stash Mcrv Marshall the Gaeirrov tng goaltender plokedupthree assists highercrest For Coleman OllAWA CPI Lovell Cole man whose chances orstlclrtng with it Rough Elders seamed dim last week getshis first big test in newtunifsrm tonight when the RiderrIopen their Eastern Football Coriier encesdreduio against ton TigerCats therdcfending ey Cup champions Colelrian required from al gary Stampedets than of snnJrude was reported to ha been placed on waiversin heirlernployers Montreal ouetter were reported casting an eye on him ilieod Coach Frank Clair re fusedcomment on the report and Coleman will take ahllflt back position in the Rider on its sivebackfloldfignlnst the TI uk Colemannne of the belts backs in Canadian football is reported to be still bothered by aknee operation lie lspltn ot it newcomer Clair has inserted in the Ottawa lineup over the 1967 team whldt finished second in the regular standings and lost in Hamilton Lqfireseé Hold Early Ledd to operate ieaguo president said that in the Bothleagues are membersof fiorr headed by Ron Hutllnof All five teamshavoposted Chatharn St Thomas and in the Eastern playoffs Leafs rod decision to Detroit Olym pics in Detroit hiesday The Shamrocks plny thEir third gamevin as many daystonight when they meet Peterbgrough Lakers atPeterhorough lhe game was completedgyr less than two hours with the ac cent on quick breaks and little body contact until theiirialpe rm Victoria centre Ron lawns carried from the floor um Grve5725000lrnpres fsrn

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