Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1968, p. 5

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vlilabla how tbailocll aaseesmenl of laaidilwill the count this year We just do not have the pcrienoed and trained staff to do the who it being done but until ey gain some experience in somaof the smaller and less cornpllcated dLstrIets they will not tackle the binder ones Innisfil farms are now as sessed at from 13 to it per cell of values West Gwillmhury rates are approximately is tion assessment is about to per so hastens rIourm mom MILL Jim Ross of Angusuands as part or Utopia conservation millrace for water power for by bltlldau at pioneer Bells ltlili which Is to be rutored project The program include new dam ioacrepond and the mill which will again be operated for demonstration purposes Examiner Photo Angus Chamber Industrial Promotion ANGUS Staff Need for better promotion of industrial sites iithere is to be such dev elopment nround Angus and in Essa generally was stressed by George Guergls Angus Chan ber oi Comrherce director and chalrrnanof the industrial com mlttce We are trying to do our best to interest industry in locating here but we need services at good sites he said stating he hoped to see more action taken in this direction Mr Guergis criticised map issued through the township which hesaid did not show tential Ihdustrlal areas at olmoney was spent on these maps and It has been largely afwaate he asserted It wasa fine opportunity to show industrial areas and it was lost ANNOYED BY DELAY The Angus businessman who said he has been held for several years in plans to build west end shopping plaza at Angus because of zoning entan glements said he was still waiting approval when ques tioned about the situation dont know what ll wrong was told verbally that it was all right now in Toronto But havent received official wo he said describing himself greatly annoyed by the long de lay inquiries indicated the pro blem involved toning the pro perty concerned near sevcral other business places as agri cultural instead of commercial Mr Guargis was issueda build ing permit whlch he has exhib ited several times but there was controversy over whether it covered warehouse or com mercial building He said inso tar as he was concerned he was only interested in corn menial building SAYS LEASE LOST had lease which would have brought large store in Angus but lost it due to the delay he said He also invest ed moo In drain and negw fictions for other rentals bav been at standstill Tlhls delay has cost me lot of money and there has been no good reason for itathat can race he remarked An In spoction shoWed two restnur ants tailoring shop and other businesses in the area Stating he was keenlyinterfi ested In promotingfingus Mr Guergts said his ownjerper ience in endeavoring to build plaza Twas intended to help development and be was most disappointed bythe obstacles raised lle commended the Chamber of Commerce for its efforts to promote the commun Ity good industry which would give year round em ployrnent would give Angiu tremendous booit it is just what we need be enthused The community has exper ienced considerable business growth which was stimulated by the opening of liquor store and brewers warehouse last November Businessmen report more people are coming from wider area to shop in Angus ONCE MILL CENTRE one time mill centre Angus now owes its chief busi ness prosperity to its proxlm Ity to Base Borden where many residents are employed branch of tho Ontario For estry department was establish ed in the community in 15m and remains leading industry We have fine location and all we need Is good on oper ation and community spirit to bring the maximum remits in eifows to promote develop ment said Mr Guergis Pioneer Relics AllistOn ALUSTON Staff South Simone Pioneer Musetnn now in its 10th year of operation is currently in its son for attracting visitors Opened Has been visited several thousand annually Additional in terest has been shown this month with more tourists registering than usral items such as pick which was used to help in the recon struction of Alliston after dis astrous fire on May 1991 have received particular attention yirorn visitors as well as Alliston people The pick was donated by Latimer of Alliston chairman of the administrative boardrfor the museum which at so includes representatives from Tecumseth Tossorontlo Ersa and Adiala FARM SECTION Wooden tools such as haylorha of type used on farms before the turn of the century were among the farm items in spe cialscction getting more than ordinary attention from rural visitors other items which re flect workingconditions on the fanrn before the machine age include wooden harrows and plows oil lamps and lanterns wooden frame to couple togeth Hell Drivers Going To Beetbii semen sun seem Fall fair which will be ld on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept and 25 will feature ttheHelt Drivers as an added attraction it was announced by Harry oss secrei The Hell Drivers gave an citing performance at Barrie fair last ear and Beeton fair officials ave made arrange ments to have them appear here Good progress had hecnmode In arrangements fortha twoiday in fair which olsofcaturea thorsa min llvestnckshow and In not hlblts Ihere ls usually standout horse sh 4959 the museum thelr teom theheavy er xen and blacksmiths anvil if forge bar from ohetima Rose mont hotel exhibiting large bar rels labelled whisky proved triguing=to som olth older visitors The high barwassaid to be more than century old and resembled those seen in old er western movies This one was said to have been in use at Rose mont before Confederation 1351 we caanv Franklin fireplace stove iron potsflat irons and various clocks were among other relics over century old Rirniture in Oro Price List Shows Changes EDGAR gtStaff An 1885 price list at MacLeoda general store herein this Ora township community calls attention to the great change in cost oi living during the past is years The old list showed that five pounds of sugar sold atto nts three pounds of butter 56 cents mans suit at it and cents mans suit at $6 and ioofeet otwiring at 50 cents will be agni of Hawhestone swept most at the prizes in the Ayrshire class last year with Lloyd and Betty bale don winning firstprize for Guemscy cattle William bbins oIin Sheardown oi Cookstown win ning In the Jersey division long with Lionel Mclfeown of Mono Mills The best team of hackney high stappera in the orse show was AttentiOn alog eahln reconstructed near the museumwas said to date back as far as 1851 At one time AngusMc telephone switchboard which was in use at Everett in the gay 905 woodenvhandwnahlng machine manufactured in 1910 various models of Edison victrole as once generally referradio as talking machines and hand tturned coffee grinder were mong other items which appear ed to attract particular interest First curator of the museum established in the onetime ag ricultural building at itiverdale parkgwas Clare Watson Jamel Dermott is the present curator in charge with Norman Hors burghlisistant The like copy of lodal it appeared In The Barrie Examiner you will cent of value Equalization of assessment Is based on the average male values of pro perties compared with the pro neat local assessment This flo torbrought innidils equalised assessment for county purposes wow mm noon on local figure The countyrequab ization figures are those on which all costs paid through the county are levied soon APIEALED Wheh it waslearned thattwo of the county municipalities are appealing this assessment in nlstI council discussed ioining in the appeal Councillor Gib bias had crltlzed the reevo and deputy recve for voting in fav or of accepting the levy at county council In order to get an understanding of the situa tion it was agreed that informa tionehould be obtained the county assessorand the de partment of municipal affairs it was agreed that adayr trip to prillla and Barrie should be arranged for the whole Council Pondilt Coulson Now Restored CONN Stall Site of washout by flood waters which took mill and dam year ago Coulson pond on the Goldwater river has been largely restored although the present water level is much lower The bride and approaches have been replaced and the area still attracts quitea few vis itors No Trespasslng signs have been placed near the former mfll site on the rivers edge Plalnly in viewfrom the new bridge Other signs point out that there are areas on both sides of the river which have been proclaim ed pheasant rearing zones for fish and game club and also are tagged No Trespassing Hundreds ofvisitors instect ed the washout site last year and there are stillmany who have been inspectingthe area winding sideroad wands its way through the river and for est area and ultimately links with county road it Coulson itself wasnamed af ter pioneer mill owner Com Club Plans CooksIown Exhibit addition to other events much interest is belng shown herein the comlrtgvdH Corn Club com petitionWith good growing season large list of entries is anticipated and competition should be keen Lloyd West of Cookstown won 3tha most points in this section last year with Doug Black sec ond Bob Bain third and Ernie Saunler fourth Each exhibit bad 10 cars and lo stalks Keithf Robinson was the leader of the club in the 1961 4H educational exhibit 7Cookstown Shelg Club was judged first with the Corn gt club second and beef club third Exolniner hootgraph that sonny we CANNOT ACCEPT TELEPHONE angers gt from nductedthesecvic offering was taken by Mrs taking alonga oftidah to San notesotwh learn the suggestion an meal was dropped Coat tothetownflip waa aboottiflm buthdthey Joined In the appeal ltnilghl vejbeen considerably more So far nothlnl has been read intothamimrregudlng the mumin 1o new of no protesting mlnldpalitiea is waiting hearing before on or title County Judges ARM DAM Ray Webbhal been given permissianto mmea propoud dam to distance of object from the road Instead of 100 feet as first specified it Isnot to exceed the height of the roadcrown special committee has been set up toinvestgnte urotest nannies Field Day Plans HILLSDALE Stafil eA loit ball tournament horseshoe pit ching contest and childrens races will featuratha annual reunionand field day at Ellis dala community parkhere on Monday Aug Cash awardr will be made to ihesoftbali winners und prizes also will be given to winners of other events The reunion and field day was arranged for time when num erous former area residentsand other visitors are here for the extended weekend mas would Former neighbors of Mr and Mrs Max Livingston paid them surprise visit at their new home in Barrie last week and presented them with giftsan andrtable lamp and hilthen garbage can Mr and Mrs Stanley Walker newlyweds were honored by friends and neighbors Saturday night at the home oi Mrs Rattle They were presented chenware and linens following an address read by Mrs Mel lameison Mr and Mrs Glen Vinuing their daughter and family of Port Huron Mich attended the Sampson reunion at the park on Saturday and chilly gath ering at the home or Mr and Mrs Lewis Stoddart on Sunday Sympathy is extended to Mrs Norman pbel whose father Morley Liliicrap Pass ed away in Drillia last week Gods Will Done will be the topic of Rev Ii Geurgis sermon at Oro Station Presby terlan Church Aug atvtmtl aJn Stanley Jackson was host for gathering of friends of Barry Lowe who will be married in September ay ants Is carner ucw SERVICE large congregation attended the servi charge of United ChurchWomen of Guthrie Sun day morntng Mrs Newton Ere Pilkey and Mrs McArthur Mrs Ewen Caldwell welcomed VIttlttE til ZZIZI by Darby Sr tha Midis bora buan vi inter ferlol with living condi ilm MIDIint was gain Hollander tel Ease Road whoclxrles on dis Poiyfsioo Silky Racing Oroiziall lair Features mumm Wt macaw squares Stall tee consisted of Grooa the fire chief member of the police apart meat They fwndnothlng for any bids of cornplalnhliowt ever Mr liulteroa dldnotnave atownahlp licence torbusiness or Bartholomew Elmer Shelewoll and Doug Crawford are In charge of racing events for the 6th Oro Fair which will be held on €110ng day Wednesday Sept sea and was asked to ob Canadian Trotting Association Wane It was agreed that rules will prevail with two one the buan was carried on in mile beats for end race Three NEWS or with gifts for their home kitz an orderly manner TAXI VUCENCES An amendment is to be and ed to the taxi bylaw to allow for penalty of from $500 to $30000 for any infraction 1111mm supervisoryitlcall for tenders for haullng gravel for the 5th Lina between lots and and for the 7th Line be tween lot and The clerk was instructed to engage the firm of Alnleyand Associates to inspect and inves tigate the entire water system on the aubdivtsionol George Burton and check it withiha specit tiona of the Ontario Water liesources Commiuion and township bylaws letter from the Huronla Tourist Associationwas order ed filed after the delegateswho attended the Georgian Bay Development meeting filled In the questlormaire lonisfd decid ed some years an that mem bership in the Huronia Tourist Assodation was not of interest totherrL GllTlilllE visitors at the door The choir composed of member oi the UCW sang medley of old gas pel favorites with The Church in the Wildwood as the re frain in this medley Mrs lvan Clark rang asolo partand aha and Mrs George Caldwell sang duet Mrs Wallace Gough of Dalston gave challenging ad dress on Communicating the Faith lvan Clark Is home from liar rfe hospital Mrs ltoy Gray is still undertbe doctors care Miss Allison Creighton resents ly returan from Grenada West Indies spent short time at Muskoha Sands and was guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs it StephensonMtss Creighton hasaccepted posi tion with Manpower in Toronto Recentvisitors with Mr land MrsStephenson were Mrs Mar garet Harris who is assistant to Larry Henderson at the Career Academy or TV Personality Mr and Mrs John Crouch of and Mrs Wilfrid of Princeton Ont Mrs Williamson teaches at the CNN School In Brantiord Mr and Mrs Bill irodor and Miss Sylvia Taylor of Toronto who had been holidaying at Shar botLake visitedergD it Gray and the Howard Campbells recently IMruand Mrs George Camp bell Scott Vance Mr and Mrs illeverley Bertram Mrs Grace McTague Mr and Mrs Allen Walmn and little George Mrs Mason and Miss Dianne Ma son attended the takeout chick en barbecue sponsored by Bond HESdzUllitedLQhurch joyed their meal on the spacious lawn of Mr and iiirs Evan cox Beetnn as raxsour ssswce so DELIVERY cnhndis 0N lTEMS moan $400 NOW PLAYING DRIVEIII THEATRE BM illt WWW RNER REYNOLDS races are planned with 5150 iii purse for each buggy race also planned with light horses entered in other competitions eligible Nine pony competitions also are plannedwithliaynampben and Lloyd Fletcher members of the committee in charge Honorary presidents of the 1968 fair include Guest Currie Thomas lietchcr Ernest Crawford Reid Bartholomew Ken Gil christ Ernest Coates Earle Reid and John Woodrow with Smith Campbell lrwln hic Mahon and Mike Mahoney hon orary directors Berncll McKay is president in charge of the active executive with Joerlavlsonmnd George Macliny vice presidents and Norman Stoddart secretary treasurer Ernest Coatesls chairman in marge of the heavy horse class with Thomas Fletcher and Wallace Key alsoon the commluee Elm competition have been arranged including new special by Allan Borer for apedai class open to resin dent of Oro and members the Barrie Pony Club also heel stirring much interest It bestbeavy draught team in Worlds l6 Teams Enter Angus Tourney ANGUS Staff Shitty teams are expected to compete in theaonuaLAngushaubal1 tournament this coming weekend The loumament will be threeday affair opening on Satr urday Aug and continuing on Sunday and Monday Harry Major wellknown Apr gus sportsma who is in chargb of arrangement for the tourney la preparing the draw 31 ELMVALE COUNCIL on ELMVALE Staff Elmi vale council headed by Recvo Alex McAulcy will hold Ilbv monthly meeting on WedneI day August at 730 pm atM the council hall it was an nounced here by Harold Nash clerk Other members of the council are Alex thirrk Ken Knox Norm Crane and Cecil Fran Where The Swinger Are TUESDAY NIGHT 8230 Tu 100 RECORD HOP FOR ALL Traits 75eNon Members WATCH FOR OUR AD EVERY THURSDAY EASTPLAZA aFRIDAY NIGHT 840 to 100 IDbE RECEPTION SATURDAY NIGHT TORONTOS JOHN Admission 0N on ow mm to IMPERIAL n¢rrslnt DAVIS PREVIEW emberahlp required VA 00 txoetoe Now PLAYING 700 910 pm VBARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE nowrntvuo HARRYonion 1r

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