Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1968, p. 3

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CLAYTON JOHNSTON of Stroud works on in also wall that holds the score clock at the Barrie arena At this 7a ITS 383 SHORT Angus solith end oi the arena all seats and the old press box were removedso Ihe lee sur iaceeouid be extended to Wants Playground Rail feel The building is being renovated in time ior the ar rival of the his Angles Kings Sept 11 Examiner Photo Action 301 populatiOn Sign Highway 00 sign listing Angus ulation at him has been irk ngciviemlnded Angus residents to such an extent they have ask ed the village trustees to make new representations to the On tario department oi highways to tiring it no to date fThe last voters list had 13 names ior Angus area and this does not include children and residents not eligible lo vote said Saniord Page secretary lor the board explainingdhat resi dents trying to promote Angus have shown concern Various es timates have been made oiAn gus area population the aver age oi which runs from 3000 to 3200 While the police village boun daries are all within Essa town By Baffle Cleqired To Conduct Study ProL Melville Watkins who headed group oi experts studying lorcign ownership of Canadian industry said at the 37th annual Couchiching cooleri ence near Orillia yesterday that he was questioned for two hours inan Ottawa hotel room by ROMP helore he received sac nnty clearance to conduct the study The two RCMP investigators Prof Watkins said in andiltelr View were extremely polite They exude sympathy and tact and helpiulness Theywon der it you can recall everhav in done anything that ht came gcnerally knolvn so much solhat you might not prey to blackmailer Tell us theysay andwe will help your Prof Watkins whose report ioreign ownership dustry was released earlier 15 year is attending the Couchiching conference He said all 24 members or his foreign ownership study group were screened by police and had to right my hard to get two or them clearedf He would not name the two Prof Watkins associate pro lessor oi political economy at gt the University of Toronto said the RCMP were particularly in terested in visit he made to the Soviet Union in May loos lin hold the police he had been invited by the Soviet education ministry which had written to the University of Toronto presi dent Claude Bissell Thai police asked wh ministry had invited him and how they knewoi him He relt lied that Sovietoftinial ha Visited the University of Toronto and he could only presume that was how they know oi LETTER SETTLED Thething gets crazier said Proi Watkins heciause when arrived in Moscow the KIIS slaps couldnt tind any recordof who had invited me eitherlland in the the mystery was cleared up only when showed them copy oi the letter that had been sent to Eissell Some time later Prof Watkins said the RCMP phoned him about Abe Rothestein eco nomics proiessor at the Univer sity of Toronto and member of his study team fThey asked me ii knew he had visited Red China in 1966 and said that did and they asked me how come know and said because sent him Rothsteanwent to Peking to try to get somebody irom Com munlst China to attend the teachinhnchinn thattwc ha scheduled ior later that year Prof Watkins said he was vastly amused at the whole thing at the time ButI have been thinking about it and what eiiect this kind oi thing might have on the national interes New 1am on longer amuse He said he wanted to make the secprity incident public be cause it it we repeated the countrys unive ty education ists may reiuse government in vitations to take part in the ex amination of publi and national issues CALLED FORTRALK Proi Watkins said his visit with the RCMP came several weeks alter he had iilled out se curityelearanee term He rev ceived call irom an officer who said he wanted to talk to him fine and asked him it he wantedto come to my cities but he said he would rather not and suggested wevvmeet inthe Chateau Laurier The iirsHhingJ thoughtmi was the bar in the Chateau and thought that was funny place to discuss security but then he gave me room num her and toldmeuto come there4 and Ileitdor the meeting with the feeling that everything than ever seen about nationalseeu ritybon the late showwas suddenlyv coming true ontnm yd Cable hock 1196 GMC tandem axle Angus budtup area also runs into Sunnidalel Ctrarles Bell airman oi the village board of trustees which also includes Merv Mlbon ondWilliam Gibbs both iormer chairmen Mr Page has been secretary or more than 25 years SIDEWALK CONTRACT Contract hosbeen let or in stallation 01 300 yards of side wnik east of the Pine River bridge on King street Thqien der of Malcolm McGeorge An gus contractor was accepted Hydro men have been busy in the village trimming trees in preparation ior installingrbetter street lights The program calls ior 15 new vapor lights to be int tailed on Angusstreet and an other tour in Angus playground park The parks board will make provisionto iinance the park lights the others are the responsibility at the village REJEOI KENTING Mr Page said the trustees looked into the suggestion from Essa township council that they should consider renting the lights and iound purchasing the equip ment moreeconomieal in the long run Besides beingsecretary ot the village boardMr Page is chair man oi theparks hoard which also includes Archie Duckworth Maynard West Charles Bell Al bert Gernhill Charles lee New ligh mg also is planned along highway Why the Ontario dep troent of highway DURAN CAN STAY VANCOUVER iCPi Cuban gymnast Manuela Ponce who detected mm the Aihan team at the North American gymnas tic championships here in March is to he allowed to stay in Canada wasALUMINUM Championship Set MondayMorning semi championships organ Barrie playground Iyoungsten have been set ior Aug with Mac Morrison Park squaredoii against Queens in ihodunior game and alaoihe senior The softball schedule has been In progresrall seminar at the citys supervised playgrounds and the championshipslumtha climax of competition teamsironiJl parks The algames start iii Quiteth Park at 915 am Scnior game begins at 30 The two Junior teams have both pullcd upset victories to make it to the tinals Mac Mor rison dumped lavorite Codrlng ton and Queens put down Oak ley Park in the senior game undeieat ed Queens Park will be meet ing Mac Morrison for the sec and time in the previous game Queens ekedpout slender Theatre Founder Dies In Spain renown or Allred itlulock 43 oilginnl owner oi the lied Barn theatre at Jack sons Point Ooh died Saturday in Granada Spain learned here today Mr Mulock was the son at the late Alfred Rogers Jr and Mrs Adele Mulock and greet grand son oi Sir lVillinmhiulockZ iormer postmaster general of Canada and chiei era Mr Muloek was interested in the theatre from boyhood and for time reviewed movies and plays ior the Vancouver Sun justice oi On Show Convicted Youth Pictures Oi Accidents SUDBURY iCP youth was shown pictures at battered victims oi traiiie accidents Wednesday aiter conviction for careless driving Judge IAnihcny ran et ta showed the photos to Andre Lauzon 18 of nearby Levack alter the judge lined him$75 and costs Ailer Lauzon lookedat each picture Judge Falzetta advised him to drive more slowly or you will end up in serious ac cident yours Cars Derailed iii sudbury SUDBURY CP Fourtem cars of t2ear CNR ireight train were derailed Wednesday at Ella Luke 16 miles north at here lhererwerenorlnjurles railway spokesman said the track should he cleared early today The train was headed for North Bay from Capreol 20 miles north of here CHILDRENS PARTY The Barrie Lions Club is or ganizing party tor members children Aug 14 at the proper it was ty oi iaek Oates itjmay seem binwhen stand oi the noise and lookto the outcrxenditiseemrthe enen Nesbitt and Davies are working ootha patent ior momma healin There will probably be stand in sloony behind lhev row or rinkside rests arend manager Wes Alisopp said The arena will lose abouttoo seats iorthis renovation but will niually abou rustoi September nth sinlace will be ready ior the arrival at the to Angela Kings Sept 11 Man jailed ground tennis tournament held in Queens and Lions Park 271v yest rdey po are rented them Puiii Swain Bombardier Ltd Ontario FROM LEFT T0 RIG hey an in viuesand the man who 55 OReiily and Johns sister Jo anne The trophies were do hated by the Bombardier cor poration Examiner Photo casters amp For Cruelty In Parks Tennis Tourney iTo Animals BRANTFORD GP Walter Clarep 57 was aen tensed Wednesday to two threeMonth lail terms ior cruelty to animals manls sponsored bythe Barrie Parks and Recreation Commis sion drew 27 youngsters to Lions he kept on farm near Buriord about 10 miles west oi am The sentences are concurrenL Magistrate MacDonald said the evidence presented was of shocking nature The place where the animals were kept was filthy with sever al inches oi dirt or the floor Magistrate MacDonald noted that when the animals were seized April to by humanesocl ety investigators they were sui lerlng irom malnutrition had internal and external parasite and numerous body sores While the lam is not in your name am satisfied you had care of them the animals the mogistrate said gt The investigators iound 11 pl geons iZ chickens 20 ducks and lo hogs Witnesses testiiied that Clare had been selling dogs to Connnught Laboratories in To ronto Deicnce Counsel Young said Clara also sold ani mals to johbers ior resale Magistrate MacDonald told Clare that lines and one iail term for seven previous convic tions oicruelty to animals dat log back to 1933 failed to deter him from neglecting the animals The lines had varied from $50 to $500 and the jallterm was ior seven days Sault Ste Marie Recruiting Centre Ends Operation saver sra imam Ont CF The mlli ry pulled out of Sault Ste Ma eWednesday wh the Canadian Forces re ng centre closed Only two recruiters were leit at the endoi the operation which began three years go Thuolticcgrecrulted or is man month The local oiiice is being closed because of restrictive intake oi meninto the serv ices The Sault centre staff opened with five men but was reduced to two with the iorces restric tions on the number of recruits spokesman said that mo bile recru unit from North 1Bay would Saultperlodleal Products gt ofalu twins Ingl by no Inoulra today mi yo Momma and also inerla Iva aiofyour home no causation Nochiidrena tenniatourna and Qucens Park yrsterdnyl Winner of the senior hoys seh ies John Shaughnessy was im mediater challenged on his vie THE BARR EXAMINER TEiURSDAY AUGUST 96h PleadslGuiiiy To Assadlting liYéarOld Barrie Girl IAnhngus man was remand ediin custodynntilAug 79 ior judgment ai ter an appear sure in Barrie magistratea Vetshnd Doctors Share Knowiedge OTTAWA CF Veterina rians and physicians tagread Tuesday that both professions need to take advantage of cacti others special knowledge and abilities to combat diseases in man and animals Dr conn Schwartz Mel Master University tolda panel discussion at the humid meet ing of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association that jveleri oarlans knowledge oi animal physiology and disease could provide the has or study or diseases and their mechanisms in man Dr BIC Rowselil executive director or the Council of mal Ohio who is on ieaveiro the University of Saskatche wans veterinaryschool saidttie western veterinarian college is introducing courses in compara tive medicine with this need in mind And the University oi Guelphs new biomedical tie along with similar iacilitiea 17 University and the Albert inmorthnce veterinarian in multidim pline research team court this morning on charge oiassaultin¢ Barrie girl Crown attorney John Murphy said the man Douglas Robert hiacLaehlan 22 picked up the girl as shc was walking home irom baby sitting job on San iord Street July Mr Murphy said the man asked her if she wanted ride and she said she wanted to go straight home However MacLachlan drove to Angus and parked on secluded country road When shcreiused his advan ces they had briei fight has he drove the girl home am She was picked up aitcr midnight The next morning her mother called police MacLachlan was in custody remanded ELECTRONIC yesterday by Bombardier Ltd Ontario the winners and Recreation Ste The girl arrived home at 340 TELEPHONE SECRETARY More eiticieney andlower cost than LIVE service Automatically answersthe phone Periect fidelity OGives callers your personal message Reeords incoming messages accurately For information ordemonslratisn ALL MR BAKEK ory hy the junior winner isieva ORcilly John successltu delcnded his title in three straight seiSantl joined his sister Joanne senior giris winner at the judges tan hie oreueivc 20inch trophyl Junior girls winner was Juli Aikirl gt The dual tournnmentnvas one of long series oi city wide events sponsored by the cornmlrr slon ior children registered with the supervised playground pro gram Vhile the younger chil dren take part in games hikes and otheractlvities the older ones play soitbali and other team sports The trophies were donated ior tennis toinnamantv Pub relations manager Paul Swain was on hand to make the presentations and congratulala Sports eoordinalor ior Parks Parker earlier predicted the event might beaver before hood With an hour break ior lunch the last hall had earlier predicted the event might be over beiorn noonl With an hour break ior lunch the last ball was hit just few minutes heiore pm and both or atboth parks had bee con stantuser The children really played well he said saw some really good ten heena ileld day at North Col legiate and creative arts com petition at queens Park 9f theb gmoeéy 53 Be jsiilre Ydu Drug Store andreeeiv film the same size as your prints Tllispffer applies to ke advantage rpevrlonSh Barrie as DarwinianWrit

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