EXAMINER trenches ï¬rcuiaticn Classiï¬ed Advertising IVi mono All OMVWVW win You No in Cmdr Tiuo Colarasl cap tain of Ike new Canadian hy drofoil ship Bras d0r shows MIAMI BEACH CFAP Backers of Gov Nelson llnckc tcller buoyed by favorable national poll claimed progress today in their battle to hold in vorite sons in line against any early ballot decision on the Re cubiiean ty presidential nomination at next weeks national convention LouisHarris poll taken few days ago shows that if the US general election was held now Rockefeller would defeat the leading Democratic contend ers while RichardNixon could not The poll gave the Rockefeller camp new ammunition in its ei fort to prevent Nixon from walking away with firsthallot victory in his bid to Win the White House in the Nov gen erai election in thisconnectioll one of Eockciellcrs strategists repprb ed that Gov James Rhodes of Ohio had made commitment to hold his shvole slate delega tion intact behindyhis favorite son candidacy through the first two ballots Suppo ters Nixon the fur eslden lhi claim They noted that Rhodes has said his course will be determinedby slate caucus before the convention opens Monday They said they have what theycalicd reliable indica Lions thatRhndes prefers Nixon The Rockefeller stalwarts got cheering news in the Harris sur vey to bolster their efforts to mitigate effects of Gallup poll which indicated Nixon could de featr the leading Democratic contenders in November CAPsULJEWiv CHIEF VISITS engineering controls Gen lean Allard chic of de fence staiï¬during the gen crals twoday tour Wednes day and Thursday of the Can adian Forces Maritime Com mand CF Wiraphoto Elated By Poll Results liockcfcller would run only about even with them Harris said In copyright that his count which he said was concluded Monday gives Rockefeller sixpoint advan tage over the Democratic con tenders while Nixon lags five points behind VicePresident Humphrey and eight behind Senator McCarthy The Post said Harris and George Gallup agreed the difference between their lind ings rcsultcd from the time lapse between the July 201 test HERES Dill2 My wife says if dont chuck golt shell lcaveme say hard luck Yyes ill miss her By Chines no Kong today ol iour thloody massacres in ch hundreds of persons were died and thou4 sands wounded in small south ern China county by 130oman rightist force equipped with mortars machineguns rocket launchers and other weapons The Canton newspaper Chien chu Hunglien said an army of cutthroat murderers led by antirevolutionary butcher Yu Vijeng Ching attacked our revolu WW Ews South Vietnamesesuiier Heavy Losses saloon APlA Communist inrce inflicted heavy casualties of 16 kllledand 39 wounded on two companies at South Vietnamese irregulars led by US Green Beret men in battle close to the Cambodian border the Saigon overnment reported today Cheese Producers Ask Help KEMPTVILLEvOnt CPlBrieis from eastern and central tntarlo producers have told Ontarios cheese study this week they want hclp in cxpundin ducerconsurner price spread Piete ShipsrBlocked in see Canal LONDON luckiestairmen since thelArabisraeli war it few days the canal authoritys legal adviser said Wednesday Canada Will Send ooo in food drugs andmedical Nigerlal it was announced here marke investigan oi pro ships blocked in the Suez Canal and agumight be freed within Nigerialiid ermneï¬i TV nd 8500 supplies as emergency rclietyto aprdgHrt By EireBomb ngs 15 night with Negro Kaiamaioo quiduga cities APlFlrebnm nss were reported ctlon hit by racial story in the Washington Post drsturb ces within by Gallup and theluiy my nose count by Harris FBI Recovers $3 Mllllon nocnasrï¬n in that FBI divers plungedinto Lake Ontario here Wednesday and re covered safe containingabout $3000th0 ln securities stolen July from the suburban Brigh ton home ot David Strasen burgh Neither Sirascnburgh nor Ncii Welch special agent in charge offleBuffaloFEl bu reau would comment on who owned the securities or why the divers decided to look for the safe in Irondequoit Bay Claim Hundredsglliassacred angc rang County Kangmng the reports which were the most detailed to come out of Kwang tung since violence explodedlu that province early this year Each attack the newspaper reported was timed to catch loyal revolutionaries meeting to plan lmpiemeutatibn of Commu nist partyChairrnan Mao ise tuogs cultural revolution purge in the country The paper iden ied Yuas notorious counterrevolution ary in the pay of class enemies trying to restore capitalism It gave these details April lhYu sent 600 to 700 of his army against revolutionary headquarters at Yang Chiang City They opened ï¬re onthe headquarterswith mortars ma ciunegunS ties and rockets LBI Threatens Hanoi With 6théf countries InCzec MOSCOW ANThe Soviet Union an Cuchoolovlkla have agreed to discuss the Weston situation with other Communist countries be ginning Saturday in the idu city of Bratislav communique said today CIERNA NADTISOU Reu terst The PragueMoscow Communist party summit in this remote Czechoslovak hor der village went into its fourth day toduyI Prague radio report ed originally the fateful confer ence of the two party leader shlps whichwill dcelde re or mist Czechoslovakias future was expected to last two days at most it was without precedent for the Kremlin politburo to leave Moscow to attend conference with anotherparty on foreign territory evenvLiloughfit was only iew milealrom the So viethorder But the fact that the most powerini men in the Soviet Union chose to be away from their capital ior so long under lined the crucial importanceoi the talks in railroaders ciuh househere Nine of members of the Moscow poiiihuro are attending the conference with tho Czechlr slovak party presidium fheVSly FIN horned riot party Includes Premier Alexei Kosysin Hopes were high here that an acceptable compromise would he reached between theyoung llberaiminded CLEchuslovak Communistreformers and the older Soviet chiefs representing more stun and traditional communism Czechoslovak leader Alexan dcr Duhcek is was reported to have resisted all major Russian Heard the iatootulow ill Krenlio wants out More ProteSts MEXICO CITY CPt Thou sands at students prepared dem onstrations today in the Mex can capital to press their charges of police brutality and violation of their traditional right of autonomy spokesman said plans were going ahead for joint demon stration by students of the Uni versity of Mexico and the Poly technic institute whose bulld iugs ereiuv dcd Manda uifght The University of Mexicos rector Javier Barros Sierra declined to lead todays demon tra tip although he con demned repression of the This early this week and ordered the Mexican flag flown at halfstaif in mourning for university free domljie said autonomy in al most 40 years has never been seriously menaced The mstudeut university and its afï¬liated preparatory schools have been tree from in tervention by federal and aumorities since riots in 1928 At least one person was killedmorer than 400 iuiured and at least 1100 arrested in the antisgovernrnent ri ng that began last Friday witha pro Dastro demonstration honoring Added Military measures WASHINGTON OPAPT President Johnson saidWednes day the US can expect mas sive attack by the Comm South Vietnam an possible dire economic consequences at home over steel price in crease news cou discouraged over the iniiltration and troop buildup by North Vietnam in the South and lack of response so far to the limiting of US bombing intherNurth to the 20th parallel TlleNorlh Vietnamese claim below mealtimennaumoinï¬reo in the North has been reduced the number of US missions has increased Johnson cautionediianui that the US might have to act promptly with additional mili tarymeasuresif they our men indangcr lie id not hutjusthourr after Johnsons to raiseth merits of Ameri can nuhtary personnel in South Vietnam to about 000st it by the Pentagon after the Commu mst Tetyofienslve in February Soviet Papers Emi Attacks OnvClzech Liberals OSGOW Reutersl4 Rus newspapors today halted their campa mr criï¬Ã©liiigllbeo Val poll of Czechoslovakia as talks etwaen Moscow and Prague leaders moved toward 000 ifresh us south Vietnam Hie anniversary oilLhe Cuban 26th uiJuly revol rooms at the Polytechnic Institute economics department strung banners from the build ing charging troopsï¬nd police with the deaths ofeight students in the clashes The overrunent denied any cats wcrekilied lnthe demonstr ons and vio lence on succeed nights to protest alleged police brutality stratiun the mobs were made up largely ofrrep hoot stu dents 14 to 18 years ol suppressiogqhetiimtdemon jfJoin hLSovifet Talks demands for realignment ol the economy strategyp security and politics of his country to conform to the lightlyretried governments of Russia Roland and East Germany Althnugh bombarded by vtet accusations and with Ms sian troops ringing their bor dors Crechosiovaks icit reas sured by Dubceks relaxed and smiling features on their evening television program SEATTLE AmePoliec ar rested 66 persons Wednesday night as rockthrowing and fire bombing broke out in the citys ApredomiuantlyNegro central area for the third straight night There were isolatedreports of gunï¬re but police said they had uoreports of anyone being hit man and woman were in jured by thrownr ecks iusep aratc incidents portable unit at an elemen tary school drilein and drugstoreWere targets of fire bombs number of grass tires were reported Acivlan motorv oycl and cor ere set youhg Negrosuspected oi The Examiner TODAY Ann Landorss eltyNesz Classified10 Comics22 Deathsll planet5 Edit aII Sports12 is Theatre5 rv Listingsiii lVeliht mar asvwmw patieiitldurlng csdayM aetan Paris fed wuwsr mtuiynxuuuyraodrl little warm hiday Winds Light Low tonight so deucet hizh Friday Not Maid ffhln ni OTTAWA tCPl Thepostal strike bcgnn its third today with settlement more re male than ever after coi lapse of mediation talks Wodnesd It revised government wage after was reiectedpnd dead lock in negotiations was re ported by Judge llcne hippo lhe iedcroi cdin to warned tWe are laced with serious situation Just few hours earlier Prime it nistcr Trudeau had told news conference that Parliament wouldlhe called to do with the situation only if irring pistol ai re cuginc was taken into custody and offi cers found loaded flcnllbre pistol on the grounds of Garfield high school where gunï¬re had been heard earlier Another handgun and shotgun shells were taken fronra car later Tear gas was used extensively on groups of 100 to15t persons in the Garfield high area The unrest aggravated by the hottest weather of the summer $220000 marina fire early Wednesday morning and cited as the reason for cancelling parade in lhecentral area Hurt PAlllS Nari namese diplomats parli in the Paris peace talks are dropping hints that the talks may fail unlessirésident John sonends the bombing oi North Vietnam US officials rcgaldlhe veiled threats as part of the drive North Vietnam has made since the talk cgan months ago to build up massive public opinion against the US position that North Vietnam must giyesome org Wednesday alter the North Vietv namese apparently decided that statements by US State Secre nrclrrour VStEHlZQd cont trcnl eartllhttitute llruclon Campeau of the llcck in$cattlc was blamed for NW raglan teens We PolCopy lBPagu the postal uorkcrs right in rike was used lvllh irrespon sibility and the hardship on the public became too meet There was no immediate reaction from ilr Trudeau alter the announcement that mcdiation efiorts hadvrcachcd an mpflssc One informant said rimg minislcraprntia wouldtakc couple of days to assess the prospects for new vtalksï¬ Both sides issued statements revealing they xrcmatn roles apart on wages and working conditionsBut they also ox prcsscd hope that new talks coil be arranged Mediation broke down after the Council of Postal Unions rc Heet Wave Spurs Seattle Unrest jcctcd revised wage offer mpercent increase three stages over 38 ni The unions refused from their original demand over it month Aimee Palijfl hour Top rules are postal clerks and $263 for CRITIC The original governm olfer made two days before strikc hegan July in was for per cent overii months to 15 cents an hour The fluid demandworks on to cent an hour lntsdays wage affcr hi the governmth was for an crease of new cent retro tive to Aug oi last year aao er W2 per caution Oct this year anoa final five percent Octal next year gt earls Talks on Unless US Halts Bombings tary Dcannusk made simula tion aboilt an early changevin US homningmolioy untcnable Rusk said Tuesday that the US government would have to he told what North Vietnam would do before it ouldond the bomb ng North Vietnamese spokes man also introduced new ele ment into the conflict by im plying tilch might be some split over bombing policy between gotlalorï¬fa spokesman aid not speak iii the meeting Harriman did