Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1968, p. 7

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Army Navy and Air Force girl on Dunlop St will he pen to senior citizens for EINCE 1700 Field or Opportunities59 dropped intoth hall yester day for cards and conserss Yesterday regulars at the SSENIORCITIZE us F352 out that oi the small card for newcomers Welcomc to the Smile And Be HappyGroup They leel from their enjoyment It the hall the name is appropriate Examiner Photo had nervous breakdown nastyllsal1whenabvy hissed me the way how item church picnic My father was riding in the car behind us his law this was punished so severely undetermined to at even So became will by nogood bum My ponnls never return home after that My brother married Withiniwo yeIrs his wife she er med him for divorce The rem He used to snub In Pharmacy Cdreefirsf By ROBERTA RDESCH IThe first public pharmacy known to man was established the city of Baghdad Iraq yuring the eighth century And since lbflttime thescience of drugs known as pharmacy has own into career field that is Kill of opportunities lor people of any age When you choose career is pharmacist yousre strong right arm to the health field be cause of the skill you can offer for compounding testing and ispensing the medicines and rugs that are used all over the Korld in the prevention diagnos and treatment of disease thiuch of the work that you will dowtll depend on the spe nlizatiuri you select But va ety of job opportunities will be open to you ran ng lrorn re search to combination ot scl Ince and salesmanship Depending upon your person choice you can work in com munity or chain drugstore hospital government agency the armed forces the drug and chemical industry or In univer sity teachin and research You can Jisnuu your own phar macy ii that is what you would lilre to do Either parttime or lulitlmc work will be available to you and you will be able to find em ployment anywhere in the coun try from the smallest town to the largest city li you are woman you will also discover that pharmacy will fit in very well with home and familyvlife To prepare for career as pharmacist you wil need to ac nuire loodliberal arts and science background in high sehool You will also need com paratively good grades to get admission to anusccredlted cnl iFor The Garden mason nose 11 went shopping for new pads tor lawn furniture and then toured the housewares depart ments oi couple of stores to Ice whats new and what else could use Well as for my original pur éiase lfound inflatable pads that add nicercusliiony eiicct to lawn furnishings They would good for camp pieces too lode oi seifventilatlug viny these pads are easily inflatable pack down to compact size for portability and storage oyhen deflated Just goingover with sudsy sponge or cloth of synthetic fibres withrhrown doesthe cleaning jobif you it ever get the lounge li sards off the pads lAnotlIer good summer possi Silkysomething that would shake wonderful gilt for patio ingls an outdoor grill equipped with transparent leat resistant dome This makes an oven out of char goal grill with the added advan tage of complete visib it is easy to heap the dome crystal elear by washing inside and not after every use While Im on the subject of food heres long overdue idea Peanut butter as we all how ca be pretty sticky busmess on its way from theiar bread So some genius come with ated with the non ck tengngement yelp eldest daughtor Jo on to Gnryiioc Mr Th peanut butter lmile lace so popular in pots and pans Now the peanut butter lmiie can be as easy to suds as the rest of the silverware in the dishpan Still in the eating area found one hardboiled manu lecturer has faced It to the hat lle of the boiled egg by devising an egg cupthat just wont tip over no matter what Made of sturdy flexible plastic it can go into the dishwashers can even be boiled in sudsy water if ster ilization is necessary scwmo NOVELTY And for the home seamstress ere is something newa web paper hocking that fuses any type of fabric even knitted Il actoras permanent machine ivashahle reinforcement for col lars innings and other can strucllon areas of garments ltls stocked inward goods do pallmeniSa good place to end any yarn iCoreerjAsLawirér ToReplace Present Success At Modelling WRONTO Cl 17yearold Aneisapv content with her present su as the modelling legs of pharmacy Once admit led you willemburk on either five or sixyear program of study leading to degreevin pharmacy Your two years of prepbarrnacy work wlll include organic and lunrganlc chemis lry physics biology and mathe matics Alter you haveirecalved your degree you mustspendapproith mater om year nsan intern board examination to obtain license in the state in which you wish to practise Thesalary at which you will beginwillprobn bly be around though as always it is cult to general ize and have figurepr uni vnrsally To be successful pharma clsl you will he lirsi of all You will also need an aptitudeior accura cy and oroerslnca pharmacy is patience and orderli 55 You must likelt deal vvltb peopl to and Judgment that Ire be yond reproach tlons an afterschool or end job in alocal drugstore an cxcellent and practical way to learn whether pharmacy is idor tyou while you are still stu Bfl BIBLE NM ENOUGH HQlCHlNSDN KanAP Juanita Silvcy was fian 310 for not wearing motorcycle hel met while riding her Vehicle She said the cityordinance was unconstitutional and the only helmetsha needed was the hel met of salvation lhroug the b1 colt rononnow more or less of routine day but nevertheless it will be lad inf which to make she adrnlta she ants to be lawyer sed tospendher spare magistrates oourt dont kno branch of law want irate in Theres such lotto learn But ithink theres good deal of lniuslic laws ed to model ing last year when her mother sent her to charm school to cure her of her tomboy ways Soon she was doingnatalogue lit and proihotlonni work One vjob toolr her to Jaman on for an exciting wontdng vocation Recently Aneplaccd second do Miss Austral the Miss Teen International coolest Ane ietains ts even eharm on the street can play football with the best of tlieinl When dating swigrunlngor skli long wallivsomeiyh torment youlllre who iuu totallt toA Then you must pass state profession thatreuuires greaf It you have these qual cnv Thursday will probably be close pant mmto another state and quiet ill another Rx at an be near Mm didtitres years ago it is called Ann binders Talks toTeenAursAbout Sex Ind can be firsthand in paper afhniiyi 5313 on your implied chchI about pranchsrs kids Some oi my best friends In Had the conflict be maltedihstvcolmtnmelnd gaunt ta unification VIII upon attached notawhkh read 809 lust like on ll low of us dummnfljvingzhalev er Iu sunset from the ionIlla When Guyeiid lwcraanari tween parentmi child tittyne happens fin all profes stops The dedicated ministers saw raise lino children amnion gt7 publishing the letter Pillorlcd Ill bet you rltd his fcikr will thelribome bought trailer and moved to ourbacltyard Guy has never made an lnttpendcnl decision was always lll have to ask For it years served Gtw his coffee in bodWhen was sick with the flu he went liming be causa he was afraid hed catch ltlfhehung aroundI Dear Asshole Attert could have tolerated an on signed regard for me but couldnt are the stand the way he Ignored his pinup girl of cvcrdelvorced children He said ltwaII Nathans to the go so dflat mfgn nni day hisson wilted hours for his dad to some trite him to It armsud then called to say he couldntQ make ltwls the day decided to set dimrce We have 560061 loved in cash and hondsl want Mo month plus $15 support for each child We have three lie ll Imam lullik nuckplg am rule and print my letter even though you Ire dead let Klimt divorce Granted tbere nn other no human bei Beaulllul Delr lieode Heres your letter Surprised to see it in print thought youd be ECortorIty Dates Call Starr Smith or roti Audrey Wallt 7mm ENGAGEMENT The engagement of Phyllis ltlarle daughtér of Mr and ltlrs ilsyoiMualtolra torCory ilruce Wilson basheen announced by the bride elects rents The bridegroom to is the son of Mr and Mrs Wilson of Tower Or The marriage will take place Sept rlnrWindarmarafumttd Chumbywindermere at pm ALDERTA HOLIDAY bliss Linda Reed of Collier Streturned tattle city last evening following two weelu vacation In Alberta Miss Read the guest of berbrothcr in law and sister Mr and Mrs Earhart nl Banfi The best kind of vacation cool ing is no cooking at all How ever since cooking is one oi lifes necessities the best friends summer chat can have are con venienca foods Other helpmstes Ira paper take the wash out of dishwash ingfbe ncwdeslgns and colors of these places are irresistible and the plastic coatings make them as practical as they are ttractive is so tannins or week favored now lectual ondcultural pursiu FORMBIRTHDAY Il tonlormeia yourvbirthday your horoscope indicates that as of august 15th you will enter an entremely generous plane tary cycle where job audior business and financial interests are concerned This period lst should he reallyoutstanding for unitesthat who cooperate wiobtbe celestial forces Your next good cycles along material lines will include the first two weeks oliJanua the last two of February latter halves of March and May andftheontira month oi June This coming Novemberalsn should be one of outstandi be engaged in mental ence pecially Do indulge incitttavsgant everespecially in lateSepternber 0ctobcrsnd thelsst two weelns maaticlnleresls Omaha ing which periods you may be underloma temporary stress Moatrausplclous months for ro ctober April an travel and stimulating activities 0ctoher Janu prllMay and Jun unborn coolant wi am vetum ready of comprehension sndl may be traded to echoes literate or the than by AUDREY couihoNfi cups plates and bowlswhich fun lulel which will lasf until November is for those complishnientf it you happen tn In butterjti spoon peach Aiidslso toured Ednioiuon nnd Calgary before her retum flight via Air Canada wasr consi VACATION Mr and Mrs John Feltla and sons Tim Gill and Matthew of no by Jean smitr CP Womens autor TORONN tCP hlany voiderjwomcn who return to wortraftcr years as housel wives finda changing econ omybas outdated their job skills Marion it former di reclor of the womens bureau 71d the federal department of abor is one person no can help them find new place in business world Perry SLlait Saturdayfrom Maltoo to visit Mrs Feltls Ils tar andfamlly in Vancouver Mr Folus wlllreturn in two weeks MrsFeltls and éhlldren will stay month MONTREAL GUM Mrs irene Simord lsratiirm insho nor Montreal residence today literspeodlng thopaIt ten days as ionic of the idly if you planahead Illon andcare Whether youre cookingvover camp stove is galley burn or campfire the secret is at pllcity if the cook haste slave over the stove nobody has any Oneihour is maximum for preparation for the main meal of the day less for othermeals Outdoor appetites call rior good satsiying foodAnd all In on let meals are just be following od examples of this most snd vegetable kind of in irnaginl main coin5e Chowders almost tew are another as thick as good choice em onion chopped shortening can 10 oz cnndens ed cream of maushroorn soup and one calsup Worcesterah Dash salt and was can aounces whole whlto potéaéoes drained and non cup water water and sonings Stir in vegetables lleattl stlr now and then Mailer servings WESTERN SKILLET SUPPER can 12 incest luncheon meat cut into butteror margarin can BVs ouncesl cllngpeaclics drained can HillI ouncescohdenscd lightly over meatsalend soup and milk pour over peaches Top with greenheans filmmer ls rmlnutes stir now an Makes servings BEAN BACON VEGETABLE CHOWDE cup chopped green pep 1A cup chopped onion frankiuriers slim butter or margarine an iltiwncest conde ed beanwithbac capitolt ounc vegetable soup 1V soup cans er ln seam contemporar per and onion and frank furters in butter until egitables are tendert Blend in soups an star llaatiaimmer iaw mi And preparing meals can be fun slim their marriage in the llnlled Church Holly July The brid is the former Margaret Centric United urch Barrie utes to blend flavors Makori 1m om AND Mus ROBERT aestrice TYRE amused wedd daughter of and Mrs Vln itll W5 Thebridegloom rmn HAlR sit on judo I2 113 increase of women in employment has pointed up thenccd for more education to sharpen up old job skill or acquire new onespshe says lot of women are waking up to the factthat they need more education Women enter the labor force with llttle training and that makes them vulnerable to ex loitatlon dont think ts entirely matter of lut of special training for women think counselling la the key to the Elaine Bentley daughterni Mr and Mrs Dewitt Harold ontlcy at an Barrie The bridegroom is the moat Mr and Mrs Theodore Gerald Hatm sen of Kingston Ma Nickles cent Nick of Aiilcd St the son of Toront kc dilate WilhUs for beauty aheq two sweatersroamvc You SPECIALS 0N wins ANDrrEttiws bonnie snowma Min 11 or Older Women uhole mind Hill wurcn oi inlormatlonahou what is available Sha said counselling iaci ties are rare random and scattered but proécct she is dolngfor the Outer lnstitute for Studies in Education rlll cataloguethcm and provide storehouse of ideas organisations want than PROGRAMS CROWDED Miss Royce says the 013 study found many oltlle exist $75 seminar on racondca fliers and whether and where to seek than drew 60 registrs lions and more inquiries from gt Vwomem The sessionshild at Torontos Univcrsity had to be held to 25 members The Gun Vadls nursin school in Toronto organised to train women aged so to L5 bashad about 3590 inquiries from potential students since 196431 these 600 have con1 pleted applications and 450 have gone through prelimi nary testing The first class had 32 members The nurse shortage has also produced pilot se lesof rs gtlrcsher wounds or practice registered nurses run by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario in To fronto Miss Royce comments that shorts womeu Thedegree of prejudice against them often depends on shortages Wegslillihnve riarrnw conception of what women can do and what men oftenworit for condo that doesnt have any basis in fact UNIVERSITIES HELP The OISE study found few experimental efforts among umvcrsltles Mount St Vincent Univeri any in Halifax has training program for older students in business nursingrhorno eco nomics cours They altend classes with the ordinary un dergraduate and xtramlrricular The University of Calgary education faculty is accepting older students ontlle basls of pe an al interviews when their academic qualifications may not match standards The University of list sh Qalflmbih helped by founda money setting up counselling seminars in acces sible downtovvn areas Ineglstralion figures at UM underline the current interest in education among women past customary school age About oneltenth of the womenatudents 695 outoi 6115 are 25 or over and 54 per cent of those older worne studentsala married Qlittil lune until skinsyotitobreakyour traditional

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