mqu in was Mill mamm mmm JULY an JULIE LALONDE 10year oid Fibs girl was among the many youngsters intrigued by this friendly spider monkey Monkeys PdiElAPSION Stain One at the new animals at the Jungle Verld znn on Highway inllowr township near here playiui sunbear cub is sharing the spotlight with chattering monkeys among the younger fry who have been wondering on ex citing safaris tbroughtbe ani mal exhibits tile get as much pleasure watching the enjoyment of the children as they do themselves said Billliernbefpopular och aior til the show who frequently adds to the thrills by his own daring stunts WRESTLING ALLIGATOR One orthéniï¬sl danderbns of the latter is wrestling alti gatora which always delights the young visitors and usuallythe older ones too Some gasp when Bill believed to be the only at ligator wrestler in Canada rolls around theground with the eight iootvlong reptile anti they in4 variably shout their delight when he comes up unscratched havent been bitten for three years now said the sins ive exponent of the unusual Wrestling art who pits his illo pounds against the impound al ligator But there wasa time when it was quite frequent lie exhibited clippings which told of him being cut by the lashing tail of the malligator and from his teeth ots all in the past hope so he said stating he was much more carelul after learning to cope withsuchsiin alions You hold his tallwith scissors hold and grab him under the Another specia astra usually held datly inmidaiter noon is rattlesnake milking Venom is extracted from the Diamond Back and timber rab tlers on the premises MONKEY AREA While the special shows are of particular interest the young people who mainly thronglhe zoo also get much delight out of frolicking in the monkey area spider monkey named Joey which hopped up on the arm at lttycarold Julie Lalonde was one of five currently at the zoo The playful sunbear li weighs about 51 pounds alsnvi popular with most visitors Mr Beruoe explained iLwas an Asian species So is honey bear cute little animal which swings from tree to tree using its tail lnmonkey fashion New animal exhibits are added periodically so there is constantr 1y something different to inter ono of live at the Jungle World zoo on Highway 71 be tween Fergusonvale and Elm Beer at Share Spotlight est spectators The sunbear was brought here from Reeces Cor ners near Sarnia where Mr Berube has another zoo The lion which washere was sentto Reecesr Corners We have visitors come here trom Vnsoga lieach liarrie Midland and Orillia and all over the place said Malieruhe who added there were many from Toronto and quite number of American tourists hfrfherube opened the zoo last year on macro premises and attendance has been stead ily increasing with this summers much ahead or last year The Show willgbe open dailytuntii Labor Day and then on week cnds until October Always interested in animals Mr lierube worked at zoo in the United States when attending college and got the idea he would like to establish shows in Canada He selected Reeces Corners near Sarnla and the Highwayzn location near Fer gusnnvale as suitable sites The native ol Grand Falls NJ sug gested he was playing his part in encouraging American tourist trade More important he has pro vided shows which have been educational and at the same time delight to the youngsters LABGE PYTHON python tweet longI which grown considerably since last year is among the two dozen snake exhibits Thesnakes are kept in deep pit for safety The bird section has giant South American king vulture in addition to hawks owls and numerous other colorful specie llniique Show Set For Collingwood COLLINGWODD Stat it Much interest has been shown here in arrangements for threeday show by the Georgian Bay Steam Gas Automotive and Antique Association The show will beheld attbe ilollingwood fairgrounds open ingon Friday August and continuing on Saturday August nd Monday August Besides antique cars he dis plays will include steam engines threshing maehine drag saw and hot air engines An old fashioned sawmill will be set up VinceMnuntsford will be inas ter of ceremonies for special entertainment which will be an added feature BA RiE HURONIA DRIVEill THEATRE tom by new trauma Added Attic the road was paved and hoperlgne will be erected uid carnivore dimer petitionxnsktngior eredion of Mr and Mrs Herman Lalonde who live near the zoo which was established last year on Here premises ACCIDENTE INCREASE Japan had 277507 traffic accl dents inthe first hall 1968 crease over 1967 Coulooa sign here and med limit ElgnL Since county Road 21 loi voivad ReeveDalton Jermey oihiodonle learnt the matter county council recently and was advised place slgnswere not included in the county bud get for this yeari Mr Whitney said he was certain public spiriledv residents would meet the cost if the necessary per mission was granted ASK POST OFFICE hlrs Phyllis Whitney oper ates the Coulson general store located at county road 22 and Oro concession road Until June thejtore had been loca tion oftha post ofilceior it years and itledonte council passed resolution asking the postal department to consider recslabllshlng it as requested by petitions Mail is now delivered from the Goldwater post ofï¬ce on the west side oi county road 22 and from Ore Station on the east side eslderits found it much mor convenient Furthu velopmoat ofth Ima particularly Em shoe Valtey all room would justify reopeniogof post oliicc here itwas contend ed lie felt cortison large one ough now to warrantnameilnd speed limit signs web as Mrs Anoe We who now lives in Orillia we the last postmlstres Her Josepr Walker was postm ten for it years and was suc ceeded by his wife An old record book listing re gistercd mall dated back 1921 one time mill centre Ellison is situated hall in Medonte and half in Ora Reeve Jermey lives in Medonto about two miles northeast oi the com munity while tamer cotinty warden George MacKay lives mile and half northeast on Oro aide GLEN isllav FARM Settlement oi Coulson traces back to the into when High land Scots from lslay cleared which osmniromanvmmt FROZEN redo samurai New Pack Libbys Pens Refreshing Sunldsl it til tins Lemonade for reaches antennaes running litters am 5c son While 8th VBIIIH 20 ul Seanip Jinner Delicious Carolina No Flavorful HomoGrown PrePrlcediior89c in Poly pat ORANGrf cnvsrALs our Choice carcaow Meat i2oz phgs is no $l00 12 oz tins for79c COTTAGEmills Quart liox ii 35 Luge Stnlka or It acct with highway if horseshoe Valley ski resort baring many wintertime visitors and when reconstruction is completed from mum to highway it is anticipated the oiumewlll becanc greater still we feel Couisoa lafdestined to become much more impor tant place in the fuhtre said MrNWhitney be referred to thujvplcluresque forests and bill areas near the community FIRST AT anemone BRENNOOD Staile First school built at Brentwood was frame structure erected in use which was converted into home when second school wu built in um it was sheen by old records here the dew term in September llearly Ready sumac sum win work now In its finai stage the new 11 morn Simcoe Conant public school on Simeon street will be ready for usertn ample time for clams starting lite large new school has been named Huronla Centen nlalElunentary School and large lettering on the Simcoo street side at the building has been attracting considerable at tentton and admiration Inuitvery proud ot lhll 38100 said Harold Nash elerhtidurlnz discussloii on new construction at Elmvale Mr Nasb was asked alumsewers andsatd these are being ie stalled by the public works de partrdent along hwsoa avenue and Robinson road across high way 27 which is known as Yongo street here and across the ï¬eld into the school liighway 21 traffic was dc toured around by Slmcoc street putiaenewmoottorori lit ElinvaleA duringinstallatlon oi sewers cross the highway earlier in the week ltehntme renewed interest has been takenlnplans for expansion of the village sewer system Word laslill awaited iromthe Ontario Water Resour ces Commission for the go head signal and this is mined ed right away gt Reeve Alex McAulcy who ll warden ol Simeoe County and members of his council also have been giving attention to municipal planning and zoning along with memhera oi the planning board Planning conc sultantsare engaged in pro paring an ofï¬cial plan The provincial govertnnoat will pay no per cent of the cost of the much discussed west and storm drain prolettwhlch is due to be started in Septem ber The village share is ex meted to run amend $5000 SFECIALLY sELEcreo EVISCERATED l00000 lhllllETS WHOLE CUTUP time was swam ethane mom mves mate ion MILD SEASONEDJ SKINLESS swtar enraan runny cooaen cnvovAe mom La MAPLE LEAF FRESli SLICED council inn so it 59r Wieners MAPLE LEAF FORK BEEF sausage L4 59 VALUE cHECKo cANAbA GRADE in lit Averas Lb eEsr auvr says is 12 02 Robot TIN ween out or 41hr want gPANTRY slim ORANGE 8AVE10e MAPLELEAF 17 MIDGETHA save on limit or sunsave Rose neonatal 121 1Chiuei°igtogroqdto 99c note not Spreads £299 in maize 149 an Phenomena each eel mu macho c10cl Palm Garden in altos Reg itc Wcaio Ice Jam or lemon nun attest Clribfiiouso isoz JAR SWEET MIXED twee kaolin listBattenentities snoto prisoner IVORY to Bar Pick 33¢ SAVE thronesch rennin 10374 NABIsco is oz Tin vizoz PKG