Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1968, p. 19

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NC THE MAIL SiVRiKE Out VICotjperaiion dbvourichsullcd Adjbas Woflld xiiAppreciated WW linlshed in the Paper we woiild appreciate it you Would conic latheoffice to itttlaliour account THANK BIRTHS At Hal Raul Victoria on Tea and out man lull blotbar for David ENGAGEMENTS PALM ml II and In 1th of Ortilla some CIIIlflArtIoN wuaoN In mm 35 am an Norma boun on LEN in he Adults manual sdioole nhtid 11 Id 4611 Norbert newshnfiicr as AIM Mmlm Math In lunch of 03 3101 Mn henna funeral iitlnic musicshinted MOVgt Tannin drewCletus hi 01 MAI Clarence his 73 YOlil COMING EVENTS COMING TO IROCK HILL PARK its miles west of Allistonl SATURDAY AUG at It pan SUNDAYAUG4at ludizso pmw ve tom the GRAND OLE OPRY comm HUSKY AND THE HUSH PUPPIES with Hillbilly SIMON CRUM ren ti Reserved seats Hill Shelbume 925m PROPERTY FOR SALE S10 BRIGI AND GLAN mekoht bedrooms living room fireplace kitchen two Gpleoe colored baths one on ma mite full basement oil beat 127 sand beach secluded area 340000 Contact Ed Snow Strand 4368116 or DorothyCol bonnie sumo helm pica filial union Tum mate perwean ammonia flaws rl am D0olbourne iolilc SOUTH OF BARRIE Nairobi bedrooms living room kitchen sunroom pails day artesiali well Seawall rate sand beach We have several lakefront cottgea to choose from snow Contact no show Stloud hallo or Dorothy Col bourne Stroud 4361387 LAKE bedrooms livinglroom stone firepleoe heatalators modern kitchen double sink ropmfipiece hath porch auto matlcwarher dryer boatlitt dork loo lot on Contact Ed Snow Stroud 1364113 or gt87rotby Colbourne sumo os ifiabures all order pla strilction electric heat good well on finished AVAILABLE Several back cottagesthat may be oonverted toyeal around cm homes Also few good building Iota letLFor best selection call In anon Contact Ed Snow mm orle 001mm sum issuer by REALTOR ATIVES mm Stroud 4384 MMcleodBarrie 7254750 11 SM Strand isoaua Wood on moa eoc lbomton 45m Ed Glee lidrrle 72H Tovaitglmniina Churchill 4587610 0N AVE TORONTO 12 will PHONE 48 333 tillI COUTTS ANDvOU own in mulls MORTGAGE MONEY Avaunnin wxrmwflwhrmiwpmwfi coLTDlllsilEALlRi nonhumanmm CHGLKAN common saloon Alanas dttioa Whammlbiamiaahmewiiea REALESTATE enoieeaivronme APPRAISALS homers UL lovely con dream and vhmmflimgmwmwmmmk WP hum third bedloom orvliutber details ti will mittenl lovely bedroomirlorhoma SW55 bedroom brick bungalow on well landscaped lot paved driveway finished rec room with bar tiled laundry room right on bus route and aloe to achoois Ail tbil for only $19 For further detliis callMary lOeIn 73183 BELLE AIRE This bedroom cottage com pleter panelled throughout Large living room modern kit chen close to beach furnished Creel on properly Only $2000 down To inspect call Lila llird ant1983 GUTHRIE immaculate bedroom home large lot Just right for your budget Terms canbe arranged on this gem Let me show it to you Call mom MarinaNew man IOWNTOWN BARRIE Com PWIYFLEIEO home convened to single bachelor apartments all furnished Sbowavery good revenue Loca REAL ESTATE ted opposite Iabiawa and Woolwortiis parking lots Prop erty could lend Italll to any type of retail outlet Large lot formation call Mortal 72a 0674 or office Ml EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOME bedroom multilevel tvi many manyeiirisind all con WELL venlellces Attached garage pa tio den and recreation room family home please contactWiii am To inspect this weekend cal chargo thejtiiool of city taxes PaymenLg you ot 9000 Iq it For further in 15 Forrinspeetlon at this beautilul HIGHWAY fl oil one acre with highway trout lle Only to inlnutesllornBar rio and one hour from Toronto Pat Carter no toll EARLY POSSESSION Act ouicklyand Lumenstart year clean 3lt home vavg North Collegiate Features beau til landscaped yard garage and room Roomy kitchen Handy to bus line Phone Yvonne Rowe m1Ml BEDROOM BR BUNGAIOW mortgage living room din ing room kitchen and bed rooms Close to schools shop ping and on bus route This home is in condition and has been newly redecorated For further details call Hinnali Pentiand 7288028 LOVELY AND ROOM Modern bungalow lots of cup boards and closets close to schools and shopping conveni ences Also one bedroom apartmentevmpletely separate from main dwelling Landsean gag 113 to pealfieeilon For all 17 en Md 4495465 mam waka Wfiscni=£fimmar an escape the high cost of home bwingl The high cost cant affordl We have acres of land with large storey bedroom frame home laxes areiust $140 and the mortgage beauty at 755 Runs uhtll paid at $75 month in small village just minutes fromllar rle Call Ed or Marilyn Jen nings mom 100 BAYFIELD 51 1239451 KnPithclr lions WNW bedrooms at Ed flange and basement Property could be dup SHANNON WM spiltlevel recreation rbomwlth Illkouttolargedeeplathtlsuolur DRAWN VLA PROPERTYeOpen lo altarss acresbeautifully treed and grassed immaculate basementcircular only miles from lan mulls ooUlleSavo snowmu bedroom back spilt bungalow in Mineslngebout 1800 square loci of comlnrtable livmg spacelull price $18500 with $5000 down noon lunch TYPE aunaamw Oil baautiiul lonecircular drive2 fireplacesonlysmfltsrfmn liarriefliull pricaszom MLS REALTOR $3500 Stone ironted cured lot with many shrubs flowersland secluded gardan The interior ofihls borne in spotless and all rooms are good size to accommodate your cherished possessions Many custom features 654 moltgage For further details call Elaine lncson Elaine ingoan sa wonswr mean all Hamilton moan Norm mm MLSI Realtor 33 COLLIER ST RAWN Iiarialnd FAl Rose lien mam Bill Hackneu Res mono Dick Hartley 7287913 Iiiflul Snith Ree mmflidurd Raycrnll 7288851 FRANK NELEs Photo Realtor 7251405 bedroom bungalow with all highdry and garagelean frontalle lot included ria on lnnisfils Golden little EVENnsz cam Jnelzol Mike Magus mseal 4875716 Frank Wainwright 4sz noossl ranFoster 4235743 m6696 INESON 7234294 lea Cavanaugla Cecil Mills Stall Hammond lrank Nelles REAL BEAUTY aide spilt situated on beautifully manb Catherine Milnchmooqo ID CARON Puolo his lilaAoron gt gt muons moon liupair hicGraLlnElmvnle 739nm Russ Carson Genge 42179075 BlDWELL Lhinrtgage funds available TELEPHONE 7284430 ACRiEssEaXcH Real Estate limiter SPEClALisz Wu S1EVENSJNS lgimemre PROPERTY eon sacs SHELSWELLIandWILLSON AIISREALFSTATE llALiP none BUILDlNG WHu Your choice at tronlage Brown news No me ORTGAGE prom in downtown Reasonable or quickaale Cali $1650 THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Iiaii ltitdien has modern cupboards and builtin stove and oven piece hath lull basement with laundry ooen GarageCall inseam scam No 3am Summons roan AREAilavine lot 1h three bedroom low fireplace in living room attra Full length recreation Man with cilve kitchen willidlnette two plecawashroom pe window and walkout to patio Builtin fruit collar and email laundry romp For aool MLS 34118 COUNTRY lemGiioderu elghi luitherlnlormation call Chuck innbert room stucco two storey one three acres scenic property between Drillia and lienla Good garden Some No 728 119 Dunlap East ills Realtor HE 109 Baytleld St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited um 11 White mono PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEWAHOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St SMALL nous in Angus unit ot fer will buy Telephone 1245795 liiJmnOil bunralow with attach an gentle east end near schools aVi mortga For tunnel hilar ma up call 51 equipment included Call Everett inughee mitt vzcllzz orlzoloza PRQEERTYVWANTED IN NORTH or central Cvflllllh rel benmom huuu with thin Maximuirivdom on Write to box MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobiigiiomes General Glendale irnvelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 774 no aunrou ave mm Iuia fully NONIWM Dim THU Pull turnishea moblllo clean Priced to TRAVEL TRAILERS INSURANCE is roar travel mun Avl con MOVING Dont forget lo transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at my kind see 11 DUNLOPVSIIE 1261101 LANDSURVEY minimum the opening at ital Kirkpatrick Land survey Office 252 nuekwnrth 5L Benin 7234255 HOUSES wauran T0 auv OR RENT RESIONSIBLB business man children needs ncdronln house to rent or Dulchase in or around Barrio Apprrciltc can pots or hitch railm ltlon aocelsoliu include to moon and screened porch Jacks and electrical rlble Telephone 4246100 or Livia TRAVEL TRAILERS TO RENT CAMPING Tm lnuer or rent sasoo per week alraas taking figmfltiona nowl Privatl hlenhona Perma stamps Draw tickets Letterileirds Business cards Wedding stationery Cbeques FREE ESTIMATES ON bedroom rag RURAL PROPERTIES SUNNIDALE noon AREA brick bungalow 728£9844 Sitimv BAY Catherine Harris Belts 4874517 collect Toronto limo AIL PRINTING NEEDS FARMS FOR SALE EXAMINER villa with good buildings and ma with large hallaped living lso lian lam or rent in rimlulu Commeraai Printing Lawrence Its 4495658 lured To inspect call Bruce Ei garage filaelous living and dining For fitriherparticulara call Mildred Moore IdVivlhn nilac loan rug arm main lzlrrlnao Dinacolnl navenoilv Muriel ls mam limit no Marilyn Hm Jenna Mae Will Lamm Patcam XIII Kllla Elanh Pentlaiid airliners ARRIE onancnvnm nonoltlo inns CAMPBELL PHUIO MLS REALTOR HIGII ST RES 77 Live in theoountry on in acres oi land Attractive storey bed room homewltll kitchen pantry living room Bpieca hath full basement all conveniences Terms available 195 acm otvaeent land in Essa Township 70 actea bush ideal for subdivision land or nod larni Call Fred Taylor Giarlle head mun Hugh Plowman Don Campbell WasWAS Doug Campbell lredlaylol nil1205 Ron Itllan Paul Penman 71843313 Don Marshall 7282357 Smith Campbell mania Richard Dick Beermtm COMPANY 93 Bayfieldflreet PH MLS REALTORS TAG6453 ilortgaulhunds Available Free Customer Parking commas iWOSlOREY $350000Large iouribedraom brick home with attadled double morn deluxe kitchen with dining area family room with iireplaoe Many manyexcras Too large for present wine Call Clllt Goodliead 7232994 STEEIE NEAR STM0NI€ASH llais tour bedroom brick home with attached garage has large shaped living room dining room kitchen with eating area one and half baths partially finished recreation roomlovely lot with maturetrees Carriesllor $14300 prlndpal interest and taxes M1 mania sienna Fitsslmndlla Chhlll im EMMA 8055K Kuomgulauoon 7mm nosingmm RAY zulb cm EVER MILLER molest REALTOR 67 DUNiOPST scam in lnolsnl with small him 12 paved road Telephone Harvey Weber 96ACllESsoentc property$2oooo MARCUS STREETBungalow and apartment $5000down NEISON STREETBMZBIW and garage 000 down COMMERCIAL ImTiffin Street$3500 LAKEFRDNT PROPERTY Lake Couchiching $73000 DOWNTOWN DUPLEX $2100 TELEPHONE PERCY FORD COUNTRY LMNGAT ITS BESTIn this lovely bedroom brick Inmgalow with itaspnciouslivlng loom and dining ronn Other tine teatlnu include the full panelled basement large 100 by 150 lot Situated lint omllea south of Barrie For thither information PleasecaiISarnanenbam JohnCole moo11cocoou Spencer 7255343 Robert Hewean mom Kenneth Miller slams Harvey Weber 4884015 Peter Manton mosoa mm 1M invegrove 4496112 mam oryMiiler CONNELL Photo iii Realtor EASilAt tholtivl Points Phone master EVENINGS CAL mm CHAS ROGERS mosh basement withrecrcntlon room and Mice bath Owner anxious to sell Ally reasonable otter will he considered 44 acre farm with small barn garage hen house and good home with all conveniences beautilul setting with eyeiy thing in ltsplaee Priced to sell at8w000 with terms Christmas tree farm 97 acres with approximately 50000 trees This years pruning completed An excellent investment with terms available 7250429 72602448 La 4555 Bill Dick Draper gt HENRY meal Estate Ted Brignell Paddy Miles 29A OWBII St int and 2nd mortgages arranged Oil buy your present is and bid mortgages LAURAN uimtlaww mien ol immedi 330 rallvlnabaroodm hell Ill woo cup ar leper in area axoeuenitaoloom with ample beth Flt line Owner mflVinfi FD turthcr IMO DOWN L10 fla reg lots Oro Realtor Lnddia Griesbacli flitill room and dining room Full 0R0 We are Skilled in our Prompt chinely Coilr iurther inlonna tion Ozkvlllc MM CALL US FlRSTi Service and will give you Attention CLASSIFlED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE EAvesntoucHiNc NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH SPECIALIZING IN ONE PlIiCE EAVESTROUGll A87Zi 2i ROOFING SUNNlDALr Evenings Calli try Torpey 7Zii4lla awn 42641999 m73 All Typeset Rooting ASPHALT SHINGLES SOLD ANDAFPLIED FastEiiicieat Service Free Estiniaie EXPERIENCED ROOFER 7mm lRONING moms Dlr bask slunr and ironing sis is shirts Pickup anddeilver neoass WELDING LICENch woman with Portable Machine linbert Wooal Victoria rialhour 5mm DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Driving school lAlrrl to Drive the Modern our For ELRICK MICHIE Appralsals Mortgages nonhuman mam Harry Michia Appraiser 726vlliiit 5200 PETERS WILES LTD Realtor gt 725 CORBY Real Estate Broker tarlo ill1m and Appraisers 0N Tia as Dunlap St BUILDING Phone 122419 ll Co in clap load in 19ng enlistingn am as CONSTRUCTION RmiOVATING REMODELLING BUfllDING New Home or Cottages We supply all material if desired Anywhere in Ontarlo Reasonable Rates 72831572 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SlliNGLlN Rooting crouching ordrvansstraud low monthl payments We mum Armin flea IIARGUEEITE MOORE mam Ema zlzlAiLa 7mm JANE YOUNG 71w 51mm Ailiaeoa mm Penna Gilliam viams to sale Nortll coil letr area Insets nice roomy Him divided buemellt On bua etlila nail Laddie Griellzach cellar LOT5 FOR SALE wEAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Authorized dealertol Yardman Dana Taro Gravely lawn and garden equipment oi nunomo sr trul4sutrellm Anrellblch 11a to litllroxir hour on too ralepilona no can too each own eat an For luImlll 11er Itemelflflull tale service minor oraiumn so years experience main at labs 125nm on estimates Guaranteed work BY RACHLIN No chang or cnilsultations sug pninimcllt Pliouo annals Llamas and irlnnn plirl Outboird roll goosilo ii 17 can $GN5 collinlnncmn Truck tterinr Hy annexed to Bar chums Hausa Palntilil interior and um lor vuv reasonable tree estimates Cali Eric nil6717 Painting Interior and extarta It 11 re within 10 miles at Barrie Oilfnsbert Ussher mans on Pamamn aupmm Splits Rcasonahle nam Good workmanship Cull Stan MN PLASTERING JOE KOBRA Plaster repairs fancy ceilings mouldings complete recreation rooms kitchens and batbmoma slim Insrmains 7284643 PLAETERING Ceilings nucleation llooma Archwava 2o yean experi ence 72lH401 ling IMPROVEMENTS OMWALL GeneraIConiractors coiiPinrELv EXPERIENCED all All TRUCKING MEN wiih small tnlolr will do illht deliveries Aim dual ull JANJITOR SERVICE noomo FDR clean cisanlng for homes ntlices stoves alum Cleaning Service mam iNSULATlON nuowmn m0 insulation Telephone Scott Muir 1731251 PAVING PAVING Name You can Trust lransylvania Paving Expats 15 Years Experience Barnyards Driveways Etc FOREMEN ESTIMATORS geslloh and prices in 80 mile radius 7233751anytime cream TOILETS AND PORTABLE omens osrounwomr FOI RENT gt Daily iweeldy Monthly BRIEK W0 For construction 5110ng ADDITIONS events parties etc DUNDATsz Also septictaulu pumped OOFING Serving Simone County AFPENTRY concnnrn WORK KEN WINTER CO cmacn BUILDING AND 7260752 nnPAlns onoannoclts onsiionmlllcjon nouns ssYEARSiEXPERlENCEv FULLY DEPENDABLE an iee jvestlmatcs nail 7284662 REFRIGERATION SEPTIC TANKS ROTH some Tanlr sales septic Tanks and Weepcrr seal Installed wallolrcinc natastmio SOODING soulan Ind Maintenance Hrdlea gt flower liela lined 4362105 STAN BRYSQN MQWERREPARS hnritlénnarlousnnwcn litvmna Mowu Marine used nutboa 91311115110 Street 41 Hilbwa PHONE 7284 LANDSCAPING INER WAN ADS

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