Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1968, p. 2

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my moia as our relerred to its general sovegnman com mittee the motion hiring replacamem tor city manage Walter Gigg who is resigning And Mayor Robert Bentley was told he had used poor Judg ment in even callioga Ipecial meeting to deal with the issue public gallery at about 30 earn expecting fireworks but beIrd only minute wrangle about whether the engagemutt ot new city managu should he mm call ided th Council ii ec it was matter that should he considered lira by the general government committee it is comprised oi Mayor Bentley and Aldermtn Roberts Jldt Garner and Les Jolliiie Aid Fred Smith conceded that Mayor Bentley could call special meeting at council when be deemed it desirable tor the city but saldYou have shown very poor judgment in this de claims to call special meet ild Snlih urged that de cision oi this nahtre be consid ered by general governmenL He said council could not make decision helore it know what it was talking about and had re port irom the committee to go on Alter the meeting Mayor Bentley said the committee would meet at 730 tonight and he would try to get approval tor the press toatiend and re port on the proceedings present the press can attend committee meetings but cannot report on them Aid Hersey Baked Aid knith it his motion to send the question to committeedndlcated he was not in favor oi the man agerial arm of government Aid Smith said his ieclings on the matter wouldbe known when the reporticomrsibeiorejouncil Aldermen liersey and Rosa Ar nher urged that council call recess so the general governs meat committee could meet and then have council reconvene ai ter decision was reached SURPRISED Aid lollilte said he was surprised that the mayor did not call general govaroment cams mitten meeting on the weekend dont think one week will make that much difference he saidAWspecial meeting tot council could be called on Aug When Aid Hersey asked hla yor Bentley it general govern ment could meet and then re convene the mayor said Not being mind reader couldnt say but doubt it think discussion canidnotbe done in short period at time Mayor Bentley told council that no commitment was involv ed in advertising tor new city manager He said the ad would make individuals aware that the position is open and pointed out that councils approval was need ed to place such an ad if the gen at government committee decides city man eger is the hm system it is advantageous to advertise now said the mayor Aid Hersey ar there would be considerable delay unlas general government re cessud and reported back last night moronntsurtnvrson Disastrous Course replace LibrargiesUnder $011001 Board Ronald Mackenzie supervis or oi the Georgian Bay Regional Library System said today that recommendation in the Hall Dennis report on education mat public libraries be placed under the jurisdiction of the county school board suggests coursa for the public library that would lead to disasterf He said the report was eaus log considerable alarm among public librarians of the prov think they will probably keep public libraries going be said but wont develop them Mr Mackenzie said the rec ommendationgwbich pray or may notbe acaeptcdby the provin cial government would involve 20 libraries in this county it would be quite job to take them over he added INFORMAL EDUCATION He said the report focuses on iormal education and virtually ignores manyvilal institutions at iniormal education such as museums and art galleries Withoutvgiving thought to the wider area of responsibility assumed by public libraries it raps out solution adapted only to the needs of the school child he said Mr Mackenzie condemned the shiit to school libraries when adults have to retrain in greater numbers to adapt to more into ure time The representatives at 0n Treatment Plant May Redudedeor sewage pre treatment plant In finally on the way for the Barrie Tanning Ltd plant It 55 Bradlord St it has given approval in principle to bylawso the city can borrow $17171712 tor the plant The plant which will consist of two settling and two storage holdinglanks along with con trol room wri1 be hullton teased irom Ajpocial sewer rate wilé be assessed the company to pay or thepiantp Aid Fred Smith said the by law was encouraging because it is the start ofthe solution of problem the city hasiaced or tongrtime He said the loan would be tlnanced over 20 years iollitie he plan won not coettha Laurens POLIUEWOMAN CAPTURE WNIDON 1A Police woman lesleyihve 23 thought parking tieketwould deter salgman Leslieva Allie was tryingto untangle traiiic one day whoopobbin asked her oi Barrie anything on their mill rate Ald Dorian Parker questioned the cost iew years ago we were talking at $00000 now we are taunt over she said Aid iolliHe noted the rise in cost butea the price now is the one the consonants recom intended to the job Barrie Tanning is one oi the firma at which oretreatment plant was recommended to help solve smell problems at the citys main plant Approve liylaws Fo nan1e part in mesonstruc tionoi Georgian College at no piled Arisand Technology mov ed ahead teat night with the an proval or two bylaws to allow Iervlcingoi the Sum ncil epprov bylaws th construction or watermain Ilongjltnse street or I5ii0 teat and for asanitary sewer along Cookjalreet tothewity limits The 9ntarlo MunlcipalIB rd had approvedmi the bylaws lila services will be construct ed mid the local tmprotement tvMdnaser thot we need tonight is ac tion he urged am surprised motion oi sort came from Aid Smith Aid Madaren poinch out that council was considering replacing man who had leit We dont need another bylaw tcily manager bylaw urLess ye plan to discard it he said think this should be decided here and now Voting to have the general government committee comider die matter were Aldermen Garner Dorian Parker Del Cola Jolllfle Fred Smith Ross Archer Roberts and lJlacmillan Voting to have scusscd at the council meeting were Mayor Bentley and alderman Hersey Charles Christie and hintLoren Mayor Bentley tried to tarios 14 library regions are preparing critique of the rec ommendation for Education Mia ister William Davis ALTERNATIVE PLAN They hope to have an alter native plan by September We are proud oi what the De partrnent oi Educ on has been able to accomplish in recent years Mr Mockanzie said But we suggest that the ad ministration at an independent treeranging informal and adult education institutionthe publt lie library lies outside its ex perience It iicult for our formal structured educational system to keep abreast of the times he continued How can we expect to guide the public library to its goal as comprehensive mumfaceted institution Mr Mackenzie is concerned mat the board oi education ought not give suiiicient atten tion to the business community theiarmer the housewife to the hobbyist or to the new Canadian strivurg to learn anew culture P0011 COUSIN The new county is goinng be beset with prolr lema perhaps many years ol board he it new 35 have an intermission but voted down The intermission would have been held to allow poll at gun crai government committee members to seelt decision cotrtd be reachal by that com mittee in time to report back to council Aid Fred Smith moved the adlournment motion and was seconded immediately by Aid Roberts The mayor suggested an in termission but Aid Roberts said motion to adjourn took proc edence The mayor called vote and councilrdecideddo adlourn Mayor Bentley apologized to the gallery tor having to see council debate tor 40 minutes to decide not to debate the issue at an he was he saidWould not the public library get lost inthe shuttle and wrelegatcdto last place poor country cousintl Mr Mackenzie maintainsthe public library provides unique service in providing educational recreational and cultural inior motion in the United States Great Britain Scandinavia nd elsewhere in Europe it has not conclusively castrated its case in Canada be cause at piecemeal and uncoor dinated iinanciai support he held With provincial grants per capJ ita being doubled Dyer thelast live years and with thecreatinn of broadlybased regional sy hopes has drawn nearer hesai Mr Mackenzieenvi us the critique oi the Hall Dennis port as an alternative moms tive plan tor the development of public libraries inthe prov ince into its ltunat and inior mattnnal ser es they were in tended to be Ideas and iniormation are to be the bu ng blocks of our age he sat They will not come more readily available by submerging the puhli libr ry the school system Paoracrronron CHILDREN PETS and PROPEith flfiljflfSflfIW tllAl first ZIto it 25 as is gt2 ti part or Bradford Street from Dangerfield tiotors curbs uor sidewulh Sept to 27 top layer of gravel Dangerfield Motors tor John Street will be done asiolloo ll Aug an toScpt 10 excavatio Aug is to Oct construction at sewers Aug 26 to Oct 11 placement at gravel base Sept 23to0ct18curbsandside walks Sept 30 to 0d l3 placement at top layer oi gravel lneconstructlon ot cor nrgated metal culvert rnldway between Brook and John Streets is expected to take irom Aug 26 to Sept 20 Paving oi the street will he dona in the period irom Sept Oct 75 MARINE roruacnsr TORONTO CF Marine ioreeast ior Great Lakes issued at 530 am EDT today and ALDERMEN FRANK HERSEY ROBERTS FRED SMiTH iN DlSCUSSiON valid until ii am EDT Wednes day lluron Georgian Bay ds southerly it knotst ln creasing this atternoon to south to southeast 15 to 25 knot Scat tered showers or thundershow era late today rghtwaod Wednesday morning Lake Ontario Winds light and variable becoming southerly near to knots this evening and increasing to southeasterly 12 to 20 knots overnight Fair Transport Hetlyer left ted Midland rocently to otiiciate at the opening of the Wyoitiver en trance channel and the Salute Marie Park Docks Lc Wu with an emotion the tilmsfi The most serious loss was It the term oiltiorley Jemima on the nth concession where 3000 bales ottthand threshing ed with the barn Aoothei nth concession tire lev elled the barn oi Al Hialop Ger ald VerverI barn at nearby Al lenwood was destroyed and also The Barrie Kennel Club All breed Championship Dog show at the Barrie Fairgrounds Aug and will attract entries irom across Canada and the United States Dogs and their owners will come as iaravay as Vancouver tor the annual twodaysbow Topping the entries arength Cora es closeinollowed has set Hounds and Aiglran ounds record nnnber oi entries have been received club mens her said despite the mail strike which hascurtailed many machine were desire CITY NEWS While ilremen were reluctInt illfiéfli Emit ion the number of similar tires with in cohort time in itself are rise to suspicions at tire live barns were burned to the grotmd which added to the ditiltnlliu of investigators Public assistInce inreporting any thch movements which mllitt aid to the on TEE BARRlElEXAMlNER TUESDAY JULY 30 ll Dogs Have Days In Barrie This Weekend iii Major Show Vilttanr Sizger nine times Judge at Cnrits in England the largest dog show in the world will be the chic judge Others will come from Edmonton Hatt iax Moncton and ccntregLOw tarlo For the tirst time this year the 32 will also ineludeobedience Judging Willstarteschdayar 10 pnn and will continue until late niterooon Following the Aug show banquet will be held in the Barrie Curling Club tor members exhibitors and triends orrroiarr mansion promos From lett Mr iieilyer Mrs Heilyer William Barkley oil the Wye Marsh Wilder Genu tr John Sloan director ot Huronia Historical Park iCranston eha UTLETS or PORK errors with Mushroom sau coup iu of no Itoe as tie hot rolll more vegetabtea dessert and beverag View RESTAUMNTV 5r TAKE NOTICE THAir watercourse oi the Barrie Country years one days after the first Barrie at the address gt ounds The Ontario said works but before objectio DATED July as heaven Ihehpvebeea eonriled thesituatlon laqidrlea here revealed the Icriesottirubuheeoanuio tnvlcoilocal conversation slim thawIggflltyoli ouover ltle thermrthmks lllthtrasoot that titMs mulbler many wonderahere be mlsbt strike out Othersareh he may have taken lad moved out oi their name CHECKED ft in any event numerous tarm ers are making regular diode onthelrbamaspartotawld coed effort to prevent more dh timctton overail loss caused by the tires was described as not as serious as it would have beeny later when barns were tilled but rtfll considerable Ghiei Cotton bus said it meant fire losses re corded tor his department were tip over last year lVlan Stands Trial In Murder Case NEON iCP nun htdsed maiallyuotlt to stand trial on capital murder charge in root was remanded Monday to Aug for trial on the charge only hours atter be was re leased rum the Ontario hospital at Penetanmdshene Reinhard Schaiien 38 oi Toe ronto was charged otter yearold Dieter Strodihoit or shot six times in the head and diest with mallbre rifle in his parents home where Scher iertwas boarder No plea was taken Psychiatrlsu advised police that Schaliert who was re leased lrorn hospital early Mon day was ill to stand trial on the touryearold char Schafiert ls cheer the few people in Canada facing cent tal murder charge laid before tile swede was ammd last year The amendment stunrlated that capital murder charges can bellald only when linemen or prison guard is ed lions NOTtCE or nrrtrcarrouav THE cooperation or it our or anaare so Dispense vore oerrnleistacroas Th Council of the Corporation Barriemtends to appiyto ihejOntarto Municipal Board for approvalofthe purchase of lands for purposes being the Kidds Creek area mated cost got 3300000 gt raisedby the sale oirlebentures payable out of thegeneral rate over period not exceeding l5 Application will be made to The Ontario unrclpal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works Any ratepayer ma send by post prepaid to the clerk of theCity of writing staiinghis objection to such approval and th ucltobjection Municipal Board may order pur suant to the statute that the assent of theelectors shall not be required and may approve of the time andplacetor aphblic hearing when any will be considered it the City or can this 20th on ever the charge against Sch lert predates the amendment the by or Club Limited at an oath which amountshail be within twenty publication of this notice given below notice in doing sori may appoint

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