Qltting cake can be tick lisb business even at the but at times its even worse when no one has knitc Playground leadcr Janice Osborne manag cd to improvise this morning however with pair oi scise sors while youngsters at Lions Park watched anxiously bovet Once the cake was cut Péstgl Worker Wonticross Line Forde Cheques credit to to prove mu at at Portal Unions said their and passed arouhd everyone got down to the scrlous busi ness making it disappear ns happy Grog Fisher below demonstrates strikers in ï¬nancial difï¬culties MDRALE G00 loans whim Iii be dadltded tron pay dtequu rrba tho rtrllralrover Meanwhile the striking an as are making manganenta so no one also will go with their pay cheques in Montreal Mainice Brien time and other parts of Can Ida where officials of the Colm men would not enter the build president at the latter Carrier Union of Canada said Sunday that 32000 pr viocial wellnre mquu to invalid and those in inas for thdr cheques Fable CHM them up at Union article in Toronto an nounced the union would pay the rent or buy groceries tor those In need None at tho worllerl receive strike pay because their tuions have no strike lands The government has made no margementr to get the cheques out to the strikers The local post ottlca spokes nuln said it was likely some at the men would pick up their cheques or have their wives do it for them He saidtht post office lobby wouidbekeptooenuntlltpm Were trying toioliow nor mal Industrial practices said ll postal services When mummy ill on strike the workers are paid rtnougb the mails but of course we cantdo that So well be paying in the lobhydika wo al ways do However alternate arrange ments have been made or it one of our menis really badly oil then the union wfll pay the rent or buy thegrocer les union ofï¬cial said were set up to go lika this for ateouplc of months and the morale is very good th nrrangementshaye been mï¬e with the postal municipal vocations wth playgroundeprogram vnlt hostile to compete against each other distributiononntres would be delivered today by portal rrorkm In the Marliimes tho pdstal strike has given municipal at ilca Workers in southwestern Nova Scotta their vacations and as led insurance agent to do elop taster than betoro mail service at their own Bernard ublanc warden cl Clara municipality in south western Nova Smith said Sat rday the strike provided golden opportunity to give ottlce workers their Shakespeare mhnogor ot the Nova Scotla hoard at in lullz director or Tomato surance underwriters in Hali tax said insurance agents have rrangni to take their import taut correspondence to one at 15 centres throughout the province where mall is being delivered Parks Tennis Tournament SetWednesday Barrio youngsters rigistered the parksand recreation awe and But Noltécor in tennis tournament Wednes day Strictly singla campedl limit will be divided into two separate tournaments and or boys and girls sit yearsond another tor the older ones ltBoth start at am and run until llnned Forces nonunion ord at 55 was setln lDï¬Séln Sud lug recordset inill Set In Barrie Temperatures dropped to minimal low at 49 degrees in Barrie Sunday 1mm high of temperatures for any July or were set across the province but the Barrie low was not recordbreaker dropped to 52 The previous rec the previous record oi 49 setin mo 1907 and 1965 was lowered to 47 The record low minimum tor North Bay 51 in 1943 and 1955 was set at 48 Sun day1 At Toronto Inberrlational Airport the record of 50 set in 1965 was towned by one degree In Hamilton low of Si tied Néw Brunswick Murray completion Two trophiesare available for the winners at the senior tourna ment and ilullor winners may challenge forthese Players will you rm mmum either have to bring their own racqucts or arrange to borrow one from the parks and recrea tion commission Balls will be supplied and there no re strictiorls on the man at an In Salma the temperature Hes from each part says Canada Has Little To Offer AUCKLAND NJ CPlliot all the teachers recruitedtrom Australia and New Zealanu somemonths ago to teachin Cmanada have found conditions to en liking Australian teacher Warwick 25 passed through Crows BUSY criminals smarts work crews have been in evidence in Barrie throughout the simmer repairing streets Aconlllowooo aura Mail Strike Hqmpervis on rail St at inglls tlettl and Ron Archerwork loraiso manhole to the proposed new streetievel Examiner Pho to reiHuntFOIHealtli Scllts Getting an accurate count at how marw bottles of health salts containing poison aro suit WSon Oi Flounder OiMayoClinic Dies In Accident ROCHESTER Minn AP Dr Charles Mayo 70tbo last hiayoJarnily member to work at the medical clinic his father and uncle iouadod was killed south of here Sunday when his car tolled all an ear bankment Dr Mayo was the son or Dr Charles Mayo cotounder oi the Mayo Clinic with his brother Dr William Mayo Dr CbarIesW Mayo known to his iriendsas muck retired from the clinic in September I963 alter distinguished 31 year career in which he carved name as surgeon statesman author and United Nations alter nate delegate little to otterteacbers lrom Aus tralia and New Zealand gt The high cost or living count ered the higher salaries Mur ray said The ttit at Canadian schools oi dont hit HIEchlld you will upset the class was on the market in Collingwood and other 0ntariocentres is being hampeiod by the postal stri ulzr JamethtcCoubrey vice president oi the Montreal tirm monulodturlug the salts said today Dr McCoubrey said thrDr Chase Medicine Co Ltd is retusing to accept cssuoi comment or telephone calls saying that bottles of its Emish Style Etiervcsccnt Health Salts have been turned in Unless have the bottle in my hands or signed statement tram doctor that bottle has beentumed lnor destroyed its still missing us or as Im rorl ceruod he said in an inter View Paul Heskamp will tryouce again to get Barrie Planning gt The postal strike iapreventing THE BARBIE EXAMINER MOVDAY packages and letters irorn reaching the company he sold As tar as he knew approxi4 mately Saibottlcsiwere sill missing though some may be tied up in the mail right now The aggro 55ng bottle is being concentrated in To Ionto Kitchener Blenheim 0n augoville Coilingwood Niagara Falls Hamilton and Sarnio ail Ontario communities No thousand bottes oi the contaminated soils in which pm isonousantimonv potassium tar trata was mistakenly mixed wero manutactured in lttay and June About 1800 bottles were distributed to 500 stores across the country About to persons became ill in Toronto after using the salts JULY 29 1568 Renew Bid For Development Inf GroVeDucitworth Area Rezoning requests for various Permanent Bands lieduced To Nine OTTAWA or Fulltime Auckland on his way home alter to months teaming in Canada and reported that Canad had Brantiord Couple wrecking discipline and hard poringaiiective teaching he added proposed apartment buildings in mvuoas omns HotelThe Spoken am in with Eva the may tRocirt Raysbnre Danny Harrison Quartet rv Continental rimLuna Carl Vucalt Board approval tor commercia the city will be discussed complex at the northeast cor ner oi Grove and Duckwortb Streetslvhen he appears beiore bands tho Canadian forces are being reduced to nine ram 17 the defence departrnent an pounced today The reduction will mean cut in iuilLirne musicians in the bullied forces to 555 from 792 Bands rlln on voluntary basis by about 40 force units areto be maintained the dc jpartment said These are manned by musicians who have other iulltime jobs in the forces and do their band playing in spare time as well as reduced number The department said the 17 fulltime units before torces unilt ï¬cation were unevenly distrib uted throughout Canadap with some areas having the services more than one ban Someoi the permanent bands retained in the torcesstructlue would be relocated to make gem graphical distribution more eve the department said The reorganization this summer with strength reductions taking place gradualiyas normal retirements om will HllmanBlocirade lit liquor Store Is Still On ARNPRJDR Ont CPI The uman blockade that threatens turn this Ottawa Valley coup unity into dry town contin Stenccli 50yearioid hiroptaclor and his wife Cont illgle who have been blocking the ervice loueway at the local liq ilor store since last Tuesday are served with injunctions atulday evening The irtlunctiuna ord them to celiuangues that or Wednesday ith dinner shipment may egslly use ninctoutwlda th the lanewa It aims hands are being reorganized Shanty Bny DriveIn the Absent Minded Protessor nitflll Huronla DriveIn llnperlnl The Detective Roxy PJ SOFTBALL Barrie Io0p at Yancll Heating KIWANIS SPEAKER Don MaePhorson Barrie bus inessman will describe recent business trip to South America for the beneï¬t of the Barrie Ki wanis Club tonight at man in the Bayshore Motor Hotel Kiwan tans meet next week and am or brenklast at bakaview Dairy Restaurant RECEIVE AWARD An award commemorating year tree at pedestrian tatalities Bentley Wednesday alternnon at City Hall Making the pres entation will be represent alive of the Barrie tario Motor League GIRL MISSING Barrie Metropolitan Toronto and London police are on the Iwolllo lerrs nuts KENNEpvas PORT MassMPl Jacqueline Kennedy cele bratedher 39th birthday Sunday at the Kennedy family com pound on the aim or Nantucket Sound 100 REPORTED harmonica Alaska to Neanly loo iorest tireswere reported burningvout 01 control lnAlaskaa tinderdry interior Sunday spreading over more on 1300000 acres Upwards at 1401 men were on the tire lines support fleet MT 70 Plans MOVIES lwlll he presented to Mayor branch On formanee by Pet lookout today or l4ltyeartlld or two tallieswere canto 2an plus The ShaggyDog The Dirty Dozen pits Welcome to Hard Times sroars intermediatepQutehs Park 700 pm Nottawa Redmen at Woods BA Senior Queens Park that quunauthorizan Barrie girl ind her laryearoid boyfriend who have been missing siucelil am yesterday The girl Donna Hiebert was report ed missing from her hradtord Street home yeslarday by hér mother Theynuth is Martin Coulson 18 formerly of Ellen Street and now assumed to be in either the Toronto or London area MinningsvgtVSurge Sinks Barrie ELMVALE tourgoal Then nuiags oi the host team dominated Georgian Bay Minor Lacrosse Association bautam division for Elmvale over Barrie Thursday night Elmvaies oth recorded by Wayne Marley Toll Stone picked up pair at assrslsior the winners with singleassist registered by Brian Lotto Bill Hillper rapiiedwithtwo scores tor harrie Bantams as GregFlaok and Brent Bowen collected one goal and one as sist each Bob Lamb gained the other goal in losing cause and Wayne Hobb Barrie was assessed our of seven minor penalties three them for interierenco Next home action for Barrioa is Tuesday ugusl 6th when the bantams and midgets tliuntsvllia dinator MONCFON NB CF si nglacar accident on the Transvcanada Highway near here Saturday daimed the lives at two persons and injured four others all members at Brant ford ontjlatnily Killed wereRose Armenouhe htcEachern 3a and her six daughter Roseanne Marie Eightyearold Randall Eaebern wasllisted in fairly good condition in hospital here while his sister Robyn was re ported satistactory Roland Mcanhern as bus band or the dead womauwas treated tor injuries and later re leasedas was his son Richard 10 to said their vehicle lea therhiglrlvay overturned and burst into flames No inquest will be held Cap0uio Shepherd oflicer conunanding 13X Ammunition Daponbaa been appointed dep uty coordinator of tha Sirncoo County Emergency Measures 0r ganlzationI wihe appoutmcnt effective Theorgnmzatlnu at no coor dinator at proSent but Mira Florence Steele is dotingcoor Tba openln wore created when Ray Atkinson iomter co ordinator and Bernard Harris tnrmer duality iolt tor other Jobs to the oountyo PARIS Reutersl First reactions here to the Popesre deviled ban on birth control were isappointment or rebellion by churchmen and parishioners An ofï¬cial of the PastorabSa cramental Centre which acts as link among shops priests and the alt surprised by cal it could act as brake on thel liberal climate which the rent majority of Catholics have entered he said hut after all ways have the abolce between the ecumoncial councils view allowing ireedorn of conscience on the issueaud what is only the Popes personal opinion tholles al Tha Parish priest of fashion able Paris Church saidba would avel to tape great disappoint ment from many parishioners who were expecting more lib oral pronouncement Reaction Disappomting To Renewed Birth Control Ban But he said the Popes en eycllc a1 should make little difterence in practice We always have to balance doctrine against the lesser evil he said lt montage is on the point of breaking up over mis problem the lesser evil would still be to tolerate birth control Reactions from the man on the street were more forthright think the Pope is wrong said 37yeareold father of four in my eat position it would be very cult for me to have another child shall ignore the Popesban dont see thatbe needed all these years to reach this conclu non said asycarold dttld 15s working wire underï¬aDd that it was dif ficult to change the churchs pt sl But practise birth con trol ad shall carry on regard less AME Mlhbml PROVEWON Low Low REGULAR ctr CLEANING palcrs Dresses VSkirts Plain yPartts Lodi Stocks Mens Suitr rursmlc Armorial Delivery HURONIA cleanses luller W1 leCAN the board Tuesday night Approval for resigning of the property wasiacluded lathe re port of the City Development Committee last Monday night but it was retorted back to com man said he had new informa tion on development in the area second deputation will ap pear before the board Fred Vance will present plans for proposed oommemialde her at Duckwortb Street and Highway 400 ARE MONDAY til or potatoes mtttee when Aid Gamer development committee cbair velopment at the southwest eor DINIING OttT mus lnelrldesr soup orlul vegetables dessert and beverage SPECIALCHILDRENfSMENU RELINED AT HoMsllj Sropuslnq les powdersnnd ACKVLIJIE lines at minuta Mrs upl to SIX MONTHS Eases see tender gums AcnmNE odorless and tasteless horml to den rules and is rpeciol derigned tormenthommMo ten like new ACR available in one and lukewarm RESTAURANT T0 THURSDAY vsAL curlers or PORK CHOFS with Mushroom Sauce cc hot rolll choice