Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1968, p. 11

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VwileMary both oilEurii can ornzaus non NAMES T0 open um Citizen at Brno Czechmto Czech presidiurn on Saturday had two midi mandates lrom maintain the countrys alliance yakla sign their names to an open letter addressed to the UITMVA Ci NDP bead crDouglns Saturday called on the icderal government to make it abundantly clear to the So viet Union thaany kind oi pressure puts on Czechoslova kia wouldincumihe extreme dislavor oi the Canadian peo pl in stale mc Soviet attempts to ob atnicthechosiovakias current liberalization are unjustifiable No on ion has the right to in teriere with the ctlorts oithe pcoplcal nnnther nation to free ly determine their iorm oi gov ernment to Soviet security definsiiaies thottheghost oi Stalin still walks Thar coolrontatlon between the Soviet Union and Czechos vakia how is reaching or cal stage is the hope at the Democratic Party that the nadian government will make it abundantly clear to tiltjovial Uninn that attempts in dxert military or any other terms at pressure on Czechoslovakia would be viewed wilhtsvlreme dislnvor by ihegtCana limed Robbery ROClLiND Otli CPI ilan Belanger l9 oi Tilden Lake OnL near North Bay has been charged with armed robbery allowing an in cident Sigurday in which car and $57 iromc Thurso Que taxi driver Eeianger is in jail awaiting Wednesday court appearance ml is 23 miles east of Fishing Challenge ST PIERBE CF The worsttears of Canadian Eat nsl fishermencompetition from the French islands oi St Pierreand lttiaudon 12 miles oil Newioundlands south coa major transshipment oper At least 7o personsfiied weekend accidents across ads 57 in traitie Ontario and Quebec led with 26 deaths each Ontario reported 17 in traiiic iive drowaingsL two in one when man was struck in the head bya creep ter propeller and one when boyielloti tractor and was Quebec ad 21 deaths in trai ticilito by drowning two in ialls and one person crushed by falling Lree British Columbia reported 11 deathsstir in tratiic seven by drowning and one other Fhree persons died Edward enchihad two Lraitic death Manitoba SaskatcheWn and Newioundlnd rte ens athlapicce rvey doca FRIDAY William It Emersonlt59 his Ont and Christlncmasslerrlp or Waterford On in twocar erash seven mile northwest of Simone Morris Ronald Kauth le when his car co tied pickup truck at Cayu to south oi Hamilton Robert Butler oi tinkn Out wh was knocked from til irontoi Peters com 33 drowned hentha light amphibious jeep was driving overturned fat as taken at knilepoint ton Parliament chairman Joseph Smrkovsky taid Czech lenders gt DOUGLAS aiion which starts this ycar wipes out much at Canadas ad vantage trom its proximity to theiucrative Grand Banks iish ing ground all Ncwloundland It enables European dcepsen tinuously as the Canadianbased Iustiiy Riotsif WASHINGTON AP Riots arc instilled by most Negroes but they are not rec ommended This was one oi ihestaie ments in Lhrec suriieysqelenscd Saturday by the national advi sory commission on civil disor dersin theUS The surveys were made by in dependent groups and published without comment by the com mission 1wo explored Negro and white attitudes in l5Amcri can cities The third set out profile of participants in the 1967 disorders Kohier Dies Herc an of tirelboard and chtet executive Weekend Accidents SATJRDAY Austin lhomas Phenlx 17 06 ohm when his car slid the pathoi anodier on Highway llnlnear Bracebridge William MacWonds 59 of London 0nt when the ear in on he was passenger midsed curve andstruck trim near St Thomas dri en by his father on iarm miles northwest otliondon0hl John Vincent Ryiili of Britt Ohio in twocar hea on crash on Highway fish at Parry Soti about on miles and Scottie o1llamilten in 24 oi Ont When car oh Pasquale oi arnilton whenhis car rolled an embankmentn on the she th way near collided Hi hwny5 neari Eari henninger at Tees mdeuafil in miles southwest water Oh when ruck by house trails being hauled by nda signed an agreement with jungle in Sulawesi years was initiaited by loco draggcrs to fish almost as con are lhc target of all their sam Lake about man north near Budington thcpeopic lor showdown talks with the Soviet party to de lend the new course and to oliic oi the Kohler 00 died Sunday He was 76 The son oi the launder ol the plumbingwarc manufacture turn be joined the company in 1914 became ils president in 1937 and was named board daairman in lsto INCO Agreement JAKARTA AP lnlcrnniionnl Nickel Co ol Can lndonrsia today for mining rights in vast sweep oi rugged thiebns which could make lnrloncsin an important nickel producer lnco expects to make 350 090000 investmentin the pro icct The colllhtci validior to chairman Henrys Wingate and lndoncsinn Mines Minister Su mantri Brodjonegoro US China Ditier NEW DELHI AP US Undersecreiary oi Staic NichoA las Katzenbachisald Sunday he now secs virtually no prospect oi the Uniicdstnies and Com munisi China vcioping any re latiausiu Ourvielu isjthat the Chinese have no particulardesire to have any relationship whulsoev er with the US he sa cations or most at them french communists PARIS AP The French Comanudist party moved closer to independence lrom Moscow on Saturday than at any lime since it was founded years ago The occasi was briel ses sion at the partys central com mittee which metto discuss at tempts oi SecretaryGeneral gtUnion and the Czecbeslovak communique unanimously eral regime in car about 45 miles north at Strarlord Lake Huron near Kincardtn about to miles south oi Owen Sound Dnris Eottarnf 21 of Bay Ridges 0nL drowned in liai east at Drilha near Bela 45 miles northwest of 0riiiia William Solow route drowned at Preston Lake while attempting to swim back to shore after an inner tube he was floating in was carried away by high winds Mrs Aian Willi ms Siva liaiile reck Mich in twocar eollision six rnil orth otFor miles caste by helicopl Goderich about Waldeck Rochet tosmoottn over the conflict between the Soviet jand received the Nobel chamis Whenthoitorkdlmm 47 or To inure canceled with other Communirt nations Photo from Green he ag ency ClK AP ertpbotol approved by the in committee members supported Roeheta initiatives and added the party is anxious that orobléms exist ing betweenbroibcr parties he settled by negotiation while res pecting the tree determination or each party Spaniard FDiea MADth OP Angel Cer dlnal Herrera Orin one oi Spains rriosl influential church men nnd politicians during the last so yearsdied here Sunday He was ill Before the 193645 civil war he was leading Roman Catho ltcpolitlclnn In 1940 at tneaga oi 54 hcbeeame priest and rose to the rank oi bishop and cardinal LondonWilliam Barkley flit parliamentary or and commentator oi the Daily Ex press for to years whose work was syndicated in many Com monwealth countries it no idiomDr Charles Mayo 70 the last Mayo tamin member to work at the medical clinicbls father and uncte landed in car ac cident wait LondonGordon tFordc in britains second heart trans plant patient two days alter he received his new hcart Silver Spring hidCharles Babel Adams who pitched 46 shutouts for the Pittsb rgh Pi rates appeared in 4331 games and bad 195439 recar played tit yearslsmzswith the Pi rates Naniimn BC nlin Cam eron iarmer shipyard worker and legislator since1937 and recently chosen by the New Dembcralic Party to be chair mun oi theNDP caucus in the new Commons at stroke Gnetllngcn West Germany OttoHahn89 atomic research pioneer who proved atomic lis sion could be achieved by bem hsrding uraniumvwith neutrons try prize in on site long tlntatcrthaWeleachago Hostess to arrive with grits iar baby and halptuiJniar motion or the new mother But since the stark eut numharthe Hortense Wei earne Wagon nude section fo help out Be stark lpotiat tn naighhcrnonmour ost assoc will snprsclat your help and will ttl It met art To acartater sightings call controllers 22 1030 CF Canadian broiledlna dlqaute wllh that iederalfztlvenkment are ng otti en ar mnt in the Untied mama mud or controllera 1hadoor was thrown open to them during the weekend when ills US announced an addition al noon controllers will be hired soon aa possible The 115 also requirement that the controllers be USciliaens Shortlo nl controller stall in the us has caused delpyalo commercial fllghta at asveral mater airports lhe lpmnlo spokesmen aaid chocounitonunynwm beta oi inflame Air Tratitc Control Association in Toronto 1mm several 115 centres Canadian controlkra are leek lng Intactcue over two years that bring tha top wage to 313901 year The top new it 511000 US controller an ne lolietlpg or fllmoryear It strike by Canadian control lers who control all cflmmercill and military traiiic over Cana dian airspace and over nights The csfllcst strikeun be called it late August Canadian Communist Party Reiuses Comment On Czechs MOSCOW CF William Kashtan leader oi the Canadian Communist party raid today his partys central committee would have to study develop ments in Czechoslovakia hoiorc any oiiieial claimant could he issued on Iha current Czechnsio vakSoviat crisis Kaahian othamllton 0nt is in Moscow tor iewdays on an iniormni visit alter three wcek holiday in Bulgaria with his wile Although tho Canadian lrib une the oiiicral party vlluws paper in Canada has been an arally invariable to the Czechos lovaks recently and the Cano dian party publicly supported Cuchosiovakiaa liberal Dubcek Dow is theonlyCanadian regime last Apnl it stopped iar shnn oi giving the Czechoslovaks his support in their current dispute with the Soviet Union in an interview Kashtan sad he hadnt discussed the Czecho slovak issue with Soviet leaders here Ent he said he was plcusedbythe promise at Ma tcrnt laks between the Czechos lovnks and other East Euro peans BonN EN not iiudoli Nureyev ballet star wzts burn an train on route in Vladivostok ituasa where his lather was stationed in the army nl air trettlemntmttera alumna mm oi on Atlantic would all 111 no an exam curacy ms 29 mt it ourcorsair intense TheJtailandU at room was damn by an eruption Wheaties la AD Come to Where the money Get more moneyatBen ehcial Call up or come to where the money is now Youll be surprised hewlrnuch more you can get at nencliclathJoryour vacation and all your summerexpcnsasr why set tle tor leap money than you really want call nanatlclal is BENEFICIAL FINANCECOZOF CANADA Loans up to SioooYour loan can he liteInsured 42 menihpontracts on inansover 51500 ERNIE15 DRILLIAV 73 0P WlNlNfl FhonalFAB5931 Phons 3257354 APPOINVM NI Mort rota Horton 0195 aENEricIAI FINANCE co ale toremiteinternationalVdiStinction at he19681WOrldJBEer Olympics Froma QnaBi diiierentbrandsoiyheerentaradI by32nilheworids leading breweries attha yinlBavairiatrf 7th ijid Beer Olympics held in Bavaria Dow awardadthe only Gold Medal for ale This wasmada by an international jury on the basisoiji ashaustiveteststor quality flavour and appearance Dow was standard of excellence aqiv HECOLDMEbALAl Doweneyyen the only canadiah ale tobe so honoured TheGoid Medal symbolian pow Ales high ibnrnarollumire

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