onuuu Burton ara on honeymoon trip to the Maritime Provinces foi on Street Gospel Chivel Oriilll The bride is the tormer Jo 21mm Cudnnre daudaler of an and am Wallace mdmou of Sophia St Barrie bridegroom is the son of Mr andMrs Albert Burton of lilia William West of Toronto oi fiddled at the afternoon ntea July is Paul llama of Barrie aang Eaeh Eoriba other and Becauso accompanied by um lat Robert Conneli of orillla LACE GOWN Given in marriage by her la liner the bride wore floorlengih gown of Alancon lace over tai iela with iulllenglh cathedral train gown futured seal nedline and lilypoint alcoves fihe brides huddresiwai cluster of iorgetmenote which held in place milderlength veil of illusion tulle She on riad white Bible willr car HoneYmOfOn 1Tb Follows Orillliq ceremony Loan INTEREST an and an radium lowing their marrlele In Wu ratio of pink Sweetheart rose with stcphanoiis BRIDAL AmNDANIS Miss Anne Alphonse oi Tor onto attended as maid oi honor Bridesmaids ware Mis Bulb nunya us the bride and Mrs Grant Hol diichï¬f Alliston sister of the bridegrolan Junior bridesmaid was Karen Fenian of Barrie the brides niece la The attendants were floor length gowns of satin brocade in soil yellow and pale pink colors The moire waistline oi the gowm featured sashes of the sime mblerial Their headpiccs were bows oi the same fabric ihey carried bou quota of yellow and pink daisies wilh babys breath The flower girl Anneka Van Wagcningen of Windsor wore fulllength dress of white satin brocade with sash and bow of yellow brocade She carried basket of flowers and scattered By ROBERTA ROEBCK How can psychoeyhernetiu help you find lot opportunities and succeed in them after you got them recently asked Dr Maxwell Maltz famous plastic surgeon and author at Psycho Cybernetics in addition to writing this bestselling book Much has sold more than two million copies Dr Mnltz has written several other volumes lneludingCrea live Living for Today This year he has openedand la openingmany litwbek psy direcybemalio workshopa through the United States and Canada VPayclio cybernehcs can help person improve his job or npporuanilios by pumping health and more health into his self image and by stealing his mind toward productive goals said the doctor who is often called he father of psydmwybernet in you know psycbocyber netior is combination of an selivimage psydinlogy and cybernetics the science thatex plains what happens and what is necessaryjor the purposeful operation and behavior of ma chines that perform human Motions Dr Malt continued When you use this combina ion to build good image oi yourself and to think of your brain and nervous system as mechanism which you can use Curtmore oi Toronto ulster of Mariiimes drama by wmoa aludio MR AND MRSJAMES BURTON rose petals before the bride as they proceedcdup the aisle Slephcn Fenton of Barrie Wu ring bearer Bruce Burton oi Orillia broth eeof the bridegroom Was best man Ushers were Grant Hold itch of Alliston hhabridegmoms brother in law Andrew Whyle oi Toronto and David Banner of Barrie remain The wedding reception was held at the Sundial Restaurant Gusts were present irom An glia Midland Windsor Alliston Hamilton mono Pctelborough and Barrie On return from the wedding journey on couple will tails up residence at Pointe Claire dis trim in Montreal Quebec and operate very much like moohardcelvgoalseeklng device you can enlarge your opportuni ties by visualiaingTand expeli curing new goals DDCNES SUGGESTIONS in make good use of psydtor cybernetic and obtain the op portunities that come with prac tising this Dr Malta suggests these pointers First visualize yourself in the role of successful lobholder and carry lhls image with you Mutoltdailylfitisanew one for you Second as you adlua to your new image force yourself to rise above your past blunders For give and forgot yesterdays mis takes Dont carry them with you today Third select realistic iob goal thatmatches your training and capabilities and imagine your desired success vividly and in detail as you attain this goal Fonrlh before you embark on job interview plan for the in terview in advance Go over die questions you might beaslred Rehearse the answers in your mind Simultaneously comder the possible objections that might stand between you and the job you want By ï¬guring them out ahead of time you will be able handle them if they should come up communes Nor concur Fifth whenryou arrive for your interview visualizeyour taupe almet by Mariodrris lane AT itiGlWis hat in luteielt featuring olip an from the cola lectlonoi Jeen Barihet in their three small children PsychoCyberneticsHelp Eind1lewJobgpportuniues sell as the person wfaoulready has thevlob Dont be conceited or superior But do be oonildait Blathrif you dont get thejob you want today forget shout the lost opportunityend to win new one tomonvw Inmd of thinking born loser and opportunily only knocks once remember that to morrow offers another chance THEME EXAMINER PEOPLEth PLACES For AgDinIpe iii FREE 5375 Fir plainod because American women want file name Tummy my its Calildiia at Smith or am Audrey cannon it mean TORONTO GUEST Miss Mary Jo Tomato ia vlsit witb Miss Starr Smith of the Barrie Ex aminer at her slimmer home in Nantyr Park innisill Township IN BERMUDA Wilbur Wooliard of Rose St left the city on Sunday to Join his wifeand daumiter who are holidaying at Yombroka Ber muda Mia Linda Walloi iiosrstrr left on Sunday for Montreal via Air Canada She will holiday for three week with her uncle andaunt Mr and Mrs lerla of Southampton Ber muda annancva nanny re Gustrattending barbecue party held at the harm of Mr and Mrs Mervin Dobsonlof An gus on Saturday evening includ ad Mr and Mrs Joan of Williaw wand Mr and Mrs Sam Darling and family of Etoblcoko Mr and Mrs Wil liam Anderson and family oi Alllshon Mr Ind Mrluflobert Anderson and non Gerry Mr Ind Mrs Alex Ardlem Mrs Gladys Veir Mrs Dalton Guest and grandson Mark and ivor EarlySettlersi Descendants Mark Annual Harvey Reunion The annual Harvey family re union heldat Splingwater Park Mith draw large at tendance of descendants of the late Humphrey Harvey bornln 1820 and his wiie lhe former Elisabeth Glenvilla of Devon shire England The majority of the guesls were the greatgrand drildrenvof the English pioneers with some of the family mem bers present being the sixth gen eration in 1857 Mr Harvey and his wife arrived in Canada liamEllen and George ailer voyage lasting several weeks on sailing ship They sealed first in Melanchton Township but later vintured lndlieqrmseth ownahtp omeslea as on the nth concession where Donald Toronto Harvey thefourth now lives Durlng the succeeding years four more childrenwen born Jesse James Slice and Larisa Oneoi the grandson of the or iginal settlers Harvey of Beeton was Warden oi Simone minty ln latI mm plenleyluncheon brief business was generation meeting chaired by President Mrs his cum gin Blaker of Albion most who were in gran dren of thaptoneer aeotlehs Mra Erwin Madill of Bond gland MlgGoorge Iing ton mrphu rvey TommxWL John Wood of Suburban Dee Harvey and Mrs basil ihornpson of Berton it was decided lobold the 1969 reunion lnliiiverdaia Park Allistonwltb the following exec utive in drargezwlesse Timon presiden Sink 11 Preside ll Jo ton Cooksfowfl president Edvvardï¬verlll onto secretary Mrs ham Barrie treaaIner Assrsta ng mevcommlttee will be Clarence Harvey stayn Allen Manon Barrie and arm Madlll Bond Head Guinea mm and withmernbere of fheclan brought the reunion to close Roberts of Barrie Casey Body mans and Michael Hill of Angua Sunday deï¬ant the Dobson home included Mr and Mn Jerry and their guests Mr and Wilfred Collins of Scarbor TORONTO GUEST Mrs Walter Hillman oi ior onto ia the guest of hnrbrother lndaw and sister Mr and Mrs Arthur Eels of Maple Ave OTTAWA GU53 and Mrs David Gee and da tera Karen and Headler oi Ottawa have beenbolldaying in title city visiting friends and rel It vee EROM NEONTO Mr and Mrs John Lani of Toronto were entertained an Saturdayal the new pm of Mr and Mrs John Craig on Vina Cr and ioimerly of Owen Sound FROM DHAWA Mr and Mrs borne Barrens of Ottawa renewed acquaintance in Angus during the weekend and were guests of Mrs George Ooulson oi King St Major Surgery For Liz Taylor million AA Elizabeth Taylor was reported resting but miserabl Monday night after undergoing partial hys lereclomy Her press secretary snidthere was no suspicion of aancer it was not comfortable op eration the spokesmpnsald but she is progressing satisfac torily The operation Sunday ended Mlss Taylors ability to have on Nouni5 she is the mother of two sons and daughterand also has anatiopted daughter Her iiitli husband Richard Bim ton has two daughters by vioua marrlag Tha operationwap performed at Londons Fitzroy Nuifield Nursing Home by team of doctoraled byGordon Bournéa The spokesman said the threehour operationwas just this side of hysterectomy her side during Burton was by and following the surgery hospital spokesman said probabiy wouldremain in the nursing home ioranother two Idle dratter woman eidler because of the beneiite it with the backgin that had lens that men get aa cigarettes entire Dear Mother sitter who sleep like in dead elephant is oinuoavaéue to youIo in nu anyone who cannot be awnkeaodby telephone doorbell or childs cell mould not fall Idem Alter all the in being patdtchkeweoithcdflldxen wiila the parents are absent and Ii she make out she ll not 60in her 50b Roundajoridle Chatter F111 VSummerAnd Ellenings noaarm ham ili be glad when slimmer is over so my days and evening wont be so filled with round of who runs her lob from herbome said to mevlhis week say this she haulin because summer in sub ilrbla isdeetlz toa womana am bition when shes the only one on her street who is trying to get something done FEvcrylime go out in my backyard to see what myrohii dren are doing get stuck or en hour ormore because groups of woman in the neighfmrhood who have nothing pruning to do urge the to sit in the run with grin and engage in thur trivial fi cant refuse very gra olously and stfll remoldiriends with them ï¬nedally if my ï¬lth dren are playing in their yards But do resent wasting hours involvingmyself in this As woman who often write at homoand who lives in sub urbia tooI quite understand ihaksunnnerrantf theï¬orf old summer sun can irequentlybe daily excuse for blockIon kaiiee klatch But though lm notione to enjoy iulHlma what we loosely term idie chatter immtapereonhotiuountlt can bring when we tune in Ind listen toil FLOWEE RRANGER io citean example of how lhls works one youthful wife and mother has flower ar ranging business today because one summer afternoon while lounging in neighbors yard aheheard her neighbor mention woman in anodier tovm who had turned her hobby of arrang ing flowers into lucrative btsi ness Since the young wife and mother had way with flow ers and enjoyed working with them too that tidbit oi trivia if you will literally planted the in itlal seeds for what basgmwn in five yearst very Harrisb ing business Another wife and mama know was anidoue for lob dur ing Lhalong summer ibetsha sat out at afternoon pool parties and evening barbecues At lhatdrneihedebadt ground that included little bit of everything and not too mudl of anything she told mewben she related herRory But was so anxiols to make dart thatlsetaslda twodaysawed to look for jobin the uty Jobiiuntlngï¬ yielded man thoughhanl was very amour aged until one night at barbe Elï¬nl1ng midstiogisoerdne ghbormen on opening that froond of his wanted to till FDUDW THREE To keep its original iredtnesr store ice cream ioliowlngtbe ihreecscl can week sinus say By mamin non romonaow Generous planetary influences governing iobrandor business and iinanclal matters continue mine is Weekly so make the most of them since they willonly lastior another 24 ours when aspeotaadverae to such affairs wili prevai and you wilinot be able to accom pllah as much child bor nnrthia day will be extremely selfreliant and unusually capable in emerge cica may however have strong domineering tendencies Squm theiradihona When Aired Do you think hed hire mei my neighbor uldWhy not And when ap plied for the loblbe nerd day opened the door to lob oppor tunity that would never have had it hadnt listened Jo talk when it surrounded me idia couturler Louis lFerauds Sovlet mannequin swirls the shirt otthe traditional wed3 ding dress which ended the Every sedan of idle chatter isnt this gainful of course But liyoulnokbrthomaatlnlt and pick it it when you see it you will find it is flavored with cocoa sum and advance to read your imagination hearing to new opportunities in slvmi IN THE insulin WHIRJ Tamara Vladimirsowaiaris presentation of Ferauda col lection in the French capital today The creation appears to beinaplred by tho Rwian peasante dress urns martinum lire frame with hot il ind strife Introducing the runsi inlat addition our quality linoofbnndanmafmmesfdrmmlheshudyludgeistha lultirnalo in WI wellï¬ftingbridgc if masculine styling From the 21 shield urn Judge is the tramefprtbo NowGénemtrmAvailahleinSIeek Black or ramming One low rice SINGLE VISION $1395 BIFOCALS 999 CUMPLU WITH FRAMES lENSES AND EASE vaglaaca frames in all styles as his Mod combination in plastic and gold ï¬lled Choose mom in ynnl oalnr all at one low ae armies SlllPESlilll FIBST QUANlTY LENSES FRAMES ED Wil AND pocrons Ultex orlliil nsl only lilflllS in titanium rrmaar NATIONAL BRAND BROKEN FRAMES ï¬EPAlltED OB EErllAC YOUWAIT WE ALSO FILL OliOME PRESCRIPTIONS Biiocals on SUNGLASSES ar