mm cansun rowanom tinned Walls Publisher Mthonon Man 16 Baytioid Street Barrio Ontari William Talia aging Editor mar JULY 18 vetPAGE Disarmament accord only Road To Peace Since the first atomic bomb was ex loded the United States and the Soviet nion have talked about the necessity for peace while frantically competing in an arms race The only road to real peace is agreement on disarmament and reduction and control of nuclear weep ons Yet except for agreements on test ing and the treaty limiting the spread of nuclear weapons over the earth the superpowers have continued to stack up destructive capacity that can destroy our world in flash Thus it is real step forward ior the two nations to announce simultaneously that they have agreed to begin talks on limiting and reducing stockpiles of nu cleariweapons This would include as President Johnson says nuclear delivery sï¬stems of defense against ballistic mis es Hope for such talks rose when Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko caught the eye of our government with two sentences in speech he gave to the supreme Soviet One of the unexplored regions of disarmament he said is the search for an understanding on mutual restriction and subsequent reduction of strategic vehicles iorthe delivery of nil clear weapons offensive and defensive including aniimissile The Soviet gov our government has sought for some years it will as the president says be matter requiring stubborn patient per sistence There are many team sus picions and anxieties to overcome But the future of mankind depends in the end upon controlling its means of self annihilation the Milwaukee Journal says Iheplans for talks come just as con gress has moved to start thin anti hallistic missile system one that is estimated to cost $5 billion to $7 billion at the start but surely will grow to $40 billion or $50 billion or more The presi dent has gone along presumably to overcome Republican charges that we are falling behind in the race for national securityThe coming talks should be rea son at 1eastto postpone the start on this very questions ie expansion of the nu clear competition Again of course France and China remain out of discussions of controls But neither is real nuclear power as yet And the two superpowers will in their own mutual interestsee to it that theotbers join in any disarmament pro gram or that adequate defenses are kept to protect against them Any start the superpowers can make on the road to real ernrnent is ready for an exchange of opinionron this when That is what 45 YEARS AGO iN TOWL Barrie Examiner Sept 26 1923 AI lan Hutchinson AgRep for North Sim coe reportedom crop prospects oats and barley will be very light corn prm mises well hay crop satisfactorygfall wheat cutting general incounty live stock market quiet RW Bro Alex Cowan Barrie elected to Board of General Purposes Grand Masonic Lodge in OntarioWalter Duff chosen Dopu Grand astePGeorglanDistricL Joe Milnes Barrie baseballteam med Thornton motto keepin run ning for county honors Leighton Emnns pitehed for winnersnBuster Clark slam med home runs Wes Dungey andvElmer for Doug Ste Board ofEduca tion decided to ren ate King George ï¬ublic school ineast end Wiiiiam oganof CNR severely injured when gas Speeder left track south of Aliandale FrankLonghurstthrown off rear wasnot hurt Barrie lawn bowlers beatOrii liaAin all three games at annual match Loca Beelhy unter Kennedy Parkhouse and son Ezra rnJu accident nearystroud Clifford Wh taker Edgar elected president Simone County Potato Growers championship Barriechurch gueior econd year in ro Team consisted Ernie McKnight Buster Clark Ross Twiss lb ill lribble 2b Russell Rainey MacDougali lib Kenneth Walls Ken neth McKenzie Harold Hill of Ross Cowan Victor Guest Clifford Guest utility Work proceeding onnew ar tesian well at foot of Mary St for Ba rie waterworks St Marys picnic held at St Vincent Parkl Catholic Womens League presented special prizes for school exam standings tovConstance unnamed Woman in MooneyHE Wloarn DOWN MEMORY LANE swere WA lurrï¬gr St Andrews peace will he boon for us all Hinds Victor Rivard NormanOsborne and Walter Stubbings United Farm ersi picnic held at Kilarney Beach Lake Simcoe At Grand Opera House Betty Compson in The Green Tempta history tion At New Dreamland Guy Bates Post in Omar The Tentmaker Stephens mens wear offered finest shirts at two for $8 Aliandale livery stable on Gowan St taken over by Dickey Bruce Thompsons rink top aedAllandaieibowlerslastweek Dr Edward Gallic elder sonof Mr and Mrs William Game of Barrie named Hunterian Professor of Surgery in Royal College of Surgeons of England lie is resently assistant professor at Univer sity of Toronto and surgeon Firs schoolinspector Jos eph in won byRollitt Buchanan of Victoria School and Missi Margaret McMatï¬n of Princeof Wales School Burglars Sons mens wear and Richard Hepplestons butcher Hospital For SickChildren medals awa ded by shop got $11ltotal1 Other Editor Views HiFPiES AND Toaonro Edmonton Journ There is some thing sadjahnutihestatements made re cently by Torontos msyor Willia Den nison regarding hippies Ata formal news conference Mayor Dennison re ledvthat he had ordered Toronto polt halt th inqu othippiesbyfcons harassm nt andsuryeiilance In ffect Th Torontomayor has ordered hi police departmentvto action against group of citizenshre¢ gardiessof whether or not they break the iawbecause he personall does not approv of in Canadian chief naca key post in the fur trade dians taxed themtraders beenfound on Czeehterrit cannons sroar Cadillac Colorful Form In History By BOB BOWL Yeslerdaya Tlory was about Detroit and how it was used by bet the in 1811 to invade Cad ada imotor citygtfigures history again today because July 23 is the an adversary of its founding by An toga do hmntha Cadillac in Cadiliaeds one oftha most eoiorhll climacteran Canadian but recently rescarda has revealed that he did good deal of racketeering in the fur trade lie was caught and put in die Bastille for while but powerful friends got him out and he was able to ram to Canada where he mado for adenpsrt at maldngiinil ndalfriendaand getting themto help him Alter serving in Acadia in 1583 he provided himself with an elabo rate genealogy and boat of arms pretending tom of royal ascentibis ambled rightBl 1lhen he was sent to Canada to serve on Countlrontenacs staff They got along wellthen Frontenac sentCadillac to corn mod the fort at Michllimacki Cadillac sold brandyfto the In rid your sConoMr madea great dealof mono However he did not ilkethr long trips to Montreal and Ode He even had to travel on snowshoes How he would enioy maidng the trip today in Cad illacl 50 Cadillac managed to get to Franco and persuaded King Louis that fort should be built on the Detroit River Detroit is oonunalon of the French word detroitf meaning on the strait QM with soldiers and work men travelling in25 canoes via the Ottawa River Lake Nipiss lng Georgian Bay Lake Huron and Michilirnacklnac It was taken wondered why he chose such long mete but it is known how that he had great deal of brandy hidden at lifichii macEden and did not want to ose There is marked ream blance between Cadillac and dArtagnan ofthe Three Musketeers Both were Gas cons fast tempered and expert swordsmen There was mu tiny on the way itsDetroit and Cadillac faced 100 angry men He drew his sword and chal lenged them to lightt The muti ny ended and they arrived at Detroit on July 23 1701 to build Fort rostrumat transpirationfan Nrws RosaliaEeais Czech strum Clio WeSiemStyie Democracy gt By HAROLDMORNSDN Canadian Press staff Writer The Soviet Unions thundering campaign st the newlead erg of oslovaki reached more ominous pitch with the sudden return home from Algeris of theSo do fence minister andoonflrrhation that secret cadre or arm has lnmsnyvieys the patt ot the canxJatgnseems to parallel Soviet tactics that led to the gslaugbterof rNewrLecdern Hmsgarlan freedom fighters 956 But er are still sufficient diff nces to suggest tileUSSR is more beat ondeposing the Czech re formist regime by bullying CODSldered he some Bamboo By PHIL DEANE Foreign Aliin Analyst Three of the last four govern ment dianges in Iraq have been by military coup The third has just taken place putting back in power man who fall because he was comidered foo moderate on Israel He has now taken Water again accusing the man be displaced of being responsi ble for Iraqs rnliiury deieat at Ill bands of the Israelis in June All diplomch experts have been emphasizing that the new government of Iraq is not likely to prove wild and irresponsible on the Israeli question lnfact it la likely to prove mo moderate perhaps than its pr ecesson Yet it had ta is laugh about israel to justifythe coup detaL By now in Arab countries This there has been so much hate propaganda aboutlsrael and we nre not exarrdntng heretbe mance of the Arahifsraeli nobleman talkabout bdmaticflif nogdcnstlgate the wrsglrgess Iof its pr mom own one eVlt who would wonder whdther was major chem oi poll government d1 by the people inlets Arab country in question might won der whether was major change of policy or whether new era had been borne We may find such talker treme but that is because in herniation it sounds extreme to many other languages have ex us The Arab languages and pressions which sound horren dous to our ears but essarify mean what they say much as goodbye seldom real iy means more than see you soon whenws say it albums in fact it meansGod be with moomuianou Butonesuspects that there is no group in many countries the Arab oncsincluded which takes political expressions of undying patrlmism seriously is the young officer group It consists after all blyoung men whnjare systematically doctriflatedto believe inohe arisiiion of Personal and nation Armed Forces are shining exception is notdesigncd togiva the mingeificor oad viewanl do not nee1 apartfroin teaching him the tricks of his trade lrom tactics strategy to the mechanics oi veaponry and communica tions an Army seeks to make its young oflioer good lighting machine highly motivated and unquestiordu 1To make ayoung officer high ly motivated most rnllitary schools teach him blatantly biased courses in history in all of which helearns that the en tire universe is still relnowher ing the personal heroism of oihenyaung ofï¬cers who served in the same army For the French Napoleon was the gï¬atest general who ever lived unintaginativeHoiod who won perniciously because hand his troops vercrloosiup to know they wembc so mllitnry tries whoremil ry juntasrrun thingsare obliged sake oi the countrys military honourand saiety Having to think in terms oueinustspeair to them in such terms obtain their support knickin grow olden young ttfld come cynical and then they form junta they Wellington was simply an mam year untasLin ooun claim they have taken over for tha bc 1s owners et Barri Ontario Authorized as second mail by the Post Office De Dartmout Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Da Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekiS $2600 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrie stew yearly Ontariop mill year motor throw left 315 year Out sida Ontario 511 year 0ut aids Canada British posscsé sions $15 year SA and Naiional Advertising Cilices 425 University Avenue Town 103 640 Cathcart SL Mont re Member of the Canédian Press and Audit Bureau of ans Cirotdatl The Canadian Press is ex ciuaively entitled to thausa tin hi ed 599 can snrcr vfted to it or Thepdgesociaied ms or iieiateta and also HI local news published there muhma ande maior all as charges Czech support no new leader Alerander Dubcek Hap peam ilk iy thatas long as in oonunandsuppo or the prayer use 14mm Cmebs theirsmod forces the Spvi Union wilicontinue to gram Aamlobsm but met ompete Upset of Omnnnmtst pasty structure with in both aster Europe WSW itdiscioses more even the deepen lhiu no oneilm wanna nanan orrawA an Trudeau has issued an edict against an mln mistaking monogamous on it on ll medlnga may as Ms Dieicibaker masts be some section the public Whareihey oecir in the public ï¬rvica the oost is borne by all us Noose can make an neonate naimdation of die cast to Cana dians of the relatively short munching ligLMhLul 15mvsiflka figure of 515 ng to allow the childreov no noise abroadwbn walhn bevy of young inexperb enced ndnlstersit may he ltistobebnped onlythatiha pinpmofhls 000000 has been produced out of hatIn the light of thiaand the oridnal demands oi the Blotherhood of Railway Trans and General Workers the ï¬lament may amour reams In November the union was agaoran recessive agoseoiie arising an increase of 20 per ppeus in cent over two years and in cabinet won the necewa of Marsh while Mr Pearson was making naw appointments and announcing the Governments reshutiling portfolioselt perhaps plan for aprice4vage review not have been expected the President Smith was that any Mar decisions would telling perharnentary console be maderupidiy hut itia now tee that they blended to go all just fourrweeks since bis new out Againthis background government was returned to lopercent increases over three power bythe elccioraie and the yearsrnay not have been boo Canadian people have right to high price to pay expect action soon on some of Butagainst different back tho more meat problems grumd the picture oranges The um gm mug settlement provides seven pets my more urgent um um cent increase in the first year appointment of the wageprice 1M1 WW 310 Wind board or agency Tibia was her 19 Seaway mm WW aided by in sharp as in back dncdon per manlmr 1967 in as October and plans for it were sued by only 16 per cent announced by him and Mr Nor does there swear to be Pearson in March On April 23 arosreat Wmvement in the Mr Trudeau appeared townsidw ï¬rst three rmnttbs of use the er this move priority and in productlvtty index tor all non race of the start of an eicdion 5m WWI MESH by 0111 ca sign said wouldba as one hell atone percent and in pixer plans with labor and the service industries by three management in week or two was of one per cent In some 351 week he admitted servtces there was decline tihcre nndbecn no discussion 535 it Will Or email bus Whether the new body an be am very effective in preventing ex cessive wage settlemenhmay reasonably be doubted but it will perform the function of its formingthe public Theztlmeis Governor of the Bank of Canada said gtWe have been paying ourselves increases in incomes rfaotsonwidch toiudge to themselvesof yet mtnt will are ob voice in laborissues modding publieopi with in itself be an influence directed at easonabla acitlenient of interimreport last ruary the WoodsTaskrhorce rIn his1967 annual report the WALTDISNEVB NEVER BIt lioaiion of rail news non piash from iron talaioackzainst leaders could split unism in lispope as delyas thoidoo logicalspilt tween the Union and In on Thisvlocea the Soviet hier archy in ash xtremely fflcult posltwn To strength the it mustprese is monopolyof power Thel easilyoi 1k cam gfalgn mgeast his in the tiï¬oes vagony pass it that Czechoiovaicia whliti maintaining hatmsy he no more than semcetoCom multisth Phllo Wily eventually will tnrn int Westernstyle amend stormiest hour of your ifo Jesus willeome waikingmn Vita troubled waters Billion PANAVISIOMAND MEIROCOLOR itiltlitiiliiililiil Seés Need For Economic Question whidr haVL nominal beyond the amounts that we have rally earned throng increased ouimt and consequently spite some erosion of proï¬t mommyInge bound to rise Now amino DRIVEIN tn alii till Wkly11ft smooihjast andin high earl my