TWO OF THE TEACHERS attending the Live week ch unentary mathematitx course at Easttdew Secondary School get helping hand with their Gives Pupil3 Elem Wim don Donald Duck car toon have to do with mathemat ics Quite hit as far as the teachers inking tine department of education summer come at Eastview Secondary School are concerned The Memphis an elel cnoary ma cs eslsn to let the More see mathe maLlcshomliieln pupiihrpoint of view my work with blocks diagrams three dimensional amines trade from straw and they watch cartoons about Donald Bucks whimsical journeys into the realm of basic arithmetic The cértmn ï¬st chemol tits many teaohm sum the cause by the demrtment and by various school supply Homelllade Plane Seen Ready For Airways some people collect butters tlies and others play golf to while away their spare hours Lhenoy Hedrich of Nowton St has been budding his own plane Sooner or later it will ï¬t meanwhile the airframe is sitting in air Hedrichs gar age awaiting department at transport inspection for air Zwortlflness When that comes says Mr Hedrieh Ill be able to cover the frame with cotton Then theyll inspect it again before can fly The 20foot 6inch long plane was designed in France The plans came from Falconer Air craft in Edmonton Alta twosealer lowwing mono plane of the ultralight class the plane when completed will hear department of transmit sticker advising passengers it does not have Certificate of air worthiness know lot otpeuple who have been flying these planes for years said Mr Hedilab It has taken him six years of onagain offagain eflort to complete the frame from sitlra spruce and hitch aircraft ply wood at coat of ahoutSl5tlo With help from sun Barry and former neighbor Greg Uran ck ti ick all but the ï¬nal stage is now complete Leroy Hedriehs home built aeroplane still from one end of WORKSHOP only one with windows wooden blocks exchange Wombats Whittaker who 1lhey are Mrs Ray Mercer LE of Maple Grove and Mn horseslndiellhranydm the use lhemagives All our walls of onoolJEast viows gymnasts eremowed with migtiles diagrams and gratin made by the 215 while sdiool teachers taking the course lheestafl at the sdenol headed liy Madcap are from the deparhnem of edu cation and secondary sdaools in Ontario They are almost incis le they work in with this dulledv Nean ly omens is clad in intormal slrrmner wear shorts and open necked shim abotmd within the air conditioned windowles Wei25mm and sally colored We are trying hopmdnce the sortof winlunch atmos phere here that we want the teachers to produce who they return to their own damn ulum with the depthtalent Tho hlggest mostsignificant thing here no my mind is have no Ionianes In an mohair the Dot Whlotah or an headres from the Mathematics Celineln Great had Mmof teachers we partial in games that they mid take to their own Pupils The teaeheoa were drafted around tables not sitting in in stitutional straight rows ilhe forn mistant mu mnbers working with Mrs Whittaker wmw sentekliédat tabIea is we ln mums they won workingwlthi gt BUILDING stocks Yourplmilsarehyfarless steeped in the maidlaws ol nddilon andsubtractlon th erel she told them must Embedrhothe basic mghlodssfland do away with learning ivy rote no as going on for live yneminhritain In the hallsteachela were gluing colored shapes to stiff white cardboard and cutting them out Woodenpflhgeks lay scattered about or Colored counters and sum tetedihtahle hops and at times dose to varied foot manualsexposed protrudes than to be covered with we tie sheeting are ad layof ntwhids in column fl of West bounced by Willie indicate in iv Examiner Plum hands andknees drawing do main umd with ruler Ted staff member was cut and triangl lmm Mm lmwhue two tiller tea wuesnndtngtwood on block teachEs canhavefa hand in pmdmltls the bask shapes they have talked abort rigid or may years said Mr Mu weli they will have beta understanding of whstthey mesh and how the children seethezn llhioh nsMr Modem said is what the course is all sing thrown Whisker liolelv mm 11 Ihe Spoken Continental Inn sorry Rm importer Dont Raise thelirid Wholly DriveIla1 alienDrivers nrVV MUNGES mom vlhe Green hereto councilwnnldeoncedeamfoot Itripalongtheentlrobeamfront to the Ontario Government hot Protect Planning Associates is area proposed liqu firm specialising in town plan ning including new towns un ban renewal and park and rec reation work it has worked for municipal provincial and odors ll governments Prolect planning has been ask ed for comprehensive report on recreational possibilities for the Ifea Smashes Own Car lldlniring Others Barrie car salesnan Ray flackrnan 50 of liffin Street was admiring new cars in an other dealers lot yesterday morning when he dmvevhls car lntoanother parked by the roadside doing total of 51100 damage Owner of the parked vehicle which was on lillin Street near Caroline war Jack VanDer Hayden of Dunlap ram Eaellman told city police who lnvatigated the mishap at 1115 am that he had been looking acrossAhe street at cars in dealers lot when an oncoming jar caused him or swerve to wards theclub striking the Van Der Heyden vehicle The only other accident in vestigated in age city yesterday hassrur or cause on 0rvaljdtinltlellabb 31 of Chapieau Ontario drove into the backuacardrivenbyilohert was in turn off Hayfield SW at 150 pm total of $295 damage was done to both cars TONIGHT ouririo Carmel Domain Mm 10 We thevRivcr The of nude The Presidents Analyu plus Fathom aroma LakeviewDairy at Woods as Senior Queens Park on pm Newtdarket at Imperial Eastman Senior Queens Park so pm anythin said Mr Pioeg We Golt Club yesterday fired h¥¥rÂ¥r llaoucn nannuohhac reddish 1r4 workedOrchard Drive As Work memory on $8000 progranrol marl feclngseverel Barrie streets REFUSE TO JOIN ï¬ve former employees of Robsoniang militia ml in Barrie are suing company and five oï¬itriaJs local Ham the Amalgamated hieat Cut ters and Butcher Workmen of North America for requiring them to join the union as con dition of mplommt The men are also seeking declaration that they were de nied justice while tryingto have their drsmrtc against joining the union settled via the grievance procedure The men Jan Drogt lltorms Gmarneyer John Ploeg Albert Van Der Horst and Dirk Van Dalen are suing for lost wages and damages Mr Ploeg said thistmrning he understood the salon would go to the Supreme Court of Ontaer if it wasnt settled be fore count date is set The men were not allowed or continue work situ Mzrch 25 1968 We werent laid off or were just sent home Toronto VGoifer Barrie Ladies GolfTomameni Marg Todd of Toronto Ladies low net score of 68 over 18 holes to win the 1968 Barrie Country lJadies Invitational Golf oumament The Toronto entry won the Hiram Walker Fltophy in the net score compo tition large field of 63 ladies most of them from out of town played through the extreme heat which hovered around the iovdegreemsrk outonglv open Bidird set ToxiciméiAid elrised many milesthl for0xflmoi Canada iornrpart of Canadian con tribution to relieve starvation ii Nigeria anttiklfalafra accord The organization today gave V5190 hrrtherflnsslst the mhutorea mmahashoah eiforts now being made to pre vent mass starvation inngerra and Blaira As the Canadian uhlic he come more aware the crit ical conditions in Nigeria and the breakawsyfstate of Biatrs they are cnlling upon 03am to lend every effort in allev iating the situation Thousands of clvilianslmrellslulyflering and dying Imnecess an 1x am has joined with other og encies and cliurches in Can adnin efforts to curtall this suifering an Oldam spokesman saidl Oxfam is sending theflateat eontrlhutton of $10000000 to the International Committee of the Red Cross to assist their eï¬ortsin the troubled area Urge Motorists To Curbiiller 7As the summer holidays pro fairways Prizeswere awarded for the top four net andgtou scorers in each of the three flights Barb Smith of the host club scored moverpar 85 to earn low gross honors in the first flight while an entry from To main Summit MrsB Mitclb ell scored 71 for the first flight low not prize Second flight winners were Marg Phillips of Toronto ladies low gross of 96 and Mrs Young of Cedarhurst lov net of Barries HelenrMorden who convened the tournament won the low gross prise inthe ihlrdflight coming home 100 third entry from Toronto Lndiesbagged low net here with76 The tournament which re sumed after oneyear absence attracted golfers from Owen Sound Scanhorough Calling Their LOW prescription prices are enough to make you feel better gross more and more motorists take to the highways and so do theiltterbugs says the depart mentof highways last year the department spentflsomo to clean up the pressielt by couldntcoraless vacationers lldn housekeeping hillr hreatenlng to he even larger this year and an inten sive Tuttilitter campaign has begun Highwayloo is receiving specialtettentlon Motorister being raged throuflLnewspnpers television andradio to keep rubbish bag in tilaircarvwhere litter isfound While paper is easily spottedand an obvious blight says the department bottles an canathidden in long glass he cartsedilrilnyto other mot orists and maintena ercw 72 Wc for the men for Justice onto wood Shanty Bay Mississauga Brampton two Toronto clubs and Barrie with rrime of neonate lend Measles ABOVE 51 ployeKot Allan Grotto The ndioanberng handled the Committee Liberty in Tor Rolason Lang manager Roweli could not be reached for comment The CJL mcnereflu ed to give in to union and company demands that they be come members of local new as condition of their contin ued employment Mr Ploeg saidhehadhnrked with Robson Lang before the company signed its fin collec tive agreement with the union on Oct 1965 He started work there more than sevenyears all The tomhined amount of time the five have been with the company is 57 years In November 1965 acornding to the CJL the men had laid the company of their nhjeotious or thLunioneud requesed the company not give in to union demands that employees join or Captures The next big competition for the ladies of theBarrie Country Club is the Huronia District Championships scheduled for Midland hen August zoos Boneless Round by Ward Nathaniel 56 of Vir 93 overpass causing total of the temperature wasnt hot enough the mixture tint Ir ï¬nancially mpmnh so con dition of employment Twosinjured In Accidents Near Ivy fhvo persons were injuredald luring Is chiue islso demos Exam inel thbtol= Five Sliej Union Over Closed Shopf Eclicy The firm collective agreement did not oblige the men to sup port local new They donated $4 per month the equivalent oi uniondues to the Barrie United Appeal On June 21 1967 after learn ing of the plan to have nil em ployees join the union they again obiEoted Their letter to the company stated The union in its overall policies does not adhere tothe Christllansoclel principles which 210 damage was done in wibellove should govern labor three accidents investigated by Barrie Ontario Provincial Po lloe Yesterday At pm atwocarl smash onlEssa Concession near the ivy slderoad sent the driver of one of thevehides Alfred Money 63171 RR Utopia andSenora Evans lla pas senger in the second car driven by nobertdaycock do also of RRl Utopia to Royal Victoria Hospital for lreatmentvoi cuts They were afterwards released wally to both cars totalled Shortly before twacars driven gillia USA and John rolls of Scarborough collided on High way 400 south of the Highway $210 damage was injured Earliest accident of the day occurred when Mrs Dorisnllen Rowntree 52 of Toronto roll ed her late model car over on Highway 400 lust north of the Holly slderoed Neither driver SIEAK$or nonsrs IRUMPR0ASTM3 GRoUN COOKED MEATS 59th idle and them Pork and moon Pickle and Pimento Chickenbouf Head Cheese Coorsh Cooked BRANDED APPitOX no LBS BABY BEEF fFRONTSr nous this CORNED him and labor relations Moreover uncunlonlsatanneawohuw CanadianLabor Congres and as snch stronglysuppolts the ideology of the New Democrat ic Pam On March 14 1968 the pany and the union entered into their second agreement alleged ly requiring the men to become members Toronto lawyer Binnie Md the ny March according to the CJL their one ployrnentwould amount to WWW tilW The men were sent home the same day Srhsequently they filed grievance it as submitted to the unions plant connnit tee with the request that the men he allowed to berepresent ed by counsel when the commit tee considered itsydedsion The CJL charges the request has dismissed even fliouthhe company and union hadtheir Inspective advisers attend the meeting sealed lonpoudr hon